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Status Updates posted by Tyking919

  1. *hits the refresh button over and over.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cosmik


      All mah hate

    3. fbPatty


      255 / 250 -_-

    4. Riznam


      I think we are already at 300 but 50 spots are reserved for VIP's which is how we hit 255/250 its an old perk they put in for VIP's

  2. So, umm the 300 slots update. Would be pretty nice right about now.

    1. Sila


      Unfortunately the time I'm on there is about 14/300

      So I don't need to worry about it in any way. The sad thing is, it's. so. boring. Can't roleplay, can't find jobs...

  3. You are a god with your skins and signatures and avatars, I love you (no homo)

  4. hey dude deleted my inbox, accidently deleted the msg you sent me.

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