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Posts posted by Jordan1921

  1. ((He didn't abandon you! I haven't written it up yet since technically Thrym is still around, but, all that is happening is he is going to go missing. He isn't abandoning anyone. Also, IC you don't know this yet since Thrym hasn't disappeared yet))

    (( When you promoted me you said you where going on a journey so I told some of the clan members about it. ))

  2. YYes weekly meetings , mandatory ? Also we can run feasts and make it very political if your invited your a high roller in the nation.

    So everyone likes the loose do whatever you want thing ?

    What I meant was just for what you want to do with your character, besides that I think it would be good to have weekly meetings and things like that so the clan is active.

  3. We are?

    Anywho. All Ironguts please post if you will be involve with our clan in 2.0 this is ooc so please state your name and job/jobs you want to do for the clan in the new map. I need a farmer, a merchant, and lots of miners and diggers. I really want just one shop company we can all run like Irongut Co. and we have multible shops that we can run and the money can go to the clan and we can stockpile resources and take whatever you need when needed. If you need money I would be gladly share the Alt. account I have that acts as Alfy for our bank.

    Now in 2.0 I want all your opinion on what to do. I had a deal with charles but now that went byebye since thorik will still be king... i think... idk really... either way Do you want to stay as miners blacksmiths or compete in the merchant area or political area? or anything. Please comment soon and anyone who doesnt comment within a week or so will be kick out. Im going to be a bit more strict on clan members and how we interact. I want us all to be know for great RP and as the best clan around... still in 2.0 ;) since we are already... lets keep that title.

    I can be the merchant for 2.0 if you want, I think we can try to compete in the political area. But I think that any member should be free to do what they wish.

  4. MC Name: Jordan1921

    RP Name: Hogarth Irognut

    Race: Dwarf

    Mining Level: 30

    Why do ye want ta be a miner fer Kal'Urguan: I am looking to buy a shop sometime, I feel that being in a guild of miners will help me get more supply's.

    What can ye do that can contribute to th' clan: I can gather and/or sell ores from the guild once I have a shop of my own.

    Would ye be willing te buy a house in or near Kal'Urguan?: Aye, I already have a house near Kal'urugan.

  5. You have been...


    -Explain who Kjell is? I have no idea.

    -Fix Format Please

    -Shades are not blinded by greed, nor are they foolish. Might want to make that a little more realistic

    ~You have MANY good things in your app, just fix these for me please :mrgreen:

    ((Edited, hopefully it's good now. ))

  6. 1)MC Name:Jordan1921

    RP Name:Hogarth Irongut

    2)Chosen Patron: Lefor

    3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):

    Hogarth was not always a man of Lefor, when he was young he was sent away by his father to the F.O.A camp. Where he learned how to fight, he also learned the words of Aeriel. But, after long years he decided to visit his father, the Archbishop of the Dwarves again in Kal'urugan, only to arrive shortly after his death.

    In his last words he gave all of his possessions to him, and his gold staff to Hiebe.

    He also said in his last words, to send my son to Thyrm, where he would take care of me and teach me the ways of the Paragons.

    He had me visit my fathers temple, and recite the prayers of each of the Paragons, and for me to choose wisely who to worship.

    Being a fighter, he choose Lefor, for his honor in battle. It seems that the Dwarves have been starting to lack honor, being in the fight of Alras and seeing Kjell Ireheart personally skin a man. Hogarth promised to keep his fathers religion, the Paragons alive, and to fight for it.

    4)Race: Dwarf

    5)Flaws in Your Character:

    Hogarth has many flaws, as a part of the Legion, he is forced to follow Kjell, the leader of the legion. even though he lacks honor, but he wishes to climb the ranks of the legion one day.

    He is also a bearding, only being 36. So he hasn't have had the time to tone his skills with the Sword.

    6) How long have you been on the server:

    Since the beginning of the server.

    Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

    7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

    Hogarth would contact the guard, and inform them of a plan to capture the Shade. Hogarth would then approach the shade with his sword drawn, in a fighting stance. Once he has gotten the Shades attention, he would rush down the street to the guard house.

