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Posts posted by TheImpulseHQ

  1. thefreecityofsashai.png

    "Long ago, a Human from distant lands returned from his travelling and found Central Aegis changed from his last visit. He was appalled at the shapes and looks of some of the cities, they looked nothing like the ones in the Distant Lands. This Man called himself Magister Ahanis.

    He found an Island, untouched and it was the way to the Distant Lands, he nearly returned except, he couldnt, he felt compelled to stay. On this island he raised a City of Clay and Iron. It would be reminiscent of the Distant Lands, He now seeks to learn the ways of magic, like the Magisters in the Distant Lands. But all know he would just use it for Greed as the other Magisters do. And so he city of Sashai flew no banner, and called itself, "Free".

    The System:

    Three Magisters in control of the City.

    One Magister of Politics: Ahanis

    One Magister of the Army and Guard: To be decided

    One Magister of Building: To be Decided

    The Guard of Sashai will be the Sashai Slavers, Earning their nickname for their usual "Slave" Raids.

    One Slavemaster who reports to the Magister of Defense.

    Five Hunters, the Basic Guards of the City.


    A Strange thing the people will note about Sashai is its love of Slaves. They will regularly go out on Slave Raids ((Slaves will be NPC's and never Players Unless the Player voluntarily wishes to become a Slave)) and bring back all sorts. (If People wish to remove the whole slaves bit, and i get enough complaints about it, I will).


    There will be a Few Tower Houses, Reserved for the Rich and Magical.

    There will also be normal Houses called "Burrows" for the Normal.

    There will also be cheap housing underneath Sashai in what will be called the "Slave Pits" becuase of the Slave Market below. The houses down there will be very cheap.

    {More to be written}

  2. Bein had gone on a Hunting trip in the lands far beyond, to hunt legendary monsters once bound to Iblees. He was heavily injured by these creatures and when he returned to Krugmar, died soon after.

    He has left the new Dominus of Sanhar up to Warlord Tythus.

    The Clanfather of the Lur Clan is Tre'lur.

    Bein died with a smile on his face, from the greatness of his Hunt, and knowing that he changed as much as he could in the Orc Kingdom of Krugmar

    OOC: Yes, a Final death for Bein, I will be changing Character and will be working on a little project, I got very bored and felt that i needed to give others a chance to be high up in the orc world, and that my character was becoming Stale.

    I have had a great time being an orc, and i will still visit the lands often! Farewell my friends! I will still be on the server though, :P

  3. {The Beginning}

    Tythor lay in his tent, looking at his new axe and wondering how many heads would be pummeled by it. An Orc Warrior came running in dressed in battle armor. Or'jak had decided to attack the Rax Clan. Tythor was confused, was Or'jak mad?

    He quickly put on some light armor and pulled up his new axe, he ran out of his tent into a scene of Chaos. Arrows were flurrying everywhere and his Shamans were standing with Or'jak,the treacherous worms. He ran with a battle cry towards Or'jak.

    A signle arrow collided into his shoulder and sent him falling to the floor. Or'jak cackled and stood behind his shamans. Sending balls of flames into the tents of innocents and warriors alike. Tythor pulled himself up and threw his axe. The Axe hit one of the shamans and the fire spell he was making "fell" to the floor.

    There was carnarge where shamans had been standing, none had been ready for the fire as it engulfed them. Or'jak slowly got up, burnt like a crisp as Tythor walked over to him. Tythor picked up his burnt axe and named it Fury. He then swung fury down with all his strength onto Or'jak and severed his head easily.

    Tythor grabbed the head and chucked it to his Battle Bruthas who were laughing and shouting in joy at their victory. Or'jaks force had scattered soon after Or'jak and the shamans had been engulfed in fire. Tythor recieved more bad news. The Lur Clan had been destroyed by Or'ta son of Or'jak. The Phol clan had surrended to Or'ku and then were slaughtered and the Kalak Clan had fled for Human Lands.

    Tythor was angry at the destruction of many of his supporting clans. He smashed his fist and shouted "TYTHUS!". A Large Orc, but small to his peers came into the War Tent. He had a few scars from the battle but was mostly unharmed.

    "Aye Warlord?" asked Tythus.

    "Get word to the clans that owe loyalty to us. Dey need to gather 'ere when we crush the rest of da Dom Clan into te Dust!". replied Tythor.

    Tythus did an Orc Salute and walked out of the Tent as the others started Battle plans. He wondered if they would beat the Dom clan and rule over the lands. He smiled faintly at the thought of being a Mighty King but his elder brothers stood in his way.

    {The Remains of San'lur}

    Tythus found the ruined Town of San'lur, Or'ta had left no survivors and had even spiked the Mighty Warchief of the Lur Clan. Tythus found Are'lur and his younger Brother Bein'lur amongst the ruins. He sent them with a few Guards back to San'rax, The Tent Village of the Rax Clan.

