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Everything posted by fatwampa

  1. [discussing] Happy? No? Hmmm. We could buy a mining plot in alras. That seems to be a rather convenient place to base economic enterprises out of.
  2. I concur with the masa. If we get three people actively recruiting, we'll see an influx in new brothers for sure. Just remember to be secretive to all the initiates and new brothers. We don't want a relgard repeat. Laziness will be out downfall. That and iron swords.
  3. I'm not a recruiter so... Don't look at me. I think between you, Banana, and Regeki we should have more then enough recruiting going on. I'll guide the younger brothers (I don't usually work with really new recruits) but don't expect me to be a source of initiates. Unless Ninja wants me to, of course. Anything to please the masa.
  4. We should probably focus on one base at a time unless we were to divide and conquer. It's a possibility, have Ninja lead one team and a Counselor lead the other. That way we could get all the work done without being stretched too thin. Just something to think about.
  5. ((Hur hur, now wez ken says stuff trololololo and stuffes. Oh and bravo to Banana for putting his foot down. And my first act qs Doctori is to get a list of people from Banana and then ask each individual about their skill with blade and speech.))
  6. ((MC name: fatwampa RP name: Procrisio Giovanni Position: Doctoris Malis))
  7. ((Reading Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince for like, the third time. Ninja, I highly recommend you read this.))
  8. ((Writing out an official draft for the council. We'll see how this idea goes.))
  9. ((The Almighty Overlord Ninja Dude... Wow, I'm gonna avoid conversing with you just so I won't have to type that whole thing out. :P ))
  10. ((If you want to, I suppose "Master" or "My Lord" is fine but you could also pull out the Latin for master and call him "Dominus." All in all, it's really about respect. Using their title shows you respect them but when dealing with Ninja, I suppose terms like "master" are acceptable. Still, Dominus sounds way more intense. I guess as long as it shows submission, it's alright.))
  11. ((You forgot to say "Don't call us, we'll call you." :P ))
  12. ((Jexy, throw a skin muy please. Preferably the Lower Counselor one. I'll mod it to fit my rank and so I won't look like a Minorem. Warning, this may be long but it is crucial you at least glance through it. It will greatly help in the process of legitimatizing this faction. So sorry but read it, especially brothers of low standing. I think it high time the Brethern started addressing their superiors using the correct title (OOC, I don't care what you call them). Now that doesn't mean you have to memorize the whole title, just the shortened version. Here are they are: Negotii (Master) Praefecit (High Counselor) Procurator (Lesser Counselor) Experti (Elite) Magni (Primary) Aenean (Secondary) Neophyte (Neophyte) And just plain ol' initiate cuz they don't yet deserve any level of respect. Seriously, an initiate is not to be given any of the respect a brother gets until he proves himself. Remember, initiate is not a permanent rank, it's supposed to be very temporary. Other Positions: Doctoris [Malis] (The Teacher of the Brethren) Causidicus (The Negotii's adviser) [Domini] Arcaneous (Master of the Arcane Art)/Subject to change/ Legis (A front man of clean repute/Lawyer)/not in use/ Arbitrum [Omnia] (The Judge of the Brothers)/not in use/ So there you have it, a list of the titles. Use them when talking to your superiors (when talking business, after that, it's up to them) and, if you want, call those under you by their title as well. Your rank is important, it holds meaning. It should be a thing to be prideful of. You earned it, own it. Again, sorry about the length but I believe all that information was necessary.
  13. ((No seriously kid, use periods. Don't make the entire paragraph one sentence. Sentence structuring is your friend. Make it pretty and people kind of like reading it. Not trying to insult you or anything. I'm just trying to throw a helpful hint your way. ))
  14. ((Not brother if initiate. Neophyte is the first rank of a brother. :| ))
  15. ((Yeah Jex, nice skin. Shouldn't there be a special marking to determine rank though, not just color? Like make the lower ranks simpler then by the end make them look insanely complicated. Just an idea.))
  16. Forgive my impertinence but the Brotherhood does not yet wield the fear inducing terror hinted at in the above excerpt. When spotted, the brother would most likely be held under guarded gaze or perhaps even open hostility. Therefor I believe it would detrimental to the continued success of the Brotherhood to implement a uniform of any obvious kind. In the future, it may be a functional idea but until then, I would wait. This is merely an observation though, do not feel as if I hold any grievances or grudges against the one presenting the idea. I think it is a good one, just not the right time.
  17. Rank clothing ruins the element of secrecy. It is best for the brothers to wear somber yet different garb to avoid detection or suspicion.
  18. ((That was actually pretty fun to read.))
  19. ((Marketing my good boy, marketing... I dunno, just sayin.))
  20. ((I says something to mark dis thread. Ta da! I now get da notifications!))
  21. Maybe... Uh, yeah but only for a few minutes. Like til 12. I have class at 12)) EDIT: That's 12 Eastern which is 11 central or 10 mountain and for all you people in California, that's 9...
  22. ... So... I PM you app now? Er you no wan ol app? I care rittre either whey.
  23. ((Ninja, I have removed the app from this thread, essentially rendering it useless. I guess your first forum act sans me will be building a thread exclusively for recruiting. I mean, this page is probably fine to carry out brotherhood conversations but as far as recruits go, I'd go ahead and make an app page. I can send you the old app if you want it or you can build a new one, matters little to me. PM me if you want it.))
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