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Posts posted by BakedPotato

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             On MA


    Character's Age:

             At the very least fifty years old


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Air Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Air evocation is one of the many evocations within voidal magic. Aeromancy is the art of pulling air from the void and manipulating it to perform spells. Like all schools of magic, air evocation requires years of study before a mage will truly master it. Although air evocation can be harder compared to the other evocations considering studying air is unlike studying the other elements. Air is an invisible but powerful force within our realm, making it so a mage would not be able to study it in the traditional sense via looking at it. Instead they would have to study its effects and how wind blows. A key difference between voidally conjured air and natural air is that voidally conjured air will never be invisible and will always be noticeable when a mage is casting a air evocation spell. A mage can also manipulate the temperature though the temperature of the air is mostly for aesthetics, having no bearing on combat. Air can be cooling or warm but never cold enough to induce pain or frost bite and never hot enough to burn someone. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Air evocation doesn't really have subsections, making it unique to the other three elemental evocations. Though air evocation has two unique abilities outside of simple conjured air. The first of these two abilities are compressed air. Compressed air has more force and solidarity, differing compared to the gusts of wind a mage normally summons and manipulates. Compressed air can be seen in air blastlaunch, and compression as well. The second ability a air evocationist possess is the ability to create sound with their magic. This ability is most prevalent when the mage is conjuring air outside of a combative scenario, able to mimic sounds from whispers to claps, though the sounds mimicked are limited to airy noises and couldn't recreate a sound like two swords clashing. A combative spell where this ability is seen is sound blast, creating a bubble of a deafening noise to stun enemies. 


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




    The knight knocked a arrow as she stared towards the mage.


    The voidstalker began to form her connection to the void, her black eyes that oozed mana began to glow a starry white. They appeared akin to pearls encased in a glossy translucent black glow. Translucent flames began the flutter to life on the back of the demon’s hands, starting off a pure putrid black which transitioned into a bloody crimson before fading into a vibrant orange. The flames ran along the back of the mage’s arms and up to her shoulders before stopping. A ring of the same flames spurred to life on top of the demon’s head, appearing like a crown of her mana. A infernal grimoire appeared hovering above her hand in a fiery explosion of her aura.


    The knight drew back her bow, aiming for the head of the infernal mage.


    The mage looked lazily towards the knight, seeming unworried and unbothered. Her posture was slack as her grimoire hovered under her lofted hand held near her side.


    The knight let go of the string upon her bow, allowing the arrow she charged to fly through the air towards the zar'ie intending to pierce her head delivering a quick and painless death.


    As the arrow flew towards the voidstalker she did not flinch. Ink began to be pulled from the pages of her book, the dark liquid swirling around as it quickly transformed into a dark mist. The mage lazily flicked her hand and the small gust of air hurled towards the arrow, knocking it from the sky before it ever got to reach her. A grin formed upon the demon's face as she glared towards the knight. 


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "You have become proficient in conjuring and manipulating air." The woman spoke towards her student. Translucent flames began to creep along her arms as the mage connected effortlessly to the void. "The spell I'll show you today is good for defense, able to protect you from projectiles such as arrows. Begin your connection." The elder mage orderedhov


    She watched as her student began to connect to the void. "To perform air wall you conjure forth winds from the void in front of yourself, creating a two meter high wall that is three meters in length. This takes longer to conjure than the spell redirect I taught you earlier but in return it can block multiple projectiles and cover both yourself and allies. Go ahead and try to conjure the wall, if you fail you will be burned so it is in your best interest to try your hardest." She said in a almost cheery tone as embers began to whirl around her right hand, gathering towards her palm as she lofted it up. The mastered mage conjured a simple small orb of crackling fire.


    The woman watched her student began to charge up air wall, allowing them time to cast the spell as she held the flaming ball hovering above her hand. "Looking good but you better hope it functions as well as it looks."


