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Posts posted by TheNerdocalypse

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  2. [!] This is not public IRP knowledge. [!]



    [!] Eloryx was alone in his cellar, only surrounded by darkness, cider, and his thoughts. He begs, pleads, and cries out for his sight back. Days go by of this, people may think he had gone missing for a while. He swears he can hear something, it sounds like it’s everywhere around him. A low dulcet tone plays in his mind before he goes to sleep once more, unaware he was being watched…


    In his dream he has his eyes back, but was that a gift or a curse? For in his dreams is where this all began. He felt eyes beating down on him, looking up at the night sky he could almost swear it was looking back at him. He stood a while, expecting something to happen, before waking up as he always did. More days go by, some nights are sleepless as he constantly pleads for his vision. But when he does sleep it is always the same dream, him in a field looking up to the night sky, always feeling as if it was looking back. It becomes harder and harder to differentiate dreams from reality. Is someone down here with him? What was that noise? Are those whispers? He asks all these questions as he drifts to sleep one more time…


    The stars, he watches them shine in the night sky until he realizes that they were never stars… it was eyes, gazing down upon him in his dreams. He looks up at the eyes, frozen in fear. He hears the whispers, the voices that tormented him the past couple of days, and he drops to his knees. He would cry out “Please, to whatever entity this may be, please help me… I have nowhere else to go, I have no gods or masters that can help me…” There was no response except for a low growl. This causes Eloryx to jolt awake, filled with fear, he would weep.


    The next couple of nights were filled with nightmares, the growling sky, the eyes staring at him, everything that could give him anxiety was there. He was filled with fear and dread constantly, but unknown to him, his life was changing, and he would forever be a different person, irrevocably changed due to these events.


  3. UoKE59qReQKsQu3jTmQcYM4TA68VfQfBXmMdao3tmqJGZ1D0cnln08cBJ4VGHPon0b4X_GLKeabqXKhJvcT_yxZLsgfvE9xWcDV6NlcS8pJWT6Kf4z6xYOUEmPy-BDGXbRq_4WwehFyOe2Fy7utxbgs

    The Formation of The Ikurn’maehr

    Published: 19th of the Sun’s Smile, 89

    Within recent years, the Ikurn’maehr, previously known as the Celia’nor Insitution of Intelligence, has fallen stagnant and it is the will of the crown to have the organization revitalized. Due to such revitalization and common goals shared between the two groups, the Akalin'Sil is reforming into the Ikurn’maehr to better serve the Principality’s interests.

    The Ikurn’maehr will primarily focus on keeping the citizens of Celia’nor safe. Their goal is to act as the investigators to issues regarding internal and foreign affairs. The Ikurn’maehr ensures the threats against the nation are handled before they are brought to light in the public eye. 


    The responsibilities of the I.M. are as follows; 

    -Holding investigations both domestic and foreign.

    -Defending the nation from acts of terrorism.

    -Doing secret intelligence missions for the Crown.

    -Teaching citizens to defend themselves.


    How to join:

    If one wishes to be an agent of the I.M. contact Eloryx, or send a letter to Sunken Vallel 2.

    It will be a rigorous interview process, not everyone will be fit to join, but those who do will be entrusted with defending the nation to their fullest extent.



    This will involve both a focus on PvP and Rp, such as investigations leading to an arrest, or spywork and defending the interests of the Ikurn’maehr. If you wish to contact me oocly, my discord is Nerdocalypse#3006 and my ign is TheNerdocalypse


  4. The Akalin’Sil have formed!


    Have you ever wanted to earn money for fighting? Are you a loyal citizen of Celia’nor or wish to be?

    Well then you’re in luck!


    The Akalin’Sil is a mercenary company who will primarily focus on the interests of Celia’nor


    Pay is dependent on each contract and it’s worth

    Uniforms will be provided

    A guild hall will be constructed if we gain enough contracts


    Jobs will primarily be protection, but intimidation is also another form of work available


    No attacking any Celia’norian citizens or allies


    Free training lessons for those who join


    To those who wish to contract us, contact Eloryx



    (OOC: PvP is the primary focus, with crp as a secondary option)

    (Contact me on discord at Nerdocalypse#3006)


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