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Posts posted by Bircalin

  1. MC Name: Bircalin


    Character's Name: Bircalin Sturtart


    Character's Age: 739 years old.


    Character's Race: Ascended


    Link to your accepted MA: 



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Ascended [Ruin]


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): The Ascended work as chosen shepherds to Aeriel's flock, helping to usher along natural life as intended. In the real of mortals, it is the duty of Ascended to prevent injustices towards the balance of passing lives. Once Ascended conclude their mortal affairs they serve Aeriel evermore in the Soulstream, delivering justice to the corrupted and damned that lose their way in the vast expanse of lifeless desert that awaits them, Abrietas, and similarly beckoning those of righteous merit along their way. It is in this once-abandoned realm that Aeriel coordinates her followers, within the city of Sacellum, a marvelous place of blinding silvers and golds that operates as the heart of all that is Ascended.

    In ages since passed, an overwhelming darkness threatened the good people of the mortal realm, bringing with it an unfathomable destruction and evil that had long been forgotten. It was in this trying time that a small few stood valiant in grim adversity, laying lives on the line for the greater good of all beings. It was these souls that the pious presence of Aeriel's Living Flame was granted, divided between them so that they may carry out her will in good faith for their morality. It was these few that came to be known as the Ascended, agents of her divine will. 
    However, now, come present day, the Ascended still yet remain, even in their altered state since original inception, for their purpose is ever-shifting in the eyes of Aeriel. Now, the Tree of Life that once housed the Living Flame is in simplicity no more than a holy shell. Now, another bears the Living Flame, divvying out smaller embers to mortal souls where it transforms itself into something more. Once an ember links itself to a soul, it becomes entirely unique, learning and adapting to the particular life it finds itself with. This process is how Ascended of Ruin, Rapture or even Demi-Ascended are chosen.

    Ascended of Ruin are, largely, lacking in their compassion toward dark ilk. It is their holy fervor that is personified in their flame, a righteous blaze that directly assaults the enemies of the Archaengul and tears them asunder. These are the agents of her will that are most commonly found on the forefront of dangerous operations, seeking out those who would twist and corrupt souls unnaturally.

    Ascended of Rapture find themselves blessed with the capability to incapacitate and potentially seize dark beings through their own particular flame that, although harmless, severely cripples and debilitates those who suffer its wrath. The enveloping fires drain and sap at the very strength of twisted creatures, progressively rendering them entirely useless. It is for this reason that the Ascended of Rapture are more commonly merciful and mindful of their opponents, lowering their strength so that cures might be found without risk of being assaulted in the process. 

    Last but not least, Demi-Ascended are those that, although have taken on their own portion of the Living Flame, it is a portion minor enough to grant its inhabitants with the physical attributes of an Ascended without fully bestowing them the entirety of one's holy prowess. It is, however, in place of their would-be-strength, that these Demi-Ascended can cast as any other Voidal mage can, granting them a flexibility most Ascended leave sacrificed. 


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    "Settle yourself, Acolyte. Excitement will leave you hasty." The grim man chided, gesturing airily for the student to take his side. Coursing over what could be seen of Bircalin's throat above the cloak was an entangled web of fiery veins, subtly writhing with a curious life about them. A faint silver sheen clung to his skin, fitting of the murky white eyes that observed.
    "Show me how far you've come, since last," he asked, drawing his frame to fully face the Acolyte.

    With a vague nod, his student closed their eyes, eradicating distractions all they might, focusing intently on the living inferno that bled through their veins. "You know well enough by now. Envision the fires before you, will them forth," Bircalin guided beneath his breath, mindful of their meditative state. Some seconds passed before a noticeable growth of sickly, earthen green light manifested in circular motion about the student's chest, writhing in slow orbit of his core. They were already well-practiced, he could tell, given their calmness in summoning their own personal flame. Barely a sweat broke from their forehead -- they needed to be challenged. "Hold your focus, keep it up, lad." He rose a hand before them whilst they stood summoning their innate strength, speaking once more, "Remember, you will not find yourself in such quaint conditions, especially when the flames are required. You will be tested, worn at, distracted, emotional. You must learn to hold your strength of mind all the while."
    With that said, the hand reached to take a grip on his student's coat by the collar, gripping tight and giving them a firm drag of his hand, little more than some inches moving to jerk their shoulders.
    The light that had began to manifest was meanwhile twisting and igniting into ethereal flame, the warmth of it felt by Bircalin as he reached, harmless as it was to Ascended. Once pulled, concentration was broken and the fires swiftly dissipated into nothingness, vacancy left in their place.