    As soon as her student finished conjuring up the wall of air, the mage tossed her flaming projectile towards her student. The orb would clash with the wall, fizzling out instead of smacking against the younger mage. "Hmm, disappointing, I almost hoped you would feel so I got to hit you. Oh well, you performed the spell correctly. That concludes todays lesson, be sure to keep practicing before the next time we meet."



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If my student powergamed during teaching I'd assume it came from a place of misunderstanding and correct it as well as clarifying the lore so they understand why it would be considered powergaming. If I heard or caught my student powergaming after teaching I'd check in with them and make sure they understand the lore and clarify any questions they may have had. If seemed like it was on purpose I'd let them know that is not allowed and warn them that if it continued I'd have to report them. If it was reoccurring I'd report them to ST as well as drop them from my TA.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             No sir

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             So old


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Earth Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. I don't particularly like the idea of the CA filling slots


    Imo the CA lacks too much substance to fill slots. They mostly get physical aesthetics, which don't get me wrong are cool and all, but aren't worth multiple slots. The physical attributes can have some combative effects, sure, such as extra arms (that have their own drawbacks), claws, or weak natural armor.


    The spells they get access to are limited with no non-combative abilities for fun rp. They have no unique abilities of their own either.


    Rakaal lose all their slots for a cool demonic form, orc strength (which isn't all too special imo), and one or two spells with little maelus.

    Kozun lose three slots in return for a cool demonic form and access to a few more spells and a bit more maelus compared to Rakaal.

    Malda lose one slot in return for voidal strength, a decent pool of malflame spells, and quite a bit of maelus.

    They all get the drawback of not being able to hide their form so their RP is limited as well as forced to listen to all commands their Naz gives them.

    A two-slotted Naztherak has access to way more abilities, both combative and non-combative, while their rp isn't as limited being able to blend in with society.

    Overall if the CA had more substance I could understand it costing a slot but zar'ie are near parallels to descendants besides their demonic forms and access to a few malflame spells and some maelus. It is overall a mid CA and taking away slots will only make it worse, people can still demon larp as a Naz while having access to more slots, spells, and abilites. Maybe instead of an amendment Zar'ie deserves a rewrite.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             On MA


    Character's Age:

             Old enough to have a MA and get to T5


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Sensory Illusion


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Sensory Illusion is a voidal magic that allows the user to create false illusions within the minds of others. The illusion can effect a person's five senses or effect the world around them, such as making rotten food taste better or creating a false object in the person field of vision. These illusions aren't real though and don't have any actual bearing on the material realm, being simply illusions. Illusions only work if they are believable and if the person creating the illusion has experienced it themself, their mind requiring familiarity with the sense being effected. Illusions are performed via the mage creating the chosen illusion within their mind before tramsitting it through the void into the mind of their target. This takes considerable concentration to do but little mana needed in return. The illusion will only be seen by the person the spell is being casted upon with not even the caster being able to see it. Illusions are easily broken though should they no longer be believable.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Sensory Illusion can be broken down into a few subsections,


    Glamor: The first and easiest spell an Illusionist will learn, requiring both the least amount of mana to cast as well as the least amount of concentration to hold. Glamors alter the existing properties of objects, not being able to actually create an object.


    Figment: Figments create entire false senses or even objects, meaning it is a more difficult spell to grasp and use. Glamors can also be used to modify figments further, though require more time to cast.


    Multi-target: Multi-target, also known as web weaving, is creating an illusion within the mind of multiple people. This is a combative ability and the amount of time required to cast is increased depending on the amount of people being effected.


    Broadcast: Broadcast is an ability that requires too much concentration to be utilized in combat. The illusionist is essentially casting a desired illusion with a certain radius around them.




