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Posts posted by Kilgrim

  1. Article II: Clan Rights

    Section B: Forging a clan


    The bloodlines of the dwarves have been defined. There is of no clan that we not already know of. For a clan to come out of nowhere would be absurd. The only logical explanation would be for a clan to split. Let this be the definition for the future clans. 

  2. Rinnlin watches both sides going back and forth with their argument, grumbling as she mentions something about a pissing contest, and how both sides can't pass each other. She grumbles and takes out her golden ingot, grinning to herself as she rubs it against her cheek.

    "Bloodeh stop arguin' an' git churselves sum gold ta calm yer arse down. Yer nawt provin' anehthin' boi tryin' ta intimidate Killi, le' 'im prove himselves ta each clan."

    Rinnlin grumbles, storing the golden ingot in her dress as she takes out some remaining pumpkin pie from a box she was holding, taking a seat away as she takes a bite. Watching to see what happens next as she grumbles.

    "Each clan shuld giv 'im a troil ta do ta pruve himself wurteh ov bein' welcomed back. Challenge 'im ta be 'is bes', befer ye go up in arms ta fawkin' Killi's arse up."

    Bah, ye are no Irongut. Why do ye even care of such mundane affairs...?

  3. Head Remembrancer Kilgrim spits on the name of the False King Thorik and says...

    Rubbish conspirators! Thorik ish no king. 'e abbandoned ush! 'e ran te irongutsh out of te kingdom, 'e thinksh he can jusht come back and proclaim 'imself our king? ISH BULLSHIT! Are you really to trust shomeone 'ho jusht comes out of nowhere after abandoning our kingdom? If ye do ye musht be fools.

    Not onleh all of dis, but dis be unconstitutional! If ye really reshpect our kingdom den ye will conform to the new rulesh of our society! A fair vote! Let te dwarves decide with civilized democracy as is our new way of settling these matters! If ye do not den why should we put our faith in ye?

  4. Dis amendmant ish unnecessary fer it ish already in da constitution.

    I quote under Article: 1, Section D: Elections:

    Any one dwarf can run for any council position. Although, it is recommended to be already apart of the organisation or guild that the particular council position is the head of.

    Therefore this amendment is unnecessary. For those of you 'ho havn't read the constitution well enough, I suggest ye revise it once more. Alsho, dis law alsho goes fer te king.

  5. I'm not really in the mood for more factions. Doesn't LOTC already have enough? I'm not the type of person who really wants to spread the player base out more. I remember when aegis, there weren't any little factions. There was Oren, Kal'Urguan, Krug, and Laurelin. ((Excluding alras.)) There were four cities, RP was centralized and the more groups, and more cities, the worse in my opinion.

  6. "and have you ever even seen what the King has been trying to do for you? Its near impossible to occomplish anything he desires seeing that whenever he does people like Kjell act the way they do, hes trying to make the dwarven Kingdom consist of more than Dwarves, Why? maybe because he wants his Kingdom to be stronger, Dwarves alone have plenty of power, but when all of the Races work together that is enough to bring Nations to their knees. Kjell doesn't see it that way because he sees all elves as "Tree Huggers". Bah why should I argue, you wont listen to anything I say...

    We dun need elves loike you. We already can bring nations to der knees. We once took on Orcsh and 'umans all at once in Kal'Urguan. We've wiped out te orcsh multiple times. We dun even need yer 'elp. Tree 'uggers er not, we can already bring nation to der kneesh. And fer te record. If we weren't listenin' te what ye say, den we couldn't reply.

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