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Posts posted by bungo


    c. 15th of the Grand Harvest, 1715

    s. Jan Haas




    As decreed by His Serenity, Prince Alfred of the Golden City of Ves on behalf of the populace of the Golden City, the Second Meeting of the Third Assembly has been called to order. Within this document are those assemblymen which constitute the Third Assembly along with the proposals debated. Alongside with the debated proposals are the results of said proposals.




    Here be those who represent the populace of the Golden City of Ves between the years 1714 to 1718.


    Patrician Alfred Myre

    Patrician Nedric Arkazniv

    Patrician Matthias Rutledge

    Patrician Edward Morris

    Patrician Paul Varoche

    Patrician Sun Watanabe




    Bernadette Galvus


    Jan Haas

    Anastasia Lanova

    Chadwick Morris

    Elric Roul


    Charles Morris

    Donnie le Croix



    Here be those new assemblymen chosen to serve out the remainder of this term.


    John Mccain

    Eidr ibn-Ahsanullah Haraqqa

    Astrid Avern


    NOTE: Striked out names identify those who have lost their seats as of the Eight Assembly of the Golden City of Ves.



    Our fair assembly begun with a poem given by a halfling dubbed Flynnfer Applehand.


    The Dance of the Blind

    Our setting, two camps separated by a jade battlefield…

    Civil war danced here, gore: this plain’s only yield!

    Arid winds blew across the hills, chilling to the bone…

    As morrow came, men’s hearts turned to stone.

    Ser Mund, came staggering forth, a most honorable knight.

    Yet sun’s light did not bother, because sword had taken his sight...

    That skirmish, had also made corpses out of fellows to boot.

    His mind centered: revenge! A highborn turned brute…

    Squires armed him, clad his exterior in iron, tabard, and steel…

    By simple touch he spread scorching rage, now none could feel.

    Wild shouts! Frothing mouths! And cries of war could be heard...

    Plans tactics, and formations: all forgotten, replaced.

    From Footman to general, they all hungered to waste!

    The cavalry, our knight amongst them, lowered their lances.

    Upon its gleaming tip, they attempted to check the enemies’ advances!

    With nails, teeth, lance, and greatsword, without logic nor reason, he slew!

    Friends and allies, enemies and foes! Another kill with every hew!

    Invincibility in the darkness only he felt, singing “Leave none alive!”

    He made his way through the ranks, anger once locked away now did thrive!

    Now, the violence had stopped, all laid slain, except for the blind.

    The storm had passed, scavengers sallied forth, yet they found a knight, left behind…

    There Ser Mund still fighting in the dark, singing a song that was hollow.

    A knight, blinded by more than a sword, left to wallow.





    Proposed by the Prince Alfred Myre, this proposal seeks to affirm and ratify the treaties and oaths made by His Serenity, Prince Alfred of Ves on behalf of the Golden City of Ves. These treaties and oaths tie the Golden City of Ves to the rule of the Holy Orenian Empire, ruled by Joseph I after the former Emperor of Man, Anthony dismantled his own empire. These documents include:

    The Nenzing Proclamation

    The Treaty of the Prikaz, 1715


    This proposal passed with a count of eleven ayes, no nays and seven abstentions.




    Proposed by the Chadwick Morris of the Illustrious House of Morris, the proposal seeks to allow the the formation of a wartime militia composed of citizens and freemen in service to the Golden City. The militia is to be under the oversight of the Captain of the Watch. The militia will be based on a voluntary service with the City designating the appropriate funds for armament to the Watch to outfit the militia.


    This proposal passed with a count of ten ayes, one nay and seven abstentions.




    Proposed by the Chadwick Morris of the Illustrious House of Morris, the proposal seeks to implore the Office of the City Clerk to replace the wooden gates with iron. The House of Morris has agreed to give the city a sizable donation in regards to refitting the gatehouse.


    This proposal passed with a count of seven ayes, five nays and six abstentions.




    Proposed by the Vessian Watch Lieutenant Bernadette Galvus who is oft called the Bear, this proposal seeks to establish an order of Knights to serve alongside the Vessian Watch as an elite contingent.


    This proposal failed with a count of one aye, ten nays and seven abstentions.




    Proposed by the Prince Alfred Myre, this proposal is to have practitioners of the arcane arts to wear traditional mages garbs to distinguish them from common citizens and give them rights according to the Charter for the Golden City of Ves. These garments must correspond to the school of magic that they partake in.



