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Posts posted by TheImpulseHQ

  1. Success!

    The Great and Noble Warlord Mogroka told me that i would have to fight in the arena against three of his Orcs. I accepted, and after the first fight i was beaten, and ended up looking like this


    But, i have heard that the Warlord Decreed that no orc outside of Krugmar may eat a Halfling, nor drag them to Krugmar, which is more than i hoped! So, us halflings must try and stay away from Krugmar unless we befriend orcs, or like being eaten. No more raids, and no more dragging! Rejoice!

    As a Thank you to the Orcs, i will be donating some of my vault to them, They shall have to come to Galahr though, for i am severely injured, and incapable of walking huge distances and fending off creatures.

  2. How is that so when Knight Of Oren is Organizing it hur hur

    and it starts in alkhazar

    I work for Oren, yes, But during this march i will act independently, for the Halfling's, not Oren. It is starting in al'khazar simply because a lot of people know where that is, and it has sufficient grounds for a large party to meet.

  3. Oren isn't organising it, I am, Oren has had nothing to do with it at all, i simply state it will start in al'khazar because many people know where it is. It is also a peaceful protest, and self-defence will be allowed, but not agression.

    May i also remind the Warlord of the numerous times the orcs broke parts of the treaty? when they dragged Oren Military Officials out of Oren land into Krugmar land, then butchered them?

  4. I made a detailed-ish account on some Orc Lore on the wiki, though i dont think i can add much to it, Krug probably would have started inventing the language, or something, thats for you guys to decide

    As for how Tythus came to power, im still re-writing the Clan Wars, to make it better than my last attempt.

  5. Attack us all you like, we shall stay as peaceful as we can, for we want Peace, not bloodshed. How would the Orcs like it if we started eating them?

    Maybe an agreement can come between the Halfling and Orc Race as wholes. Us halflings dont get eaten, in return we don't annoy the Orcs. But that doesn't mean we cannot kill them if they attack us, that means we won't be agressive towards them, which we already arent.

  6. Yes, Halflings tend to poke Orcs with pitchforks while the orcs slaughter them and try and eat their families.

    Does trying to get through Whisper Isles count as Trespassing? Otherwise, no, Halflings hardly ever trespass unless they are thieves, in which case, they are not protected by this march.

    As for the Ale, maybe it is better, who knows, we need an ale competition first.

    My Butler chooses to work for me, he can go at any time, he is more of a family member than worker. We give him a home, money, food, fun and he works for us when we need it. He is not a slave, although you orcs enslave many of us halflings just to eat.

  7. ((Yes, today is sunday, thats why it is next saturday?.))

    We started to try and talk to the orcs today, what happened was a massacre, we were attacked after I tried to show them how to make Pipeweed and convince them that Halflings were friends, not food.

    I call for the Wandering Wizard to set them straight, for they act like undead, eating others in acts of Cannibalism, for if you believe in the wizards account, we are all related. I only wish peace with them, yet they show how low their honour is by attacking defenceless Halflings.

  8. The Orcs, savage creatures who call themselves honourable fighters of Iblees, are actually not as Honourable as they would say. They rip apart the Halfling subrace, for mere food, and call us evil because of our love of Peaceful ways. Well I say no more! We are a proud race, and we must show the orcs who they are messing with. I call the First Halfling Green March, we shall march into Krugmar, peacefully, but we shall be rough if those Orcs wish. The Time for Halfling has come!


    The Green March will be a peaceful March into Krugmar, in support of getting the Orcs to outlaw eating Halflings and to stop them thinking they are evil. All Races are welcome to attend, even orcs who feel it is a Barbaric practice.

    As I said, all are welcome to join, we are in need of Guards just in case the Orcs attack, Bards, farmers, cooks, Everyone to march, and keep this march going until the orcs give up. The First march will be this Saturday (RL) at 6PM.

    Help us, and pictures like these could stop forever


    OOC Information:


    6.00 PM GMT

    3:21:50 PM EST

    3:22:56 PM EET

    3:23:28 PM CET

    3:24:08 PM UCT

    Erm, those were the ones i thought most people might be in... If not, just use the converter to convert 6.00 GMT to your timezone

    Do not rage if you are eaten or killed while going on the green march, or post like 50 Ban reports, the orcs have a right to kill us if we go marching in their land, although i think it will be fun :P.