    Then shout "Guards!" and tackle the Shade and punch him until he knocked him unconscious so the guards can arrest him.

    8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

    Hogarth would offer him his fur cape, "Tis mighty cold out, I'll get ye to someplace warm. "

    He feels that he is not ready to take on a child yet, he is only a but a child himself to the Dwarven people.He would lead the child to Irongut manor, where the family will take care of him until his parents are found.

    9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

    He would first examine the land around him, and ways to use it to his Advantage, when he has formulated a plan he would shout.

    "For Lefor!" and charge the man with his Iron Sword, hopefully taking the bandit by surprise. If, he was near a forest and losing the battle, he would retreat into it to try and get him to lose my trial.

    10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive.

    Hogarth would rush up to the man and say to him, "Iblees may be the easiest way ta survive, but the Dwarves here aren't that weak!"

    He would then continue to harass the Iblees follower."Stop yer racket, its giving me a headache!"

    If the man refused he would challenge him to a duel in the Arena, if he wins he would stop his racket, if he lost he would give him a fraction of the Minas in his pocket.

    If he refused, he would chase him out of the market.

    11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

    He would answer the man. "He does allow it to continue to test our Strength!

    So when the time comes that we die, we will be stronger then before!" He would then ask the man. "Ye must be down, asking that question, want to go the tavern for a drink?"

    "We can share stories."

    If the man denies the offer, he would give the man the sword he carries on his back. "I know yer fighting something in yer life, ye better be good at it." and walk away.

  7. I am ashamed... I thought that when Gaius became king we could finally start fighting the true enemy ;the Undead.

    These petty squabbles over nothing are ridiculous. This one move could have made a full racial alliance, something we need, especially now. I respect the dwarves, Thorik was very kind when I met him. And two of the men that helped raise me, are dwarves. One of which is Botar Blackrock, the bodyguard to the human woman Dawn. I think she used to be a queen by what I am told, and she says she knew my mother, so she has to be a good person.

    I have people I want to protect from the real evil. An evil that is not a dwarf or human or elf or orc. An evil that attacked the brothers that fathered all of us. An evil that will kill our children, as well as ourselves.

    While you all bicker over a bit of gem studded metal, something that has no meaning really... the undead grow more powerful. They are using the bodies that we give them, the people you slay in battle will suffer a fate worse.than death.

    Do you really want to condem your children to a world that will never know light? This is the path we are on my friends.. there is a fork in the road.. where are you going to turn

    I agree, it's clear that Aegis is in more of a threat than ever, and fighting each other will not fix this. As a Dwarf, I don't have a love fer Gaius, but it's better than this fighting. I hope that Aeriel watches over us in the coming months, we will need it.

  8. I see, we lack a proper time to worship the Paragons.

    I say we 'ave a quarterly worship service.

    This will start in the spring.

    ((Here is the current schedule:

    Every Friday at 9:15 EST/8:15 CST.

    Please try to attend this, if at all possible.))


    Thordon's to be held in the fall. ((Sun. at 8:00 CST))



    A funeral to me father was held at the Irongut tomb for family already, but I don't see the problem for ye to have a funeral so that those who where not there or aren't in the family can speak they're words. Just remember that Thordon's body is already in the Irongut tomb.

  9. Thordon is in his tomb. May he rest in peace. Also, welcome his sone, Hogarth into the clan! After many years of hiding, Hogarth finally showed himself to live up to his Father's glory.

    Thank ye for your welcome, I'm proud to finally be able to live among my kin again.

  10. rest in peace mate, i dint knew ye so well but i heard ye was a good dwarf.

    i hope it isnt the age that killed ye, because i want to live some more.

    ((ye still can be part of the elders if you want, maybe a new elder. youre choice))

    (( The reason I killed off my character is so that I can role play a young Dwarf again, so, no I don't wan't to be a new Elder at least in RP but I can sort of be a OOC elder for now. ))

  11. ((It honestly just seems like the Dwarves just sorta do their own thing...it's the reason no one outside of the Dwarves really knows any Dwarves. Other than that, to bad for the death of your character, but you know, that just gives you a hundred roads to follow now.))