    Although the Acolyte grunted with a frustrated huff at being interrupted, Bircalin seemed much less displeased, standing with an uncharacteristically soft smile.
    "You are right to be bothered, but you are wrong if you believe the enemy will be so polite as to allow you to finish casting, when it counts. Test yourself amidst distraction. Practice at rocky waters, in the height of storms, amidst your strongest of fears. Ultimately, an Ascended is worth as much as their reliability when the the weight of total darkness threatens it. You've done well to come this far, Acolyte. Now go forth, practice your rapturous ways some more. Focus yourself on tunneling your will upon the flame, allow emotion to guide your strength however it suits you. You are strongest at your heart, after all," he added a small nudge of a knuckle to the student's chest, where the warmth was only now subsiding, having left the cloth where it gathered entirely untouched.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No.


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Of course.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: 


  2. "This coming from the woman who has spent more nights with married men than their own wives knowingly, who resorted to cannibalism, who would stab at the minds of innocents, who wed the leader of the Izkuthii after she had been with a serial killer beforehand and defected from the light herself. Curious." He thought.

  3. "Once more, the Paladins lay claim to affairs not their own. For an order tempering with its own civil war, they are certainly eager to stick their fingers in yet more pies. This is what we get for allowing Azoth's begging to find mercy, only for him to spit that 'silver' tongue out another time. Despicable. Perhaps he will find a home after all amidst the folk common to empty speech." Bircalin thought to himself in disdain, going about his way.


    MC Name: Bircalin


    Character's Name: Bircalin


    Character's Age: 731


    Character's Race: Ascended, Elf


    Link to your accepted MA: 



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Ascended [Blue Sect abilities]


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):
    Blue Sect, the sect of War, focuses primarily on the most offensive of the Ascended's capabilities. Primarily the channeling of Aengul Fire in both intent to heal or harm and finally blessings through the act of Holy Alteration. Alongside these, Blue Sect Ascended are taught the capability to ensure some sense of Healing capability is maintained, should no other more capable healer be present at a time.
    Standing at the forefront of Ascended operations, the Blue Sect act as the bulwark of Aeriel's will. It is they who are most often found bleeding upon the battlefield and tending to those others similarly harmed wherever they can. Their primary tool is their ability to conjure powerful holy flame capable of setting corruption ablaze and remove it from tainted beings/injuries or similarly blighted lands/objects. Although this ability finds most use in the hands of Blue Sect's members, it is a skill taught to all Ascended regardless, being iconic of their ancestry as Aeriel's chosen few. Aengul Fire works by an Ascended tapping into the inner flame awakened within them. It is this flame that is propelled after channeling, seeking out corruption hungrily wherever it finds itself and scorching away at it. The strength of this fire depends both on the Ascended casting it and the opponent to which the flames are cast toward. To remove unholy injury and affliction, an Ascended is taught to cast down the Aengulic flame at the afflicted and maintain the blaze either until they are at the point of exhaustion or the corruption is at a contained level. This process, whilst helpful to those harmed, is incredibly painful and becomes more so with the increasing strength of whatever dark sorcery befell them. The same applies for clearing corruption from land. In the process of burning away the darkness that plagues it, whatever remains will be a scorched remnant of what once was.

    Holy Alteration is an ability much less used by the lower tier Ascended due to its requirement to constant devotion and ability to confidently harness one's inner flame. Blessings emblazon the symbol of the Ascended's mongoose upon the particular item. When the blessing is activated, it glows a fierce silver-white during. Blessings can range from the igniting of Aengulic flame upon a weapon (in which each use slowly begins to degrade the symbol, requiring constant supervision from once a day/week depending on the strength of the Ascended blessing it) to empowering the holder with a thunderous voice that roars through the minds of Aeriel's foes.

