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Posts posted by Bawg

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Animism (Storm)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?





    The Valley of Jagged Rocks



    “Ascend to the highest peak and you will seal our pact,” Angath said to himself as he stared at the peak of the valley from the bottom of the basin. The overcast up above dim the sun’s shining rays and an aura of gloom hung over the valley. The valley of jagged rocks seemed like an overestimation at first glance, but underneath all the trees and the bushes is not meant for the faint of heart. The orc exhaled sharply before beginning his trek to the peak when suddenly a familiar voice begins to speak to him. “You.”


    “I know you. I know who you are and what you are.” The voice whispered into the ear of Angath as he scaled the mountainous walls of the valley. The skies grew darker. The scent of rain filled the air. “It should have been you. It's all your fault.” The greenskin continued to climb as his thoughts clouded and another barrage of insults assaulted him.“They would be here if it weren’t for you. You failed them when they needed you most.” These words he has heard hundreds of times already, but every time it still cuts him deep inside.


    The sky rumbled in the distance as gusts of wind forced the trees to dance to their song. The light rain suddenly turned to a downpour. Angath struggled, but he finally was able to see the bottom of the basin from the peak. He fell to his knees, closed his eyes, and attempted to contact the spirit, Lluvia. In return there was no response, except the same taunting voice, “What makes you think you could have ever endured the storm?”


    Overwhelmed with exhaustion, guilt, and doubt, the orc fell back and opened his eyes, turning his gaze to the clouds as they shifted in the sky. The raindrops falling upon his face gently washing away his sweat and tears. As Angath watched the lightning flicker behind the dark clouds, a comforting voice echoed. “Through my fury, you found calm. My clouded skies granted you clarity. Now let my tears shower you and heal your heavy heart.”

  3. The Beastslayers


    The Beastslayers are skilled warriors in the Art of the Hunt. They are known for their cunning, courage, and expansive knowledge of the landscape and the beasts that reside within that region. A common tradition among this band of hunters is to collect a remnant of their kill and wear it proudly upon their person to represent their relentless pursuit of the Hunt.



    A group of Beastslayers charge their prey


    Guided Hunts - As expert hunters, beastslayers will guide new hunters and share their knowledge with them as they pursue their prey. Ultimately using their skills to assist those undergoing a Coming of Age Trial or those who wish to add another trophy to their collection.


    Expand the bestiary - Beastslayers are to report and document new creatures, examine their behaviors, and recognize patterns they exhibit. 



    A band of a hunters prepare an attack with their beast in tow


    The Art of the Hunt


    Tracking - A task paramount to the Art of the Hunt is to be able to successfully track your prey. Know their patterns, their behaviors, and pinpoint their weaknesses to execute them with precision.


    Trapping - While most will hunt their prey by tracking them, those who are most knowledgeable about their environment and their prey will lure their prey to them instead. Only the most cunning of beastslayers use their surroundings to their advantage and leap from the shadows when their prey least expects them.


    Taming - Not only is a beastslayer’s duty to conquer nature physically, but spiritually as well. After capturing a beast, the hunter will assess the capabilities of the creature whether the creature will be used for transport, food, or be employed into the ranks of the Iron Horde. Using intimidation and fearlessness will be paramount in dominating the spirit of a ferocious beast. 



    Headhunters take on a treacherous foe




    Huntzgoth - Master of the Hunt and employed by the Dominus to organize scouting missions, assign tasks to investigate the regions surrounding the nation, and train Beastslayers to become competent hunters that provide for the Iron Horde.


    Headhunter - Headhunters are the most capable beastslayers and have the scars to prove it. For one to become a headhunter, they must master Art of the Hunt and seek out the most elusive, vicious, and dreadful creatures known to the Iron Horde. Once executed, they will then display their trophy before the Rex to honor him. Only then will they be known as a Headhunter and be given the title of their most prized kill.





  4. Minecraft IGN


    Discord ID





    What focus-area of the Moderation Team interests you the most?

    Server Moderation and Conflict Moderation

    Why have you decided to apply for the Moderation Team?

