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Posts posted by Jordan1921

  1. Dis is wrong! No matter 'ow many resources we 'ave we won't win. I've seen de orcs fight an I've seen their Strizgoi, they are prepared an no matter 'ow many people 'elp us de orcs will overrun us. I beg te ye!! Dun waste de last of de dwarven race on this futile war!! I know we are bred get dis, but dis is sumting we can't win! You must understand de orcs numbers are massive and der trainin an skill is immense. Please don't be fools! We can solve dis without losing EVERY DWARF DAT WE 'AVE LEFT! If ye continue this we will all perish.

    What would you have us do? Sign a peace treaty, and they will continue to kill our kin in our halls. They will stop at nothing to see our race die, and you wish to aswell, if you believe that Orc's are even capable of a peace treaty. I would rather die fighting then die a coward like ye would have us do.

  2. You see a note on the ground near the clan hall.

    Brothers, I suggest as the times have changed we meet once more meet to discuss clan matters at Kal'Dwain~Hogarth.

    (( The meeting should be this Saturday, 7pm EST, unless anyone has any objections to that. ))

  3. [[ Hogarth, we need a clan crest. Want me to ask pumpkin_eaters to make one for us? He made one for the Silverblades. :P ]]

    (( I'll need to know what to put on it before I ask him, plus I'll ask Hiebe if he still has the clan crest. ))

  4. I think one thing we need to change is the fact that we are now relying on clan halls for houses. I really that if we do get a new town we should have it so that we either don't have clan halls, or have them but not for storage. Since it's obvious that a lot of us are spending a lot of time in their own clan hall. We are cutting off role play that we could have with people not in our own clan/ not in a clan at all.

  5. Ye see, about Edrugl, I told tha man who adopted 'im in tha first place, Axl that 'e was with ye. 'e contacted someone and found out that tha boy was in Salvus. So Axl went there and instead of takin tha kid, gave 'im ta one a 'is 'uman friends in Salvus.

  6. Yer name: Nurrak Irongut

    (minecraft name): Destroyer_Bravo- I was Bowman.

    Age: 137

    Race: Dwarf. Yer even need t'e ****ing ask t'at?

    Profession: I lead t'e Overholm Guards

    Highest skill level/what skill: Blacksmithing/71

    Relation to the family, (story): Me dad was Bowman.

    ((I was already in the family... somebody forgot to add my new character to the roster))

    (( No it's just that I want people to re post their apps so that I know who's active and who's not anymore. ))

  7. The Irongut clan

    Urguan wanted all their names to represent what that dwarf was good at. And so on the naming went for weeks! Some dwarfs were not happy with their names like the smith Goldfinger, whos left pinky was covered in gold from a smithing accident. Har Har but once it came to Dwain Urguan said "Dwain my son, you have shown your greatness in eating and drinking, and your gut has taken all the damage and giving strength to you like iron, so your last name shall be Irongut... Dwain Irongut.

    Now Dwain loved his name as it was perfect for him! Now years went by and one day Dwain Irongut went missing from the dwarven halls. So for a great many long years, Urguan missed his son but had to focus on building the dwarven kingdoms up from stone.

    But one day Dwain came back and with a family. Other dwarves you ask? why yes some dwarven families want to live out in the wilds and this is where most people though Dwain had went but we will talk more about that later.

    Dwain and his family came back to the great halls of Kal'Urguan. A great feast was held and Urguan asked his son "Where have you been me boy?". Dwain repiled "I cannot say father..... but I must ask you if I may leave again to build an Outpost in your name." Urguan said "Aye but enjoy yer time here and you may leave once all the suppiles are ready".

    Once the suppiles were all ready for Dwain Irongut and his family they left Kal'Urguan to build an outpost out towards the human lands of Oren. Dwain took with him his sons, the eldest Drako, and the youngest Heron. Together they spent a long few weeks to find a suitable spot for this Outpost. Once they found it they began work on it. A great Manor House went up for the Ironguts to live in, and walls for protection. A smithy was built also to help keep the fine art of smithin in the family. Dwain had many more sons and daughters born to him at this land. But his hardest working son was Draco.