    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    The creature stood a good distance away from combat as her allies clashed blades with their opponents. The voidstalker began to form her connection to the void, her black eyes that oozed mana began to glow a starry white. They appeared akin to pearls encased in a glossy translucent black glow. Translucent flames began the flutter to life on the back of the demon’s hands, starting off a pure putrid black which transitioned into a bloody crimson before fading into a vibrant orange. The flames ran along the back of the mage’s arms and up to her shoulders before stopping. A ring of the same flames spurred to life on top of the demon’s head, appearing like a crown of her mana. Her eyes drifted towards the armored knight who charged towards the one who owned her name.


    The mage stood completely still with her eyes locked upon the knight. Her face scrunched in concentration as she glared at him. 


    /msg sam33497 [*] The knight would suddenly find the world going black, his vision fading! [Sensory Illusion]



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    The woman walked quietly into the empty room followed by her student. She turned around to face them before speaking, "Did you get that azhl anemia cleared up?"


    "Good, then we can get started on todays lesson, begin connecting to the void. You had asked why I slit your palm with my azhl blade and I offered no response. The reason was so you could create the figment of the sting from azhl within someone's mind. To create a proper figment you must experience the sense you wish to fabricate. Illusions are only strong if your mind truly understands what you are trying to manifest."


    She watched as her student slowly began to connect to the void, their aura taking shape. "Like earlier lessons you must focus on the person you want to cast the illusion upon. Figments take much more concentration than glamors do so focus, it will not be easy. If you fail, simply keep trying, we have all day."


    The mage watched her student fall silent and focus upon her, eyeing her student carefully. She waited patiently as her student struggled to form the illusion, beads of sweat forming on their brow.


    The voidstalker remained silent, allowing her student to practice. Her eyes quickly snapped to her hand where she felt the sudden stinging pain of azhl. "Not too shabby, keep practicing figments until we meet again, you hear?"


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If my student powergamed during teaching I'd assume it came from a place of misunderstanding and correct it as well as clarifying the lore so they understand why it would be considered powergaming. If I heard or caught my student powergaming after teaching I'd check in with them and make sure they understand the lore and clarify any questions they may have had. If seemed like it was on purpose I'd let them know that is not allowed and warn them that if it continued I'd have to report them. If it was reoccurring I'd report them to ST as well as drop them from my TA.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Check MA


    Character's Age:

             Old enough to have an MA


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Fire Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Fire evocation is a magic that allows its user to create flames within the void and draw them forth within the material realm. These flames have light and heat, akin to mundane flames. The only difference between voidal flames and mundane flames is that voidal fire will vanish as soon as the mage is no longer concentrated on them or is no longer connected. Though voidal flames that have latched onto something within the material realm such as cloth will not vanish even if the mage disconnects but will no longer be controlled by the mage. These fires that a mage summons forth can be used to perform a whole list of different spells. Fire evocation is one of the greatest offenses within voidal magic though has terrible defense.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Fire evocation can be broken down into three different subsections,


    Non-combative flames: These are flames a fire mage can create outside of combat scenarios. As the mage progresses and gets better at wielding fire they may give more shape to their flames and even color their fire however they like. The size and radius of non-combative casting improves as the mage progresses through tiers. Non-combative fire cannot be amplified.


    Combative flames: These are flames a mage uses to perform spells. The fire cannot be colored unlike non-combative flames though for some spells the shape of the fire can be more freeform. Spells that use these combative flames are cauterize, flame projectile, flame trail, enwreathe, flame blast, flamethrower, and flaming tempest. These spells can also be modified unless stated otherwise such as flamethrower unable to become combustive.


