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Posts posted by DelaneyG


    Ser Thomas Delaney sits in his office in Angren, staring blankly at the wall. His forearms rest on the desk, atop a small pile of paperwork. His right hand shakes, while his left sits steady as a rock. The young man thinks about Tuvya and Maric, weighing his options. A servant opens the door to his office, speaking words that are not heard. As the door clicks shut, Thomas looks down at the bounty on his desk. His eyes begin to water. He stands slowly, taking his shaky right hand into his left, gently rubbing it. "Long live Maric." He shuffles off into the storage area, to recount their supplies.

  2. Just a little video from the Assault on Petrus yesterday afternoon.

    Apologies for the frame-drops in Petrus (I don't know what's up with that city that it lags)

    It's my first fly-over video w/ shaders, and I hope you all enjoy. It was a great event.








    Filmed by JuicyRhino

    Edited by JuicyRhino

  3. 1. As if you are playing your character, how do you feel about the Undead? Be honest.

    I dislike them.

    2. As a gamer, how do you feel about the Undead's conduct?

    The conduct of the undead (from what I've seen) is sub-par. During the one-stage assault and capture of the dwarven city, some friends and I were camped out in an out-of-the-way barracks, preparing to ambush the undead. Suddenly we saw one of them TP to my pal (Tsuyose) and give away our position. Suddenly the entire undead army was breaking through a wall and door and killing us. (I'd also heard about people who were simply in the area RPing with undead and cultists, then suddenly midway through the RP getting PVP'd without warning). Then earlier today, to exact revenge for capturing the dwarven city, some Knights went to attack whatever undead were online. It was suppose to be a cool RP thing where we had a good fight with the undead, but upon arrival, we were immediately greeted with someone in OOC saying "no raiding". Then, finally, we were permitted to have 2 out of the 4 of us fight, while cultists and undead began popping up out of nowhere, even joining in on the PVP halfway through.

    3. Provide single words be they nouns or adjectives to describe what you think the theme of the Undead is.


    4. What is your view on the management both in-character and out-of-character?

    In character, the management is scum.

    Out of Character, I never understood how they let their players think that they can raid settlements and take cities in one-stage sieges, and not expect repercussions. 

  4. Because they exist in the realm of LOTC, and one is even played. I decided to write the lore, because I wanted to, just as I wanted to write all others lores that I have before. If it's accepted or denied, so be it, the other LMs will give their opinions and make their vote.


    Is it played by an ET?


    Because from what I understand, you're not allowed to play as anything but the accepted races

  5. Hello, recently, when I try to join the server, I can play for about 30-45 seconds before I am kicked from the game with this error message:




    I have tried running the game as an administrator, but it hasn't worked at all.


    Anybody know how to fix this? Please help!




  6. Because some people choose not to metagame? I'm sure if I found out Elad's character was a harbinger in the past all of my characters would immediately try to elliminate him.


    However I do not possess the ability to smell setherien's taint on black people.


    Isn't his taint on all black people? ;)


    In all seriousness, however, I do distinctly remember that when Chaqery made the Antagonist recruitment thread, he made it very clear that whichever characters become harbingers will never be able to go back to the way they were, and that by signing up you acknowledged and would abide by that rule. Just seems silly that whilst people have been banned in the past (like Radahan) for things like this, the Antagonist characters were not. If characters that aren't all about "doom and destruction for the entire world" cannot come back after a PK, then it should be doubly so for those characters that were all about "doom and destruction for the entire world"


    Ser Thomas of Cintran, the Bold, moves off from Petrus, to join it's ranks, and the descendant of Saint Thomas, who he is named after.


    He kneels before the GrandMaster, and pledges his life and sword to the man.

    When he rises, he rises Ser Thomas of Cintran, the Bold, of the Order of the Flaming Rose.

  8. The establishment of a Warclaim team should be made, where level headed parties (1 or 2 people from each race/nation) come together to discuss the possibilities of war, and whether or not those wishing to go to war have a valid claim.

    The casus belli system would be used as a base for the Warclaim team to make decisions.