    I applied to the Moderation Team so that I could help out with conflict between players and wars. Conflict isn't always the easiest to tackle and with my prior experience being on the Moderation Team, I have no issue with confrontation or finding a solution between two parties. As war on LoTC brings back excitement to server, there will be many questions, grey areas, and exploits in the war rules as no system is perfect and must be adaptable and I would like to have a hand in that. While War Rules and Nation Conflicts are not always happening, I could spend my downtime taking in-game mod tickets, overseeing heists and minor player conflicts which would lighten the load for other projects to be finished by the moderation team. As I am shedding my responsibilities for the nation I roleplay in, I have time to work on projects for the server.

    What can you offer to the team?

    What I offer to the Moderation Team is my experience, my professionalism, and my ability to be a team player. I was on the moderation team for LoTC in 2020 to mid 2021 and have plenty of experience with investigation and conflict. As said above, I don't have an issue with confrontation and would be able to handle these types of situations. For professionalism, I believe my time on the server has made me seasoned and I have experienced many different types of moderators and observed both good and bad qualities of what is admirable for a moderator. Being able to separate those qualities and resemble a model moderator would be like. Lastly, I am a team player and work well within groups. I adapt to the team dynamic and fulfill the role that was placed upon me so the team can progress.


    If you were the Mod Admin, what would you change about the server?

    If I were a Moderation Admin, the change I would place upon the server is to be much more heavy handed on OOC racism. It has no place on the server or within our communities.

    Attach relevant media or links. (Portfolio)


    LoTC Moderator: 2020 - 2021


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Klaude DeNurem


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             King Adrian


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  6. After several days, the Doctor emerges from the DeNurem Manor with red stained clothes, an unbearable stench, and a ivory cloth that is drenched with crimson. He sat at the top of the steps and hung his head to gather a few moments of solitude and order. 

    The old man closes his eyes as he begins to slowly fade into a slumber. He feels at peace that his work was finished, but the images of his colleague will forever be branded in his memory. 

    "Charred to a crisp. Head to toe. Forever transformed by the fire of invention."


    "Apply a concoction of frostvine and serpent's stalk to soothe the burns. Pack tippen's root wherever he bleeds. Carefully wrap him in bandages drenched in the blood of the white lotus. Change bandages over... And over... And over again. Monitor his breathing. Mitigate the damage." 


    The elder Rhenyari widens his eyes as he returns to consciousness, he reaches into his pocket to examine his pocket clock. "DeNurems are damn near indestructible, I'll tell you. An average man would have been killed. Like poor Dimitri." He smiles before stuffing his watch into his coat and stands from the top step. "Time to change his bandages. He should be able to speak soon."


  7. A Combat Medic’s Guide to Field Medicine


    Battlefield medicine - Wikipedia


    [OOC: This guide is published and available to the public who happens upon it.]


    ~ Table of Contents ~


    1. Disclaimer

    2. Safety Procedures

    3. Lacerations

    4. Arrow Wounds

    5. Burns

    6. Broken Bones

    7. Amputations

    8. Common Medicinal Herbs

    9. Disinfectants

    10. Tools



    The objective of this document is to guide medics, adventurers, and survivalists alike in the basics of medicine and safe practices in the field. This guide will also teach students how to appropriately use medical instruments and when to apply medicinal salves. The Combat Medic’s Guide does NOT accurately represent every scenario, but generally covers enough to equip the reading medic with the resources to provide a higher quality of life to their patients. It is expected within a decade or two that this document will become obsolete with more advanced medical practices and some things in this guide are subject to adapt to more efficient procedures.


    Safety Procedures

    Many soldiers hear the phrase there are no heroes. One of the most important things to remember as a medic is that it is your duty to treat the injured and cure the sick, but that could quickly become impossible if you yourself are injured or killed. It would be crucial for you, the combat medic, to assess the situation before putting yourself in danger. 