    Draco Irongut worked day and night for years on this Outpost for his father. The brains of the family went to Heron though. Heron though weaker then his older brother, was the smartest Irongut around and helped his brother build using math and logistics.

    At last the Dwarven Outpost was complete! Dwain and his son Draco went back to Kal'Urguan to give good news to the king but Urguan had died. Dwain lost his mind by then. He spent his days looking at flowers weirdly and never talked much after his father died. Draco, the eldest, took leadership of the Outpost, and Heron went to studying the ancient books to find a way to help their father out of his daze. Heron found something... a book he bought off a stranger merchant showed a way to bring people back from the dead.... Heron decided not to tell Draco, as Draco was a righteous man.

    Years went on and eventually Dwain Irongut died. Draco and Heron built a great tomb underneath the Irongut Manor to serve as a resting place for all Ironguts when they pasted on. Unknown to Draco, Heron built a secret room in the tomb to do his test with this book he found.

    Draco Irongut was a hardworking dwarf whether it was in the mines or above ground he worked hard. He bore many sons as did Heron. Heron's sons were always weaker or smaller then Draco's sons so they were picked on more and didn't work as hard. While Draco worked and lead the Ironguts, Heron worked in his secret room. Heron would ****** up weak or lone travelers to do his experiments on. The book he found told him of ways to kill and bring people back from death. Heron was surprised to find out he could do these things as it required magic.... a trait he found must of pasted down from his father, Dwain.

    Heron was becoming more and more darker each passing day and Draco noticed this. He asked his brother what is happening to him and Heron would reply "Greatness is what I shall have" and then mumblings. Draco was very frighten by his brothers actions. Staying up late, being alone, the dark look in his eyes. Eventually one day....

    Draco went into the tombs to pray and honor his father. He noticed something was wrong as he heard weird sounds coming from the wall.... Draco took up his pick and busted the wall down... In the room he saw his brother Heron casting a spell.... bodies littered the floor.. blood everywhere.... Organs of what used to be alive beings in jars..... Heron looked up and saw his older brother and said "So you finally found me eh brother?" Draco replied" What.... whats is all this Heron?! What have you done!"

    "I have brought greatness to our clan..... I did not you!....now watch as I bring back father to show him how much better i am then you...." said Heron is a dark voice...

    "Don't!" cried Draco.

    Heron casted the great spell and Dwain's tomb busted open! There stood the Old Irongut Leader.... Dwain with his axe in his hands and his body already have deteriorated.

    Draco stood there unable to move... his dead ....or undead father stood before him and said in a dark.. dark voice.


    Draco replied "Your not my father! He would never of had let us fight!"


    Five of the corpses re-animated and stood .... flesh barely clinging to their bones. They charged Draco. Draco brings out his axe and cuts down three of the five undead zombies.... one bit is left arm and another grabbed his axe arm.....

    Then a bright light shown blinding all three "living" people there. Draco's arms were freed and a voice spoke to him "For you have followed the right path... so you shall be helped in your dire needs" Then three people in white robes stood before him and another in brown robes. The white robed men took out staffs and said in unison "Back foul deamon for you do not belong in this world!"


    Dwain's corpse fell back in his tomb and Heron so shocked by this fell to his knees.....

    The brown robed man help Draco to his feet curing his wounds.

    Then Draco went to his younger brother and said "Why did you do this?... I love you and wanted all of us to be happy."

    "You were loved most by father and I wanted his love more!" then Heron lunged at Draco with a knife and the three white robed men blasted him into fire.

    One of the white men turned to Draco and said "Fellow follower of the light... You must destroy this place and go back to your fellow kind for your sons will be needed in the centuries to come. Your brothers sons shall be too but shall forever be tainted by their fathers choice and must choose for themselves the right path. So it has been said, So it shall be done!" and with that the three whited robed men disappeared.

