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Posts posted by PtahWithin

  1. Shapes writhed, and the world died.


    Ptah Remneal began again, building the universe part by part. A castle there, a cavern here, and canyons. The grey-haired scholar liked canyons. They were like the maws of the earth, chomping at the sky greedily. Nodding, Ptah painted the sky a vivid yellow, adorning the peak of his reality with a great silver chandilier to take the place of the sun.


    The scholar, confined to his mind as his body lay in a coma, had been experimenting with a variant of illusionism, a perception magic that allowed one to alter what oneself hears, sees and feels. It was the only way he could cope with being in such an inert state. But it was more than a way to pass the time: Ptah was on the verge of something powerful.


    Ptah spoke the ambiguous language of dreams, and the world fluttered apart again. He imagined himself sitting cross-legged in formless darkness which was not black, but the kind of darkness one sees when you press a finger on one's own closed eyes. In static silence, he concentrated.


    Ptah had reasoned that perhaps the magic could be pushed to a different use. The idea was to use the structure of the magic to force his mind to give him an idea, based on a set of inputs. Ptah chose those inputs to be all his memories of his life, and see what revelation would emerge from that. He did not hope for some grand philosophical inspiration, but wanted to see what the limits of the magic were.


    So he did so, recalling every image he had ever seen. His childhood in Aegis, his service, his wandering, his leadership and up until his coma. Brimming with the colors and forms of uncountable spaces and times, he breathed it out into the nonblack darkness as a colored mist. Bringing his hands up to circle the cloud, he focused into it...


    The first thing he perceived was the smell of salty air. An ocean formed before him, his feet felt masonry. Ptah was on a long wall that wrapped around a coast. The night sky churned overhead, the stars whispering their lights meekly. A lighthouse connected to the wall nearby, but it was not the only light.


    Across the water to the left was a grand city, glorious... and burning. The fire reared towards the night sky, obscuring the stars in the dark spit of ash and smoke. It was horrifying, and Ptah could not explain why. He stood there, transfixed for what must have been hours. Ptah narrowed his eyes, looking to see what remained of the city as the smoke began to clear.


    The city was untouched. Its houses stood resolute as the fire licked uselessly at it, its banners raised high.




    Ptah turned to the great ocean in front of him, away from the city. A fleet of ships, made out of ash, was heading towards him from the distance. Red lines appeared on their hulls, and its grey crew had their eyes turn to embers.


    Then, the fleet erupted into orange flame. The fire consumed the ashes, leaving behind wooden hulls, rope, sails, and crew of flesh and blood. The fleet, unburning, continued towards the shore, towards Ptah. Even at such a distance, Ptah looked at the color and make of the sails, and he gasped, sauntering a foot upon the rampants to peer closer, to be certain that he was not wrong.


    His King was coming.



  2. The purpose is stated, to monitor the deaths on the server.


    What the outcome of those that abuse the VA system is in the hands of the VAT and Moderators.


    There will be many unreported/under-reported cases I'd expect, but we'll have snapshots which is better data than we have now.


    OOC Lying has always been against server rules, I would expect this to be no different here.


    It would be interesting to see it made a Requirement for a while, but I don't have such power nor do I think it would be wise to do so before a test run has been undertaken to see how the community feels about it.


    How does this system serve to reveal abuse in the VA system any more than does the system we currently have: VA strikes and ban reports?


    Those who have a vested interest in reporting a kill or death would do so quickly, some people don't ever use the forums, some people such as myself may think its a bad idea and choose not to report kills and deaths, etc. If you only expect to receive a snapshot of the whole data, how will you prove that your sample is statistically normalized? IE, that your snapshot reflects the properties and trends of the whole data set. The answer is that you cannot. Nothing useful can be statistically concluded from a sample which is not properly standardized (This is also one reason why I consider the community surveys to be flawed representations of the community's behavior).


    OOC lying is against the rules yes, but you have to be able to prove that it has occured. That means taking screenshots of every kill and death you experience. Otherwise, people can claim that you did not in fact kill them or that they did not in fact kill you as long as no concrete proof exists for either case. Unless if screenshots are required, you will further degrade your sample with falsified kills and deaths. Some people would have a vested interest in claiming another player kills a lot of players, namely in the hopes that, as you say, their fate shall be "in the hands of the VAT and Moderators." On the flipside, some would have an interest in claiming false kills for themselves, to boast a long list of kills as some form of accomplishment.


    If anything, such a system would promote people to kill even more. Once you have created a verified kill-list, even if it includes screenshots, there would likely be a neverending competition amongst players to have the longest list of kills.


    I do agree, it would be interesting to see it made required for a while. Namely because I find the pretty colors of the forums on fire very enchanting.

  3. Why doesn't someone who is often online, and in popular violent areas start a thread for monitoring violence, I have seen many villains come forth claiming they are doing it the right way, and avoiding excessive combat and trollyness. "I believe most of you", We don't want to ban all villains that much is clear, but want to root out the trouble makers.


    Start a thread, which is simply. "State who killed you, where, what time, and any details you want to give. With the final question being, "Was this RP entertaining and worthy of your time?


    Perhaps if done well enough we can add it as a rule for Murders, "Not all VA actions" As Murder in any form should be a last resort, and No one should be allowed to walk around killing without second thought.


    I know some will complain it is a chore, but these actions directly effect "possibly negatively" the server. Which is why restrictions were placed on them in the first place.


    In the end we'll be able to see who is creating mass murder, and who is defending them self/occasional killings.


    For what purpose? Will we punish those who kill lots of people?


    And what about underreporting of killings? Will you make it required to fill out a form after you kill someone or face consequences?


    And what about simple lying and falsification of killings? Will that require all of us to take the time to make screenshots as well?

  4. Ptah, if he were not comatise, would laugh after hearing the reactions of other mages to this. They belittle those who leave flyers seeking magic, and now also declare that those who leave signs saying they are willing to teach are stupid or abusing the art.

  5. Edgies thrive in an skill-unrestrictive RP-default system, where they can do all kinds of backflips and knife-throws and ninjitsu until they have exhausted the opponents capacity to tolerate such bullshit and hence give in.


    Mages thrive in a skill-restrictive RP-default system, where they can use all kinds of magic spells that were intentionally designed to be overpowered, leaving the defeated opponent the notion that the only way to win anything is to learn magic.


    "PVP-hungry" people thrive in an skill-unrestrictive PVP-default system, where they can consistently defeat those weaker than them with near-unlimited access to resources they can get themselves, wearing down their targets' willingness and eagerness to play on the server as their targets are stompted time and time again, simply because their targets chose perhaps to limit themselves while their attackers did not.


    Who will thrive in a skill-restrictive PVP default system? Edgies could be dealt with quickly instead of hours of prolonged bullshit and chosen-one acrobatics. Magic would not be a means of making yourself more powerful than others (or allowing you to defend yourself from other mages), but a means of adding just that extra spice of unique roleplay through magical studies and everyday use. The so-called "PVP-hungry" players would, just like all others, have to trade with blacksmiths, carpenters, miners, farmers and so on if they wanted to attack someone.


    The answer is everyone.

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