    You may begin by analyzing the situation around you, the number of enemies, hazards, and allies nearby. Each one of these variables should indicate the situation and how you shall proceed. Failure to follow this procedure could lead to further injuries or even death to you and the injured you sought to treat.


    1. Look around your surroundings and assess if the area is safe enough to perform medical assistance.

    2. If the area is dangerous, ask yourself if you can move the injured or can you clear the area of danger.

    3. If you cannot move the injured or clear the area, it would be wisest to wait until the situation dies down. 

    4. Once the situation has settled, repeat steps 1-2 until the area is safe enough to perform medical assistance.


    Once you are able to begin medical treatment for your patient, it would be wise to examine their injuries or see if they are conscious. Upon examining the injured, if a medic were to find their patient to be actively bleeding, they should make this their priority before treating other injuries. On the battlefield, it is important to treat the minorly injured first before treating the heavily injured while in a triage camp it is the polar opposite.


    [OOC: You should ask the player all visible injuries so that you may use your proper judgement on what or who to treat first.]


    Lacerations & Blood Loss

    In the event that a combat medic cannot use a blood stopper or tippen’s root, they have less ideal options to use to prevent their patients from dying of blood loss. 


    1. Without any tools, a soldier can apply their hands to act as a physical barrier to allow the blood to clot. Depending on the severity of the wound, it could take many minutes or until advanced medical assistance arrives.

    2. A similar way to prevent blood loss is applying gauze and wrapping bandages over, under, and above the wound. Some things to keep in mind when wrapping bandages is to take two fingers and ensure that it fits them underneath to make sure that the wrappings are not too tight.

    3. For severe bleeding, a tourniquet should be used to cinch down onto a limb to slow blood flow. It should not be applied for longer than a minute if the objective is to preserve the limb.


    [OOC: You should examine the player and ask them to describe where they are bleeding from and the amount of blood is being lost.]


    Arrow Wounds

    When it comes to arrow injuries, one must identify the type of arrow that has penetrated their patient. To identify the arrow, one should grip the arrow shaft firmly and gently tug.



    If the arrow barely resists, it is a bodkin arrow and may be prepared for immediate removal.


    1. Clean the area around the arrow with a clean cloth and a disinfectant to prevent infection.

    2. Apply frostvine around the arrow wound to numb the area.

    3. Use a pair of surgical scissors or a combat knife to cut the arrow shaft in half.

    4. Grip the arrow shaft and carefully pull it from your patient.

    5. Apply tippen’s root over the wound to clot the blood then begin cleaning the area of debris and blood once the bleeding has halted.

    6. Depending on the severity of the wound, it may need to be sutured in a web-like pattern to close the wound.

    7. Place gauze against the recently treated wound and begin to wrap the injury from bottom to top.



    If the arrow resists greatly, it is a barbed arrow and will need to undergo surgery to remove it.


    1. Clean the area around the arrow with a clean cloth and a disinfectant to prevent infection.

    2. Apply frostvine around the arrow wound to numb the area.

    3. Use a pair of surgical scissors or a combat knife to cut the arrow shaft in half.

    4. Take your scalpel and make an incision, so the barbed arrow can be removed without causing more damage to your patient.

    5. Grip the arrow shaft and carefully pull it from your patient.

    6. Apply tippen’s root over the wound and incision to clot the blood then begin cleaning the area of debris and blood once the bleeding has halted.

    7. Suture the arrow wound in a web-like pattern and neatly suture the incisions with a boot lace pattern.

    8. Place gauze against the recently treated wound and begin to wrap the injury from bottom to top.


    Arrow wounds to the abdomen are typically fatal, but this should NOT deter a medic from attempting to save the life of their patient.


    [OOC: In most incidents the arrow will be a bodkin arrow, but it never hurts to ask the player or person leading the event what type of arrow was used.]



    Burns are a treacherous injury to experience and to treat as they require much care to remedy. The daunting thing about burn injuries is how medicine becomes less effective as the injury is more severe and demanding the medic to treat it with care for an extended amount of time. The sooner you treat a burn, the more likely you would preserve the quality of life for your patient.


