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Everything posted by Lym

  1. Betrayal - Server offense - Bannable (If I understood the rule right.) And I put you on the Blacklist, so shouldn't know alot ;)
  2. ((@Tylos: Why are then all the Oren Guards going through it? That can be the reason and they would have told us in OOC, I guess.)) Erm, no Raid is angry that we are using your channel. However, there's no other channel for evil persons ^_^
  3. I was at Snowy with Thedas and suddenly they said we're not welcome anymore because we don't do something for their course. Do you mean that?
  4. I just got to know we aren't friendly with the Undead anymore. I asked for the reason, was something about closing gates and letting stupid kids in. What happend?
  5. Delete me from the Initiate list, thanks.
  6. So you started digging the out the trial area? Great :) Then I can implent my ideas, which are: -Maze (with Questions, Traps, etc.) -Outside Trials (Sacrificing people, deceive them, etc.)
  7. Your post adds sooo incredible much to our Topic. Thanks!
  8. *Rolling on Floor laughing my ass off* If we are such stupid idiots, why you want then to join this guild? This is getting hilarious.. I'll start building up the Trial Area, but where? Can't dig under 60 :/
  9. Ever heard something of 'Postsecretness'? Availer and Vaq could, I guess but not Moderators.
  10. I was talking about cowsgomoand. He's obivously someone who doesn't understand the easiest rules. Btw, I read all these things. If you want I'll quote them for you. ((I can read every letter you ever posted on these forums..))
  11. So what? He broke a rule when RPing in front of me. You can't just log out because you like or dislike something. And really.. DB is guild for Thieves, Murders & Assassins. We are a Guild for Undead Supporters. We expect good to excellent Roleplay from our Members. Btw just because Ryder or Thedas say he's accepted it doesn't mean he's part of this guild. What I want to say: cowsgomoand - Blacklist. ((And in my opinion you can't be part of two evil guilds, even if they're allies. Decide what you want to do. Helping Undead or.. whatever you guys do. Since you beg on Undead Threads, then say they such if they kill a mortal and afterwards start becoming best friends again with them I really don't understand you guys.)) @Castellano: Thanks. We will give our best to please our Lords!
  12. Since Recruiting is lead by me, cowsgomoand will not be part of this Guild. IF you find me Ingame I will kill you, nuff said.
  13. I'm not quite sure about it, but I know that it is possible to do the Trials without AV Villian Application.
  14. No, we set them on a special list, if there Application gets approved, they can do the Trials and then will may be accepted into the Guild.
  15. We will soon implent our new Recruiting System. Here the recent changes. -Blacklist Ryder and I made a Blacklist. Everyone who has made anything really dumb in RP / sucks at RP / did any other stupid things will be listed. That means there is no way for you into the Guild! -Recruiting Leader Recruiting will be lead by me. We maybe invent a new rank. Aeon Guild Members will be advised and organized by me. -Trials We will set up Trials. The success chance will be ~20% They are about Strength but also Wisdom. -Join Fine If you made it trough all the Trials and you're accepted Villian, you may join the guild if you pay a (not yet decided) amount of Minas / donating Gold or Diamonds. -Undead If I see you not showing Respect to a Undead, not following their orders and not helping them, I will put these people on the Blacklist. In a meeting we will discuss punishments. Maybe even with the Undead, who knows? That are the recent changes. For more information, feel free contact me.
  16. Note: Our Robes are now forbidden in Al'Khazar! If you wear them you'll maybe chased / questioned / killed. For more information read the announcement in 'Human Roleplay'!
  17. I will send you the Blacklist via PM.
  18. -__- <--- My face when I read your post. Listen: 1. You would need tons of guards. 2. Cooblestone .__. 3. Djinne? You're not the best builder.. your bases near the unk were eyesores. I don't like the idea.. have you ever seen in real life such Walls? Well, maybe the chinese wall or the berlin wall, however, it will ruin the landscape!
  19. Ryder? We need to talk about new Applicants.. I'm currently creating a 'Black-list' for those we shouldn't accept..
  20. Downloaded the skin, please tell me I can change the Face ^^
  21. Posted! Make sure you read the 'Jobs&Offers' Part again. Simon? I like your new Avatar :)
  22. I would like to put up a Request for Ressources (as Job for members). Can I just edit your post? ^^
  23. I would like to test the Newcomers but still keep my Rank as Descended, hehe.
  24. ((Oooh.. so that's the reason, anyway, he keeps coming back to the Keep everday -_-))
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