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Posts posted by Dyn

  1. Minecraft Account Name: Demonxerov2

    Character Name: Istzaer

    Race: Mori

    Gender: Male

    Age: 129 ( 645 in human years)

    Appearance: Standing at five foot seven, Istzaer shows off his white hair with red trim (Made using dye), not bad looking face, and toned body. He has a notable scar on his left cheek, in which he proudly shows to everyone. There are some noticeable scars on his hand from his knife training failures. He has a sort of mix of a bedhead and a combed hairstyle. One of his eyes is the color yellow while his other eye is gray. He cover gray one with his hair since he is blind in that eye.

    Personality: A generally unfriendly Mori, Istzaer doesn’t like talking to even his own kind unless they start the conversation. Istzaer also has abandonment issues and thus will do a lot to keep his relationships once he has them. Once he wants something, he is determined to get it and will not back down very easily. He doesn’t generally laugh but certain jokes can make him crack up even in the worst of situations.

    Biography: Istzaer didn’t exactly have the childhood of most of the Mori. He was abandoned by his parents at the young age of 30 (Mori) years old. From there, he would be beaten or spat on by people before hearing about how he would never grow to become anything. He saw how the nobles lived, swearing that one day he would live greater than them all. He thought for a moment and headed off into the slums. This would mark the beginning of his training to gain his noble status. He would push his body daily to do more as he wanted to become greater than those who abused him.

    During his years of training, Istzaer stumbled upon a rusty knife in the water. He reluctantly took it, studying it before trying it out. He proceeded to stalk and attack a pig, though it took his much effort and many poorly made strikes. Angered by this, Istzaer decided to learn how to properly use the tool. He spent weeks trying to just find out the proper way to handle it, followed by the years it took to learn how to use it. This was the start of his path to knife mastery. He trained daily by hunting, attacking training dummies, and paying men to help him with his defence. He didn’t transition well through his beginner phase to his more skilled years but he eventually began to show results.

    Eventually, Istzaer was pleased with his new found strengths. He took it on himself to leave that old life of his behind, dying his hair and changing his clothing. He adopted a new name, Istzaer, as he felt his previous one would hold him back. From the shadows he emerged, ready to make a new start for himself. He thinks about his life, considering whether he would’ve survived if he chose not to make the same choices for himself but he ends up just shrugging it off.

    Your characters ambitions:

    To become as respected as the nobles and live the luxurious life that he was robbed of. To serve those who control him to the best of his ability, regardless of the task.

    Why does your character do what he/she does?

    To get closer of his goal to become high in the society or at least to noble status.

    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any?

    He prefers not to kill unless he has to. Murder isn’t something that goes well with your reputation unless you have a good reason to back it up. He will however murder if he feels it necessary or if requested by someone he knows well.

    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character?


    1. Istzaer has trust issues which cause him to not want to be around many people.

    2. Minor insomnia due to nightmares about beatings.


    1. Extensive knife training and minor sword training

    2. Minor commoner knowledge.

    What role will your character play in Asulon?

    A man who will do what he needs to to get to power, assuming the task has interest to him.

    Is your character loyal or a backstabber?

    If he gives you his true loyalty, then you can feel safe that he will not try to harm you unless you provoke him. However, he will sometimes fake this loyalty to get what he needs.

    Are you familiar with all server/villain application rules?

    I believe I am.

    Evils to be considered for?

    2a and 2b

    Why do you as a player wish to and think you deserve to play as a villain?

    To play my Mori to the best of my ability while also giving people some good RP. I think that it is only appropriate for a mori to be ready to kill anyone who crosses him. I’ve been on the server for a while, been told I do some good RP. I think that it would be nice to be able to play this character with less restrictions and allow him to kill at the will of his master/mistress (Assuming he ends up with one).

    ===Roleplay Related Questions===

    As your character wanders the back-streets of Menorcress, you sight a cloaked figure lurking in one of the shadowed nook behind the Brothel: a rustle of cloth is heard, and the figure ushers you in with a skeletal finger. The hooded figure imparts information involving a conspiracy to over-throw the House of Miiystra, and offers you a hefty sum of coin to partake in the planned attack. How does your character react?

