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Status Updates posted by Tethras

  1. So much rage... Hakuna Matata. This is Minecraft, not dark souls haha.

  2. Now to work, oh the wonders of assignments!

  3. Mhmm... Time to post. I might as well as I'm in the mood. Prepare to be bombarded!

  4. Dwarf Antag Event in 1 hour. Get your armour ready guys, its gonna be a fun event!

  5. Jojomama http://i.imgur.com/4qYYYZr.png

  6. Gah university internet and it's firewall. VPN why u no work?

  7. New Stuff soon, gonna be fun ^_^

  8. Damn witches be OP. Log in and die... Then this new registration, either simply coicidence or karma's a *****.

  9. Anyone know where I can download the 3.0 map?

  10. Viva la Revolution!

  11. Moon Dwarves, dwarves on the moon.

  12. Starbeakers be melon bombed.

  13. It's taken me an hour and a half of just walking. But I can finally... Finally! Cut down a bloody tree.

  14. Regions that kill you are certainly to say the least charming.

  15. With Uni starting up , I'm going to go for a bit. So in light of that, I'm sorry. I've been bitter lately, and thanks for everything. Enjoy life and don't forget to live it to the full. And "So long and thanks for all the fish!" well for now :P

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