    The brown robed man told Draco "I am here to help, I shall Sink this Manor so no one shall find it again for many, many years."

    The robed man teleported all the surviving Ironguts out of the Manor with supplies and the robed man casted a spell to sink the Outpost so that it was hidden from view.

    The Ironguts went back to Kal'Urguan and served their kingdoms for many centuries. Draco eventually became Lord Marshall, as his son Herson, and his son Hiebe. These dwarfs helped create the Dwarven armies reputation as fierce and feared Warriors!

    Note: Everything about the manor is true but can no longer be found to the Undead taint destroying the manor house.

    As of late, Hiebe Irongut has reconstructed the old Irongut Manor with help of his friends and has started to trace the bloodlines of his Clans members and so far has found two "Cuzins" of his, Algor and Alfy Irongut.

    The Manor is located on the Kings Road on the cross road between the kingdoms of Oren and Alras. There is also a tavern there for travelers and rooms to board in.

    No one but the few members of the Ironguts have seen the tombs of their for fathers and Hiebe has moved all of his ancestors from Kal'Urguans tombs to their rightful place inside the Irongut tomb.

    The taint of Heron still haunts some of the Irongut's members....

    Being An Irongut

    -Always hold yer ale due to the fact our guts are made of iron for Yemekar's sakes!

    -Eat food, as we will need it!

    -Be a brother to all!

    -Be friendly and help others!

    -Keep your Axe sharpened!

    -Be proud we are the best!

    Where we are located

    We havd many places for us to meet,




    -Leader Hogarth Irongut (Son of Thordon)

    -Saviticus Irongut (Son of Lau'far)

    -Phelrin Irongut (Son of Lau'far)

    -Mili Irongut (Brother of Hiebe)

    -Glod Irongut (Grandson of Belin)

    -Falifra Irongut (Unknown parents)

    -Hiebe Irongut (Ex-Ascended)

    -Isabelle Irongut (daughter of Hiebe)

    -Darius Irongut (Grandson of Belin)

    -Valbir Irongut (Son of Grabthar)

    -Gharth Irongut (Son of Hiebe)

    -William Irongut (Son of Hiebe)

    -Goldbeard Irongut (Cousin of Hogarth)

    -Nanook Irongut (Nephew of Goldbeard)

    -Gungron Irongut (Son of Darius)

    -Durrak Irongut (Son of Algrim)

    -Durin Irongut (Son of Hogarth)

    -Morkas Irongut (Son of Hiebe)

    Missing/dead clan members

    -Algrim Irongut (Ex-Dwarven King)

    -Brian (Halfling/missing)

    -Lord Susan Irongut (Missing)

    -Belin Irongut (Past dwarven king/dead)

    -Rasun Irongut (Clan Member/missing)

    -Percival (Halfling/missing)

    -Thrym Sliverfist (Clan Cuzin/dead)

    -Bavragor IronMaw (Clan Cuzin/missing)

    -Thordon Irongut (Clan member/dead)

    -Grabthar Irongut (Best digger in Aegis)

    -Silvex Irongut (Missing)

    -Isabelle Irongut (Hiebe's daughter)

    -Bowman Irongut (dead)

    -Balin Irongut (Hogarth's son, presumed dead.)

    -Nurrak Irongut (Son of Bowman)

    -Whurgar Irongut (Grandson of Gorath)

    -Skippy Irongut (Son of Algrim)

    We are looking for fellow missing Ironguts! Halflings and dwarves allowed... maybe a human or two cause of our.... fooling around fathers...

    Post here if you think your related to me.


    Yer name:

    (minecraft name):

    Clan Leader + Elder:

    Members of Clan (minimum 5):

    Rply, how did this clan come to be? Give a short history:




    Highest skill level/what skill:

    Relation to the family, (story):

    For the Ale, and my Sword!

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