    Tythus saw movement behind one of the tents, Two Goblins were talking about the attack. Tythus drew his Curved Sword and slashed through the tent. He Grabbed the smaller goblin and shouting into his face "So it was you who opened da gate was it den?".

    The Goblin in fear wet himself before saying "We waz payed ya see, we din't kno' it waz bad guy army, we swearz!".

    Tythus shook his head, in anger he thrust the sword right through the Goblin. He ripped it back out and ran over to the other Goblin who had picked up a dagger.

    The Goblin said "You no want fight Weezle, Weezle will kill you you stupid orcsies!". The Goblin called Weezle rushed forward taking a stab at Tythus' hip. Tythus quickly whirled around and grabbed fopr the Goblins dagger. Weezle saw this and slashed at Tythus' hand, cutting open his palm.

    Tythus shouted in anger and punched at Weezle's head, catching his cheek and sending him flying. Tythus thenbrang his sword down on Weezle's dagger hand, cutting it off. His Retinue of Guards came after hearing the commotion and with a rotten rope, tied the Goblin to their old, half dead Mule.

    When they reached San'rax it was very dark and most orcs had either gone to bed, or were up drinking and thinking about the batles to come. Tythus saw some of Or'tas scouts heads on spikes and above his fathers tent was a spike with Or'jaks head. Weezle had been taken for Questioning. and it was almost a certainty that he wouldnt survive.

    Tythus found his tent, near his Fathers but one across from his elder brothers, Tythin and Tythax. They were Bigger and stronger than him and were Great Leaders. They had won many battles and were hoping to prove themselves in front of their Father. They did not hate or bully Tythus, but they never helped him or gave him a chance. He would show the Orcs how good of a Leader he could be. He then lay down on his bedmat and fell asleep.

    {Hunters and their Prey}

    Are'lur was finding it hard to fit in at San'rax, he wasnt built as big as the warriors and hunters here were not held in such high esteem unlike in the Lur Clan. Tythor had given him command of 5 Hunters and he had been hunting down Or'ta's scouts with a passion.

    They were on a hunt for another scout, this one was hard to find and had been escaping them for days. They say the scout was Or'ta's son. One of the hunters, Ker'dash had said that it was Or'jaks ghost leading them on a merry chase. The others had laughed at that idea and it had raised their morale.

    "There he is!" shouted Ker'dash, who was still acting like a warrior, as he had always wanted to be.

    "Not so loud ya fool!" replied Are'lur as he held his bow up high, aiming it at the scout. Questioning was not needed, and they did not want to let this scout get away. He fired his bow and Krug was with him that day as the arrow hit the Scout in the neck, flinging him off his Jabberwack, a Large Lizard that was big enough to be a mount.

    They rushed over to where the scout had fallen, and were very suprised to see that the scout had indeed been Or'ta's young son, Or'ka.

    "Or'ta wont be pleased to find 'is son dead, will 'e?" asked Maka'phol, knowing the answer.

    "Well, i hope 'e notices, i 'ave a fight i need to pick with 'im" said Are'lur, remembering Or'ta's attack on his village.

    "Cut off da 'ead and send it to Or'ta" said Ker'dash, eager to have a battle soon and hoping that he would fight in it.

    "Alright, bag it up and send dis Jabberwack to da Dom camp" said Are'lur.

    After Bagging up the head, and sending the Jabberwack back to the camp, they started returning to San'rax when 20 Mounted Jabberwacks came riding towards them. An arrow appeared in the shoulder of Ker'dash, sending him flying back before two more thudded into his chest. Maka'phol drew his sword just in time to get his head cleaved in half. The other three hunters didnt last more than 20 seconds as the were cut down and shot to pieces.

    Are'lur shot one of the Orcs down before an arrow pierced his chest, coming out of his back. He fell down to his knees and looked up to see Or'ta standing above him, a strange staff in his hand.

    "You, You...Killed my son, now ya shall die ya evil lil' lur, like da rest of ya family, and i will kill ya lil' brutha too, Bein isnt it? I shall enjoy tortuing him!" said Or'ta, spitting into Are'lurs face the whole time he was saying it.

    The last thought Are'lur had was of his family and Beins future before Or'tas Scythe swung around, cutting his head off in one clean swipe. Bein would scream when he opened the bag addressed for him, with Are'lurs head in it.

    {The Battle of Nomafd Plains}

    The Great Army of the Rax Clan was made up of many Clans, the Dash',Phols, Pak, Teka, Reg were the most prominent Clans, huge with many members. Tythor was angry about the Death of Are'lur, hat meant only Bein was the last of the Lur Clan, Maka'phol was a mighty warrior and hunter and he was the heir to the Phol Clan, they were even more weakened now.