    Proposed by Assemblyman Jan Haas, this amendment seeks to change the law so that practitioners of the arcane arts are not required to wear traditional garb at all times. Rather only when practicing their arts in public. If they wish to be safe then they are implored to wear their traditional robes whilst out in public.


    This proposal passed with a count of seven ayes, four nays and seven abstentions.





    Proposed by Prince Alfred (Lord) Myre, this proposal seeks to conclude the assembly.


    This proposal passed with a count of eleven ayes, zero nays and seven abstentions.



  2. Jan Haas, famed notary pens a letter to Robert, Duke of Cascadia.


    Hello Robert,


    I hope you are having a good day. I guess not too well being forced to write at swordpoint. You have sullied my mood trying to read this dribble. I will leave to you a quote from our previous Emperor’s last command.


    So I shall release all my lawful vassals, signers of the reign of Antonius from there fealty to the Empire. I shall be the last Emperor of Man, with me the title shall destroyed alongside the Empire.


    How can one break an oath if one is released from it? Please consider using proper legal terminology in your proclamations lest you look like a dotard. I can offer my services as a notary so that you should not make this same mistake in the future, though from what I gather this letter shall be vetted by the Office of the Imperial Secret Service and they will not let you see it. If you see it then I hope that you doing well in the confines of your City of Hel. I do hope they have you under house arrest and not in a cell.


    t. Jan Haas, Esq.


    c. 6th of the Sun’s Smile, 1714

    s. Jan Haas



    As decreed by His Serenity, Prince Alfred of the Golden City of Ves on behalf of the populace of the Golden City, the First Meeting of the Third Assembly has been called to order. Within this document are those assemblymen which constitute the Third Assembly along with the proposals debated. Alongside with the debated proposals are the results of said proposals.



    Here be those who represent the populace of the Golden City of Ves between the years 1714 to 1718.


    Patrician Alfred Myre

    Patrician Nedric Arkazniv

    Patrician Matthias Rutledge

    Patrician Edward Morris

    Patrician Paul Varoche

    Patrician Sun Watanabe




    Bernadette Galvus


    Jan Haas

    Anastasia Lanova

    Chadwick Morris

    Elric Roul


    Charles Morris

    Donnie le Croix




    Proposed by the Prince Alfred Myre, this proposal seeks to limit voting within City Assemblies to those present and to disallow any member who is not an assemblyman from voting in their name in absentia. This proposal also disallows any assemblyman to have more than one vote as no vote within our fair assembly has any more merit than any other.



    Proposed by Assemblyman Chadwick Morris, this amendment seeks to affirm that the status of the assemblyman of that commons is tied to the person however the assembly seat of the great patrician families is tied to each family. He presented that the seniormost family member present within the assembly should be able to represent the will of the patrician’s family and claim their seat for the duration of the assembly.



    Proposed by Assemblyman Jan Haas in response to Assemblyman Chadwick Morris’ amendment, this amendment seeks to disallow any member of a Patrician Family who hold an assembly seat which is not of the Patrician from acting as the representative of the Patrician. This amendment serves to disallow a member of a patrician family from holding more than a single vote during an assembly session.


    This proposal passed with a count of ten ayes, two nays and six abstentions.



    Proposed by the Lady Lithren, the original proposal was to instate a Law Codex written the the Magistrate Count P. F. Varoche. The assembly came to consensus that the Ten Tables of the Fifth Empire which are the basis for current Imperial Law serve the city well. A motion was then made to pass Section Seven of the drafted Codex, namely that of Lesser Justices to serve out under the Magistrate which can mete out the City’s justice in crimes up to murder.


    This proposal passed with a count of nine ayes, one nay and eight abstentions.



    Proposed by Lieutenant Bernadette Galvus of the Ves City Watch, this proposal seeks to allow members of the City Watch to obtain judicial powers. This would allow the City Watch to become judge, jury, and executioner. Lieutenant Bernadette who is often dubbed “The Bear” is quoted saying that this proposal would reduce crime.


    This proposal failed with a count of three ayes, nine nays and seven abstentions.



    Proposed by City Clerk Nedric in accordance with the City Charter of the Golden City of Ves. The budget is as follows:


    Streams of Income:

    Misc. Income:

    • 100% goes to City Coffers.


    Housing Sales:

    • 20% of property sales goes to the respective Underclerk, with the remaining 80% funneling into the City’s Coffers.



