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Status Updates posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. Found some blazers arround in the wilderness... Are mobs like blazers and magma cubes spawning in surface?

  2. Great Inauguration Tomorrow! Stay Tunned!

  3. Mods are sleeping.... POST PONIES!

  4. Sorry for my bad spelling...

  5. Vaq... I was just wondering... Availer had a Topic in the MC forums... That topic brought more than the half of LOTC members including.me... That post had a lot of views each day... What it will be of it... You cant just start a new one...

  6. The week of the bans... :(

  7. Its like being Convict...

  8. Unbanned... I feel bad

  9. I think you an I have something in common... What it could be?

  10. Whats on your mind? Pigs

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