    Istzaer slaps the man’s hand away after examining it and determining it to be surfacer, walking off as he heads towards the noble district and heads into the Miiystra house. He decides to tell the people of the house about the attack, not liking the surfacer more than he dislikes the actual house. He then stands aside, watching the attackers be slaughtered by the prepared forces. Istzaer is sure that he will gain some reputation for this.

    Your character finds him/herself watching the Alure d'aphyon: the several fighters within the void maze wield only sticks as they prove their prowess as warriors by battling to the death. One of fighters happens to be a close companion of yours, and you witness him being strategically cornered by three of the other fighters and beaten to death. While the crowd cheers in celebration of the violence, and the death of your friend. How does your character react?

    Looking down at the body, Istzaer growls. “I could’ve still used him for work” he thinks to himself before walking away, remembering the faces of those who attacked his friend. As he waits outside the entrance, he notices the leader of the three. Lurking in the shadows, Istzaer makes sure to find out where the man lives by trailing him. As the man tries to close the door, Istzaer stands there, his arm holding it open. He swings the door wide open as he walks inside, knife in hand, and proceeds to warn the man, “If you dare kill anymore of my friends, I will personally make sure you meet a harsh end” before walking out.

    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female rothe [slave/cattle] instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either coin or bread. How does your character react?

    As Istzaer looks at them, he remembers his own struggles. He tells them that if they do not make anything of themselves, they will always be nothing but filth. Istzaer then takes a small amount of loaves from his bag and throws it to them before walking off.

    A male and female rivvil [human] and a rivvil child seem lost amidst the alley-ways of byr'shuk [outsider-market]. The woman walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side. How does your character react?

    Istzaer raises a brow at them, leaning against a wall, as he watches them stumble around before the woman finally decides to talk to him. She decides to ask for directions in which he decides to ask for minas. The man becomes angered and draws his scabbard, holding it up to Ist’s neck. Istzaer raises a hand and points them down a dark alley, knowing that it is really a dead end. As the man turns, Istzaer grabs the knife from his belt and stabs downward onto the man’s shoulder to make him lose his grip of his weapon. He warns them to leave his sight or else he will slay the man where he stands. Istzaer then watches as he walks off, glad he didn’t have to get his hands bloody.

    Two guards try to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two members of another qu'ellar [house]. Your 'friend' slays one of the guards as he approaches, causing the others to draw their arms. How does your character react?

    Istzaer stands at the side, trying to talk them all down. As the two rival members and guards attack his friend, Istzaer merely stands at the side. He knows that he can’t help the friend and won’t try to be a hero to save him. Istzaer watches the scene unfold before walking to the body of his friend, closing his eyes before he stands and exits the scene.

    A screenshot of your skin:


  2. Minecraft Account Name: Demonxerov2

    Character Name: Istzaer

    Race: Mori

    Gender: Male

    Age: 129 ( 645 in human years)


    Standing at five foot seven, Istzaer shows off his red hair (dyed of course), not a bad looker, and a toned body. He has a notable scar on his left cheek, in which he proudly shows to everyone. He has a sort of shaggy hairstyle, covering some of his heterozygous eyes.


    Generally an uncaring Mori, Istzaer doesn’t generally do things unless he is specifically told to do so by someone who he can benefit from or he serves in general. He is a proud Mori, spitting down on other races that dare to insult him before striking them with his blade.


    Istzaer didn’t exactly have the childhood of most of the Mori. He was abandoned by his parents at the young age of 30 (Mori) years old. From there, he would be beaten or spat on by people before hearing about how he would never grow to become anything. He saw how the nobles lived, swearing that one day he would live greater than them all. He thought for a moment and headed off into the slums. This would mark the beginning of his training to gain his noble status.

    During his years of training, Istzaer stumbled upon a rusty knife in the water. He reluctantly took it, studying it before trying it out. He proceeded to stalk and attack a pig, though it took his much effort and many poorly made strikes. Angered by this, Istzaer decided to learn how to properly use the tool. He spent weeks trying to just find out the proper way to handle it, followed by the years it took to learn how to use it. This was his beginning to his knife mastery, also using larger blades such as swords and daggers along the way.

    Eventually, he was pleased with his new found strengths. He took it on himself to leave that old life of his behind, dying his hair and changing his clothing. He adopted a new name, Istzaer, as he felt his previous one would hold him back. From the shadows he emerged, ready to make a new start for himself. Where his paths will lead is currently unknown.

