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Posts posted by argonian

  1. *Finds crumbled paper on the ground. Opens it, reads it and replies.*

    I agree, my friend. Brett has always hated the North and he tries to make Edmund hate the North too. I hope Brett is fired for he is very corrupt he is also biased against everyone who doesn't live in the South.

  2. Without taking anyones side now, I want to ask: In times of these, is infrastructure and building the way to go, or should a King under Undead pressure not prepare Defence and armies?

    This is just my small thought.

    That is what we are saying but Ivrae always goes back to her point about money but if they have enough money to build dozens of houses and make a massive expansion to Alkhazar(don't pretend you aren't, you booted us out of our base because you were expanding Alkhazar and we were a good ways away from Alkhazar)then they would definitely have enough for a few forts if they didn't waste their money on tons of houses. All the extra houses will do is give the Undead more buildings to burn when they attack because there were no forts to stop them.

  3. ye msy have raided alstion, but it will return stronger than ever

    ((you seriously raided it at a time when everyone was offline and me dan and khronos where on holidays -_- and you declared war from inside of the town ))

    ((I was on holidays too))

  4. OOC: I actually lol'd when Vardak read out your quote in TS right after I got like 3 complaints about the current and very light tax system, you know how much money taxing all the shops in Alk'hazar would make per week? about 3k, taxing the towns under Oren's protection and the shops? About 10k if were lucky and even the 10k is a big stretch, you seem to think taxes are the solution to everything and not about how they adversely affect people in their game style, many people would move into the wilds simply to avoid a tax and sell off their shop, people mainly gather things they need and buy cheap things like food. Plenty of shops are automated and wont be able to pay taxes very well without some kind of plugin and we cant just grab one out of thin air just because we would need one, things don't happen magically over night because we want them too, if you think a tax is a perfect solution, then create a flawless way to tax every shop, and city within Oren and show it to me.

    OOC: Touche.

  5. OOC: Thank god you're not in a political role because you seem to have just ignored everything I've said and made up your own random ideas of the way a kingdom should be run, we have no money lets build forts that will use up the last bit of our money and generate zero funds and require more defense, great idea!

    OOC: Taxes, enough said. With taxes you would be earning much more than double what you are getting now maybe even 10x.

  6. ((Is this from the Sage capture thread you are taking this assumption from? Because I sent Fyrste a PM explaining my true motives, and he agreed. So, all of this is just schemes schemes schemes on my behalf. But you couldn't know that possibly...

    In effect, Bell's death made me a hard, cruel man.))

    ((I kind of guessed you were lieing and you told the Undead that you were lieing but this is all RP and IC I don't know that))

  7. *giggles insanly*

    You tell 'em master; they will come crawling to our feet once we have our way with them...

    I love how you tried to make an alliance with the Undead then they rejected it and destroyed Snowy Fields, then you say you hate them and you are going to destroy them and you build a base in Alstion. They just laugh at you and destroy Alstion so you start sucking up to them again hoping they will forgive you. They have the black hand, they don't need you.

  8. You assume that half of that wasn't lies...

    Very well then. Believe what you will; I alone know what I think.

    And you cannot deny your darkness...

    Also, who said we was annoying? I daresay you will find those words... unsuitable after I have strung you up and sacrificed you many times in Iblees name...

    Yes, and I'm right to assume that too because you said to the Undead themselves that you hated them and you were going to destroy them and then they just laughed at you. You are just an annoyance to both the four mortal races and the Undead.

  9. Hah, you and your stupid guild can't make up your minds! First you offer the Undead an alliance then Snowy Fields gets destroyed and you hate the Undead and swear to destroy them and now you are sucking up to them again! Even the Undead just find you annoying. And you say I will join the Undead? What is your proof? Why would the former Captain of Snowy Fields and a former Rytier of Alstion become Undead?

  10. We are not starting from scratch. We have less money but we have more ways of making it. Edmund should be using his funds to build forts to protect Oren and more importantly to him Alkhazar but instead he uses it to build houses. He shouldn't care if people don't want to be taxed because then the army will be stronger and I'm sure if the people thought about it they would prefer to live much longer and be poorer than being richer and live short lives. And without taxes people only have to earn enough money to buy a house and then they don't need much of an income after that but with taxes people will always need a job so Oren will have more shops, farms and overall be a better community.

    OOC: Again this letter is anonymous. My letters are all anonymous unless I include my name at the bottom of the letter.

  11. *Sends Ivrae a letter*

    The King cares more for Alkhazar than Oren. He never sends men when other cities need them and instead he lets them get fat sitting in Alkhazar doing nothing. His mind is set on expanding Alkhazar when it should be on trying to protect the North, the most vulnerable part of Oren from the Undead. He doesn't care if other towns and cities get destroyed as long as Alkhazar is fine. He might as well just be the mayor of Alkhazar instead of the King of Oren. He is a very nice man but only to those that live in or near Alkhazar. He lets everyone else out to dry but he makes people think he wants to help.

    OOC: By the way, all my letters in this thread were anonymous because I never mentioned who I was in them.

  12. Brief Character History: I was Captain of Snowy Fields and I was a Rytier of the Alstion rangers(that means I led a group of rangers, there are only 2 Rytiers)

    Character Name (I.C.): Tylos

    Character name (O.C.): james2k

    Race: Human, Northerner

    IC Age: 38

    Goals in the FOA?: My goals are to help Aegis the best I can and worship the Aeriel and the Ascended as well.

    Good deeds you have done?: I have helped defend Alstion and Snowy Fields from many attacks.((they were both destroyed at times when I was asleep so I couldn't help but every battle I was around for we won))

    Have you done any bad deeds?: Not really.

    How did you hear of us?: I saw a poster on a bulletin board

    Are you against the Undead? Please explain why: I am against the Undead because they destroyed my home, the North.*wipes a tear*

    Can you wield a blade?: Yes.

    Are you a capable builder?: No.

    Are you an archer?: I am not really a great archer.

    Any special skills?: I am very good at tactics.

    Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why: I have faith in the Ascended because they have Aengul blood so they can defeat the Undead when they return and I'm sure they will return because the Ascended never lie.

    Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will help fight the Undead and I already worship the Ascended and the Aeriel.

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