    • 30% of Taxation goes into the City Clerk’s department.

      • 8% of Taxation goes to the City Clerk

      • 22% of Taxation goes toward overall Underclerk payments.


    Total Income:

    • 80% of Housing Sales

    • 70% of Taxation

    • 100% of Misc. Transactions


    Remaining City Payment:

    • 100% of the annual City Coffers  is paid out accordingly:

      • 10% goes to the City Clerk.

      • 10% goes to the Magistrate.

      • 10% goes to the Prince.


    • 40% of the Total City Coffers are paid towards the Captain for our military fund.

    • 30% of the City Coffers are transferred over to the next term for saving.


    This proposal passed with a count of ten ayes, one nay and seven abstentions.



    Proposed by Baozhen Yenehara, this proposal seeks to sack the City Clerk of the Golden City of Ves as is the assembly’s right by order of the Charter of the Golden City of Ves. This proposal also seeks to replace him with Anastasia Lanova, an Underclerk in the Office of the City Clerk.


    This proposal failed with a count of zero ayes, nine nays and nine abstentions.



    Proposed by Prince Alfred (Lord) Myre, this proposal seeks to conclude the assembly.


    This proposal passed with a count of ten ayes, zero nays and eight abstentions.



    c. 6th of the Grand Harvest, 1714

    s. Jan Haas




    As decreed by His Serenity, Prince Alfred of the Golden City of Ves on behalf of the populace of the Golden City, the Third Meeting of the Second Assembly has been called to order. Within this document are those assemblymen which constitute the Second Assembly along with the proposals debated. Alongside with the debated proposals are the results of said proposals.




    Here be those who represent the populace of the Golden City of Ves between the years 1710 to 1714.


    Patrician Alfred Myre

    Patrician Matthias Rutledge

    Patrician Siegmund d’Montelliano Varoche

    Donnie le Croix

    Ser John-Paul Robicheau

    Junar Enrique








    Proposed by the Prince Alfred Myre, this proposal seeks to increase the number of seats in the city assembly. This proposal is an amendment to the city charter and thus requires a vote of majority of all seats on the charter, thus requiring five ayes to pass. This proposal has two sections outlined blow.



    The proposal is to remove the lottery system from the Patricians, granting each and every Patrician family a seat on the assembly for life to be filled by the Patrician.



    The proposal is to increase the number of common seats from 6 to 12. This brings a grand total of seats within the assembly to a sum of twelve plus the number of patricians. As of the 6th of the Grand Harvest, 1714 the grand total of the assembly to a sum of 18.


    This proposal passed with a count of six ayes, zero nays and three abstentions.




    Proposed by Assemblywoman Anastasia, this proposal seeks to expand the city with housing outside of the front walls. The case made was that the city has grown to the point where it can no longer expand within the safety of the walls. Thus a proposal is made for the Office of the City Clerk to zone properties outside of the walls and make them available for sale.


    This proposal passed with a count of five ayes, one nay and three abstentions.




    Proposed by Assemblyman Tak, this proposal seeks to open up a petitionary box in front of the City Hall. This petitionary box is to be used by citizens to leave proposals to be debated at the next scheduled City Assembly. The petitions placed in the box must be signed and confirmed that they are signed by a citizen. The petitions within the box if verified are required to be debated and passed, rejected, or tabled.


    This proposal passed with a count of six ayes, zero nays and three abstentions.




    Proposed by Prince Alfred (Lord) Myre, this proposal seeks to conclude the assembly.


    This proposal passed with a count of six ayes, zero nays and three abstentions.




    c. 3rd of the Snow’s Maiden, 1706


    amd. 6th of the Grand Harvest, 1714




    Lo and behold for Ves is glorious! The City of Ves was settled in the year of our Lord 1705 predominantly by former inhabitants of the City of Belvitz. The Duke of Adria, Paul II marched a host of his own people to the so called Mont Saint Catherine and announced “This is where our people shall live a thousand lives.” Embraced in the loving grip of the mountain which graced the city with its protection and riches, Ves grew prosperous. What started off as a chaotic mess of huts and hovels was quickly put to order by Count Rupert of Susa who gave order and structure to the city. He had a singular demand which was to anoint his mother, the Countess Vesna as the namesake of the city. With ore from its mines and it’s central location within the Empire, it quickly became a major trading hub of not only the Empire but the world. Peace was good, the city grew rich and fat though this was not to last.


