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Everything posted by Lym

  1. ^ LOL'D Our purpose is secret, and no, you don't join to figure out >.< DID YOU ACTUALLY READ THE FIRST POST?
  2. One does not simply ask to join...
  3. Anyone of you guys remembering Derp_Emperors? I would classify him as THE example of a minion.. Well, I'm quite sure Juvens, Kane, gustaf and Liri (if she counts) can vouche for me being not one of these. But, and this is the sad thing: By turning Undead/Ascended most people lose control and become arrogant. I just hope I'm not one of these..
    1. 0000


      <-- So excited to kill you.

    2. Nero


      <--- Has already seen the map, and it will blow Lym's mind when he sees it.

  4. Roleplaying with Liri on Skype

  5. Believe me, many of us would have pleasure in fireballing it to the grounds ;]
  6. We talked about that on skype Ninja ^^ What we need are meatshields, not griefers. You are worshippers, if you do not care for the Undead, for who then? Iblees? A person you cannot even talk to?
  7. I noticed my reputation increasing in the past few days. Thanks to everyone who's using the system! :3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      Fact: When Deltaro posts something on Lym's status i get no recognition


    3. ♦ Kal ♦
    4. Lym


      Psssst Kal, he's emo ;]

  8. Susi >.< YOU are MINIONS. Undead think they are something better, read the lore. We treat you as Minions, simply because it does not work otherwise. All Black Hand does is causing problems if they have too much freedom. Have you guys ever thought about why I as only one became Undead? Because I actually followed UNDEAD ORDERS, not what some dude in B.H. said. In fact, only 3 people were set on a "B.H. members not to kill" list. Names on it: simonbane, susitsu and Lymdil. The Undead do not care about B.H.. Our own military worked better than B.H. in it's week of existance. Fact: If you guys would do what we ask you to, it would work perfectly. Don't believe that it works? Look at UAC..
  9. >.

    One does not simply turn people Undead, especially if your rank is Apostle :S

    Wrath, Dalek, Allen and I decide :S

    Final Vote have Dalek and Allen ;]

  10. Why should you become Undead? ._.

  11. No worries, I won't take her eyeballs like you >.

  12. She wants to be stolen, sooo *shrugs*

    I'm going to have some fun with her :P

    1. KarmaDelta


      <------ Roleplays on the server


    2. Lirinya


      <--- can't get onto the server

      so uses skype...like a boss

    3. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Roleplaying with myself on Sky- wait, how does that work?

  13. *Huggles*

    D: Liri going to eat your soul x3

    I'm going to kidnap a girl tonight.. a girl you stole the eyeballs...

  14. I drink z beer from z glass but das boring, das boot uuuuh yaaa das more like it keep pouring :3

    Have fun on your trip!

    ~ Lymmy

  15. It's Friday, Friday, gonna kidnap girls on Friday! :3

    1. Skippy
    2. Lym


      Meh, not Liri this time :3

    3. Lym


      *Smiles meekly at Dusk*

      Friday.. friday..gotta get down on Friday...

  16. As former B.H. member (and only one who became Undead ^^) I casted my vote. Black Hand isn't actually bad, it's just wrong organized and has a..not fitting history with the Undead. If you would just listen to me sometime, we wouldn't have these problems about Minions..
  17. *Lym woz 'ere*

  18. I drink z beer from z glass but das boring, das boot, uuuh jaaaaa das more like it keep pouring!

  19. One guild to rule them all? ^^ And if I RP it would contain a lot more text.

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