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Status Replies posted by Willy

  1. I'm looking to upgrade from my dinosuar computer to a nice Gaming Laptop. This way I can rp with you all on the go. But I have a few problems. One, I have no idea what is good. Two, the max I can go is probably between 500-600. Are there any computer wiz's out there that could direct me to a good laptop? Note, I will probably go to ebay with this so I will probably be able to find things cheaper.

  2. Okay thats it... Here we go... Im going to post another Application, cause this is just aggrivating... its been MONTHS and i still havent been able to join...

  3. Okay... Breath calmy now.. *takes a deep breath* IM PROBERLY GOING TO SKRILLEX KONCERT 5 May! :D I hope i can drag jeerin and some other friends with me :D

  4. Submitted my app! Applied to become a human wish me luck!

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