    Finally, Blue Sect finding themselves in need to apply Healing are taught that to do so is to inevitably bring varied degrees of harm to oneself. This is because as inept healers in comparison to other magical orders, the Ascended take a portion of the wounded's damage unto themselves, something that scales with the strength of the Ascended performing the healing. For example, a T5 Ascended healing a broken arm would likely find themselves in some decent amount of pain with anywhere between a badly fractured arm or incredibly severe bruising at best. This is something that cannot be done in the fray of combat, unless there was some manner of being totally uninterrupted in the process considering the level of focus required.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student: 

    Crackling embers filled the silence about the pair, amber light illuminating their silhouettes. One stood clad in a tall olive cloak that covered his frame, dagger held uncommitted in-hand. The other, watching, stood in the robes of an Ascended Initiate.

    Bircalin, the cloaked Elf spoke. “Ease your mind, listen to the flame. Feel it grow in your heart, Ascended.”

    The Initiate nodded, some moments passing as Bircalin watched them close their eyes, shoulders slack with the release of burden. He felt as though he could see the very moment they found their voice in the song of their inner flame.

    “It is this bond you feel that you will grow familiar to, forever in the company of our embers. It is only until your bond is released from you that you shall ever truly feel alone again.”


    The knife sliced across Bircalin’s open palm and crimson flowed from weathered skin. “Maintain that focus, hone in on it and, when you are ready, set your hand over mine.”

    With steadied breaths, the Initiate set their palm over his bloodied own.

    “Hold the flow of fire in your heart and feel the wound against you. To heal, you must first envision the damage repaired. Picture my palm devoid of the fresh cut and make it so, sheer force of will shall guide you.


    The Elf waited, patiently observing his student in their silence. Whether by force of the forgotten hearth to their side or the gravity of their strain, a sweat broke, trickling a bead of resistance down their temple before he felt it, skin sewing itself nervously under the apprentice’s guidance. A short gasp fell from them as their hand snapped back, palm upward to reveal the thin trail of blood they too now found fresh from their own skin. Bircalin’s slash was tended enough for his care, dabbing at the small marring that remained with his sleeve.

    “Very good, I’m impressed. You will learn to divert the pain into focus in time. Without the ability to do so, you won’t get anywhere mending damaged limbs.”

    He stood, ushering them away with a flick of his head. “Go, rest. Your hand will heal within the day or so, allow it to so you might adjust to the speed of our regrowth. Our natural capability to regenerate our damage away from danger is what compels us to take these wounds. We bear the burden of the Descendants so they shan’t have to. Regardless, I will contact you soon to see how your studies have progressed. Good hunting, Initiate.”


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  5. "Thankfully our other encounters with this draught of flame topic has given us this much information already. At least that devilish creature we slew will have a hard time remembering anything after we beheaded him." Ranger mutters to himself in idle thought, cheerful at the thought of breakthrough discoveries on the horizon.

  6. MC name: Bircalin


    Character's name and age: Ranger/Bircalin 697


    Character’s Race: Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Ascended Blue Sect


    Who will be teaching you (MC Name)?: Jallentime


    Who will be teaching you (RP Name)?:Heial


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  7. I'm honestly quite impressed by how much thought and effort has quite clearly been put into this. Particularly, I feel like the weaknesses were designed very fairly and above all interesting and curious. I really do hope whatever work might need doing on this lore doesn't alter it too much from this original product, I'd love seeing how it plays out for sure.

  8. Nummy has had some pretty beautiful builds in the past. I'm confident that she can live up to expectations as a builder and whatever other duties she might be required to fufill. She's a diligent worker and always tries her best to make everyone feel involved in what she does.

    plus un

  9. Hearing of the old rangers recruiting once more, Bircalin scoffs to himself in his home, glaring at the familiar hearth before him as he looks down to his son in his lap. "The legacy of the Greyhames? Bah, don't listen to them, little one - the Greyhames, whoever they are, had nothin' to do with it."
    He sets his lips down to the child's dark, messy hair, the boy utterly oblivious to his father's rantings as they continue. "Ave Whitestorm. We are the legacy of Hawk Whitestorm, not some prancing noble lord." He grits his teeth behind stubbornly sealed lips before growlign one last time.

    "Strike hard, strike fast, Whitestorm..."

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