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Posts posted by Jordan1921

  1. Hogarth stands at the stairs to the castle, he puts his hands to his mouth and cones them to get the message across the city.

    "'ail Dwarves! Young and old! There's a chance fer some Minas I 'ave fer ye!"

    Dwarves start to gather, either for Minas or just to end their curiosity, they gather.

    "Me name is Hogarth Irongut! Tha new owner, ye could say, a tha Entertainment district!" Talk begins in the crowd, of politics and just ale. "Hush! I ain't done!" The crowd immediately stops talking.

    "Great ale, great clashes and gamblin can fill Karik! But ta see it done, I need Dwarves ta help me run tha place! I 'ave made a sign on tha board about the jobs that need ta be filled! Ye can check up on it at anytime!"

    Hogarth starts to loose the crowds attention and they start to head off. "Just one more thing! I ain't lookin fer just old Dwarves! Any Dwarf, new er old, I can use! Ye just need ta know 'ow ta serve ale er take a punch from a drunk!" (and rp, of course.)

    Jobs needed

    Tavern keep- Manages the tavern, meaning rent and sells ale.

    Brothel manager- Manages the brothel, hires "Entertainers", and the money from them.

    Other- I need some Dwarves to run the various merchant stands and restaurants, you may have to pay for the space.

    Send me a bird(pm me Jordan1921.) Or write under this sign if yer interested.

  2. A message arrives in Holm addressed to all Ironguts, Hiebe gathers the clan members for a speech to read the letter aloud.

    " Dear family,

    I'll just get to tha chase, Thyrm is dead. 'e died with peace in his heart, however. I know that he loved tha family, and most in it. But, I will not tell ye where it is that 'e died, fer it was his last wish. I hope ye understand, i'll just say 'e was buried where 'e found peace. I 'ope tha family's goin strong in Holm, I'm glad I was able ta look after tha one who looked after me those many years ago, I hope wherever he is he's happy.

    Your loyal clan brother,


  3. (( You didn't ask me? :mrgreen: Anyway, I like it, I think that many people not just the Dwarves have forgotten the servers history. I think that one thing alot of people have forgotten or not even known is the true story of Alras, like how Syrio isn't the founder of Alras. If you ever need any details, you can talk to me. :ugeek: ))

  4. *a note from Thrym*

    I no longer with to be counted an Irongut. Ye are no longer ta family I once knew. Ye are full o' fools an' children! I came ta 'olm to beh wit MA FAMILY! Wen I git dere I 'ave 'iebe mock ma story. Idiots yellin' down ta streets tat I'm a heretic an' a monster and throwin' ice in ma face. I 'ave ma family tink I'm crazy. YER DWARVES YE SHOULD BE ABLE TA SEE TA DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ANGER AND CRAZY! Ten, recently, I 'ad one of ye wall me up and force me ta relive the moments right before I was tortured. TA FOOL SAID 'E WAS JUST JOKIN' AROUND! If tis is 'ow ma family is goin' ta treat meh. If all tey are goin ta do is constantly make ma condition worse ten, tey are no family at all! I may beh angry but ye would too if ye were forced ta strike down yer uncle, mother, and father in one day and tortured fer 3 decades. Farewell ye monsters I once thought ma family.

    Hogarth, I still love ye ma son.

    *the note is signed in a quick signature and has stains. They appear to be from tears*

    On one of his visits to Holm, Hiebe shows him the note that was left there, he reads it then quickly starts scribbling down a note in response and attaches it to a bat to find Thyrm.

    Dad? Where will ye live? Karik? I bet I could get ye a room in Aegis keep soon, once the construction is done. Please reply, I haven't gotten the chance to speak to ye in full ever since you left.

    Signed your son,

    Hogarth Irongut

  5. You see a Dwarf drinking away his sorrows in the tavern, he takes a moment away from his drink to peer through the smokey tavern to see a bearded man in noble clothes. He listened to all Tarus had to say, and then gets up from his seat and approaches Tarus with a mug in his hand.