    Your characters ambitions:

    To become as respected as the nobles, live the luxurious life that he was robbed of, to serve those who deserve it.

    Why does your character do what he/she does?

    To get closer of his goal to become high in the society or at least to noble status.

    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any?

    He prefers not to kill unless he has to. Murder isn’t something that goes well with your reputation unless you have a good reason to back it up.

    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character?


    1. Istzaer has trust issues which cause him to not want to be around many people.

    2. Minor insomnia due to nightmares about beatings.


    1. Near sword mastery and knife mastery.

    2. Minor commoner knowledge.

    What role will your character play in Asulon?

    A man who will do what he needs to to get to power, assuming the task has interest to him.

    Is your character loyal or a backstabber?

    If he gives you his true loyalty, then you can feel safe that he will not try to harm you unless you provoke him. However, he will sometimes fake this loyalty to get what he needs.

    Are you familiar with all server/villain application rules?

    I believe I am.

    Evils to be considered for?

    2a and 2b

    Why do you as a player wish to and think you deserve to play as a villain?

    To play my Mori to the best of my ability while also giving people some good RP. I think that it is only appropriate for a mori to be ready to kill anyone who crosses him. I’ve been on the server for a while, been told I do some good RP. I think that it would be nice to be able to play this character with less restrictions and allow him to kill at willl

    ===Roleplay Related Questions===

    As your character wanders the back-streets of Menorcress, you sight a cloaked figure lurking in one of the shadowed nook behind the Brothel: a rustle of cloth is heard, and the figure ushers you in with a skeletal finger. The hooded figure imparts information involving a conspiracy to over-throw the House of Miiystra, and offers you a hefty sum of coin to partake in the planned attack. How does your character react?

    Istzaer slaps the man’s hand away after examining it and determining it to be surfacer, walking off as he heads towards the noble district and heads into the Miiystra house. He decides to tell the people of the house about the attack, not liking the surfacer more than he dislikes the actual house. He then stands aside, watching the attackers be slaughtered by the prepared forces. Istzaer is sure that he will gain some reputation for this.

    Your character finds him/herself watching the Alure d'aphyon: the several fighters within the void maze wield only sticks as they prove their prowess as warriors by battling to the death. One of fighters happens to be a close companion of yours, and you witness him being strategically cornered by three of the other fighters and beaten to death. While the crowd cheers in celebration of the violence, and the death of your friend. How does your character react?

    Looking down at the body, Istzaer growls. “I could’ve still used him for work” he thinks to himself before walking away, remembering the faces of those who attacked his friend. As he waits outside the entrance, he notices the leader of the three. Lurking in the shadows, Istzaer makes sure to find out where the man lives by trailing him. As the man tries to close the door, Istzaer stands there, his arm holding it open. He swings the door wide open as he walks inside, knife in hand, and proceeds to attack the man. The man grabs what he can, a metal bar from repairs, and smacks Istzaer’s shoulder. Istzaer growls in pain before lunging the knife forward at his neck, causing the man to bleed out shortly after. Istzaer sheathes the knife and walks away while holding his shoulder, muttering some curses under his breathe.

    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female rothe [slave/cattle] instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either coin or bread. How does your character react?

    As Istzaer looks at them, he remembers his own struggles. He tells them that if they do not make anything of themselves, they will always be nothing but filth. Istzaer then takes a small amount of loaves from his bag and throws it to them before walking off.

    A male and female rivvil [human] and a rivvil child seem lost amidst the alley-ways of byr'shuk [outsider-market]. The woman walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side. How does your character react?

    Istzaer raises a brow at them, leaning against a wall, as he watches them stumble around before the woman finally decides to talk to him. She decides to ask for directions in which he decides to ask for minas. The man becomes angered and draws his scabbard, holding it up to Ist’s neck. Istzaer raises a hand and points them down a dark alley, knowing that it is really a dead end. As the man turns, Istzaer grabs the knife from his belt and stabs down on his skull repeatedly until the man falls with a sickening thud. After sheathing the knife, he glares at the corpse once more before walking off.

    Two guards try to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two members of another qu'ellar [house]. Your 'friend' slays one of the guards as he approaches, causing the others to draw their arms. How does your character react?

