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    Margaret / Florence
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  1. Hello. I wasn't able to reach you in-game, but I wanted to ask you to please refrain from using skins from my past characters for your RP. I was notified by another player today that you were roleplaying on the server, using a skin I paid real money for. I also noticed you've used several of my skins in the past as well, via your PMC account. I really hate having to do this to people, because everyone deserves to have nice skins to use on this server, but it is upsetting when skins that have such meaning to me and the character I played are being slightly-edited and reused without my permission.


    Thank you, and if you'd like to talk further, my discord is MunaZaldrizoti#5064.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Unwillingly


      u need to think of better shitposts

    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      I'm not having a breakdown I'm just stating facts here, it's clear that some of you have your priorities not straight in your head. Nobody cares about your characters, nobody remembers them but YOU, I do not know which character it is and your friends don't either.


      It's all in your little head, nobody cares about your characters guys. Just let them use the skin and don't bash them publicly. Asking them to taking it down via DMs is alright, a lot of people look alike in society, they don't make facebook posts about each other on facebook.


      Let people live their lives and have fun, and remember that the internet gives you a false sense of security.

    4. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Also guys, just make sure to posts this in your community discord so you guys get 2-3 upvotes on your posts and your life will feel way better. It will finally feel like you have wronged the biggest shitposter in lotc history for once.

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