    Modifiers: Modifiers are used to amplify or change the nature of fire, and the two modifiers cannot be used in conjunction with one another. Using a modifier adds an extra charging emote to the spell being modified as well as consuming more mana then the spell normally might. The first modifier a mage will learn is called Blue Fire. This effect gives the flames a blueish hue as well as increasing its intensity. The flames would deliver third degree burns upon contact with flesh and half the amount of time it would take to leave someone in critical condition. The second modifier is combustion. Combustion adds solidity to fire, allowing it to have force behind its impact.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Flame projectile


    The mage stared lazily towards her unarmored foe as they slowly approached. The voidstalker began to form her connection to the void, her black eyes that oozed mana began to glow a starry white. They appeared akin to pearls encased in a glossy translucent black glow. Translucent flames began the flutter to life on the back of the demon’s hands, starting off a pure putrid black which transitioned into a bloody crimson before fading into a vibrant orange. The flames ran along the back of the mage’s arms and up to her shoulders before stopping. A ring of the same flames spurred to life on top of the demon’s head, appearing like a crown of her aura. Her azhl dagger appeared in her hand in a small misty explosion shaded the same colors as her aura.


    The mage kept her distance with her opponent as she began to draw fire from the void within the material realm. Embers and ash began to whirl around the tip of her blade before merging to create a small baseball sized orb of crackling flames. The fire began to morph into the crude shape of a bat, it was lacking in detail though one could tell what it was.


    As the person before her charged towards her, the mage lofted her dagger up into the air within a single hand. The baseball sized bat that was held at the tip of her blade flew forth towards her opponents head. The fire would leave first to second degree burns upon flesh should it land, bursting upon contact with any surface leaving smaller flames where it landed. The flames would stick to the surface and fizzle out should the surface not be flammable though the fire would spread and grow along more flammable surfaces.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "You have begun to get better at wielding flames so today I will teach you the spell enwreathe." The woman spat as she approached her student. "Begin to form your connection to the void like you must will all spells." The elder mage waited as she watched her student slowly form their connection


    "Hmm, not bad. After forming your connection you simply focus on a weapon you wish to coat in fire and cover a portion of it in flames." The mage raised her dagger out before her. "Try it on this. As a voidal mage this spell is not too useful for yourself unless you decide to become a scion, though it can be useful to cover your allies weapons in fire during combat."


    She watched carefully as her student performed the spell, "Hm, you are improving though you still lack skill. Train even when I'm not around." She looked down towards her dagger which now had its blade set ablaze. "Weapons coated in fire would deliver second degree burns upon flesh it comes in contact with or it can be used to spread fire along flammable surfaces. The spell can last a while should you keep your line of sight and concentration upon it. That is all for today, leave and continue to practice."




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If my student powergamed during teaching I'd assume it came from a place of misunderstanding and correct it as well as clarifying the lore so they understand why it would be considered powergaming. If I heard or caught my student powergaming after teaching I'd check in with them and make sure they understand the lore and clarify any questions they may have had. If seemed like it was on purpose I'd let them know that is not allowed and warn them that if it continued I'd have to report them. If it was reoccurring I'd report them to ST as well as drop them from my TA.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. kXJw0N0q6YL1X0cKk-1is-s9RVtZZDJKAjok0Cnpp7FY0jdSlUJ-OTxuEM386Yh1FlFEh_qyyOWw5QqI13gfT2-lXocpzOLabARBKCSNkQ6syrCrUiKve8M9Na2iqS37q9ujcGipDpoYEgzmCaxwKOU



    A peculiar creature discovered lingering in the lands of Aevos, though it is possible they existed in previous continents but were simply never discovered. Though if they did exist in previous continents, they must have hid quite well compared to now. Mana serpents can be discovered quite easily if one knows where to look, but a person could just as easily be startled by these slithery creatures.


    What exactly these creatures are is not quite clear, though magi who have studied these snakes have formed a hypothesis. The common belief is that they are simply regular snakes who have evolved and adapted to the realm which grows ever more magical. With mana mice becoming more prevalent with the lack of a natural predator, one can assume these serpents stepped up to the challenge. The mana mouse rich diet likely having an unusual effect on their biology.