    A faction of the city, mainly composed of former officials from the City of Belvitz grew malcontent that the Duke Paul favored new blood instead of the old. These officials, including Darius Ault, Artumee Ault, and Bruce Roger acted against the Duke though their plot failed and those who supported them either perished or fled. “Out with the old, in with the new! Innovation is key.” was what the Duke announced to his people after the coup. No truer words have embodied the beating heart of Ves, for the city rewards those who work and punishes those who lounge. The city’s bureaucracy grew, filled with fresh faces and keen minds, the city was granted it’s autonomy and it was given its own charter. When Emperor Anthony took the throne, Darius Ault was pardoned and appointed as the Grand Knight of the Empire and commander of his Dragon Knights. The Emperor and the Duke did not get along, rumors have it that the Emperor threw the Duke into a well when they were children, other rumors have it that the Duke was planning to claim the throne as he was revealed to be the Emperor’s half brother. The truth is that misery befell onto the City of Ves. The Dragon Knights came in force, enacting the Emperor’s will and terrorizing the citizens. Martial law was enacted in the City of Ves.


    Duke Paul, fearing for his life and the life of his Duchy abdicated his titles. The Duma of Adria elected the King of Hanseti and Ruska, Marius II as their Duke. Hoping for protection it was the Duchy’s undoing. The King Marius asked for justice for an Imperial Prince shedding the blood and leading a raid against the city. The Haenseni and Adrian populace that attended the trial were executed in a brutal spectacle of imperial justice. In a bid to save his own Kingdom, Marius allowed the Empire to set the City of Ves alight and plunder it. Ves smoldered and its inhabitants were scattered to the wind as ash. Though this was not to last. For the late Seneschal, Alfred Myre came to an agreement with Emperor Anthony and was named Prince of Vilachia with the City of Ves and the former lands of Adria as his domain. Under his watch the City stopped smouldering and was rebuilt. Whether under Adria or Vilachia, the City of Ves endures and will do so for a thousand lifetimes.




    The City of Ves is a domain which is legally free from feudal rule. While feudal lords such as the Dukes of Adria or the Princes of Vilachia have claimed suzerainty over the city and proclaimed it as the Capital of their states, its administrative capabilities have been left to its citizenry. The city is defined as a free city within Imperial Law and is thus defined as a city which is not bounded by aristocratic or feudal law, its populace not held in contract or tenure to the Imperial State or other lord, and has the power to elect by citizenry vote its executive and formal leader in the form of a mayor or other allocated title.[1] The City of Ves thus does claim its autonomy for perpetuity.


    [1] Prince Henry Joseph Horen, PANDECTARVM JOHANNES FREDERICVS IMPERATOR; Office of the High Magistrate of the Holy Orenian Empire, 1565.




    The City of Ves is granted privileges under the Gradic Rights which outline their autonomy and freedom from serfdom. The Gradic Rights were given to the Imperial City of Felsen during the reign of John II, Holy Orenian Emperor which allowed for greater autonomy to the city through a series of municipal rights. These rights came from a series of laws which gave privileges to the burghers, exemption from serfdom, and the ability for self-governance and self-defense.


    The Gradic Rights, c.1557

    Hitherto the populace of this town shall be referred to as any legal landholder within municipal authority.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have the right to waive feudal privilege and govern itself.

    Hence the town has the right to choose a leader from amongst its own.

    Hence the town has the right to produce and publish laws and rights regarding itself.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have an exemption from serfdom.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have the right to freedom of travel.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have the right to collect tax, tolls, and impose fees.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have the right to freedom of trade.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have the right to a trial by judge.

    Hitherto does the populace of this town have the right to petition it’s lord.





    The City Assembly of Ves acts as the collective representation for the citizenry of Ves. There are twelve seats within the assembly filled by citizens of the city. The seats are chosen by lottery headed by the Magistrate’s office once every four years. In addition, Patricians hold representation within the Assembly in perpetuity. The assembly functions as the legislative body of the city and is charged with the creation and amendment of law and judicial statutes.


    This edict delegates to the City Assembly the following competencies of the Municipal Government of the City of Ves;

    I. The City Assembly of Ves has been tasked with the creation of new laws, city ordinances, and statutes which  must be passed with a vote of majority.

    II. The City Assembly of Ves has been tasked with the amendment of  laws, city ordinances, and statutes which must be passed with a vote of majority.