    His Horde was 5000 strong, Or'ta had 7000 and 20 Battle Shamans. 2000 of the 7000 were Mounted Jabberwacks whereas Tythor only had 1200 Mounted Jabberwacks. The Battle could not only hope on numbers then, it would have to be Strength.

    The Great army marched out of San'rax, many would not return. Tythor rode his Great Jabberwack, a Giant of a beast, with his new Black armor which had cost him a lot of gold ingots, at the front of the Army, Proudly waving his Axe to the cheers of his battle Bruthas. His sons rode beside him.

    Tythin had been left at San'rax with 500 Orc soldiers just incase Or'ta planned a counter-attack there. When both armies had arrived on the plains, they sized each other up. 1000 Jabberwacks were missing from Or'ta's army, and so was Or'ta's brother, Or'ku. Tythor had a horrible feeling that they were headed for San'rax.

    At Once the remaining thousand Mounted Jabberwacks charged, heading straight for Tythax and his 1200 Mounted Jabberacks. Tythax charged aswell without thinking and was heading straight of Kal'sar, One of Or'tas Generals and a great fighter.

    The two Jabberwack armies smashed into each other, body parts went flying as curved swords swung round. Tythor could see Tythax fighting Kal'sar, both were cut in many places. At Tythors Roar and Or'ta's cackle the rest of the armies charged.

    Tythor ran straight through the front line of Or'ta's infantry, smashing back 5 Orcs and killing another two in seconds. His mighty axe cleaving away the infantry as if they were nothing. He gave a quick glance over to where Tythax was, and saw him falling off his Jabberwack with his head missing.

    Tythor would grieve for his son later, he soon reached Or'ta and his strange scythe and with a roar entered battle with him. Or'ta was quick and his scythe opened many wounds and Tythor wasn ot even denting his armor. He brought up his axe just as Or'ta whirled his scythe around, opening up his stomach and ripping some of his guts out.

    Tythor fell back a bit, and looked around at his army which was being massacred. He pulled up his axe one last time and threw it as hard as he could at Kal'sar, who had decided to go to the toilet on the corpse of Tythax. The axe caught him in the collarbone and rip most of his neck out, killing him instantly.

    Tythor fell to his knees, holding his guts in and breathing very heavily. He looked up at Or'ta and started laughing as Or'ta swung his scythe around. They say his head continued laughing for up to 5 minutes and it scared even Or'ta.

    {Suprise San'rax!}

    Tythus was standing on the wooden palisade, waiting for his Fathers army to return. He was anxious, this was the first major battle to happen and could be a decider of the war, only time would tell. He was about to step off the wall when he saw a lot of dust blowing near San'rax.

    He at first thought it to be his Father returning, but then he heard the trampling of Jabberwacks at full speed. He turned to Gore'khan to shout a command when a spear flew through the air and hit Gore'khan full in the chest, hitting him off the wall to his death.

    Tythus quickly shouted "THYTIN, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" before jumping to the floor of the wall as another spear flew past him. He could see Khal'phol and his men starting to open the gate. The treacherous worms must have made a deal to escape the Phol massacre, Tythus thought to himself.

    As the Warriors ran to stations and started shooting back, Tythin came out and with a roar charged at Khal'phol, but khal was heavily surrounded by guards making it near impossible to get close to him. Tythin was speared by one of the Phol guards and stabbed by another before he could even draw his sword.

    There was no time to grieve for Tythin as Khal'phol finished him off, Tythus instantly leapt to the defense but it was too late, the Mounted Jabberwacks were burning, wrecking and they had even turned on Khal'phol and wiped the grin off his face when they chopped it off. Tythus called for a retreat and knew the only place that was safe would be the ruins of an unnamed elf city.

    He led the fastest warrior to this city, he only had 100 orcs and not many supplies. Tythus thought about giving up to Or'ta and hoping for mercy but his father and Krug would look down at that. By the time they reached the Unnamed city the smoke from San'rax had cleared and they couldn't hear the laughter of Or'ta

  4. Firstly, i would like to talk about da houses in Sanjezal. I was happy when i made dem, quite proud. I left da realm for a few weeks. When i got back i saw dat people had made the roofs da farms, basements without askin'. One guy made a whole new level, farm, watchtower den Tree. He was immediately evicted.

    You dont buy all da land around da house and above and below, ya buy da house. I gave ya trust and let ya change da flooring and walls. What did ya do? Built basements, farms on da roofs. Dey look atrocious. Da only one who didnt do any of dis is Griffon, his house is nice and looks the same on da outside as well as da inside. Change the house back to what dey were please, or face heavy fines and forced changing back. If you want a basement, ask and pay for an extra floor. Look at Alkhazar, i dont see no one makin' no farms on dose roofs. Buyable farmland will come soon on da otherside, till den, just wait and buy and ask.

