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Everything posted by fatwampa

  1. ((Any accepted recruits that have not yet found their way to the fort, PM either Banana or me. There is a method in which we will direct you to the base that involves rp and stuff. If you do not pm one of us, I will assume you do not take this opportunity seriously and will "forget" to assign you an initiation job. You have been warned. You have plenty of time but the sooner you get this done the sooner you get accepted, have fun, etc... ))
  2. ((Don't worry ninja, we'll hold down the fort while you're gone. I mean that almost literally as it feels like the mobs are gonna just pick up and walk away with it.))
  3. ((Too many mobs on the dance floor.))
  4. ((Depends on the Latebrae. It could be anything from a reprimanding to something much worse. Of course, if that Latebrae didn't reveal their identity or anything... It's completely their fault. Why, would you care to report a grievance so you can watch me scramble around to find who did it, who's order was it, when... It's so much of a hassle but if you've got a problem, speak.))
  5. ((Brang it. Besides, we have no idea who you are ig. Come around and we will kill you.))
  6. ((The ceremony is officially, son. :P ))
  7. I'm actually not from Kentucky, I moved here when I started attending Berea College. What part are you from?

  8. ((A temporary minion, that is a good way to see it. When your app is accepted, you're not "in", we're just giving you a chance to get in. If at any point an initiate pisses off anyone in command, they can be banished. No process, no hearing, just gone. Initiates also don't get the respect of the brother, they have to earn all of it. So I say good luck, he'll need it.
  9. ((I didn't expect it to be a perma, as long as you have the screeenie, we're good. ((You're in, banana, Jex, and I all believe in you enough to give you a chance. You are now an initiate, good luck I guess.))
  10. ((Double post strikes again. Muhuhahaha. Anywho, screenie him up some screenies or it didn't happen. In game bring the guy's head. If I meet you later today, I'll do the initiation myself.))
  11. ((Words do not express the feeling of anger I now barely suppress. Both of you are acting like angry children. There is a resolution to the problem and there is always a compromise. Mahiro, don't leave the Brotherhood for something that isn't even connected to it. Spineshank said it, he isn't DB any more. Yes there is a problem, no it has absolutely nothing to do with the DB. Both of you are shouting no rp but it doesn't solve anything. From now, how about you two avoid each other in game (and in OOC conversation) forget this argument. No ban reports, no stupid harassing, just drop it. It's hard, I know, but it's a simple fix. Spine, if you're out of the DB from a reroll, I don't want you posting on the DB's thread. For RP reasons mind you, you can still talk to us ooc. It just doesn't make sense, a fourteen year old boy contacting a band of murders.))
  12. I'll give you a +1 The app looked good, I didn't have any complaints. Two more accepts and you're in.
  13. ((proper brother first. Initiates can only accept their initiation mission when it is offered to them. They rarely have a choice or a hand in the matter.))
  14. ((All your points were good, I was just in an argumentative mood. I think you could have said clubbing baby seals was detrimental to society and I would have argued against you. ))
  15. ((To combat the devil's advocate, I bring the following counter arguments. 1. People would hate if we donated to an orphanage in Kenya, that's what they do. And as far as RP goes, a private thread is more realistic as nobody but members know where this "board" is. It's like messages among brothers. 2. We'll still use this forum, just less. We'll keep this thread relatively (useful) content free and it would be more of an ooc conversation with little meaning. 3. Only members will need to make accounts and believe me, they'll want to make one. We've had an influx of recruits in the past week and this will make getting an initiation contract a lot harder. Those with an account on the new forum would inadvertently gain a much stronger advantage over the those that don't. It will actually increase efficiency and cut back on secrets slipping out. I'm not completely set on this idea but it does have a lot of strong arguments for it.))
  16. ((I thought it would be unnecessary but fun nonetheless. It would also heavily cut down on the meta-gaming as we could keep the entire forum completely in character without having to worry about non-members butting in. So we don't need it but I can see it's usefulness. ))
  17. ((Native fixed the donation problem I was having so I can lock stuff and set passwords. I'll start by getting a password on some things in the forge.))
  18. Notte and Mahiro, I left a message for you in your respective rooms. The news should come as a welcomed sight. The message on it will has already started so get a move on it.
  19. Know any ones that are any good? Hosting sites, I mean. we'll work on a temp sanctuary while we wait.
  20. Only accepted brothers can +1 and Banana told me he couldn't post due to a ban or something. It was crap, whatever it was.
  21. ((Banana also +1 the app. Why I'm doing it for him, I think it's a stupid issue but he can't post. Anyway, +1 from banana.
  22. +1 from me, good app. You still need 2 more up votes though
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