    III. The City Assembly of Ves is hereby granted charge over the City Charter of Ves.

    IV. The City Assembly of Ves is granted authority to amend the City Charter of Ves with a vote of  two-thirds majority.

    V. The City Assembly of Ves has been tasked with approving the budget of the Municipal Government with a vote of majority.

    VI. The City Assembly of Ves has been tasked to ratify any treaties or declarations signed by the Prince with a vote of majority.

    VII. The City Assembly of Ves is granted the authority of sack any member of the municipal government with a vote of two-thirds majority.

    VIII. The City Assembly of Ves is hereby ordered to meet once every two years in a meeting in which the Prince of Ves shall act as the head.





    His Serenity, the Prince of the City of Ves serves as the head of the state. The Prince is a Patrician which is elected by the City Assembly for life with a vote of strict majority.


    This edict delegates to the Prince of Ves the following competencies of the Municipal Government of the City of Ves;

    I. The Prince has been bestowed the responsibility to head the municipal government and delegate to relevant individuals by assigning them to a post within the government and sacking any unfit individuals from their post.

    II. The Prince has been given the authority to veto any law, ordinance, statute, or amendment which has been passed by the City Assembly of Ves provided that said legislation does not have a two-thirds majority.

    III. The Prince is hereby the granted authority to banish any lowborn from the City of Ves.

    IV. The Prince is hereby granted authority to evict any convicted villain from the City of Ves.

    V. The Prince has been given the power to sign treaties with neighboring powers on behalf of the populace of Ves. These treaties are made valid upon ratification by the City Assembly.

    VI. The Prince has been instructed to uphold the will of the people and the City of Charter of Ves and serve as the City’s Captain and Defender of Liberty.

    VII. The Prince, in his Capacity as Captain and Defender of Liberty is hereby granted the power to act as the chief commander of Ves and its subjects in the case of war.

    VIII. The Prince has been instructed to distribute alms to whomever is necessary in the City of Ves.





    The City Clerk of the City of Ves is appointed by the City Assembly and serves indefinitely until sacked.


    This edict delegates to the City Clerk of Ves the following competencies of the Municipal Government of the City of Ves;

    I. The City Clerk has been instructed to keep record and overlook progress of construction and taxation within the City of Ves.

    II. The City Clerk has been tasked with the maintenance and safekeeping of the municipal ledger.

    III. The City Clerk has been instructed to take note of the containments of the City of Ves’ storage.

    IV. The City Clerk has been instructed to appraise houses and set house prices and tax prices accordingly.

    V. The City Clerk has been instructed to pay, supply the goods to, and manage building, construction, and the builders themselves in the City of Ves

    VI. The City Clerk has been instructed to pay wages, pay for supplies, and pay for the arms of the City Watch from municipal coffers.

    VII. The City Clerk is hereby charged with fostering economic growth and the maintenance of the trade grounds within the City of Ves.

    VIII. The City Clerk has been given the power to order construction and demolition within the City of Ves.

    IX. The City Clerk is hereby tasked with creating a competent bureaucracy capable of servicing the City of Ves.




    The Magistrate of the City of Ves is elected by popular vote to serve out a term of eight years.


    This edict delegates to the Magistrate of the City of Ves the following competencies of the Municipal Government of the City of Ves;

    I. The Magistrate has been instructed to take the Prince’s place in court for cases brought to court by common citizens within the City of Ves.

    II. The Magistrate is hereby charged with ensuring any citizen of the City of Ves stands trial before sentencing.

    III. The Magistrate has been instructed with the enforcement of municipal and imperial law, in the cases of noble, common, and natural law.

    IV. The Magistrate has been granted the power to mete out justice with respect to the municipal and imperial law, in the cases of noble, common, and natural law.

    V The Magistrate has been tasked with review of the legality of municipal laws, ordinances, and statutes passed by the City Assembly.

    VI. The Magistrate has granted the authority to detain subjects for their own safety and the safety of others pending a trial or administering of justice.

    VII. The elected Magistrate must be certified as a lawyer from any of the great Imperial Institutes of Law.





    The Captain of the Ves Watch is elected internally by the Lieutenants of the City Watch and is approved by the City Assembly for a term of four years.


    This edict delegates to the Captain of the Ves Watch the following competencies of the Municipal Government of the City of Ves;

    I. The Captain has been tasked with the maintenance and operation of the Ves Watch and it’s entities.

    II. The Captain has been instructed to recruit and drill citizens to the watch, in a bid to create a formidable force being able to protect the City of Ves from brigands, vagrants, and villains.

