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Posts posted by TheImpulseHQ

  1. The Orcs begin sharpening their axes, building up their Muscles and seeing how ugly they can be in preparation for the Festival of Krug. The Ancestor Bein'lur and Ancestor Arak'lur summoned a temple out of the sand of the desert and created a Powerful heart of Krug. Stalls are being set up for "Games" and mini arenas. The final part of the Festival will include the summoning of the Oldfather Krug and hearing him choose the strongest, ugliest and most skilled orc in Krugmar.


    The Festival will start at 7:00 Pm GMT on Saturday and everyone will have to wait at the front gate of Sanjezal before being lead to the Sea of Strength, boats will be provided in chests for the weak to cross over, the strongest shall swim. If you go the right way (straight) you will arrive at the temple, and the festivities shall begin. These festivities include

    - Arm Wrestling Competition (Fully Role-played, person who wins hits the loser 1 Time)

    - Ugliness Competition

    - Who has the Nicest and Most Axes?

    - The Skull competition (Skulls will be Pumpkins)

    - A Hunt in the desert

    - Stalls that shall sell food and drink

    - Fire Hopping competition

    There will probably be more, like individual fights and Drinking competitions.

    The Ritual will begin when the Ancestor's call everyone into the Temple. The ritual will proceed as follows

    - Orcs staying silent, if they talk, the shrine guards shall throw them out.

    - The Ancestor's will attempt to summon the Ancestor of Krug.

    - After that, who knows what will happen?

    I hope everyone can attend. The time was chosen to hopefully accommodate most timezones. Hope you can make it!

  2. There must be a great funeral in Bywater so we can mourn together.

    (no seriously what happened?)

    OOC: My rp character died, so i changed

    Im quite annoyed at the rest of the Banstir family (Not bannist)

    As soon as me and Dan's characters are killed, they decide to leave it aswell. So, pretty much the Banstir family will be wiped out. So, im guessing the Mormonts must take over. I have left my mansion and shop to Jonnyc2011.

    Sorry for kind of killing it, i just wasnt expecting the other Banstir's to blindly follow me and dan

  3. You near the Ancestor's Shrine, a place of Worship and Respect, of Teaching and Learning. Lights shine before you as spirits of Dead Orcs wizz about, looking at the newcomer, You walk up and touch the Heart of Krug. Out comes some of the most powerful Ancestor's, ready to give their wisdom


    The Ancestor's Shrine will be a topic where you can post ideas for Events you wish to happen in Krugmar, Bugs (Landscars, world holes etc), general questions and ideas.

    Current Events:

    Arena Event - In development, soon to come up

    Please Suggest more Events that could be placed in Krugmar!


    Please Suggest Ideas and they will be placed here for the Leaders to See

    This is currently empty, but will hopefully fill up with some ideas and Events. Please also post Bugs with screenshots and tell me where i can find them. The Current Ancestors are

    TheImpulseHQ (Bein'lur) - General Ancestor

    Mogroka - Events and Ideas Ancestor

    Drangob (Arak'lur) - Bug's Ancestor

    Craotor - Support and Guidance Ancestor

    I am always looking for more Ancestors! Please send me a PM explaining why you should be one, and why you would be helpful. Those with () means they also roleplay as an Ancestor.

  4. I Believe in a Good ol'harvest and a pint of Ale at me side.

    But my official Religion is that of the True God. The one God. His name is God and he is creator and destroyer. Those who worship his Aengul's and Aeriel in particular are worshipping the wrong figure. The Aenguls and Daemon's are to be respected, loved but never worshipped. Neither is Iblees, for he is just a Daemon and his power is tiny compared the the God. Although, Praise be to Aeriel, for she brings the God's holy light to our world.

  5. *Robert opens the letter sent to him by Oliver Sturdyfoot, after several hours of re-reading it, trying to get the information into his ale-flooded brain, he realises what it means"

    Ahh! Distant Relatives, another Family of House Bannist? Wow, and i thought it was big after seeing Banstir's and Mormonts. As Relatives, the Sturdyfoot's wold be added tah House Bannist if thats what yer wishing. We could always use some more families. Does tis also mean im related to tah Knight Commander? Haha! Excellent News. Welcome to House Bannister, Mr erm, where was i?