    Creature Summary

    These serpents come in a wide variety of shades and sizes. Their length can be anywhere from a mere six inches to a total of three feet. Their eyes tend to be a stark black in contrast to their usually brightly colored scales. The fangs on these creatures are quite useful for hunting mana mice, but aren’t sharp enough to hurt a descendant. Being biten might leave a mark though would be barely noticeable, inflicting little pain or damage. The snake knows this as well and will often nip playfully or to show affection. Their scales though often take on a crystallized form similar to foci crystals. These gem-like scales are dotted along the serpents body and will never coat the entire snake. If a mana serpent were to have its entire body covered in these crystals, the snake would find it would have a hard time slithering around. When serpent snakes shed their skin they will leave these small crystals behind and regrow new ones, though the old ones would find their concentration of mana quickly fading without being able to rely on nutrition from the snake's food. This would mean left behind gems would have little use outside of decorative purposes.


    Their behavior is quite similar to their mundane counterparts, except for the fact that they enjoy basking in places rich with mana. While they are often found near and around obelisks and tears or other places rich with mana it is also not uncommon for them to be found in other places with high concentrations of mana. They will often lurk near an obelisk, enjoying basking in its radius similar to lizards basking in the heat of the sun, and startle unexpecting magi by mere accident.


    Their physical biology is designed for hunting mana mice. Their fangs secrete a toxin that is only effective against mana mice and does absolutely nothing to any other creature, magical in nature or not. The toxin would quickly sap a mana mouse’s strength, making it easy prey. Despite mana mice being their main source of food, that is not all these magical snakes consume. Outside of mana mice, they do not tend to hunt critters or creatures, instead relying on plants, vegetables, or fruit as a secondary source of nutrition.


    Mana serpents are docile creatures, shying and fleeing from fights even when attacked. They will never fight back and will only ever make attempts at getting away.




    Taming these unique creatures is much harder for the mundane compared to magi adept in the void. Though that is not to say it is entirely impossible for one to tame a mana serpent without possessing the ability to wield the void. All one would need to do is regularly feed the snake its favorite food, mana mice, and handle them gently, showing the creature much love and care. It is recommended to try to tame a mana serpent in the presence of a mana rich area such as the radius of a mana obelisk. Eventually, the snake will latch onto their new owner if shown the proper treatment and care. For magi though, the process is much easier. Showing it the same love and care anyone else would when trying to tame the snake, the mage would slowly and gently pour their mana into the serpent like they might when creating arcanium. This would feed the serpent similarly to providing it mana mice except the mage is using their own magical abilities to supply it. The process requires much less mana compared to creating something like arcanium and doesn’t even require the presence of an obelisk though one is still recommended. A mage should also be careful to not overfeed the snake with their mana lest they wish the serpent to grow ill. The mana serpent would quickly grow familiar with the mage who fed it their mana, becoming much quicker to trust their newfound owner. Once tamed mana serpents are incredibly loyal creatures though they expect the same loyalty from their owner. Should someone mistreat their new pet it will usually run off and leave them. If a mage has tamed the mana serpent via feeding it with their mana, the next time the serpent sheds its skin, their new coat of scales will take on a similar look to their new owner’s aura. Tamed mana serpents cannot be tamed by a different person due to their incredibly loyal nature unless the mana serpent is mistreated and abandons their owner.


    Once tamed the snake would easily be able to follow orders of their master though would be unable to perform more complex tasks a normal pet snake would be incapable of doing. The snake would also not be able to break its true nature, never performing tasks that would require it attacking or fighting someone or something else. 


    In the case of magi who have tamed the snake through the more magical process would find this creature has another use. A mana serpent would have the benefits of an arcane focus when coiling around or resting upon some part of the mage’s hand. The snake would not be able to hide under clothing or be disguised, following all rules normal arcane foci might. This ability is derived through the gem-like scales that form along the snake’s body that act akin to focus crystals as well as the mana stored within their body.




    - Cannot be used to metagame information such as discovering places rich with mana. (examples such as obelisks or tears.)

    - Mana serpents are able to follow orders a normal snake would and complex tasks would be impossible.