    III. The Captain has been tasked with the mustering of munitions, arms, and armor for the capacity of the watch.

    IV. The Captain has been tasked with setting wages, paying them out, and awarding bonuses to individuals.

    V. The Captain is hereby charged with assembling funds to be used in mustering munitions and payment of wages.

    VI. The Captain is hereby charged with garrisoning fortifications, patrolling highways, and protecting smallfolk within municipal boundaries.

    VII. The Captain is given the authority to levy citizens and command them when the need arises.






    The Charter for the City of Ves hereby defines the legal standings pertaining to the wide variety of social strata within municipal law. Those not explicitly mentioned retain fundamental rights as dictated by common law though are not afforded the various privileges outlined below.



    The Patricians of the City are the heads of influential families or influential individuals which are given certain privileges befitting of their station. These privileges also extend to the Patrician’s immediate family. The Prince of Ves has the right to elevate a personage to Patrician status with the approval of the City Assembly.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to don a Coat of Arms.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to hold land in his name in which it will stay for the coming generations.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to be trialed by his peers.

      • May no one lay judgement onto a patrician unless of the same rank and privilege.

      • May no one claim the life of a patrician  unless of the same rank and privilege.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to duel.

      • May no man of lower rank challenge another of noble stock.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to settle his trial by combat.

      • May the opponent of the trial be of the same rank and privilege as the accused, lest the accused waive his right.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to hunt within the city’s forests and properties.

      • May no one hunt the Prince’s game unlawfully, lest they be denoted a poacher.

      • May these hunts occur not too frequently and with moderation, to allow the forest to thrive.

    • Any man of patrician stock has the right to carry out Private Law against another man.

      • May neither the state nor the church intervene in a matter of Private Law.

      • May the matter of Private Law stay between two individuals, and not their families lest it become public

    • Any man of patrician stock is afforded the Gradic rights.



    The Clergy of the City are defined as the individuals who have devoted their life to an institution of faith and learning. The Clergy are granted the following privileges.

    • Any man of clerical stock has the right to be trialed.

      • May no one lay judgement onto a cleric unless of the same or higher rank and privilege.

      • May no one trial a cleric on the precepts of faith other than the cleric’s home institution.

    • Any man of clerical stock is granted permission to express their faith and minister freely.

    • Any man of clerical stock is allowed to take donations without the stigma of being a beggar.

    • Any man of clerical stock has the freedom to travel without harm throughout the lands in which this charter is enforced.

    • Any man of clerical stock  who belongs to an institution of faith and learning located within the City of Ves is afforded the Gradic rights.



    Those of common blood that are not bound to any feudal or private contract and own property within the City of Ves are hereby defined as freemen and are granted the following privileges.

    • Any man of common stock is exempt from serfdom.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to own property in their own name.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to work for coin.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to trade his wares with foreign merchants.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to travel freely throughout the lands in which this charter is enforced.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to petition for one of the twelve seats within the City Assembly, decided by lottery.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to a trial for any crimes levied against his person.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to carry out Private Law against another man.

      • May neither the state nor the church intervene in a matter of Private Law.

      • May the matter of Private Law stay between two individuals, and not their families lest it become public.

    • Any man of common stock has the right to petition his lord.

    • Any man of common stock is afforded the Gradic rights.





    By order of the Charter for the Golden City of Ves, all amendments are required to pass through the City Assembly with a vote of two-thirds supreme majority.


    The amendments are presented to the populace at the bottom of the City Charter of the Golden City of Ves in the form of the year passed and their contents. God save the Golden City of Ves.


    I. 14th of the Deep Cold, 1711: The Original Charter based on the ancient law of the City of Belvitz was rewritten in association with the Vessian ideals of republicanism after the Burning of Ves.

    II. 6th of the Grand Harvest, 1714: The number of seats within the City Assembly was increased to twelve in total for the common seats. In addition, Patricians were granted seats within the assembly in perpetuity.





    8 hours ago, Sultan said:

    Nothing but lies and slander, Franz deserved nothing better than to burn in hell in all eternity, he was a false king, an excommunicated man. 


