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Status Updates posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. I get depressed when the day ends, is like if I hadn't taken full advantage of it... :/

  2. How a kidnap works... " *puts a dagger in his throat " fixes everything, doesn't villians?

  3. If the server starts fighting up there... We wont last longer :/

  4. I need an FM who can change my forum title...

    1. shiftnative


      On the forums? I can set that up for ye

    2. SpiritSpectre


      Thank you native, a lot but someone already did...


  5. Come to the Creative Cafe, although there's no cafe, THERES TONS OF MUSIC! Yay

  6. I just got an Idea... A character who aparaently cant walk anymore... Would be interesting RP...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jingeh


      Wouldnt you just sorta...... Sit in the cloud Temple? xD

    3. Rhogar


      Mhm, You'd need a friend to help you..Dont ask a villian. :P

    4. MediocreGamer


      There is a mute female in Alras, she is quite the good RP'er she basically has to convey her words through actions.

  7. What's an "Old Hat?" rank?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ogedi


      What burke said.

    3. Ogedi


      Atleast 1 month on forums and i think 500 posts.

    4. Lykos


      I've seen people with those prefs and they arnt old hats... Maybe we are

  8. Congrats for the Unban! :D

  9. Pepsi Man Time... Oh yeah such a classic... :D

  10. I need a good spare vanilla server D:

    1. Sinstrite


      I love vanilla servers with basic plugins for protection against griefers and such, backups, all that good jazz - I hate LWC though and ability to claim land with protections. If I find your house and want to break into it and steal from your chest, I should be allowed :p I'm evil in other servers >:l Have you ever played anarchy servers before, btw?

    1. Sinstrite


      That was actually pretty good compared to what I thought it'd be

    2. Raptorious


      Not gonna lie, I actually quite enjoyed that

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Ecstasy is a dangerous to subject yourself as a participant of an experiment with.

  11. Npc of your wife... Forever alone ... :(

    1. Trouvo


      npc harem...forever happy

  12. Nooo mooar aaads!! :D Me happy!

  13. I want old Aegis back, with the undead... And the old RP... -sniffs-

  14. Is it against the rules to RP as an Animal?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zarsies


      "Someone RPed as a pig once." He still is :3

    3. Baconthief


      That pig man bit me once :P I tried feeding him a porkchop

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Don't know, but I totaly call a duck.

  15. Hey! Please support my villian app here... No need to +1 or anything, just read it and comment below please... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/39088-unread-alan-locker-1-2a/

  16. Now you know how Salvus Rols!

    1. Nononymous


      Ehhh. I hate Salvus lmao. They kicked my arse. YOU LEFT ME IN THE CELL TO DIE! XD

  17. SOPA just begun... Megaupload is now Down... And Anonymous just started #OpMegaupload against UniversalMUSIC.com , the US congress page and a lot more

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      No, it didn't. Apparently they were planning to take down megaupload for two weeks, and not under SOPA.

    3. Ogedi


      It was unliked by congress. Being reformed....

    4. Yamnothere


      hadn't passed, Federal forces raided mega upload, for some reason, and took it down , and now https://twitter.com/anonops reads eeet


  19. They should expand the player capacity when World Events, many people cant login and VIP Donors are chrashing while trying to enter

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antharin


      There's 270/250 too!

    3. trotski24


      270!!?? most I saw was 253 any way I agree.

    4. Enthreri


      It's ridiculous, I will browse the forums for a bit, and then try to get back on. When one slot does open up, I can never get it. I have been browsing the forums for an hour if you catch my drift.

  20. Wish all Appeals where like yours! Keep working man!

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