    Istzaer stands at the side, trying to talk them all down. As the two rival members and guards attack his friend, Istzaer merely stands at the side. He knows that he can’t help the friend and won’t try to be a hero to save him. Istzaer watches the scene unfold before walking to the body of his friend, closing his eyes before he stands and exits the scene.

    A screenshot of your skin:


  3. Minecraft Account Name: Demonxerov2

    Character Name: Drayl'Kan E'rilsiir

    Race: Mori

    Gender: Male

    Age: 22 ( 110 in human years)

    Appearance: Drayl stands only a few inches under his brother, Xemn’Vus, while having a toned physique with an average amount of muscle. Unlike most Mori, he wears his hair short as he finds it could be a liability during combat.

    Personality: A cold yet caring Mori, Drayl does not like much of anything that isn’t his family. He is often ready to make fun of somebody that he sees, as long as whoever he sees is not a Mori woman. He is really close to his culture, ready to draw weapons should anyone insult his race or their ways.

    Biography: ((Swgrclan said I could join the family)) While growing up with his siblings, Drayl had parents that would usually be urging him to study. Most of the time, he wouldn’t be paying attention. He would be playing with whatever he could find and doing what he preferred rather than what his parents wanted. As he grew up, he learned ways of entertaining others as well as himself and even earning money in the process. He learned impressive things such as juggling and balancing, things that performers will do. Although against his parents wishes, he also learned about weapons and fighting. He has grown to be a great weapons master, using a mix of blades and axes in order to silence any threats that come to him or anyone close to him.

    Although he never really studied, he knows a fair amount about his own culture. He is a Mori, he is greater than the other races, and he will attack anybody that says otherwise. Being somewhat of a patriot for his people, he is quick to defend them and will ignore most if not all news about them that he dislikes. Drayl may seem to show little interest when it comes to mates, however this is actually far from the truth. He believes that obtaining a mate would put him above most other single Mori and give honor to a woman who wishes to bear children.

    Your characters ambitions:

    To serve the Mori to the best of his ability while wearing the smile of joker and to surpass his brother in every way.

    Why does your character do what he/she does?

    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any?

    Out of personal preference, he goes against the harming of women. It’s merely because of being raised in a matriarchal society that he has made this choice. Although, This does not mean he will not do it if he has to.

    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character?

    One of his strengths would include his family. His brother is a very skilled fighter who Drayl believes he can rely on when a fight breaks loose. He also has trained for a while, making him glad for blowing off all that study time. Although one of his weaknesses would be his loyalty to the Mori. Completely ready to sacrifice himself for the better of his race, Drayl is truly a patriot for his people. His other strength would be his knowledge of the common language of Asulon, which he only studied because his brother knows it. Another weakness of his is his pride, thinking himself above most other people which includes Mori. He will usually make rude and arrogant comments towards other men of his race as well as other races.

    What role will your character play in Asulon?

    A sort of loyalist to the Mori, striking anyone who would oppose his family and fighting for the Mori at all cost.

    Is your character loyal or a backstabber?

    This is a tricky question. He is loyal to his family, with his brother serving as an idol to him and making him want to serve him or any other Mori with little question. This said, he is always willing to put a knife into the back of someone who puts their trust in him, so long as he has reason.

    Are you familiar with all server/villain application rules?

    I believe so.

    Evils to be considered for?

    2a and 2b

    Why do you as a player wish to and think you deserve to play as a villain?

    I have spent a lot of time on this server, observing as it has gone from PVPing each other to using emotes now. I spend a lot of time with villains, as they are my friends and they are pretty cool. I’ve watched them RP as well, figuring out how they became good villains and ways to try and evil fun for those who are against it. I do not believe I deserve this, as it is a privilege which can be taken and given at will by those who moderate the villains. I understand this and will do my best to please the server with villainy rather than just doing it for items or myself.

    ===Roleplay Related Questions===

    As your character wanders the back-streets of Menorcress, you sight a cloaked figure lurking in one of the shadowed nook behind the Brothel: a rustle of cloth is heard, and the figure ushers you in with a skeletal finger. The hooded figure imparts information involving a conspiracy to over-throw the House of Miiystra, and offers you a hefty sum of coin to partake in the planned attack. How does your character react?