    *Robert sends this letter to the address marked, forgetting that he had not finished it, before going into his basement to loot the Ale Stores*

    ((Aha, i was wondering when you would come up with another house! you seemed too supportive to leave your clan behind. icon_razz.gif ))

    (Yeah, I love the House Systems, even before GoT inspired more, Intricate Families without Houses Bound together vying for power and dominance, Thats what i find awesome =]))

  6. Is that a invitation or a clue? ^^

    Good Luck with your noble House. Is there a Wiki Page about you? If not, create one, you have a interesting lore! Oh and people? If you like this just as me, use the REPUTATION SYSTEM!

    Well, it could be both, Start digging out your Ancestry books M'fellow, Maybe You are, Maybe you Aren't

    (Its an invitation, step one, Now you can decide to tell me to sod off, write an interesting story that explains how your related and hope it gets accepted. Your Choice)

  7. ((i understand what you mean, i meant Clan wars as a secondary thing, because Knowing the Orcs, a Clan will have a mini-fight over another about who gets to kill which undead.

    I meant most of the stuff for the future, because the Clans will always be trying to win the Warlord's favour, the Gorkil's aswell will probably have to try and keep their Clanfather's favour.

    I didn't mean start killing each other XD, but i kinda put that across in my way of words))

  8. Sounds interesting and huzzah! A noble Halfling House! +1

    I really like the story and I have to visit Bannist one day!

    Thank you

    You never know, YOU could be traced back to Ol'Bannist and the Banstir :P

    =]. were always looking for more siblings!

  9. As Oren Diplomat, you would probably be able to study these records.

    This story is convincing, meet with Bergthor at Mormont Manor, he will have a special item, Made by Mormont himself, that will show if you are really a Mormont.

    (Hopefully these items can be named once the awesome naming system is out.

    Basically, this means that if Bergthor accepts, since i have accepted stage 1, then you will then be accepted into the Mormont family)

  10. Or maybe someone would like to carry on "Moderating" The Clan system i tried putting in place?

    Making it more diverse, more Clan wars, would be awesome.

    Plus, just put up a wiki page on it, thats what most Houses/ Clans are doing Now

    If someone could make an Orc Clan system better than me. i would kiss them.

    Actually, i will make a prize for the best Clan system

    Five Thousand Minas

    and you can say You Beat me.

    Or you could do it, for, oh i give up, Money may triumph?

  11. Long ago, there lived a Halfling called Bannist, he was a peaceful Farmer who lived with other Halflings in a remote little village. He had no big dreams of power, and only wished to have a simple life, he had two children, Banstir and Mormont. Banstir was like his father, Peaceful, not angry unless provoked and loved farming and being a merchant. Mormont was different though, he got angry quickly, hated farming and preferred hunting, and had a preference for Northern women.

    A Few years later Banstir and Mormont had gone their seperate ways, Mormont to the North where he married a northerner. Banstir went east and founded the Village of Bywater, named becuase it was "By Water". The small village grew, but it never grew into a town, merely a small farming village. Mormont and Banstir soon had families that went on down the decades and centuries. Banstir's descendants remained Halfling, whereas Mormont's descendants eventually became Northerners, leaving only a slight trace of their old heritage.

    The Banstir and Mormont Families used their Ancestor's names as their Surnames, and they thrived for a long time. Until the Banstir's village of Bywater came under attack by Bandits. Robert Banstir, only 20 at the time, hid with his siblings, while his relatives were slaughtered. Robert would spend the next Eight years of his life, aided by Bergthor Mormont and Daniel Banstir, hunting down the bandits.

    Once he had taken his revenge, he left for Oren and bought a Big Estate for himself and Daniel, a small house for John and Valbad and a Beachhouse Manor for the Mormonts as a token of Gratitude. He is now rallying his last remaining siblings into the city and looks out for any Banstir's that survived or Mormont's that are fleeing from the North.


    Current Family


    Robert Banstir - Deceased

    Daniel Banstir


    Bryn Banstir

    Valbad Banstir - Named after Benny Banstir (father) hit himself with a shovel and could hardly talk for the day

    Sam Banstir

    Drogo Banstir - We think Benny was making a Gurgling sound when he was named.

