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Status Updates posted by ijsselzichta

  1. You started RP there?, i think i started on a dutch RP forum.., i've gotten better in the last few years, though, a bilangual school is a great help to your English.

    I'm planning on coming back, though, perhaps make a new character and RP together with that friend.

  2. Sorry for the late reply. >.

    yes, i do, it was called.. westernesse?(Wow, i remember!)

    Back when my English and RP skills were still horrible. :D

  3. Erm.., No.

    Well.., Maaaybe.

    Okay, Yes it blinks...

    Is that answer good enough for you?

  4. Writing a biography for my new character as we speak, it's gonna be picture style!

    1. shiftnative


      I look forward to it! I love imagery!~

  5. You guys like mah photo?, it blinks!

  6. I haven't been here for way to long, not that i have time or something though, still need to write a whole essay about Macedonian minorities before tomorrow. :D

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