    Remember to enjoy, and cook thoroughly

  9. Other Stalls

    RP Name: Karl Ironhill

    MC Name: TheImpulseHQ

    Race: Dwarf

    Qualifications: Ironsmith (Blacksmith specialising in Iron smithing)

    Other Info: I have lots of Iron, and wish to sell it! I also own a store in Kal'urguan. Not to mention i have some great prices for Iron Ingots, I supply the dwarven army with quite a lot. Did you know Hoe's can be made out of Iron?

  10. I have to say, I dont normally give my support on GM apps, I think this is the first one actually. I have been working with Mogroka for some time now to ensure the orc nation of Krugmar gets back onto its Feet and Mogroka has been tirelessly working and slaving to make this happen. He has put the right people in charge and whenever i go into krugmar i always see a group of orcs raiding or Hunting.

    I wont do the +1 thing, but i do give my support to him becoming a GM. He is hard working, very active and a Nice helpful Person.

  11. This is really coming along, Very professionally Made. As i mostly work on Orc Lore, i will try and help you complete the orc Part as much as possible.

    Some Ancestor's include:

    Ancestor Bein'lur - High Dominus and Father of the Lur Clan, Killed by a Dark Scadderfang (Giant scorpion) in the North

    Ancestor Arak'lur - Older Brother of Bein'lur, Killed in the clan wars

    Ancestor Marak - Famous Orc Warrior, renowned for Strength, Killed in an Unknown Fight

    Ancestor Thyst - Dominus and Champion of the Arena, Killed in a duel for Rex with Tythus.

    Ancestor Tythus - Warlord of the Orcs, Winner of the Clan Wars, Leader of the Rax, later Tyth Clan. Killed by Mogroka and Gorefang in a Duel for the Rex

    Ancestor Grum - Dominus of the orc nation, Killed in the Orc-Dwarf war.

    Ancestor Tythor - Leader of the Rax Clan, Father of Tythus. Killed by Or'ta in the fight for Nomad Plains.

    Ancestor Or'jak - Leader of the Dom Clan, Father of Or'ta. Killed by Tythor in the San'Rax ambush.

    There is also a group, that would be the Revered (better name needed). These would be orcs who were Ancestor's, but left for the Great Beyond Permanently. Krug is an Exception, as he can be summoned every year in the festival of Krug.

    Krug - Father of all Orcs.

    Lur - Son of Krug, Also known as the Hunter . Started the Lur Clan.

    Gork - Son of Krug, Started the Gorkil Clan.

    Dom - Daughter of Krug, Also known as the First Shaman, Started the Dom Clan

    Rax - Son of Krug, Known as the Nomad Chief, Started the Rax Clan.

    Tirok - Goblin Dominus, Friend of Bein'lur, Killed by an assassin.

    {More will be added soon, i will edit this post, so keep your eye out!}

    Pariah's (Maybe better name needed?)

    Or'ta - Son of Or'Jak, Leader of Dom Clan, Practised Dark Magic which enabled him to gain the upper hand in the Clan wars. Was eventually beaten and killed. Soul escaped to the Nether and he eventually escaped. Attacked the orcs before being finally Killed by Craotor.

    Kakot - A Son of Krug, tried attacking Krug to show he was the strongest. Got driven out by Krug and his siblings and went mad. Started worshipping Iblees before Lur tracked him down and with Rax, Killed him.

    I mention the Clan war in this a lot. The Clan wars was a war between the Rax Clan and the clans that supported them, and the Dom Clan and their supporters. Many clans got obliterated and the Lur clan almost died out after supporting the Rax Clan. The Gorkils supported the Dom clan but not fully, and were spared by Tythus but ended up getting raided by humans and almost dying out. The Rax Clan eventually beat the Dom clan and Tythus renamed it the Tyth clan.

    {these are just ideas, add them if you want}

  12. I am aware Demons and Daemons are actually different beings, one of them being good and the other evil. However, Demons definitely exist and can be mentioned on this list as such. If I get round to it, I will add notable Aenguls, Daemons and Demisaints to the list.

    Demons have not been officially announced in the Lore. So i wouldn't use them

    Daemons however, i would use

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