    "Hail, Tarus! I must say this decision may be best fer your kingdom!" The Dwarf hangs his head as he thinks back to old memory's. Tha Dwarven kingdom has become too engulfed by tha council without a strong king, it is crumbling."

    The Dwarf looks up, and looks at the faces of Renatus, and the king. "Cheers! Ta a new Renatus, and strong kings!"

  6. ((Wizard has just told me he can't lead the guild so, I think its basically up to me to pick the successor. First I need to know who is still actually in the guild. Guild members post here if you are still a member. I'll give you until Feb. 1st))

    I'm here, still in the guild.

  7. MC Name - Jordan1921

    RP Age - 189

    IRL Age - 13

    Why do you wish to be a High Lord -

    When I was a child, I trained day and night with the FOA, honing my swordsmanship for a battle that one day may bring me into the hope of a leadership position. As I got on with my life, it seems clear that will take much more work that I thought, and I have taken a liking to ways of politics.

    What field do you wish to be a High Lord in ( War, Guild, Economics, Politics ) -

    Either Economics or Politics, I wish to speak with leaders of other nations to make deals to help the nation in general.

    Have you contributed to Kal'Urguan before? if so how ( Wars, diplomatically, economically etc ) -

    Ever since I have moved to the Dwarven nation, I have served in all of its wars. I was at the siege of Alras and served the former Marshall Kjell faithfully. I also helped the nation of Renatus fight against the Purge and converted Flynn to their cause. I have also advised leaders when I could and I have tried talked with leaders of other nations and helped them in times of war. The king of Renatus knows me personally has I have talked to him several times.


    ( During these scenarios act like a high lord would. )

    Your on the king's road as you are approached by a group of Orcs who begin to insult you and RPly threaten you, would you...

    It would depend on their training or weapons, if they are all clad in Diamond armor, or even gold armor I will call for Legion members to aid me. But if they are weak and show it by having lesser armor, I will attack them myself to keep my family name from shame.

    You are asked permission by a guild to build their guild-house, they say they were given permission by the Grand Councillor, what would you do....

    B. If the Grand Councillor is offline you discuss with the other Grand Councillors not of this field.

    The miners guild has been getting permits in the Kal'Urguan mine for 25 percent off the original price, however they are not giving anything in return. Would you...

    B. Speak with your Grand Councillor and the King then discuss with them.

    Their are men inside of Kal'Urguan stirring up a strike over an issue that happened with their shop getting took over in another town while they were on travels, would you....

    B. Try to negotiate with the town for the shop, if so what would you do if they say no?

    If they refuse then I would first threaten then with the Legion, if they do not I will let the Grand Councillor or war deal with them, if they don't listen to reason.

  8. ((I hate you Ironguts, every idea Hiebe comes up with has been lurking in the back of my head, but I never implement it. Then, he Hiebe posts it, I'm reminded to post it myself, but then I would be "Copying" <_< ))

    (( Who's fault is it that you didn't post it before when you had the idea? No reason to hate us. ))

  9. Thank ye my friend, yer father was like a brother to me and you will not have to die for me as I dont want no fightin

    I suppose so... I can talk politics if ye wish or I shall unsheathe my sword, only by yer command.

  10. * Takes a walk around Kal'urugan and spots Hiebe making a speech, he quickly joins the crowd.After the speech he approaches Hiebe himself.*

    Hiebe, I may be new to Dwarven politics but I think that ye will be the best king the Dwarves would have. I have learned all of the history of the Dwarves from me father, and I think he would agree if he was still 'ere today. He would die fer Kal'Urugan and the Ironguts, and so shall I!

  11. (( Hiebe, I've been thinking lately to put a bit of a limit to who joins the clan as we seem to be getting a lot of members. I think that we should, maybe after two or three new members, calm down on recruiting, and just rp with the people we have. We do want a bit of worthy competition, dont we? :D ))

  12. ((Alright, So I'm going to post the situation of Thrym's disappearing here. Writing it 3rd person))

    The Discovery in the Tomb

    As Hiebe walked into the Irongut Tomb, long devoid of the Irongut family members who have all busy with business in the increasing darkness spreading over the land, he noticed something. As he drew near the tomb of Dwain, the Great Father, it was obvious, the sound of deep breathing, as if from one asleep, could be heard. As he walked into the room behind the tomb that had recently been made by Thrym Hiebe saw something he could not believe at first. It was Thrym, thought to have abandoned the family, kneeling before the altar. Thrym did not react to Hiebe's presence or his attempts to get up. He was as one in a coma.

