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Robin Drake

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Posts posted by Robin Drake

  1. Accepted.

    Whilst your bio did not feature mush knowledge of the lore of Asulon, your situational answers made up for this. If you wish to build your lumber mill you will have to venture to the wilds or possible ask a nation leader to spare you some protected land for one, and pay off the debts with lumber.

  2. *Robin returns to Salvus after along trek he had undergone, his cloak flapping in the wind as a fell breeze through the gates of Solace out into the Eastfields. He lowers his hood exposing his graying hair, the hood providing a veil against the many enemys of the nation he has sworn his fealty to. He approaches his home in the noble district, noticing some whisps of dark smoke coming from the balcony of the Palace, though he pays little heed to it as he approaches the door, a warm light coming from within, as he opens the door he is welcomed by his younger brother and embraces him. As the embrace ends he notices Stavos' face does not show the emotions of contentedness, happiness or relief, but those of sorrow.

    "Speak up brother, does my arrival from Westport Isle not bring ye relief? Come, I shall fetch us a few flagons of ale!" Robin says in an upbeat mood.

    "Nay brother, I have grave news." Stavos replies, his face crestfallen. "Just before your arrival there was-..."

    The conversation interupted by yelling from the direction of the palace, as Robin peers from the window he sees the King standing before the mob, as the King begins his speech, the words loud and clear enough to be made out from across the river. Robin's shoulder slump as he listens, hes expression only barely reflected on the surface of the window, though Stavos did not need a reflection to know how Robin was mourning the loss and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder squeezing it tightly. Robin's weathered face scarred face emphasized his grief before it turned into a frown as he heard that war was on Salvus' doorstep.

    Robin turns from the window, silent and walks towards his armour stand, running his hands over the battered plate-iron chest plate, his the emblem of house Drake forged onto it from the Winterfell blacksmith, the decorative pauldrons scratched and one damaged beyond repair. He paused for a moment lifting a sword from the table, slowly drawing it from the scabbard whilst saying,

    "Stavos, war has brewed in my absence, I should hath slain the rebellion leader when I had the chance before going to the island with my retainers. I cannot abandon Salvus in this time of strife, I cannot let it's people stand alone, I can't leave them to die." Robin tightens his grip on the hilt of the sword as he turns and places his arm on his brothers shoulder. "Stavos, dear brother, please ensure that you will take Jana and any other citizens which wish to flee down the southern road to Westport Isle. I will stand with my people in what could be my last act as a Lord of Salvus, I can only pray to the old gods that it is not. Now be swift, I shall aid in constructing additional fortifications that will hopefully buy us more time."

  3. What nation is it under? Salvus?

    As stated in the OP:

    "The town and it’s surrounding land would not be under any immediate rule, though it could

    well be approached in the future by messengers bearing terms of becoming a Vassal of their


    The town is under rule of my noble house, not under any nation, should one wish to make contact and form a treaty which would see my fief under the rule of a nation, then I will be happy to sit down and talk terms.

    Well if you build there then I shall welcome you into the duchy of Westfall. We are a kindly bunch :) with some cannibals that we mostly ignore. I don't doubt you'll bring great rp, just realize the land you want to settle is almost completely surrounded by Renatus now.

    Thank you very much for the kind welcome, i have not had the oppurtunity to send any of my cartographers to map out the nearby lands. As for Renatus, I have no qualms with them,

  4. "Ye absent mind boy? If ye believe Salvus' politics aren't corrupt then ye are not involved in Salvus' politics."

    "Boy?" Robin scoffs, "Perhaps old age has came to you quicker than it has come to me, you seem rather shortsighted to not be able to distinguish appearances. You may need to see an apothecary lest you lose sigh of everything, including your goals."

  5. Oh you~

    Seeing how Salvus seems to be in a bit of difficulty I could use this as a means to usher some of the refugees to my town. I just need to walk there and start building it really... Though that is getting ahead of myself as none of salvus's towns have fallen yet, as for my town I have it all planned out in my head :3

  6. "Let it be known that all Salvus Refugee's are welcome to seek shelter in Alras. My humble hand extends to those in need."

    "Your humble hand? You threaten our land, plan attacks against our nation. Your greed and hunger for conquest is ony surpassed by you desire for coin. How many families will be left without sons, without fathers, without brothers? Your attacks will cause anger to those who have lived and worked here, their sweat and blood absorbed by the tilled soil. I do not think they will so easily succumb to joining a nation ruled by such a man of little honor."

  7. MC Name: deanofantastico

    RP Name: Robin Drake

    Town Name: Eridell

    Why are you/your character starting this town? What role will it play?

    As House Drake’s influence and power started to increase, similar to that of the old days of his

    house, he found that his house and family would need to move to pastures new to continue the

    growth of influence and power of his house. Not but a year ago did he send out some of his

    subjects to scout out geographically suitable for him to settle and recreate the town which his

    house had governed many generations ago, his only knowledge of it came from a book which

    he was given when his grandfather passed. The town of Eridell will be based solely around the

    rising to power of his house, and to highlight it as such it will start from the building of the lord's

    residence gradually building up the town over time as the sphere of influence grows.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town? Is this town under the reign of any other nation at this time?

    As stated before the town is based solely around House Drake and therefore it is quite obvious

    that the town would be run by the Lord. In his absence the leadership would fall on the hands of

    his next of kin, who would be aided by two of his the Lord's retainers.

    The retainers would be a Steward and a Soothsayer, the Steward’s responsibilities would be

    inherited from the guard, he would act as a military advisor. The Soothsayer would act as a

    religious advisor, more focused on omens and superstitions.

    The town and it’s surrounding land would not be under any immediate rule, though it could

    well be approached in the future by messengers bearing terms of becoming a Vassal of their


    The “Guard system” would be referred to as a Town Watch, for they would generally not be

    seasoned warriors or as disciplined as those from Hanseti. Their main duty would be to maintain

    the peace in the town and guard from any bandits or pirate raids and from the monsters which

    roam the area. The Military hierarchy is as follows:




    Town watch

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

    One cannot say how the commoners will act in the early days of the forming of the town.

    Though it is known that their loyalties lie with their Lord if they are to commit to living there and

    serving their lord.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice

    (of game or map).

    The island Eridell will be built on (dynmap):


    Image on the island of the bay:


    Image of the building style:


    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    The architecture will bear some resemblance to nordic housing. The materials will be sourced

    mainly from the large redwood forest and the large stone rich mountain range both located on

    the mainland, not far from the town. The town will mainly be consisting of Humans and some

    dwarves, due to the proximity of the Nations of Renatus, Hanseti and the Dwarven Kingdoms.

    It is not expected that many elves or orcs will venture this far south though neither would be

    turned from the town should they arrive.

    The town’s trade would focus on sealife due to the town being located on an island and most of

    the other materials would be imported from nearby nations through trade agreements. Forming

    these trade agreements will also increase my favour with the nations I have the agreements

    with which could lead to more favourable terms should an alliance be formed. The trade

    agreements would also see the need to have a vessel and port constructed to enable safe and

    swift transport of large quantities of goods, or in times of war, soldiers.

    Only support if you have an interest in living, working or serving here. Otherwise it will be me

    foreveralone on an island

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (15 name minimum)

    1. Lymdil

    2. The Wandering dwarf

    3. Lambert

    4. Kal Derra 

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