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Everything posted by boodilly

  1. Minecraft Name: Boodilly Applicant Name: Samuel Nil Race and Age: Human, 46 What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): Librarian List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: Historical/social study in field for many years (~13 years of wandering) Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): I have had a great interest in general knowledge and history for a good deal of time now. Though I followed this interest by wandering and gathering knowledge from people, I am getting older and the hard life of a wanderer does not suit me anymore. I feel I would be better suited to a stable job with a bit less travel. Therefore, I seek to use my curiosity and experience in gathering information to aid the ministry. In addition, being able to work around a library and other scholars is an attractive prospect. I have some interest of creating writings of my own as well. Finally, By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: Of course. Edited for spacing.
  2. Name: ((Boodilly)) Rob Mills Your fighting experience:Quite a bit, Was in the guard.((plaed on a pvp sever for awhile)) How long you have played Minecraft:about a year How long you have played on Lord of the Craft:since opening day Why you think you deserve to join the Trisian:I'm a good fighter, decent recource gather, and wish touphold laws and justice Other Information:I'm in holmes dectectives, and I'm wondering if that would conflict with this work.
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