    1. Take your salve of Serpent’s Stalk/Burn Soothe and generously apply it over the burned area to soothe the burn.

    2. Apply a thin layer of frostvine over the burned area to assist the soothing agent and to also numb the burns.

    3. Use a disinfectant to prevent infection from the burns. Your choice in disinfectant would depend on the size of the burn.

    4. Wrap the area with a bundle of bandages and carefully transport the patient to safety.


    [OOC: Be sure to ask the player to describe the degree of their injury, if  they cannot specify the degree of damage assume the injury is not severe unless told otherwise.]


    Bone Injuries & Dislocations

    It isn’t uncommon for people to break their limbs from a blunt object or an unexpected fall. A nearby medical professional can improve the quality of life for the patient by resetting their bones or popping an arm back into a socket. Follow the steps below to keep your patient from having a preventable deformity!


    Broken Limbs

    1. Inspect where the bone is broken and realign it to its natural position.

    2. Take your splint kit and apply two rods against the sides of the broken bone then take a large cloth and begin wrapping the rods around the limb firmly.

    3. Escort your patient to safety so that their bones can receive more specialized help.


    Broken Ribs

    1. Inspect the broken ribs and move the injured onto their back to prevent puncturing any organs.

    2. Apply a light coat of frostvine and wrap their upper torso firmly with bandages to prevent the broken bones from shifting.

    3. Transport the injured patient off the field to get more specialized help.



    1. Identify the dislocated joint.

    2. Grip the end of the limb firmly before pushing it up and back into its socket.

    3. Your patient can continue to travel, but should seek medical treatment to ensure everything is in order.



    There will be many occasions where the best option to save the life of your patient is to remove their limb to preserve their life or if the limb is determined to be beyond repair. Below you may follow the optimal procedure to prevent any pain to your patient. 


    1. If you have determined that a limb must be amputated to preserve the quality of life of your patient, if available a strong liquor for the patient will make the process easier.

    2. Begin to apply blissfoil liberally to the area where you will cut with a bonesaw and wait for about two minutes.

    3. While you wait, you may prepare a tourniquet and wrap it above the area of where you will cut to slow blood flow. Begin to also have the tippen's root prepared to clot the blood of the limb when you sever it.

    4. Take your bonesaw and place it over the area where the blissfoil was applied and give forceful tugs back and forth until the limb is fully removed. 

    5. Apply tippen’s root to the stump to clot the bleeding and begin to firmly wrap the stump with gauze and bandages.

    6. Escort your patient to safety to prevent any additional harm to them.


    [OOC: After you have determined that a limb must be removed due to the severity of a player’s emote, send them a message and ask them if they would like to go through with the procedure before removing body parts from them.]


    Common Medicinal Herbs

    Herbs are a crucial tool to have when travelling in the wilderness or preparing for war. A good medic is always known to come prepared with a number of salves no matter what situation their group may find themselves in. Most medical rucksacks have a large number of slots and pouches available for containers and jars to store the herbs and prevent any damage to the objects inside.


    Serpent’s Stalk

    This herb is primarily used for burns in field medicine, but can also be consumed to lower one’s fever. This herb cannot heal one from their burns, but it can lessen their suffering and prevent blisters.


    Apply this clear substance to the burned area of the injured to soothe the burns. A medic may use this as generously as they please to cover the burn wounds, although the more severe the burn the more ineffective the Serpent’s Stalk becomes and may require additional medical attention.



    Blissfoil is a powerful numbing agent that is constantly reacting at all times and if recklessly used could cause permanent damage. This numbing agent is mainly used in emergencies on the battlefield or amputations. It is adamant that the medical professional is wearing gloves when handling blissfoil.


    Apply only a conservative amount to the area around the wound and do not apply to an open wound. Remove the application from the wound before a minute pasts or risk permanent numbing. 



    Another numbing agent that will be frequently used in the medical field would be frostvine. It is not as potent as blissfoil, but carelessly handling it without gloves or using an excessive amount could cause frostbite.