    Franz was known under another name, perhaps Simon or Basil would like to enlighten the people of what name he went under. And what he did under that name, perhaps then people would know the real reason on why he was removed. Furthermore, the Chivay Empire died after they removed their main supporters the Church of the True Faith to what might one ask? To treason lead by this so-called Cannonist church, the venom stemmed from within. 


    Most of your points are also falsehood, for example, the one about the college of Bishops unseating High Pontiffs this was, in fact, a law of the first Church, only your feeble dead cousin Franz when he was called “High whatever he was called” revoked that right. And by rights, it was returned when he was thrown out of the chair of the Papacy because of his utterly heretical laws he put in place.. For example, the one that says his SONS after him inherit the papacy. If that is not a reason for killing Franz, I do not know what is. Franz was a heretic and he was removed from the bosom of the people of God.


    Moreover the original church and traditions never stated that the High Pontiff is infallible this is a fabrication of your current Church. Furthermore infallibility of a High Pontiff is a joke to anyone and everyone a Church preaching that is a laughing stock based on history itself! The Curia or the College of Bishops were infact were the check and balance of the High Pontiffs. 

    Moreover you mock the Church's belief in the Horenic Bloodline being blissed by God by choosing them and favoring them over all others. Was it not you Sigmundians who claimed that Prophet Sigismund to be the Eternal and Everlasting Divine Emperor, after his death only to have that scroll torn apart a few days later because everyone in the Empire laughed in your faces. 


    This reformist church you so call Cannonist is nothing but a shadow of the glory of God that was the Church of the True Faith. A mere sham, a weak, incompetent little cesspool of idiots and beggars. The scrolls you hold are false fabrications nothing more. 


    We do not even need to argue, as everyone can see how much and how big of a failure the false Church has become. 


    Gods reckoning, the end of days.. is upon us soon you shall see the Truth when Gods light shines. 




      John II Of Darfey



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    To the Lords Secular and Spiritual, the Burghers, Gentry, Grey Caps, and Cottage Lords of Adria, as well as all the Fair Citizens of the Imperium of Man, and Peoples Alien to Her, Greetings in the Lord,


    It is with His Grace the Duke Ratibor of Adria’s great pleasure to announce forthcoming that a DUCAL DUMA is to be held in the month of THE GRAND HARVEST, 1695 (Friday, 12/21, 5 PM EST, 7), in the city of BELVITZ, capital of Adria.


    The DUCAL DUMA is a time-honored tradition of the Karovic lords, allowing the different interests of Adria to be represented. The DUCAL DUMA has few procedures, and usually ends with death or defenestration. Representatives may put forth any motion, no matter how minor or major, to be voted upon by all representatives of the Duma. A simple majority decides the acceptance or rejection of motions.


    The Representatives of the Duma, as defined and ratified in the Franciscan Articles, shall consist of the following Estates of Adria:


    The Duke of Adria holds the power to veto or table motions, but holds no votes.


    • From the Duchy, the Chancellor holds two votes.

    • From the nobility, Counts hold three votes.

    • From the nobility, Barons hold two votes.

    • From the cottage nobility, the Cottage Lord of the Tavern holds one vote.

    • From the cottage nobility, each Basarab holds one vote.

    • From the cottage nobility, the Sarkozics hold one vote.

    • From the cottage nobility, the Valics hold one vote.

    • From the cottage nobility, the Vladovs hold one vote.

    • From the cottage nobility, the Bracchi hold one vote.

    • From the cottage nobility, the Locklears hold one vote.

    • From the burghers, the four Aldermen each hold one vote..

    • From the burghers, the Maer of Belvitz holds one vote.

    • From the gentry, the Parliamentary Prefect of Belvitz holds one vote.

    • From the gentry, the Marshal of Adria holds one vote.

    • From the gentry, the Commandant of Belvitz holds one vote.

    • From the clergy, the bishop holds two votes.


    The unlanded Peoples of Adria, as well as all Estates of the Imperium of Man, and Peoples Alien to Her, are also magnanimously invited by His Grace the Duke Ratibor of Adria to partake in the grand festivities which shall accompany the occasion of the DUCAL DUMA, which shall coincide, in the month of THE GRAND HARVEST, 1695 (FRIDAY, 12/21, 5 PM EST), in the city of BELVITZ, capital city of Adria.


    Attached is a map towards BELVITZ.


    Proclaimed with the Illustrious Approval of His Grace the Duke Ratibor of Adria, Shield of Mt. Augustus

    18th of Snow’s Maiden, 1692



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