    After getting over the shock Hiebe took a moment to truly observe the situation and, from his many years as an Ascended, realized that, while his body remained here, that his mind, his soul, were not. Thrym, he deduced, had been in such a close state of prayer and meditation with God that he was drawn up to Him. To prevent Thrym's body from dying away Hiebe called upon those in the family with magics, Algrim, Kilgrim, Hogarth, and Phelrin.

    When all had gathered together Hiebe had them grant channel their energies. Algrim and Kilgrim began to chant while Hogarth and Phelrin prayed. Hiebe ,standing by the body of Thrym, placed a large amulet before him. Then Hiebe began to chant. As the powerful magic the 5 together were weaving was worked it seemed as if the lights in the tomb dimmed and a soft light shone from the amulet on the floor on to Thrym, growing brighter yet only illuminating Thrym. The chanting died away and the light of the torches returned but, Thrym was not there. Hiebe picked up the amulet from the floor and the 5 of them walked out from the tomb.

    If one peers intently into that amulet they will see what seems to be the body of a praying dwarf within for inside is Thrym's body. Hiebe has said that if Thrym's mind returns to his body it will instantly be released. For now, the Ironguts keep the amulet in case one day Thrym returns to them.

    Thrym's Will

    A few days after the ritual Hogarth and Phelrin were in Thrym's room, cleaning it out, and they stumbled upon his Will. What follows is the exact words of the Will:

    This Document I Did Write for the Unfortunate Event of My Death

    -I give those things contained in the Unlocked chests in my room to the Irongut family.

    -My room and the things contained in the locked chest go to Hogarth, my son.

    Contained with the Will was a note for Hogarth and a note for the family.

    Note to the Family:

    My family, you are the greatest group of dwarves I have ever known. Work as a family and be Great in Urguan as we, the mighty Irongut family, are indeed the greatest family of all the Dwarven clans. Do me a favour and have a drink for me upon reading this. Paragons bless your efforts and God give you strength. Farewell

    Note to Hogarth:

    Hogarth, while you may not be of my blood I can say with pride that you are my son. You are the greatest gift a man could be given. Know I am proud of you son, as is Thordon. Keep the faith Hogarth, the Patrons will not leave you no matter how bleak it seems. I love you son, Goodbye.

    ((I've had a great time RPing as an Irongut and hope to get to RP with all of you again as my new character))

    Hogarth walks into his new room, and inspects the surroundings. He looked upon a desk and finds the note that Thyrm had wrote for him. Under it was another note, it reads. " Hogarth, I found this while inspecting this room, I think you may want to read it." Hogarth takes the note and reads it, tears come to his eyes. He takes the amulet and peers at the gem inside of it.

    " If only I could of spoken to you one more time... Or if you can hear me, wherever he is, I hope he can hear me. If you can, Thyrm, if you can hear me, I want you to know I am thankful for what you've done, you've helped me on my path in life which I know it will have it's bumps, but I think that as long as I know, your out there somewhere, I will be fine."

    Later Hogarth approaches Hiebe. " Clan master, I wish to keep the amulet Thyrm is in with me, I promise you I will guard it with my life. "

  13. *the application is scrawled in messy handwriting and has some very bad spelling mistakes

    Yer name: Harrina

    (minecraft name): mingsly

    Age: 05

    Race: Dwarf

    Profession: Child I think I'm not sure what that means

    Highest skill level/what skill: I like singing

    Relation to the family, (story):

    Hiebe is my father.

    (( Hiebe! How could you! In a more serious tone, I think this could be some interesting rp if played well.))

    *Hogarth stares at the child for a while before answering to his clan master Hiebe.*

    If this is yer child Hiebe... Don't see any reason why we should leave em out in the cold. I'm just suprised I'm not the youngest in the family.

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