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Posts posted by PtahWithin

  1. 01bi59G.png


    Asthil bites his lip, listening to Kalameet. Then he speaks.


    "Let us not reduce ourselves to fear-mongering of Orenian Aggression. Do recall that in recent weeks, Oren declared to assist Haelun'or against the Uruk foe. You endanger yourself when you reduce the Valah Nation to expansionists and warmongers. All... unfortunate... interaction that Malinor had with Oren in the past was always avoidable. Malinor's depravity and incompetence extended also into the diplomatic world, and her citizens paid dearly for it. The White Rose was merely the instrument through which the debauchery of Malinor was at last put to rest."

  2. 01bi59G.png


    "I feel as though each kind of Mali must pursue its stability individually. Perhaps we may assist each other, but never depend on one another for basic societal needs. Each of the three city-states must be able to stand on its own right to exist, as is the case with Haelun'or.


    "The simple truth in the past, is that no Mali'ame or Mali'ker state has earned its own right to exist. Let us strive to change this."

  3. 01bi59G.png

    Asthil Haumel, seated and clad in bronze armor, speaks (after everyone has arrived).
    "Malinor is dead and should remain dead. A unified elven state shall extentuate the differences amongst the mali, leading to insurmountable thrur'sae, Turmoil. I advocate as others have a league of Mali city-states, independent in structure but cooperative in collaborative peace. This has already been accomplished with Mali'aheral: it is yet to be done with Mali'ame and Mali'ker, the former of which I hope to allow to occur."

  4. There is simply no use in pressing this further. The Lore Team has already shared its stance on this. I fully accept the "A Wizard Did It" trope in this case. There is no reason to explain anything here, and it is more valuable for time to be spent writing lore that people will actually get the chance to experience rather than mulling over the movements of cells and genes. Make fun lore.

  5. Some people understand better when it is explained with detail (like Jade did). The world won't explode if he thinks too hard about it. I believe he made this so people would understand how it works from a more technical way, which aids in the precision of their role-play. It's helpful, for many seem to ignore even the magic about it, they seem to not know or understand what the curse is about, and this really facilitates its asimilation.

    Plus, some people already told him the same thing in the first page. There's no point in repeating the same thing over and over. No one's going to die if he explains the biology behind it.


    Sure, the curse was magic, that is implied. However, it affects mortal beings biologically, so it is natural someone wants to explain it that way.



    Who is to say there is any biology to explain to begin with? Why do we presuppose the existence of sperm, eggs, genes even, in this fantasy world? Moreover, what exaclty does it mean for a magical curse to affect someone biologically?

  6. It's an unbreakable enchantment that isn't explained by science and we shouldn't strive to have it that way. It doesn't affect fertility in a biological/mutation-esque regard. It affects it because it's magic. If the curse would lifted the females wouldn't still have just 10 eggs or whatnot. 


    Likewise the curse/enchantment so to speak, effects both sexes equally.


    Server lore - Curse is magic, not science. Affects both equally.


    This is the stance of the Lore Team. Iblees cursed the mortals with magic, not genetic modification.

  7. Theodosius hears of the news, having seen many Wood Elves passing by him as he built his wall. He lifts his head up, sensing a clairvoyant antagonism between two spirits over different channels of communication. He puts a single finger lightly, staring up to the sky, muttering "Resolve this sh*t you are debating in the physical realm, not in the realm of forums".


    ((More in-game backing of this cute post and those who want to fight Ptah on his ideas, do it in-game as well))



    ((Not to sound harsh, but only practical here: But as far as I'm concerned this forum post means nothing until people actually back it up by playing these characters IG, like Gaius said.

    I have a different stance towards how wood elves should go but I'm keeping my opinions broad and open and interested to see how this turns out, so good luck.))


    ((You are both correct. This thread means nothing so long as it does not have IG backing. However, I posted this thread in order to garner interest in the concept before fully launching it. This is the same as with any group that has been formed on the server. Given your own experience in making a forum thread which existed entirely in the dreams of characters who desired to participate, Gaius, I would have hoped you would recognize that the forum is a good medium to use to get something off the ground.


    But, I shall stop debating. I will only respond to clarify certain parts of the culture or consider additions.))

  8. (( Why would they be advised to join the druids if aengudaemon worship is suspect? ))

    ((Because I am referring to wood elves that reject this culture and so would also reject that aengudaemonic worship is suspect. Also, isn't it not known ICly that the Aspects are Aengudaemons?))

  9. (( Framing immortality as a curse makes sense and is even something I would agree with and would even address in RP if my character were several centuries later. I disagree with how this seems like you're trying to militarize the wood elves. Elves are in general supposed to be less military oriented because of their long lifespans. Next, which is the big one, I think, is that you're taking what is the most nature loving subrace and trying to removing their reverence for nature essentially entirely. I don't get why you feel this needs to be done. What's wrong with wood elves having a strong affinity to nature given that their women tend to go off and become dryads? Dryads are a biological fact for Wood Elves. Only wood elven women feel the pull to become dryads, and all wood elven women feel the pull at one point in their life. This fact should predispose Wood Elves to being closer to nature in general.

    The distrust of aengudaemon worship I just happen to find annoying as a druid, because wood elves make up a good sized percentage of the order, and you're basically shutting off possible interest from the wood elves in this society. ))


    ((No one is compelled to follow this culture. I am not trying to militarize the wood elves, I am trying to make it allowable for them to have a military. And that is a good point: I shall include a paragraph concerning Dryads. Those who desire to have nature-oriented characters, as many wood elves do, would be advised to join or associate themselves with the Druidic Order. I am hardly shuffling off interest: I have gifted you a monopoly on nature roleplay.))

  10. Let me be among the first to say that this is an incredible idea, and receives my immediate and completely earnest +1. I wish you the very best, and please ask if there is anything I can do in order to further this.


    Become Bronze.


    EDIT: I thank you very much for your support. We will be officially starting this weekend, so keep an eye out.

  11. Actually, this idea seems interesting to me... Can we seriously consider this as a legitimate option?


    Lore Masters are picked for their ability to write, not for their ability to lead. I suppose nations could ask Lore Masters for assistance in establishing a Cassus Belli (indeed I have done this several times before), but we have more important duties to follow than writing up warclaims for people.

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