    - Cannot be used in crp or used to attack. Even if ordered to by their master the snake would simply not listen. Will not fight back if attacked either.

    - Mana serpents that are being used as an arcane focus follow all redlines of [Magic Lore: Arcane Focus].

    - Mana serpents that are being used as an arcane focus require an item to represent them as well as properly emoting their existence. They can not suddenly exist when crp starts if their existence was never acknowledged previously.

    - Mana serpents cannot be stolen from others unless the snake is being mistreated which would result in them abandoning their owner anyways

    - Mana serpents cannot be used to attack, harm, or eat other players' mana mice.

    - Being a mana based creature, druids are able to communicate with them but not will them to do as they please. These creatures will not respond to the commands or demands made by a druid and should be considered uncooperative to their attempts.

    - If a mana serpent is struck with thanhium, null arcana, abjuration, or anything else anti-magic then they would lose their ability to act as an arcane focus for the rest of combat or [1 ooc] hour but would do nothing else. [ex: Stabbing them with a thanhium weapon would still likely kill them, but the properties of thanhium only prevent them from acting as an arcane focus.]



    NorthTitan & Creete - Mana Mice Lore

  7. 1 hour ago, Markisstreaming said:


    Invoke ignorance at T2 seems wrong. Dropping the magic, especially if its a self-taught, one person ritual, should be a T1 thing.


    I agree tbh but the lore for Invoke Ignorance specifically states it can only be self-taught at T2 or higher, that is what Zarsies wrote. For tier progression I simply went with what each ritual said.

  8. 1 hour ago, Traveller said:

    also your amendment doesn't account for the fact embark, invent & spiritspell need 2 slot BM

    True, I updated my wording from access to learn since 1-slotted blood mages can still learn the 2-slot rituals for teaching. As for the first part second part I've had students and seen other blood mage players ask what spells can be learned at each tier. While someone could go through each spell and see what tier they can learn it at that is both inefficient and pointless. Most magic pages include what spells can be learned at each tier for convenience already. I don't see why blood magic should lack that when most magics have it. It is a small amendment but one for convenience.


    1 hour ago, MeteorDragon said:

    Also, it would ruin the whole TA at T4 thing if you have to wait until T5 to learn some of the rituals

    You need to wait three months anyways before applying for a TA and by then the mage should be T5. Also as per the rules you need to be T5 in order to apply for a TA. I don't see where blood magic says you can apply for a TA at T4. While the rune of insight can be self-taught at T4 it says you still need to acquire a TA and does not say a TA can be acquired at T4. And as for the mage being able to learn any ritual at any tier, most teachers already follow this tier progression. Sure a T2 blood mage could be taught every spell and ritual and then left on their own until they reach T5 but most teachers aren't doing that.

  9. Tier Progression


    Old Lore


    Tier Progression

    Tier 1 - Novice lasts for 2 weeks. The blood mage begins to take on faint physical and mental changes and may access Ensorcell Material, Ensorcell Flesh, Hemhorraging, Scabbing, and Siphoning.
    Tier 2 - Apprentice lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage further develops physical and mental changes and may assist in more complex rituals.
    Tier 3 - Adept lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage’s physical changes reach their completion and they may lead group rituals.
    Tier 4 - Expert lasts for 4 weeks. The blood mage may lead or assist in more complex rituals.
    Tier 5 - Master is reached at 12 weeks (3 months in total). The blood mage’s mental changes reach their completion and they may access all of blood magic.

    New Lore


    Tier Progression

    Tier 1 - Novice lasts for 2 weeks. The blood mage begins to take on faint physical and mental changes and may access Ensorcell Material, Ensorcell Flesh, Hemhorraging, Scabbing, and Siphoning.
    Tier 2 - Apprentice lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage further develops physical and mental changes and may assist in more complex rituals. The mage may learn Augmentation and Invoke Ignorance now.
    Tier 3 - Adept lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage’s physical changes reach their completion and they may lead group rituals. The mage may learn Hail, Quiet, Seal, Embark, and Invent.
    Tier 4 - Expert lasts for 4 weeks. The blood mage may lead or assist in more complex rituals. The mage may now learn Gilding, Engorge, Rune of Insight.
    Tier 5 - Master is reached at 12 weeks (3 months in total). The blood mage’s mental changes reach their completion and they may access all of blood magic. The mage may now also learn Call Calamity and Spiritspell.