    (Casus Belli is reasons for going to war other than "for the lolz")

  9. No need to be dicks to each other. Calm down.

    And personally, I've never hated the snow elves. They just had some rough patches that never got fixed, and that was the main problem. As an outsider, all I saw was that they had people who wanted to try to fix things, but just couldn't do it, or they made it worse.

    Unfortunately, in RP, if a leader makes some bad choices, their people suffer for it. Its the way Lord of the Craft works, and the real world works.

  10. Nation Name: Colony 204

    Mod Approved Population: 250 (75 soldiers, 175 citizens of mixed professions)





    Major Guiliano moves to his Radio Operator, Private Vasquez, and tells him to send another transmission to the Humanist People of Titan.

    He replies:

    "This is Colony 204, a settlement made up of those who's ancestors were Americans. I am their leader, Governor Guiliano, Major of Whiskey Company, our local garrison. We are non-hostile, and are simply trying to get by."


    He then sent out transmissions to the Republic of Tres again, before going off to sleep.

    "This is Colony 204, a settlement made up of those who's ancestors were Americans. I am their leader, Governor Guiliano, the man you've heard before is our Radio Operator, Miguel Vasquez. We are a strong energy and food producer, and we would like to set up an agreement on trade, for your resources."


    25 construction workers continue to build solar panels and homes [[1 page, since they've been being built since page 1]]

    25 volunteers and the prisoner are taken out with 12 soldiers, to begin building a new biosphere.


    A small woman and a small man approach the Military Biosphere's entrance.

    They are escorted to the Command Tower, and are greeted by Major Guiliano.

    "Yes, good people?"

    "Sir, we haven't seen our son in weeks! We are worried he has been kidnapped!"

    The Major groans, having forgotten to make an announcement on the PA.

    "Sir, and Ma'am... I'm sorry, but we caught your son trying to steal from the granaries. He was the one that has been stealing..."

    He sighs. "We'll be holding him until he does community service, building the new biosphere."

    The man shakes his head, and hurries off with his wife, who is in tears.




    The Governor goes off with Sergeant Winslow to the farming biosphere, and speaks to the new permanent farmers.

    "Hello, Gentlemen! I hear the yield was beautiful!" He speaks to the leader, Farmer Brown.

    "Yessir! We got a good haul, and should be able to keep doin' this for the years to come!"

    "Then lets stop using this GE food, and move them to the Military Biosphere. We're goin' organic from here on out, eh?"

    The two smile, and eat an ear of corn each while they look over the large variety of crops they yield.

    They observe:

    Corn, Kale, Carrots, Potatoes (sweet and white), Apples, Tomatoes, and a little bit of wheat.

    Farmer Brown speaks finally, "Sir, my father use to sing an old song to me about farmin', and beautiful farms! I was wonderin' if I could sing it over the PA."


    The Governor returns to the Military Biosphere with Farmer Brown just as Nocturnal Squad was moving out to guard the farms and granaries.

    Farmer Brown goes on the PA, and speaks,

    "As celebration to our successful yield, and switchin' to eatin' organic food, and not GE food, I'm goin' to sing you lot a song."

    He began.

    At the end of the song, cheers and claps are heard, and Farmer Brown says thank you, before turning off the PA.



    Diplomatic Action: Transmissions sent to the Republic of Tres and The Humanist People of Titan.

    -Construction of new Biosphere begins ((2 pages))

    -Farming Yield successful, moved to eating organic, and not GE.

    -Prisoner doing community service.

    -Farmer Brown sung a song!


  11. Nation Name: Colony 204

    Mod Approved Population: 250 (75 soldiers, 175 citizens of mixed professions)





    In the middle of the night, Major Guiliano was shoved awake by his good friend Sergeant Winslow.

    "Sir, the granaries were attacked, but Nocturnal Squad caught them..."

    Major Guiliano stood up, and moved to the cold courtyard, wrapped in a trenchcoat, and waited for Nocturnal Squad.

    The four soldiers arrived, dressed in black. They had the robber in tow.

    Major Guiliano then spoke, "So, this is the thief?"

    One of the Nocturnal men nodded.

    "Have we found out where he took the stolen goods?'

