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Gold VIP
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Posts posted by MrWizzard

  1. Fitting, in a way. 


    The Pathmaker now makes his own path.


    This one will not be a path we follow.


    But he'll be walking right beside our path nonetheless.


    Thank you for your time, talent, and treasure Shift.


    I hope one day we can meet in LotC.


    Edit: I just realized that this is my 1000 post! Can't think of a better way to use it. :)

  2. ::OOC::
    MC Name:Todd877
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: Yes, though only in Telekinesis 
    Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yes
    Skype: cor.thunder


    Name: Finn No-Name
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Race: Halfling
    What would you like to learn?: Learn how to survive and defend myself.
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Physical Studies

  3. Alright, this has been fun, but I think this thread (with so many GMs actually reading it) is the perfect place for us to sit down and have a little chat. A primary part of running a business based in entertainment is to remain both likable and entertaining. I like a lot of you, as judged by your posts, whereas I hardly even know Rhia but dislike her from what I've seen so far.


    Rhia you literally asked for constructive criticism, someone gave it to you, and you snapped at them. That's foolish. Don't be foolish.


    In all too brutal honesty, we as a player-base don't care what you as the moderation and administration want for this entertainment business, we want to be entertained. (Areyounotentertained.gif) The thing that makes leading hard is that everyone wants different things; a lot of people love pvp and crashing settlements, whereas I think those people are scummy plebs who deserve nothing less than crucifixion.


    I don't care what you want. I want to be happy and entertained. I came here to be happy and entertained.


    I'm not entertained right now, I am growing slowly more bored as I hold out a dying light that things might turn around and I'll be entertained again, like a crummy patch in well... any other game... being fixed. If people aren't happy, especially if this many people aren't happy, and being this vocal about it; there is something terribly wrong with this server.


    GMs, stop telling us to calm down or shut up about it. If you can't handle discontent among a couple of people, you are not fit to lead. Give us descriptions of what your jargon means, don't be hypocritical, and shape up. I am willing to donate money to this server once it starts doing things I like, even if your rewards are silly. If you want money, do what people want you to do. Dance, monkey, dance.


  4. +1


    The Silent One -> Fill the entire room with noxious fumes. Everyone has to make a fortitude check to see if they pass out or not.


    Wrath of the (Insert race with spiciest food here) -> Fire a short  burst of burning gas into the eye's of your enemy. They shall know true pain and humiliation.

  5. OOC

    MC Name: Todd877
    Timezone: EST
    Name: Will
    Race (And clan, if Dwarven): Human
    Do you swear never to betray the guild and its secrets? If so, do you recognize the punishment for this offence is severe?: Yes.
    Do you swear to abide the laws of our host Kingdom of Urguan and follow its laws, and not to do anything with malicious intent to it and its members?: Yes.
    Reason for joining (Make this a paragraph): Will has had a very short, rough, traumatizing life. When he wakes up at the Temple, he finds that all his memories of his previous unknown amount of years are gone. All he has is a letter addressed to a man known as Kalameet. After getting a possible location from the monks, Will (at that time without a name) tries to find the city of Arlas. He eventually decides to ask an orc. That turned out to be a bad idea when said orc got angry and decided to use Will as a sparring post.
    Eventually he makes his way to the Mage's Guild, battered, bruised and more than a little scared, where upon he delivers the letter and is allowed to stay. While Will may have lost his memories, he seemed to be able to retain his ability to read. While this did raise questions of Will's origin, it has not been investigated yet. Anyways, he began to read. And read. And read. The tomes contained within the Mage's Guild library aided in distracting him from his memories of the orc, and taught him the theory behind Magic and Alchemy.
    However, even with the selection of books, there were only so many. Days passed, and with the Mages too busy to interact with the boy, he decided to experiment. Exploring the Guild house, he soon came across an alchemy stand, some bottles, and some ingredients. He mixed at random, and created three potions. Two of which seemed to have no effect. The third, he learned later, was a deadly poison. Ignoring the scolding for doing something so dangerous, Will felt rather satisfied with the result. He created something. By accident, true, but that did not negate the fact that he created something of use. Katari, the one who found out Will's stunt, decided that the best course of action was to bring Will to meet the Dwarven Alchemy Guild. A form was given to Will to join the Alchemist Guild if he wished.
    After leaving, Katari sent Will back to the Mages Guild on his own. It was on that night that an armored thug mugged Will. Will tried to escape, but was cut down by the villain's axe. He was found by Skale and another gentleman, who were able to scare the cretin off before he could do more harm. After being bandaged and left at the scene of the crime, Katari eventually stumbled across Will. The events that followed are not clearly remembered by Will, but it seemed he eventually wandered out of Katari's care and was stumbled upon by a cleric who was kind enough to heal the boy.
    After finally returning to the Guild, Will could do no more than cower in the darkest depths of the library, afraid for his life. The previous events rekindled the memories of the orc, and the two combined terrorized him for days and nights. Eventually the terror dulled, but the fear stayed. He couldn't leave the guild, less monsters both human and in-human prey upon him again. Though eventually, even the strongest fear must give way to boredom. So he once again returned to the tradebooks of the library. And once again he read the books on alchemy. 
    Could this be the answer? Magic would be better, but that takes years of study and training. Alchemy though. You need patience, yes, but it's just mixing ingredients. One could learn it quickly. Will could learn it quickly. And with alchemy, he could make a potion. A potion that would make his skin hard as iron, heal his wounds faster than they could be made, make him invisible, anything! Anything so he could feel safe again...
  6. *A message is delivered to the Headquarters of the Arcane Delvers*