    Pretty straight forward, only tier one listed the spells accessible for that tier. For the spells each tier can learn I went with the tier the mage would have to be to lead the ritual.  This would make it easier for teachers and students alike to keep track of the spells they can learn for each tier.


    Properties of Conjured Fire

    Old Lore


    Properties of Conjured Fire

    Fire possesses a wide range of properties, making it a formidable weapon if used properly. However, a hotheaded mage with fire evocation may lead to some difficult circumstances for themselves and others - hence why a fire evocations should be extremely careful when casting. 


    • Fire consumes whatever it touches, so long as the object is flammable, though slowly spreading across the entire surface of the consumed object. Once it makes contact with the physical realm, it is no longer within the mage’s domain to control - not vanishing back into the Void once it makes contact.
    • Fire burns, meaning that any flammable objects it touches will slowly and painfully be consumed by its searing touch. Should flesh be the surface upon which the fire is caught, a typical orange flame will yield first to second degree burns assuming the flesh is not wet nor has anything to protect it. 
    • Fire is not a solid nor a liquid, but rather gaseous. Fire may be given harsh solidarity in the form of an explosion by making a spell combustive.
    • Fire cannot pass through objects, especially water or sand, though will begin to consume them assuming they are flammable. 
    • Upon contact, the smaller flames will typically stick around the area of contact, allowing for prolonged exposure to the flame rather than rapid expansion. The burns themselves are typically 1st to 2nd degree upon immediate contact to descendant flesh, though may worsen depending on how long the fire remains exposed.
    • Despite the tenacious nature of the fire, it is fairly easy to put out if one has the proper means. Water or suffocation are the easiest way to get rid of lingering fire, though simply ‘brushing it off’ will likely not yield much effect. Assuming the fire is not impeded, it will usually die out after combat is over. 
    • While it is not impossible for the fire to spread across a surface in combat, assuming any adjacent surfaces are flammable, the fire will spread rather slowly. Non-Combat fire can expand much quicker, however. Obviously, a stone manor will burn slower than a thatch hut. 
    • Should fire be exposed to a vital region for more than four emotes, the victim will begin to die unless unaided quickly. 
    • Combat conjured fire will always hold a red or orange color, though the shades may vary, with the exception of Blue Flame. Out of combat, fire can be any color besides black or white, and will always have the same temperature as normal fire.

    New Lore



    Properties of Conjured Fire

    Fire possesses a wide range of properties, making it a formidable weapon if used properly. However, a hotheaded mage with fire evocation may lead to some difficult circumstances for themselves and others - hence why a fire evocations should be extremely careful when casting. 