     Frostvine can be applied to the face and neck to help soothe a fever, but its primary use is for delicate procedures that involve a conscious patient or to help assist in cooling the burns of a scorched patient.


    Tippen’s Root

    The most commonly used herb in a medic’s kit would be Tippen’s Root. This repulsive herb is best used for clotting an actively bleeding wound to prevent further blood loss.


    Packing the rancid paste into a wound and applying pressure until the bleeding halts is very effective, but becomes slightly more difficult if an artery is severed. 



    Once the area has settled and the immediate area is safe from danger will it be important for Combat Medics to brew up Mandragora tea for the injured.  The tea will double the healing rate of flesh wounds.


    Cutting the turnip into chunks and boiling in water would be very useful for an army that wishes to keep their soldiers healthy.



    A good medic may be able to patch up his patients and appropriately diagnose them, but if he does not wash his tools or clean their injuries they might suffer from preventable ailments down the line.



    This herb is one of the best natural disinfectants as it is similar to alcohol without the sting. It would be wise for medics to boil this herb long before an injury and extract its juices from the softened plant for later use.


    A vial of gisclonovi would be helpful to keep ready with a clean cloth as it would be expected that you are ready to disinfect an injury.


    Thyme Oil

    A golden liquid from freshly pressed thyme. Naturally it has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti inflammatory properties. This disinfectant isone of the most optimal for large cuts and burns. 


    Prepare disinfectant bandages by soaking them in thyme oil before departing for an adventure.



    Most medics are equipped with bottles of rubbing alcohol to prevent further infection. Vodka, gin, and whiskey are some good alternatives if alcohol has run dry and you need another way to disinfect your patients. Your patients may not appreciate the sting.


     Dampen a clean cloth with alcohol and use it to wipe away debris and blood to effectively sanitize your patient.



    There are a number of different types of equipment that a medic is equipped with to assist them with the delicate touches of various injuries. The gear that they use may be holding everything together by a single piece of thread or be removing an entire hand to preserve the lives of your patients.


    Suture Kit

    A small container that contains all the tools needed for stitching up your patients. It neatly fits a needle, spool of thread, and surgical scissors.



    Two metal rods and a long piece of cloth used to keep a broken or fractured bone still to prevent further injury. A makeshift splint can be made with two sticks and a bundle of bandages. 


     One should place both rods on either side of the injured limb, then begin to firmly wrap the cloth over the rods; tying it off to keep them in place. Combat with a splint is not advisable as it could cause further damage.



    A strap with a metal rod that could cinch down on a limb to slow the blood flow to prevent heavy blood loss. A makeshift tourniquet can be as common as a belt; anything that can be tightened and removed within seconds.


    A medic should place the tourniquet above the wound and should NOT leave it on for more than a minute if the goal is to preserve the limb.



    A scalpel is generally used for surgical purposes, but may not be limited to be used to make a larger incision to remove barbed arrows without causing further damage.



    Generally a small and lightweight saw that could sheathed on the back of a medical kit in the unfortunate event that a medic will have to remove something very dear to their patient.


    Credits to the Medical Professionals that made this guide possible:

    Desmond Morgyrn

    Doctor Avern

    Nyree Avila

    Tatyana vas Ruthern

    Elizabeth Anne


    Sources & Helpful Pieces:

    Herbs - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/190293-%E2%9C%93-world-lore-general-botany/

    Herbs II - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192581-%E2%9C%93-world-lore-plant-hedgewitchs-healkit/
    Medical Guide - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194124-comprehensive-guide-to-field-medicine/
    How to level up as a medical professional - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/190537-isa-medical-corps/

    Techlock - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192599-the-techlock-medical/

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             John Pruvia


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Rhenyari (Heartlander)


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is seen as a scientific practice and study of properties of the world known as signs and symbols. This practice uses these signs and symbols to manipulate the world without the assistance of magic or god to conduct these experiments. It solely relies on the alchemist and their understanding of the Material Alphabet, the different processes for extraction, and how to properly mix these signs & symbols together to create a desired alchemical substance.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are a number of different types of subcategories of alchemy, such as:


    Cannibal Alchemy - A dark way to obtain signs and symbols from descendants

    Infernal Alchemy - This alchemy is primarily used for occult practice and manipulating reagents from Moz Strimoza.

