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Everything posted by Onslaughted

  1. Huron leans back in his chair, with his left elbow against the arm rest. He examines the parchment. ACCEPTED
  2. Huron Sits in his chair while Guarger hands him a parchment. "This seems good enough, welcome to the order, friend."
  3. Accepted, We kindly welcome you to the Order. ((We will send a bird on directions where to go))
  4. Militum de Argentum “Simul Nos Pugnare Aeternum” The men and women serving under the command of House Silverblade work in protecting the family and act as a key military force. Controlled only by the house itself, they serve no purpose in the state or national affairs. *************************************************************** Ranks Elder Of War: Huron Silverblade & Captain: The captain will work closest with the elders of the house and is chosen by his show of loyatly and skill in battle toward the elders. The captain is also one of the best fighters in the Houses soldiers and watches the Three master of arms train the soldiers and assigns soldiers to their proper groups. And helps plans the training schedules. Master of Arms: The Master of Arms, They each have mastered In thier art of weapon. There are three of these people each one that has mastered an art of war, Bow,Sword and Axe. They work with the Captain of the Militum a lot, and hold training sessions under their art of war so their men are properly trained. Footman: The Basic Soldier of the Militum. They swear their arms,mouth,and body to the House they serve. These men will mainly be used to patrol the dukedoms and counties that they serve and do all tasks and duties assigned by the Captain,Master of Arms, and any of the Silverblade elders. Recruit: A New fighter in the Militum, or as many called “Fresh meat” usually one who does not know how to fight very well and needs to be trained by the Master of arms in order to be considered a foot man. These men are equipped with leather and chain and get paid minimum wage. *************************************************************** All men are encouraged to train themselves to their highest possible achievements in the skill type they have chosen. The master of arms will obviously prompt each man on the corresponding skill to enhance his/her skill in that particular combat role. Other than holding these militarized roles, each recruit will be asked if he/she would like to take another side skill such as fishing or farming to further help the effort. If they so choose to partake in another skill then the house shall help and provide materials to help them do so. *************************************************************** Oath of Allegiance I _______ swear by The Almighty Light, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to House Silverblade, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend my liege, Their Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His liege, His Heirs and Successors, and of the generals and officers set over me. So help me God. *************************************************************** Rules - Thou must forever abide by all rules of the Militum - Thou must not break their oath of allegiance - Thou must follow the ruling and laws of the Holy Oren Empire - Thou must respect the authority of all family elders - Thou can only be ordered by others of higher rank in the Militum and His Majesty the Imperial Emperor, Godfrey I *************************************************************** Application to Join: Mc Name: Rp Name: Race: Age: A Simple Bio about yourself [[No longer then 1 paragraph keep it short ‘n sweet]]: Your Art of war and how good are ye : Reasoning to Join House Silverblade bannermen: Past Jobs beforehand: Oath [MUST BE TAKEN!]: ***************************************************************** Duties & Rewards for Service. - Serve House Silverblade with Undying Loyalty. - Protect House Silverblade Members and Land - Uphold your oath - Stay Strong in your art of war. ----------------------------- - Basic Armor and Arms when joining. - Personal Bunk with Private Chest and Locks if needed. - Land for continued Services. - Daily Rations of food.
  5. Hey, throdo told me that you are having some tough times OOCly. Saying that you think that no one cares about you, well throdo and I do care for you. Just trying to cheer you up, think of happy times :)~Huron

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