    • Fire consumes whatever it touches, so long as the object is flammable, though slowly spreading across the entire surface of the consumed object. Once it makes contact with the physical realm, it is no longer within the mage’s domain to control - not vanishing back into the Void once it makes contact.
    • Fire burns, meaning that any flammable objects it touches will slowly and painfully be consumed by its searing touch. Should flesh be the surface upon which the fire is caught, a typical orange flame will yield first to second degree burns assuming the flesh is not wet nor has anything to protect it. 
    • Fire is not a solid nor a liquid, but rather gaseous. Fire may be given harsh solidarity in the form of an explosion by making a spell combustive.
    • Fire cannot pass through objects, especially water or sand, though will begin to consume them assuming they are flammable. 
    • Upon contact, the smaller flames will typically stick around the area of contact, allowing for prolonged exposure to the flame rather than rapid expansion. The burns themselves are typically 1st to 2nd degree upon immediate contact to descendant flesh, though may worsen depending on how long the fire remains exposed.
    • Despite the tenacious nature of the fire, it is fairly easy to put out if one has the proper means. Water or suffocation are the easiest way to get rid of lingering fire, though simply ‘brushing it off’ will likely not yield much effect. Assuming the fire is not impeded, it will usually die out after combat is over. 
    • While it is not impossible for the fire to spread across a surface in combat, assuming any adjacent surfaces are flammable, the fire will spread rather slowly. Non-Combat fire can expand much quicker, however. Obviously, a stone manor will burn slower than a thatch hut. 
    • Should fire be exposed to a vital region for more than four emotes, the victim will begin to die unless unaided quickly. 
    • Combatively conjured fire can be any color the mage chooses with the exception of Blue Flame, white flame, and black flame. Out of combat, fire can be any color besides black or white, and will always have the same temperature as normal fire.


    Tier Progression

    Old Lore

    T2 - Apprentice


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, 


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of fire at this stage is still rather crude, though the mage is able to conjure a few candle sized flames before feeling fatigued. This is the stage where the first lessons of real casting typically begin.

    T3 - Adept


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Flame Blast


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters [T3]. The detail level of fire at this stage is more refined, able to be molded into more distinct geometric shapes, such as a sphere or cube. They may now learn to use their flame more effectively in combat as well as begin to conjure smoke and different colors of flame.

    T4 - Expert


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Flame Blast, Flamethrower, Blue Fire 


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one twenty-five square meters [T4]. The detail level of fire at this stage is much more precise, able to have more refined details in their fire, albeit still a bit more crude. The evocationist has practically mastered non-combat casting and are able to use their fire diversely in combat

    T5 - Master


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Flame Blast, Flamethrower, Blue Fire, Combustion


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifty square meters [T5]. The detail level of fire at this stage is incredibly precise and refined, able to be used to create detailed works of art from pure fire alone. The fire evocationist has completely mastered both combat and non-combative fire evocation, able to perform great feats of the art. They may also chose to pursue make their fire combustive, dealing extra concussive damage in the form of explosions.


    New Lore

    T2 - Apprentice


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of fire at this stage is still rather crude, though the mage is able to conjure a few candle sized flames before feeling fatigued. This is the stage where the first lessons of real casting typically begin.

    T3 - Adept


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe, Flame Blast, Smokescreen


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters [T3]. The detail level of fire at this stage is more refined, able to be molded into more distinct geometric shapes, such as a sphere or cube. They may now learn to use their flame more effectively in combat as well as begin to conjure smoke and different colors of flame.

    T4 - Expert


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe, Flame Blast, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Blue Fire


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one twenty-five square meters [T4]. The detail level of fire at this stage is much more precise, able to have more refined details in their fire, albeit still a bit more crude. The evocationist has practically mastered non-combat casting and are able to use their fire diversely in combat.

    T5 - Master


    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe, Flame Blast, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Blue Fire, Combustion, Flaming Tempest


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifty square meters [T5]. The detail level of fire at this stage is incredibly precise and refined, able to be used to create detailed works of art from pure fire alone. The fire evocationist has completely mastered both combat and non-combative fire evocation, able to perform great feats of the art. They may also chose to pursue make their fire combustive, dealing extra concussive damage in the form of explosions.



    Colored fire is a completely non-combative effect that doesn't change the flame in any way besides color. Non-combative flames can already have this visual effect so it doesn't make sense for combative flames to not be able to as well. It is completely a flavor effect to enhance roleplay and make fire evocation more fun. As for the tier progression Enwreathe, Smokescreen, and Flaming Tempest aren't listed under spells for tier progression despite being learned at t2, t3, and t5 respectively. The tier they can be learned at is listed under the spell but that can be completely overlooked by newer players. Besides, it doesn't make sense for them to be excluded from the spell list.

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