    One of the Nocturnal's spoke up, then. "He started sobbin' and tellin' us on the way back."

    "Good. Go retrieve the stolen goods."

    Major Guiliano nodded to Sergeant Winslow, who took the thief off, to put him in the small prison quarters.

    Major Guiliano went up to the Command Tower to check on things in the middle of the night, and heard the transmissions from Titan.

    He replies:

    "This is Colony 204, a settlement made up of those who's ancestors were Americans. I am their leader, Governor Guiliano, Major of Whiskey Company, our local garrison. We are non-hostile, and are simply trying to get by."


    He then sent out transmissions to the Republic of Tres, before going off to sleep.

    "This is Colony 204, a settlement made up of those who's ancestors were Americans. I am their leader, Governor Guiliano, the man you've heard before is our Radio Operator, Miguel Vasquez. We are a strong energy and food producer, and we would like to set up an agreement on trade, for your resources."


    As the morning came around, the constructions continued, though he sent out one final PA announcement, declaring:

    "To those of you working on building our homes and solar panels. I need half of you to come with our engineer to work on another biosphere. I have big plans for it, and would greatly appreciate the help."

    The farms continue to be expanded by the 5 permanent farmers, and construction on their farmhouse is finished.



    Diplomatic Action: Transmissions sent to Titan and the Republic of Tres.

    -Construction of a new biosphere has begun [[for end of page 3]] [[industrial Materials Used up, housing construction unaffected.]]

    -Construction of Solar Panels and Homes continue. 

    -Thief imprisoned.

    -Farmhouse construction complete.

  12. Nation Name: Colony 204

    Mod Approved Population: 250 (75 soldiers, 175 citizens of mixed professions)




    It was the early morning, and Major Guiliano hurried into the Command Tower. The radio operator swung his hand through the air, motioning for the Military Governor to come over.

    "What is it, Private?"

    "Sir, we've got contact."


    The Major moves to his own desk, sitting down to drink his coffee and think.

    "The Republic of Tres..."


    The Major has the operator send a transmission back.


    "Republic of Tres, this is Colony 204,  colony of the Ice Moon of Dione  State your ethnic groupings and resource usage. Are you a Nation bent on taking over other moons, or are you simply trying to get by? Over."


    16 soldiers guard the farms and granaries, while 4 continuously patrol the perimeter's, looking for breaches or threats to security. The remaining 55 are called to the courtyard of the Military Biosphere, where Major Guiliano speaks to them.


    ​"Men of our lovely Colony. Things are going well. Very well. We will soon be off of this GE food shite, and back to the good natural and organic foods that are so necessary to our existence. I want you lot to train today, under Sergeant Winslow's command."


    The men go off, training throughout the day. Hand-to-Hand combat, Shooting, Basic First Aid. All of it is run through over the course of the day.


    Major Guiliano gets on the Colony-wide PA system, and speaks:

    "People of Colony 204. The work being done here is a great feat. We've got metal plates put in, where our biosphere's are... Thick steel rods go out dozens of miles to the thickest ice we could find, to keep these metal plates supported and afloat. We have unlimited water underneath us! But... unfortunately, I need some volunteers. Men and women alike are needed to help install more solar panels on the homes of our Colony, to provide free power from our friend, the sun. Even then, we cannot use too much, not until we can find a more continuous source of power."

    He clicks off the PA, and turns to one of the few scientists in the settlement.

    "What do you know about hydro-electricity?"



    Meanwhile, under the Citizen Biosphere, 20 carpenters continue their work, upgrading and building new homes, as another 45 volunteers begin to help installing solar panels for power.


    The farming biosphere continues to grow different crops, such as Kale, Broccoli, Potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables. Only a small amount of wheat is being grown. 5 carpenters and 5 farmers continue to build the farmhouse.



    Diplomatic Action: Transmission sent to the Republic of Tres.

    - Farms continue to be watered and sunned, while the farmhouse is being built.

    - Training was held, and the men know have better knowledge on combat and first aid.

    - Construction and installation of solar panels begins.

    - Starting supplies of colony begin to grow to about 1/8th of original value.

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