    Animati Crafting - A further alchemy that tinkers utilize to usually make prosthetics, golems, or even grant summon another life.

    Alteration Alchemy - A subsection of alchemy that allows the imbiber or subject to alter their appearance.

    Warforging - An ancient and guarded practice by the dwarves that allow them to use specialized oils to decorate their tools.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Burn Soothe


    The old Pruvian begins to unscrew the lid of a jar to free the trapped blissfoil from its glass prison. John reaches underneath the table and produces a metallic grate to shred the blissfoil into pieces that fell into a mortar. Once the Pruvian finished shredding the herb, he took his pestle and began to grind it into a paste for it soon to be placed in aqua vitae to soak. The doctor lit the furnace ablaze with a match before he sifted through the murky concoction filtering it out before dumping the contents into a pot to boil so he may extract the desired symbols.


    After sometime when the boggy concoction had evaporated Pruvia would gather the powdered symbols: Three counts of coldness, two counts of peace, and one count of silence. John prepped his workstation with a tub of lard removing a few scoops from the tub and placing them into a stone bowl. He poured two counts of coldness, two counts of peace, and a single count of silence into the bowl and began to mix them without much thought until the mixture turned to a snow white. The old man smiled before storing the alchemical substance into a small glass jar. “Someone will need to use this on the battlefield.” He snickered to himself before adding it to his cabinet.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    “Today, we will be learning how to properly extract symbols from a reagent and put them to good use.” The Rhenyari would move to his desk in front of the class of starry eyed students and display the reagents lying on the table. “Before me are two clusters of Desert Berries, on their own they serve no purpose other than a refreshing snack. But their symbols can be extracted in different ways to produce different results.” He raised a cluster of desert berries for the class to all see after they had just begun identifying it days before. “You can identify that the desert berry cluster represents fire with a symbol of heat attached to it. Performing the wrong extraction will remove the fire sign of that symbol, but if you perform the correct extraction you will be able to extract the symbol with the fire sign.”

    “Most students overlook their recipe and perform the wrong extraction which results in a failed mixture. Allow me to demonstrate!” John  would take the cluster into his hand and grate in the other, pressing them together, and shredding the cluster to bits. “We are currently performing a mundane extraction, you will likely be following this protocol often.” He began to grind the shredded bits before adding them to a pot of aqua vitae nearby so they may saturate. He filters through the mixture before setting the kindling underneath it ablaze and waits for it to boil over, eventually evaporating the mixture and leaving the mundane symbols at the bottom. “A mundane extraction!"

    "Now, I shall show you how to extract a symbol with the fire sign!” The Pruvian takes up the dried reagent and places it into a mortar & pestle and effectively crushed it into a similar consistency of sawdust. John poured the contents onto a copper pan and struck a match lighting it aflame. He waited for it to all turn to ash and the flame to die out before sifting through the ash, picking up small increments of the symbol with the fire sign attached. “Now as you can see they are very similar, but we used two different methods and got two different results from it. Please do give it a try and ask me any questions if you happen to get stuck.”


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I will inform my student that what they had done was powergaming, whether they did it purposely or not, warning them that they could lose their FA if they do not adhere to my advice. After a fair warning and acknowledgement that they would not powergame again, I would drop them as a student and contact the ST to inform them of my former student and their refusal to adhere to the rules.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  9. The elder Pruvian groans as he sits up from his bedside and looks to the hospital bed next to him empty. The same bed the General Peter d'Arkent had slept in. 

    He inhales sharply as he lays his head back against his pillow. Artificial eyes gaze at the end of the bed, stained bandages cover a ribcage, a scorched arm that itches feverishly under its wraps; only muscle, bone, and sinew remain. 

