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Status Updates posted by Groobs03

  1. No, Status Update, What's on your mind!?!?

  2. *Makes a post about not being whitelisted even though he is infact whitelisted*

  3. Woah woah woah woah woah woah... woah... woah... Why are the compartments on the right of my screen slightly bigger than before! I didn't ask for the compartments on the right side of my screen to be SLIGHTLY BIGGER THAN BEFORE! I'm tripping out!

  4. Heh... I am more confused than Asulons economic system.

  5. Wow, I was going to say "inb4 server crash statuses" but you guys are fast.

  6. My eyes have never seen such spam!!! RUN! RUN!!

  7. If you are feeling depressed this Christmas season, this should cheer you up. http://thenicestplaceontheinter.net/ Enjoy :)

  8. Does anyone know the RP date?

  9. Well i wasn't going to write anything then I saw it was your birthday, so happy Birthday! Also can i just say that i've heard your voice on some of the videos and it is freaking awesomely low lol, happy birthday n such

  10. *rolls a 1 out of 20

  11. Didn't mean to add you, but why not :D

  12. :P :P :P :P :P :P

  13. I feel the same with SimplePancake ;) No worries, i'm about to start studying for exams so my response time wont be as fast XD

  14. AGH! Your status is killing me!

  15. Yes sir I do.

  16. I never want to leave your profile...

  17. I never want to leave your profile...

  18. I saw you stalking me, stalking you, stalking my page.

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