    Walking forward, Drayl seems to be reaching a hand out for the coins. However his motion quickly changes for the figure’s neck while his free hand grabs onto the handle of his axe. He raises the axe overhead, knowing the figure must be too weak of starvation or old age to fight back by the sight of his hand. Giving the figure a small smile, the axe comes downward at the robed man’s head. Blood drips to the floor as the body is dropped down, left for the weaklings to pick out of. Drayl walks away, not bothering to question the choice he had just made.

    Your character finds him/herself watching the Alure d'aphyon: the several fighters within the void maze wield only sticks as they prove their prowess as warriors by battling to the death. One of fighters happens to be a close companion of yours, and you witness him being strategically cornered by three of the other fighters and beaten to death. While the crowd cheers in celebration of the violence, and the death of your friend. How does your character react?

    As Drayl stares down upon the body, he feels little emotion come to him. The companion wasn’t family, nor was it a slave of his, so why should Drayl care? If the man was stronger then he might have survived, but he wasn’t. Drayl walks off, uncaring about the entire situation.

    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female rothe [slave/cattle] instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either coin or bread. How does your character react?

    Drayl raises his hand and strikes them across the face with the back of his palm, growling in anger as the two insult him by begging for his help. He takes out a bag of his bread and throws a few loaves to the floor while watching the two jump over it like the hungry little rats they are. Then Drayl grabs at them and begins dragging them around, trying to find whoever owns the two. He knows that they will be punished for their insolence.

    A male and female rivvil [human] and a rivvil child seem lost amidst the alley-ways of byr'shuk [outsider-market]. The woman walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side. How does your character react?

    Drayl glares at them, tossing taunts and insults torwards the man at times. As the man approaches, Drayl takes the axe from his belt, holding it at his side and getting in a combat ready position. The man stabs forward, which causes Drayl to turn while moving to the side, the blade cutting across his chest. Drayl growls and sends the axe upward to the man’s neck and afterwards removing it from the bloodied body. He stares up at the two, his eyes speaking to them as well as his voice. “Leave outsider, unless you wish to become a corpse as well”. He finishes by spitting on the ground, sick at the people for having to had speak their language.

    Two guards try to break up a fight between your acquaintance and two members of another qu'ellar [house]. Your 'friend' slays one of the guards as he approaches, causing the others to draw their arms. How does your character react?

    Drayl quickly takes out his axe and moves to the side of his friend, watching him go forward to fight. However he then swings the axe downward at the friend’s back, watching as he drops down from the pain. While he chooses to ask why this was done, Drayl mearly mentions his brother his head of the guard and walks over to finish his job. A final scream is heard followed by an audible chop, silence following.

    A screenshot of your skin: sketch-89png.pngDraylscreenshot.png

  4. Droolguy, just do us a favor and leave If all you are going to do is whine about this addition. You're not really correcting the GMs, you're just insulting them. If I could, I would just ban you and make you submit an appeal to come back, a reason I don't apply for any moderator positions. I really hope someone slaps you and you come to your senses because you're just annoying right now. Thank you and good bye.

  5. I have one question. Recently I got into a little PVP fight with a house of Flay member because some idiot shot at them. Although I survived the PVP (with no kills), I found it amazing how his gold axe put my sword to shame by nearly killing me in 3 hits. I asked a friend about this and he said that axes are a bit overpowered due to the extra lumberjacking damage, ability to break weapons, and supposed crits. He then explained how with swords, you will only get sword skill damage and the ability to parry (A skill which doesn't seem as great as weapon breaks in my opinion). This intriguing news to me drove me to ask if any changes will be made to either the axe or the sword skill to make them seem more balanced? I personally feel like I wasted a lot of my time leveling up my sword skills unless there is something else that I am missing.

    My Second question involves the wrestling skill. I notice it isn't very useful in most situations regarding weapons, but very good in other situations. I was wondering if the new armor plugins will be updated to make it so when you wear armor, your fist damage will go up slightly. I've heard a lot that armor usually helps people with fist skill, however this knowledge (like a lot of my post) is still not completely confirmed to me.

    If you could take the time to answer these questions, I would appreciate it greatly. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  6. Dynasty yawns and looks up at the sky, feeling tired of the armor he shouts out,

    "Bidding over, the young lady shall have it. She has practically been looking all over for it anyways. I'll just make it easy for her. Make sure you get all that bread now."

    He smiles at the crowd, although feeling as if he has ticked some people off.

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