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Posts posted by Bircalin

  1. Bircalin strolls into the city, clearing his throat as he sees the all-too-familiar head of his own body impaled on the pike of sorts. Deep in his chest, a knot forms, twisting unnaturally at the sight before he hurriedly lifts his shaking hands to the head.
    With a hefty grunt, he yanks it from its bloody perch, observing the missing eye with disdain.

    "Malin, damn it... What kind of illusion is it this time..." He mutters with a suppressed gagging in his throat.

    Hastily, he makes his way to a secluded part of Malinor's mountain range, resting the head down upon a bed of dry grass earlier prepared.
    Taking to lighting the patch arduously, he tosses the uncomfortably-realistic gore into the greedy embers. This was a sickening act...

    How did it happen...?


    *removes and destroys the head.

  2. I'll be locking the thread upon being PM'd about a new thread almost identical being posted without a certain error.
    Please, do not hesitate to PM me if you have a legitimate reason the thread should be unlocked.


  3. A genuinely positive person to be around. Aptrotta's great company ooc'ly and his adorable Halfling character never fails to keep me entertained with his shenanigans. With no exaggeration, every time I have roleplayed with Bartley/Aptrotta there has been some form of event occurring to keep those involved more interested.

    I'd certainly vouch for him as an Event Team member and I truly hope he obtains the position.

    Good luck, bud.

  4. Haelun'or

    Home of the Pure Mali'aheral, blessed in all of their perfection.
    Tainted, with the morbid corpses of the defiled and demolished impure.
    The ambient lullaby of the nearby wildlife appears hushed, replaced only by the odd croaking of worn rope against the towering gatehouse of the cleanest stone.

    With such a light breeze present, there is little to wipe away the stench of profusely decaying carcasses hanging by their feet. Insects of all manners flock to the gate, trying their best to reach the airborne predators above scavenging the flesh greedily for themselves.

    Upon a braver, further inspection, one would notice the bodies belonging to the beautiful Mercedes Yorsun, the innocent child Vi, the brave Jonathan Elers and finally the not-so-attractive Kargul'Agrak.
    The bodies all sway littered in scars of all sorts, though if you were to come even closer (daringly) you would notice that all of the scars bear a similar shape to them...


    This is not the first of the bodies.... Could it possibly be the last?

  5. With his hand coursing through the thin hairs of his beard, Bircalin skims through the several notices posted in a heap, both nodding and frowning to himself in unison.

    Briefly, he mutters to himself in an unintentionally cynical tone
    "I suppose that the name Luminaire is yet to sink-in. All will be healed with time; our greatest ally, after all... Perhaps these Mali'ker would wish to visit Leanniel sometime, not being too far North of here after all."

    • Minecraft name: Bircalin
    • Skype ID: babobaz
    • Timezone: GMT +0 (England)
    • What is your favorite building style?:

      Environments: I've always had the ambition in my builds to make not only the structures themselves attractive but the scenery around them also. From quaint lily ponds to that button in the stone, I take pride in putting my attention into details to diversify my creations. Even now, as an 'average player' I set to making my own home truly unique, adding thick fauna and foliage around a thick birch tree (Which I admittedly had issues with) atop my Druid-like abode in Lenfarthing. In group projects, I've often found myself being 'the guy' who adds this mushroom here and that vine there.

      Landscapes: Land formations of any size. Corkscrewing stone overhangs, abyssal watery depths, you name it. Similar to my previous strength, I enjoy finding new ways to spice-up a build. The all-too-familiar cube house on an utterly flat land tells the story of an uncreative inhabitant disinterested in his abode. Whereas the same cube house braving blizzards atop the most isolated of mountaintops shows the story of a dedicated soul, courageous enough to even dare to construct such a contrasting structure to its surroundings. I enjoy adding a life to my builds, the towering walls of an ancient people, embedded into the rock, with an unexplained crater moulded deep into it. Possibly a siege? Or even a storm? The thought of provoking people's imagination with what I make is what I strive to achieve, and I like to think that I do achieve it, too. 
    • What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible): 

      Salvus Cherry Blossoms: Upon answering Shoi's plea for aid one fateful morn' in OOC chat, I was teleported outside of Salvus' walls at the foot of the grassy hill, standing beside Ever and Shoi herself. The two shown me a large tree behind us, coated in pink wool. They asked me, having had their own difficulties, to create an number of cherry blossom trees, to which I accepted. If you haven't seen them by know, I'd suggest you explore the highway area outside of Salvus more often, you can't miss 'em! Moving on, after an hour or so, the trees were complete and I was quickly returning to my average day.




      Menorcress: I would say one of my most treasured and notable builds would have to be the general 'life' of Menorcress' caverns in Asulon during the DevBuild. Alongside adding certain structures (Two arenas, several homes/dwellings) I added a large majority of natural features to the dark recesses. Simple things, from webs up high to single blocks broken and added where I felt they (un)necessary.

      The Grand Druid Tree: Far previously to that, I was one of the main builders for the "Grand Druid Tree" in Laurelin, Aegis. This was -during- Aegis, a while before creative mode was a part of Minecraft and I thusly spent far longer than I would now, falling from killer heights to build what I would say is my very most treasured build. (T'was all worth it!)
    • Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each: 
      Unfortunately, as per the sheer amount of times I have lost my screenshots folder(s) and sometimes the entire contents of my PC, I have no screenshots whatsoever of the builds mentioned above. The most I can offer, is locating the large birch tree in the mountains of Lenfarthing and looking at the fauna around it. (Not the tree itself, although the concept was my own, I had a vast amount of help due to the difficult of building without dying.)
      Alongside that, finding any images of the caverns of Menorcress themselves and a short handful of the buildings will also give you an idea of my style.
      Conclusively, I highly doubt any images of the Grand Druid Tree remain, though if they do, be sure to inform me too!

