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Status Updates posted by Zazarus

  1. Toto.. I don't think I'm in Asulon anymore..

  2. Hmmm, now what is new? *Pokes head in momentarily*

  3. What can I say.. I'm Perma Chaos Knight. I was also Rping at the start of my Mabi experience. I think first female Zaz hooked up with Rp wise was a sub goddess to Morrighan... Started to get a big distrust turning into hate against goddess's .. Extending to Divinity. As far as infra black.. Only when they start looking like Nightmare from Soulcaliber will I ever turn to Infra black.

  4. Foook... I highly dislike small tiny books with normal text but takes hours to go through because it is on the dry and boring side... I dislike this kind of study!

  5. Wonders if these comments are brokes~

  6. Generation 3! When Clearing it meant some bassadry. Allthough exotic bronze women and new contetnt , especially skills and talents, lets just say I ahve 10+ alts with their own unique skill sets and Costumes!

  7. Honestly? Gen 3 When Clearing it meant something. One of the first DK's on Tarlach Server with a wopping total of 97~ Good times. But that Shamala... Something about dem exotic bronze women... Allthough I love the fact that you can be ANYthign you want to be with all the new gens added. Talk about super Char customization with Skills.

  8. That I am XD A few years now. 5 and counting xD

  9. What can I say after one story arch is done, I was pooped! Now on to the next!

  10. Wonderin' what to do with Isolde, though can't do much till other rpers are on tonight... Bhlerk.. Might as well cook adobo.

  11. Nope I didn't draw them but a Friend did, I'm actually waiting for two other commissions. => I can't wait for my Zaz~ Panda Causing Panda-monium in Erinn. That and Sash and Hekatia Pic.

  12. ~Covers his mouth with a finger and a shh~ I am in deep cover!

  13. For those whom grew up as old school gamers and wish to see if you can go back and play some lost and really old games, gog.com is a good place to do it. Gotta love me some Dungeon Keeper!

  14. Aya, need to stop being lazy and keep on propelling the story line..

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      But being lazy is so tempting~

    2. Zazarus


      I know right? I'm having Astrana tip toe around every where but I'm still being lazy xD

  15. Why the hell does being lazy have to be so easy?! =w=

  16. Allright Flandre and Tyler has been captured by Astrana and are going being experemented on get back to me on how you want this to wrok out to explain your disappearance.

  17. Well if that the case I expect Flandre to have grown at least.

  18. Flandre Ima pimp slap you on the side of the head! Good lords! *sighs*

  19. Uhhhrk, balancing building and making a story arch is fun! .. Though kind of testing though.. Especially since most of the people in certain character slots are busy rl! xd

    1. Maximas1211


      Haha and about time you made a status update jks

  20. Leeeeerrrrrrooooy Jeeeeennnkiiins!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braxis


      *looks at his Mc name*

      Lies its!


    3. Beneh


      Alright guys , thumbs up lets do ths.


    4. Maximas1211
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