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Status Updates posted by MrWizzard

  1. I have 4 score and 19 problems, but a wench ain't one.

    1. Googlesearch


      Prbly cos yo speak lik dat

  2. Check out my new post, SKYRIM!, for a giggle or two.

  3. Got TeamFrotress 2. And it is Awsome.

  4. Im going to reroll my character. Check RP section for maverik's death.

  5. I'm going to try and open a magic tavern near the cloud temple. It will sell magic food and drink, like Newt Stew, Ghastly Ale, and Boogeyman Bread(made from the monsters under your bed). I will also sell staves and cantrips. Cantrips are simple weak spells that are useful for tasks, like lighting an area or binding a familiar to you. I'll tell you when it is up and running.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/OyjTDiNWT0k - Link to my theme song! Copy and paste but be careful, some bad language.
  7. Check out my new group, the Battle Mages in the Lore Ideas Section!

  8. I'm looking for a skin designer, they will be compensated in minas.

  9. English and AP U.S. History exams tommorow. Wish me luck!

  10. Just finished two of my exams! Just Chemistry and Math left. XP

  11. Just finished my math exam! Now I need to drag myself through chemistry.

  12. On Christmas Vacation now. If you'll excuse me, Skyrim and I need some time alone.

  13. I'm back and ready to take on Asulon and the nether!

  14. I'm back and ready to take on Asulon and the nether!

  15. Maverik's off traveling to the different ports to explore all of Asulon. Sorta like how I'm going to be on college trips all this week... Cya Saturday!

  16. For the few that care, Maverik is going on another "trip". I've found this intresting game called Pandora Saga: Weapons of Balance. It's a MMO that I'm going to be devoting my time to for a few weeks. Cya later. (Arbrek, the thing we've talked about is still on.)

  17. So I came back for a little bit, looked into the new magic rp. I am intrested in it, but I'm looking at my schedule and school is approaching fast. So sadly, I'm going to have to refrain from playing LOTC some more. Not to worry, I've found some other rp servers. While not a dedicated as you wonderful people are, they provide an intresting rp experience none the less. My favorit so far is a zombie apocolypse style one. In the words of hippies "See ya on the flip side!"

  18. Well... I feel foolish. Just wrote a book, now I probably need to redo it on the new book feature later...

  19. Heeeeyyyyy.... Isn't your profile pic the guy from Darken?

  20. Sagwort had promised me to help me find and introduce me to a druid, and since he wansn't going to be on this weekend, he said to check with you or Olek to help in his stead.

    Is there a time and place where we can meet this weekend to do this?

    *looking down below* you need an apprentice? I thought someone like you would be crawling with them?

  21. When do you want to get on and rp?

  22. Where'd you get that avatar? Is it realted to your rp?

  23. I'm no art critic, but I think it looks very good. :3

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