      [Edit] Upon Kitten's request, I instantly set-off to single-player and began flying across the newly-generated map in search of a good area to begin 'terraforming'. In my flight, I decided to test myself in seeing how long it would take me to make a build I am impressed and pleased with. The results having not lived-up to my expectations and fear of wasting time, I changed my approach and decided to see how well I could build in a set amount of time; more realistic.
      So, giving myself 30 minutes and inspiration from the player Twilightwolf to build a 'misty mountain' I -attempted to create an enigmatic ''necromancer's ruin'', to no avail. The result -


       Note that I wish I had more time to create a more attractive 'mist/cloud' around the fort, though after all, I was pressed for time.


    • As a builder, what makes you unique and stand out from the crowd?: 
      Story: As mentioned earlier, I take joy in 'hiding' stories within my builds. Worn paths off of main roads, used for cut-throats and thieves to pass unnoticed. Wooden planks strewn over sea-shrouded rocks, the unfortunate demise of hasty smugglers in their escape. Things people can look to and devise their own stories to match, with no 'true' story; even my own.

      Dedication and detail: I don't cut corners and laze on the job. I am someone who finishes what they are set-out to do and always strive to finish a task set to me to the best of my ability. If I feel my build shows the art of a slacking hand, I will do my utter best to improve it. In my drawings, I despise 'leaving the white' (forgetting to fill-out the entire canvas) and I like to think I apply that to my builds with all the overlaying features of the landscapes I create (thick grass, sloping stone, buttons and pressure plates for that 'cracking' effect.) 

      Cohesiveness and friendly disposition: I always do my best to act fairly to those I meet, despite anything I may have heard from others. So far, I'd say behaving the way I do has led me to appear as a friendly and approachable person and I hope I can prove as much in the Event Team should I be asked to work alongside others.

    • How capable are you of building with the least amount of preparation as possible? If I were to ask you to construct the remains of an ancient settlement, would you be able to handle it on the spot without being babysat? (there is no right or wrong answer): 
      I am certainly capable of working independently on a project I'm tasked with. When accuracy is a must and my creativity is arguably 'limited', I do prefer having a set of guidelines detailing what not to do. Otherwise, I'm perfectly capable of being tasked and setting-out to finish it appropriately. I'm no stranger to being "on-call" and so should I find myself asked to create a build with little preparation, I feel I could handle it well.
    • Additional details: Kudos if you've read 80% of this app, here is your reward!

      Rather than repeatedly comment to give my thanks to the references given so far, I'll simply say here that I'm truly grateful to all those that compliment my supposed ability of creating masterpieces from dirt and the likes.

  6. Dark Elves are largely the 'fighter' sub-race of Elves, whereas the High Elves look to the academic aspects of living.
    Make of that what you will, and decide what would suit your character more!

    Wood Elves are fun too, remember.

  7. Donned in his typically less than formal garb, Bircalin sits with his feet naked atop the railings of the Lumidrim's smithy, sitting upon a small stool generally used by the smith himself. Precariously, the stool teeters on its hind legs as he pushes to and fro from the railing, familiarising himself with the events mentioned.

    His absence at the day's earlier attack was one he wasn't quite willing to let go of just yet and with thoughts running amok in his conscience, mind was soon to come to matter.

    With a flourish, he slips his legs from the railing, planting his feet firmly on the soft varnished oak to rise as he folds the Flagship under his arm. Tomorrow was a new day, and there was most certainly more work to be done in the Lumidrim and the North alike.

  8. I'm not one of those people to say "It's just a game guys jeez" because I understand that people work to make the game more enjoyable for others and it's something others have to take into consideration. But, likewise to yourself, Gaius, I've grown to understand that it's key to remember that there really -aren't- any true obligations to this server and its community. But it's the same consideration that you give to those that work hard for the server that you have to apply when you try and make us an 'ideal' community, if you will. We will never be perfect, and I'm sure you know that. But in these attempts to bring truth to light, you distance the community from the people that cater to it. Rhia is right in saying that you've directly harmed the server, and you have, little what it may mean.

    On a more dramatic note, as per this community's 'typical behaviour':

    Remember just how many people you lied to that stuck up for you. 
    "We -know- it wasn't you, Gaius, don't worry."

    Bravo, bravo.

  9. Bircalin, the Evarir of the Lumidrim, finds himself once more stood over the large symmetrical table of the Lumidrim war-room coated in a thick layer of stained documents ranging from scouting reports to full-scale maps of Anthos. His gloved palms press against the table's fray, his more exposed fingers finding themselves rolling along the table to the sound of light galloping.
    A stern brow sits upon his features, heading his motionless white eyes as they scan the scene before him. Though, this time, the answer is not one of strategy, but direction.

    "Where to go from here..." He mutters to himself idly, chewing the corner of his lip before lifting a hand to his beard, scraping down his face with his palm before returning it to the table, planting one finger firmly pointed onto no specific pile of papers. 
    The finger rattles upon the table, half-heartedly tapping it a handful of times before his head bobs somewhat in unison.

    "Not yet..." The words rolling from his lips as a breezed whisper, scooping the documents into a less cumbersome pile against his chest and storing them, locked away within the Evarir's office. Fumbling about through more drawers, he procures a second sheet of blank canvas roughly half the size of the Anthos map. Laying it on the centre of the table, his hand sweeps across the sheet, clearing it of any gathered dust as he follows the movement with a withered exhale.

    "We're going to need a lot of furs." He says in affirmation to himself, pushing himself to a full stand from the table to eye it fully.
    With a great, broad grin approaching his lips helplessly, he clasps his hands together, massaging his palms as his gaze begins to wander, sub-consciously murmuring...

    "Back in business."

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