    (( Yes, I've noticed that too, theres tons of things I can metion to someone from outside the nation about Dwarven history that they would have no clue about. As for my character, yes, there are alot of open doors for what I can do next, but it will be hard leaving all the Dwarves that I've known from since they started playing. ))

  12. Thordon awakes, and starts his morning routine. He travels to the temple, and prays most of the day with his apprentice, Elric. The day goes on as normal, Thordon stays silent, and prays while facing the altar, but soon he starts gasping. He calls for Elric "Elric!" he struggles for air, "Help!" Elric rushes to his master and helps him to the bed upstairs. He soon calms down, and says to his apprentice, "Thank you, Elric, I think I should rest here for now."

    Elric leaves Thordon breathing a sign of relief. Hours later, however, the gasping starts again. He calls for Elric once more. "Elric! hel-" Thordon starts to gasp enough to prevent his talking, he cannot for a word. Elric rushes to his side. The gasping continues with Elric praying, not knowing what else to do. Thordon finally is able to speak "Elric, they are calling to me..." "No! This cannot be!" "Elric, I only wish for two things, have a funeral in my honor, second leave all my th-things to my... son." Thordon thinks of all of his great friends he has made in his time from all the way back to Simppa to Thorik, Algor, Hogarth, Darius, Mili, Gordok, Maximus, Rasun, Flynn, Bazian, Zaros, Valen, Algrim, Hiebe, Dili, Zack, Skippy, and Thrym. "On-one last thing Elric, when my son arrives, send him to Thyrm, I have told him what to do..." A faint glow illuminates his eyes for a second, then...poof.

    A young Beardling approaches the gates for the first time since he was but a small child, the guard captain Flynn greets him, seeing a familiar face in his, but he cannot find who. He is wearing a tattered F.O.A uniform with the Kal'urugan banner stitched to his chest. "What is yer name, lad?" "My name is Hogarth Irongut." Elric rushes through the streets of Kal'urugan shouting " All to the temple! We must prepare the body!" The young ling asks Elric " Who died? "Elric responds "The Archbishop, Thordon Irongut."

  13. Yer name: Thordon Irongut

    (minecraft name): Jordan1921

    Age: 568

    Race: Cave Dwarf

    Profession: Archbishop of the Dwarves

    Highest skill level/what skill: Mining

    Relation to the family, (story): My father, Draco Irongut, was a miner. He spent much time searching the caverns for Ores to feed his many children, me being one of them. He took me, at the age of 9 on one of his mining expeditions. He wanted me to be a rich miner or fierce when I was older,he taught me all I know about mining in that cave. We spent days, even weeks in that cave. But, then I could hear rumbling, then the cave around me started to shake. I, not thinking, ran away from my father. And the wall between me and my father fell, and complete darkness ensued. But, a very peculiar orb of light appeared. Having no hope, I followed it, knowing that it could take me to my death. But, thankfully It guided me to a opening to the surface. The opening was thankfully near the kings road, and near Kal'urugan. But, knowing that my father lives in Alkhazar, and the road was too dangerous for a kid, I heading to Kal'urugan. Where I was taken in by the keeper of the Temple, Thangor. He taught me all I knew about priesthood, and at the age of 24, I left the house to find my destiny.

  14. To all Dwarves,

    I Nosor Silverfinger Bagrimsson am compiling information on the history of the dwarves past and present this includes the following:

    Feuds and wars

    The creation of guilds, clans and Settlements

    The different rules of each king

    This can be modern or ancient history, so if anyone of you has information on these subjects please tell me.

    I have been alive since the first days of Simppa, I may be able ta help ye. Send me a letter sometime and I will talk to ye. (( Jordan1921 ))

    (( I've been on the server since the beginning of it, I would write up some history now but I'm not in the mood. ))

  15. Hes not dead

    (( What do you mean hes not dead? For one thing he has not been on for along time, second even if he was alive we would think he would be dead by now. ))

    (( Oh and the Funeral has been moved to tomorrow because they're are too many events going on today. ))

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