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Posts posted by Jarkarll

  1. I was literally one of the first goblins using this height, but only because my character is RPly a midget goblin, his name is Tiny Claw. I'm not changing his height for something to do with OOC. He is a whitewash Goblin, and I don't play him often; But I'm not changing his height.

    That is fine. You are whitewash. Perfectly ok. Thats why we never brought this up against the Claw family. You aren't apart of us.

    The Gobonic Order on the other hand is apart of the War Nation.

  2. The fact of the matter is that seeing Goblins as short is now the rule rather than the exception. 9/10 people see them as short on LoTC. If there is to be a change, it will have to be done differently than by bringing up the same obscure and ignored lore that people have already been ignoring.

    Nobody said a word about them back when the "fad" began, and how it is now is the way people generally accept it. It is what people enjoy, and it is honestly not doing an harm at all.

    Just let it be.

    Just because the majority agrees on something does not mean anything at all.

    Also the problem is that Jingeh, was never part of the orcs, neither oocly or icly. He was whitewash and elsewhere. These goblins however are part of the warnation and are not whitewash.

    Also, if it's ok to ignore lore then i'm just going to start rping a white Kha. I'll just ignore the lore and walk all over the work that someone else put into making the lore simply because I want to have it my way.

  3. You're wrong there. In Aegis there was midget Goblins as well. In-fact, I've only ever seen one Goblin lore-sized since I joined.

    Clearly you weren't roleplaying with the correct people.

    The people who practically headlined the goblins all went by the correct size.

    Yahgy, Baisha, and Gooms. All went by the correct size

    Jingeh has been a Gobbo for months... back in 2011 he was being roleplayed. So, why has this suddenly been commented on now? You're saying, characters like Jingeh must adjust the size of their characters considerably, even though they have been roleplaying them as short, nimble creatures for a long time, with nothing said to them regarding their height, and how it's unloreful, despite very little lore has been written about them being human sized?

    I think this "lore" needs to be revised, or written clearer on the wiki that they are human sized.

    This has frustrated me.

    It's been in the lore for nearly a year now.

  4. It is, but it has been ignored by so many, and the breach has so little consequence that it would do more harm for every goblin to suddenly be tall. This isnt some major lore-break, it's some tiny change.

    I've been playing since October, and this is the first time I've even heard mention of the goblin's size.

    It's your own fault for not looking at the lore. So, tell me then. It's ok now to simply ignore lore?

    I ignored the Kha lore. Heck I don't give a damn about the Kha.

    However even I knew that only the Tla could have white fur.

    Stating it has been ignored by so many only points out that people are breaking lore. If you wish to break lore then you're going against the lore that has already been placed.

    Saying that so many have ignored it is the same as saying that committing a crime is ok if everyone else is doing it.

    I'd also like to point out that this is the first time that the goblins are this small.

    The previous goblins have all been the age that follows lore. Yahgy for example was 5 feet and 6 inches tall. He was probably the most famous goblin, and he abided lore. What makes you so special as to not follow it?

  5. No, because that was made very clear in the lore. Goblins were not widely seen as being taller, so people played them as short creatures. The lore being broken is obscure and does not really affect much. Tla's white fur is one of the central points of the Kha's lore.

    You realize the size thing IS in the lore right?

    tate Goblins are shorter correct there are shorter, IN THE ORCISH RACE, as in they are shorter than there kin, not shorter than other races.



    I'd also like to point out that the orcish lore has been around longer than the Kha lore. If you do not know that goblins are this size then it's your own fault. It's been around for a year now. It's your own fault if you didn't take the time to read it.

    Stating it was made very clear in the lore is simply ignoring the fact that it's been in the lore for nearly a year now.

  6. Most players would rather it be this way, and the change doesn't really majorly affect anything.

    I fail to see why a such a large group doing such a minor change is such a problem.

    If we apply this logic, and not abide by lore, then it would be the same as any Kha' having white fur. Simply because everyone else liked it.


    This is LoTC


    I'm guessing every Kha can become white then? Just because everyone wants it to be like that. The lore is there.

  7. I fully agree.

    This recent surge in midget goblins running about as if they broke out of a mental asylum is pretty weird, but funny.

    I'm not entirely against the idea of these small goblins, but surely some lore or whatever as to why they are small should be made.

    Whats bugging me most is all these Orcs and Goblins in Arethor. Does being a whitewash not mean anything anymore?

    They aren't whitewash. Most of the goblins act accordingly to how normal orcish/goblin society behaves.

    Therefore not being whitewash and not having to be annihilated.

    A whitewash is when someone acts as something they are not. For instance an orc acting like a human. Speaking perfect common, and frolicking around picking flowers as he holds little children hands

  8. Gariant_Dominic_Atrix Walks up to his Brudhas and yells. "FUUDIES!" as he slams his fist down on a table.

    He grins wickedly with his gaping hippo jaw, and unsheathes his legendary blade, The Thruster, waving it in the air. "POIFJASDFSJF" his blood curdling shriek echoing through the many valleys of Asulon, all the way to Hanseti.

    A sudden feeling of death permeates Mirtok's skull, as he feels that him and his metal men shall soon become victim to "The Thruster".

    With a loud crack of his whip and slapping his sword against the table with a loud smack, he runs of for Arethor. Swinging his arms wildly above him, and his sword flailing about.

    Be very very scared Mirtok you shall be victim of "The Thruster"


  9. Name (MC and RP):denboy444 Gobo_Dominic_Atrix


    Preferred Weapon (If any): The great rubber sword ( It's very well hung), as seen in Saints Row the Third

    Non-Combat Skills (If any):Anything having to do with... you know

    Prefered rank:The Carrier of the whips and leather

    Your most valued trait from list below:







    Justice against the metal men Fading to Black with metal men <-----

    Are you willing to take an Gobonic oath?:If I can have my leather and whips yes

    Do you have a VA?:Yes

    Additional information:



  10. Whatever time we choose, somebody's not going to be too happy. We already have an event on Saturday and if we pushed it back to Sunday, we'd have a lot of complaints from those in the Australian timezone. We've tried hard to set this up at a time where as many people as possible can be online, even pushed it back a week once so I apologise if it doesn't suit everyone but it really is too late to change it now. I understand the Orcs have had leadership changes and so it has been difficult to arrange this war claim but a lot of people expect this event now, I don't believe it would be fair to completely cancel it because of a few players missing. It isn't a particularly important piece of lands by any means anyway.

    I just ask that the war claim team finish reviewing this so that people can know if the battle is going ahead or not.

    It's life. You can never appease everyone.

  11. Please strike Dagmer out of the list, he is deceased now, and he died with the knowledge of the Fjarriauga.

    Please just leave his name on that list, just strike out his name and put deceased next to his name. Like so.

    Dagmer Volsung (denboy444) Deceased

  12. [[but it still does not stop us from marching into your hold if we win at Volvokrem, I could effectively march right up to Kal'Anart while you are away doing this and have a few people kill the guards you leave behind. We effectively take one of your main holds while you get a measly fort.

    Theon Greyjoy anybody?


  13. MC name?

    Hi, I'm denboy444 also known as Dagmer Volsung, please allow me to list all the people who are Volsung who are still alive and could know. I'm currently the spiritual leader since there is really only two of us left.

    We can take it to PM's or I could talk to Urara directly.

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