    Barry Banstir

    Stephen Banstir


    Bergthor Mormont - The New Head of House Bannist

    Sconn Mormont


    Bernard Sturdyfoot

    What is this House?

    The House of Bannist is a Noble House, formed by the Three families that combine to make it. It is a wealthy house but doesn't really have much political power where it is based, in oren, although Robert is in training to become a Knight. It has two families because of the split that happened a long time ago. The Mormont family is all Northerners, and the Banstir family is all Halflings. If you are not Halfling or Northerner, your blood cannot be traced into these families. The Sturdyfoot family is a halfling family which is related to the Banstir's. Making it eligible to become part of House Bannist.

    How to join?

    Find Robert Banstir, who will usually be found in Al'khazar, with Documents tracing your blood back to Mormont or Banstir, if these documents are faked then Robert will probably never speak to you again.


    Bannist Coat of Arms

    {Coming Soon}

    Banstir Coat of Arms

    {Coming soon}

    Mormont Coat of Arms

    {Coming soon}



    Waymeet - Being built

    Bywater - Being Built


    Bannist Mansion - Arena District

    Banstir Estate - Arena District

    Mormont Manor - Beachfront, Opposite Docks

    Banstir Market House - Above the shops in the Market District

    Member Titles

    None Yet. Will hopefully have more soon



    The Guards of House Bannist work when they are needed, mostly for special occasions, travelling or just to walk through the city with a Bannist to make the Bannist look cool. Ranks are Below

    Captain - Levianth (StandUnited) - Wage 1000 Per (rl) 5 days.

    Guards: Majester (rottingcoreispro) - Wage 500 per (rl) 5 days

    Gerald (impymut) - Wage 500 per (rl) 5 days.

    arbelas (Arteh) - Wage 500 per (rl) 5 days

    Hiring one more Guards.


    I currently have a Guard skin below, The Guard Captain may remove the whole helmet and replace it with his face. Normal guards may not. It doesnt have to be used except on special occasions. The special occasions will be noted.


  12. *A Strange scroll is delivered to Dralen, it isnt paper, and the writing is not ink*

    No prejudice against any form of race.

    The Magister of building was taken up a while ago by Magister Cynther, another traveller of the Distant lands.

    The Magister of the army is still open. if you find the city, find Magister Cynther, he should know what a Army Magister should be.

    Unfortunately, i will be trapped a few minutes after i send this, a nasty Nightmare is coming, and i must prepare.

    Signed, Magister Ahanis, Archon of Sashai

  13. After a Mishap of events. I have decided to leave the server and the GM Team. I would like a few things to happen

    Sanhar to be torn down stone by stone. To be torn from existence or to secede from the new Orc Nation and become a Free City.

    The Orcs to remember not to steal my ideas (Consuls for a start) without asking. But sure, i dont mind if you take the consuls idea.

    Please Mogroka, dont turn the goverment into Gorkil. Make it fair and invite the best people to the job.

    Goodbye everyone, i had fun, Goodbye! Im actually leaving the server! Bye!

  14. OOC: I just dont agree with an open revolt, Thats what Humans do when they are tired of their Kings. Orcs are fearless, and so they challenge their Rex to a duel. A Revolt is plain Craven and shows that Mogroka is obviously too scared to fight the Rex by Himself.

    Btw, have you guys even Looked in Sanjezal? I have seen Tythus there Loads. That prison he created took him Hours and Hours. He is active but only if you look for him while he is creating things to better the cities.

    Lastly, it is not up to the Rex to Populate our cities, its up to everyone in the Orc Race to make them appealing. Rather than making a new rex, why not just work with him to build something New and Cool? Or at least Challenge him in the Old Ways. A Revolt is very Human and no doubt the Undead are planning to attack while you draw our forces away from Fort Krug. Also Tythus has been a Great Leader. You may say he has done nothing but just Look at Krugmar, It Looks great at the moment. New Fort, New Goblin town, New Gorkil town.

  15. The Ancestor of Bein'lur is angry with this revolt, and condemns all orcs in it.

    I have come back from the Great Hunt and attacked your Camp with Powers of Krug, which Mogroka insulted as Demonic Powers. I can and will attack again if you refuse to give up this revolt.

    You are throwing everything we worked hard on, this could lead to civil war, step down Now or face the Wrath of the Ancestors.

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