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Everything posted by Lym

  1. @bigwilly504: Yes because he's killing innocent people without a reason and a Villian App.
  2. I just facepalmed at the last post of Banana. Guilds only take people they like!
  3. I agree with Richards. Btw your post adds so much to this topic, banana. Just read some guild topics..
  4. *Starts spamming Lightning on a innocent Chicken* Raaage! Whatever, if they attack, we will beat 'em up. I doubt they will ever get inside the City when they attack. I personally also don't like it. All they want is the plot, everyone realizes that by now.
  5. They said they want to take Crimson Vale out of our "Evil Hands". I really laughed. Every citizen is fine with Juvens and accepts him. No reason to over take a city. Their real motives: -Getting a protected plot -... none All in all there are enough 'good' guilds fighting 'the evil'. Why don't join them? Seriously, your guild is sooooooo unbeliveable not necessary.
  6. *sighs* He has the right to ask. If he's curious about it, let him. If the topic author doesn't want it anymore, he will say so.
  7. Keep an eye on CV today. As you may know, some random guys are trying to raid Crimson. Because the Inn is located there, you need to defend it. Questions? If you need to get in, contact me (Lymdil) ingame or on the forums. Thanks for the help in those hard times. Pho aka Lym
  8. No new Nations in the next couple of weeks, bro. Sorry ^^
  9. You're just the... amazing founder *cough* :3 Good Luck with the Avathari!
  10. Why should I join Avathari? I could also join a larger, more experienced guild like the Dark Brotherhood..
  11. ((Doesnt the B.H. stands for Black Hand? :D))
  12. How cute you are, haha. I could take down your house for no reason and Juvens would approve it. ((Oh so you're halt99? Well then, it's alright))
  13. ((There's no one with the Name Codrik who has gate permissions...))
  14. ((Who are you if I may ask? Whatsoever, I'll not be helping out at the moment. I have to wait for some decisions and stuff, sorry for that.))
  15. Did you try to contact deathmetus? I guess no, so you shouldn't claim the Leadership at all.
  16. Actually, that were Juvens and me, haha :mrgreen: Good luck with Recruiting!
  17. ((Application: MC User Name: Lymdil In Game Name: Lym Character Bio (as detailed as possible): Going to copy & paste it from my AV Villian Application soon. Character Flaws: Easy to control. Good Deeds: Helping building several Towns, saving people from Bandits. Evil Deeds: Worshipping Iblees, Consorting with the Undead Why do you wish to join (remember we are neutral to ascended and undead): Most likely because we have met and I now where the HQ is located. Your Specialty: Sneaking / Stealing / Connections to special people / Decent Architect Your Combat Focus (skill focus and write your style): Hybrid between Sword / Axe but also good with the Bow. Are you neutral or do you lean one side or the other? Explain why and if you can be willing to the opposite? I try to be neutral as possible to everyone. Some are appears as good business partners. What is your reasoning for joining? What is your reasoning behind you actions? I would like to join because I see much potential in this guild. Also, since I'm part of Crimson Vale I could need a neutral guild. What is your reaction? The city is being taken over. The city is full of innocent people and still you have many fighters alive, however you are losing the city and they have begun to burn parts of it to take out your defenses. The leader of the enemy force has come to say that he searches for a child, a specific, presumably innocent child, and if you are to give him the child he will spare the city. This child happens to be your brother and last remaining family member. You know he will kill your brother. Do you give up your brother to save the city or condemn it to more fighting just to save your brother? I wouldn't give up my brother, especially if he's the last member of my family. I'm loyal to my Family and only would betray if it's really need. An underwater tunnel is being constructed despite an almost certain loss of several lives [actually, all but certain]. Presumably the expected loss is a calculated cost that society is prepared to pay for having the tunnel. At a critical moment when a fitting must be lowered into place, a workman is trapped in a section of the partly laid tunnel. If it is lowered, it will surely crush the trapped workman to death. Yet, if it is not and a time consuming rescue of the workman is attempted, the tunnel will have to be abandoned and the whole project begun anew. Two workmen have already died in the project as a result of anticipated and unavoidable conditions in the building of the tunnel. What should be done? In my opinion, the tunnel should be abadoned and the workman should be saved. A Life is not equal to the money that would need to be spent on a new tunnel! A fat man leading a group of people out of a cave on a coast is stuck in the mouth of that cave. In a short time high tide will be upon them, and unless he is unstuck, they will all be drowned except the fat man, whose head is out of the cave. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, someone has with him a stick of dynamite. There seems no way to get the fat man loose without using [that] dynamite which will inevitably kill him; but if they do not use it everyone will drown. What should they do? They should use the Dynamite to save the others. A loss off 1 person is nothing against a loss of lots of others. Deathmetus? I hope you remember me, I'm Lym. Hope to see you soon again. Pho
  18. No because you have no Villian Application and can't prove yourself.
  19. Well.. not really, they ruined our relationship to the Undead. We should use a other Guild Name.
  20. ((Well, most of us are going to split up and founding a new guild. Because of Ramirez and char615 we have bad relationships to the Undead and it doesn't work fine anymore.))
  21. I got recently contacted by Balin. We talked about Black Hand and our purpose. We became to big, he said and we thought about solutions. Solution No.1 : Creating a 'Elite Troop' which is directly advised by the Undead. Solution No.2 : Decreasing our Member Ammount. Solution No.3 : Taking down Recruitment. Maybe only by invitation if the Undeads agree with you. [Yea, we have to many idiots which the Undeads hate.] Solution No.4 : Events and Wars : Working more close and direct with the Undead, if they would like to. Then, starting Wars, raiding Camps, etc. , also conquering Towns. Tell me what you think. -Pho
  22. ((Tac is Undead, yep, he's part of Tac & Co. and hates Black Hand, nuff said. I'll leave Black Hand soon, it's not fun anymore.))
  23. ((So 2:45 hours left until we group up, haha. I'll be on and I'm going to, well.. contact some connections for help... *calls Varge :3 Just kidding ^^*))
  24. Denied. Too many Ban Reports and really every GM doesn't like you ^^
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