    A memory is recalled, tears begin to flood before the dam inevitably breaks and a faint smirk comes across an withering man's features. "I said I would follow you to hell and back a thousand times over. This isn't the same, but it was close enough. . . Didn't expect this to hurt as much." The old man sniffles quietly as he gently shuts his eyes to continue to rest.


    "Until next time, old friend."

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             John Pruvia


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Simon Basrid


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  11. The Marble Chapter

    1752 - Present




    The House of Pruvia is a cadet branch of the House of Horen, and the former ruling house of both the Kingdom of Vandoria and the Kingdom of Lotharingia. Their sigil is a single ivory dragon holding a red peony displaying many similarities from the House they descend from. A historic line that has stood the test of time through numerous empires; whom’s culture has become a blend of Johannian and Rhenyari traditions and customs in honor of their ancestors. This famed House has been known for creative thinkers, martial leaders, exceptional mediators, and renowned architects that carved their names in history. 


    ~ The Marble Hall before it was remodeled ~

    This chapter of Pruvia began with the union of Anna Maria of Pruvia and Cyrus Basrid. Together, they had four young children together, but Cyrus’ duties in the military and politics kept him away from Kaedrin. Anna Maria stayed in the Varoche Palace where she cared for her offspring, most notably the heir apparent of Pruvia, John Michael. From a young age, John Michael was a scholarly child, interested in the world around him and the wide selection of books at his disposal. At the age of thirteen, the young Pruvian boy had travelled to Helena to reside there with his father until he was old enough to be commissioned into the Imperial State Army in admiration of both of his parents who served.




     Some after, Anna Maria would develop a rare lung disease which bound her to a bed in the Novellen Palace where she would eventually succumb to her illness. During this time, Pruvia had experienced friction within itself, disputes about unmerited titles and renown. The death of Anna Maria was the boiling point where the opportunists and thieves within Pruvia came out of the woodwork and showed their true intentions. John Michael’s legitimacy as heir of House Pruvia was challenged by his own family, which ultimately rescinded the principality title from the family and made them into two separate viscounties, Pruvia-Provins and Pruvia-Albarosa.



    ~ Casimira de Sarkozy, John Michael, and Bullfrog relaxing after a long day ~


    After Anna Maria’s funeral, her body was burned and the ashes drifted up into the seven skies, John Michael became Viscount of Pruvia-Provins and continued to study as a medic for many years, eventually reforming the medical corps and becoming a lieutenant in the ISA. During this time, he found the love of his life in the military, Casimira de Sarkozy, the daughter of George Casimir. After many years of courting one another, the viscount had proposed to her atop Mont St.Catherine. Together, they had created a loving family at their estate and currently reside in the Northern Province enjoying their retirement.



    ~ Simon Casimir holding hands with Anne Caroline in the Imperial Gardens ~


    Their son, Simon Casimir, had married Her Imperial Highness Anne Caroline and is currently celebrating the start of his own family. He found a talent in swordsmanship and gained inspiration to follow in his parent’s footsteps by joining the ISA with an aspiration to lead his own brigade as captain. Simon is the youngest to have ever be inducted into the 4th Brigade, the ISA’s most trustworthy soldiers.


    ~ Anna Henrietta and her children, Mary Casimira, Wilhelm Lucius, Coraline Irena, and Rhea Alexandria ~


    Anna Henrietta, the charming young woman from Provins became the first female governess of the Palace to run the Imperial Court and Household in Orenian history where she manages the numerous duties to care for the Imperial family and other nobility. She is the acting regent of Carrington due to the sudden disappearance of her husband and the loving mother of seven small children. 


    ~ John Michael and Casimira with their two children, Anna Henrietta and Simon Casimir ~


    The children have left the nest to pursue their own dreams and ambitions. Create their own loving families. Anna Maria looks below from the Seven Skies and beams brightly as she watches what her son had done and more for their family. Pruvia has prevailed through many downfalls, hardships, and shortcomings, but the love of one another and strong family bonds have made them stronger than ever.


    And so the Marble Chapter continues...

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