    Ok, onto da nicer parts. Im thinkin' of Knockin' all of Main Sanhar down, and starting it again but as a Clan Lur only zone, so ya can only live dere if ya are in da lur clan, and I think a new Impressive Fort Lur is in order aye?

    Share ya thoughts.

  5. Long ago, Clan Lur was over 100 Orcs strong and they travelled the deserts as nomads for a long time. They fought other clans and often won. They grew bigger and bigger until Tythor came to them and asked them for their support for the control of Krugmar against Or'ta. Or'ta's father Or'jak had been very mean to the Lur clan and had cursed them many times. They joined Tythor and gave him their full support.

    Baka'lur, father of Bein'lur, went to war beside Tythor against Or'ta and was there when Tythor was slain. Baka was greatly injured in the battle and when he returned he was followed. Or'ta led an attack on the Great town of San'lur. The battle went on for a long time, many were killed and Baka'lur died defending his child and wife. They managed to escape with the help of Are'lur, older brother of Bein and his Protector.

    They were taken in by Tythus and his Horde, Are'lur fought for Tythus and was later killed in a battle. Bein was 12 at the time and took up his fathers fighting style, Unarmed and Unarmoured. He watched Or'ta be struck down and promised to his father that the Lur clan would rise up again.

    Many years later when he was a Dominus and had built his town where Sanlur had been, he had named it Sanhar meaning City of the Brave. He had a son with him, called Shez'lur. Later he became High Dominus of the War Nation of Krugmar and he started reviving his clan. That is where the true story starts.

    Clan Lur


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    Honour. This is the strongest foundation in which the Lur clan believes in. The Honour and Glory of battle, those who fight Unarmed and Unarmoured for the weak and strong alike are the Noblest and most loved of the Lur clan. Titles will never be given to those bound by blood, only to those bound by Honour.


    Clanfather: Bein'lur - High Dominus of Krugmar, Dominus of Sanhar,

    Hordemaster of the Rex's Horde.

    Clanelder: Elder Tre'lur the Wise Shaman

    Clanmembers: Shez'lur - Eldest son of Bein, Warboss of the Rex's Horde

    Craotor - Feared Warrior and Loyal Ward of the Lur Clan

    Griffon - Swordmaser and Champion of the Lur Clan

    Arak'lur - Son of Bein, Champion of the Rex's Horde (NPC)

    Ber'lur - Youngest son of Bein (NPC)

    Rognar'lur - A Great Shaman and Warrior



    Gallywix clan - Bein'lur helped Tirok rise to Dominus and they are close friends, even as rivals.

    Gorefangs Clan - Bein'lur helped Gorefang rise to Dominus and helped build his fort, Close friends even as rivals.

    Tyth Clan - The Lur clan has always fought for the Tyth clan, and will gladly die for them.

    Gorkil Clan - Not amazingly Friendly, but nothing has been done between the two clans to spark a Clanwar


    None for Now

    Honour is the Foundation of Brotherhood.

    Honour is the enemy of Greed.

    Honour the strong, Pity the weak, Destroy the evil.

  6. Total rage over a few Orcs with the wrong names. Yes, we arent in Azeroth or whatever the hell it is, where to start?

    1: Horde is not copyrighted by Blizzard of WoW last i heard. When i think of it, i dont think of World of Warcaft orcs, i think of a group of barbaric, tough fighters ready to fight and kill for whatever they want.

    2: If you are talking about how it is such a rip off, then look at other things that are much bigger rip offs. A whole town called Winterfell that the humans have, thats totally not a huge rip-off is it? Humans called Aragorn running around as rangers with giant swords, i have seen a few legolas's. Nobody seems to care or rage about that. Honestly, it is a name that most Ex-WoW players will be reminded of the Horde which is just a combination of a load of races, not an army.

    3: This post was just a big rage about a name and the meanings. If anyone is gonna sue us for this its Dungeons and Dragons. Found inspiration from their site for some of the ranks and the way the army would work.

    Next time you want to rage about something, think about how little of a deal it is. I dont go around raging that Tyrion copied his name from Game of Thrones, i dont really care, I dont rage at an Elf called Legolas just for picking that name. If you dont want to roleplay with orcs, then dont, miss out of a part of Aegis, run away from every orc you see, Not our problem. Dont really get what the whole big deal is about Orcs having a Horde with a rank called Grunt in it. Next time, rage about something that is worth raging about.

  7. Clan Tyth:

    Clanfather: Tythus

    Dominion: Sanjezal and all of Krugmar

    Clan Lur:

    Clanfather: Bein'lur

    Dominion: Sanhar

    Clan Gorkil:

    Clanfather: Mogroka

    Dominion: Gorkillia (Until they tell me the name of their town)

    Clan Gallywix

    Clanfather: Tirok

    Dominion: Gal'ville

    Clan Khor:

    Clanfather: Gorefang Spinerippa

    Dominion: Fort Krug

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