    Greetings Arcane Delvers


    My name is Bergamot. I am a 'researcher' of Enchanted Artifacts. I am writing to inquire if a mutually beneficial agreement could be reached. While I'm no scholar, I have always been fascinated been fascinated by these items of power. I find a calling in recording the stories of these artifacts, and if possible, collecting them for safe keeping. Given what I heard of you and your mission, I think our goals somewhat align. Would someone with the power to make such arrangements be agreeable to meeting with me?






    Given name(RP name): Bergamot


    (Skype name if you have one): cor.thunder


    True name(MC name): Todd877


    Race: Human (half elf )(well more like 1/8 elf)


    List three words that a guild needs to function and survive. : Unity, Duty, and Cake.



    In your own words describe what you think a delve is: Wandering into a seemingly simple yet complex situation, whether physically or mentally.



    If you found an artifact and that artifact could do anything. What would it do?

    Able to sense more artifacts.

  7. Gold - maybe

    Diamond - 75x75, I believe

    and Bedrock was either 100x100 or 200x200


    >< I'm 100% certain that Iron did not get any land. You'll have to contact Tythus. He's the only admin that can go that far back in the paypal logs.




    Iron never got donation plots.


    Iron VIP definitely never got land plots. The lowest was diamond, which I believe was 50x50. Then it'd increase by 50x50 for each $100 donated, or something like that.


    All donation perks are subject to change, the minas and plots were removed due to multiple reasons, currently Iron VIP basically gets LWC it seems and other little tidbits. 


    Yeah... I just... GAH! It's just been too long. I remember that I applied for a town. So... yeah...

  8. I don't believe iron VIP ever got donation plots... it was only diamond up, right? 


    Anyhoo! I'm not sure how far back donations can be checked. I'll chuck it into the GM skype and see if it is doable. 

    While the plot of land option would still be nice (and yes, I distinctly remember it being one of the rewards. I used it to try and start a town. It failed...) I simply want to make sure I get my Iron VIP privileges. 

  9. *looks at letter*


    I'd be happy to accept this position. At the moment I am preoccupied with personal matters that I am unable to reslove at this very momment. If you would care to, you or a reprsentative may meet me at the docks where the original ships now rest on this day? ((Friday, 7:00 PM EST))

  10. *A letter is sent to the Arcane Delvers*


    Greetings Arcane Delvers, and whoever holds this letter.


    I am Elmech Rune ((Todd877)), a newly started adventurer. I will not go into detail here, but I am a human of no affiliation. I have found that my lives passion is to explore the many mysterious and powerful enchanted weapons that are scattered throughout the many races. While I don't have any magic of my own, I respect those who wield this mysterious force. Since I am so far alone is this venture, I seek like minded people who would support this study. You may ask why I wouldn't join the Robed Librarians. I simply do not believe in the pacifist views. If I have do defend myself I plan to do so with extreme prejudice. I will not be below force to achieve my goals either. I recognize however that force is best applied only in certain areas and people.


    But I am at a loss on what to apply for exactly. While I may not be a magic user, I'm also not exclusively a swordsman  I wish to study the magic and, if circumstances either force or allow, to use the artifacts I study. How would I fit into your organization?

  11. *a scroll of parchment is delivered to Polgrath*

    Greetings Polgarth, I am Elmech Rune. I'm a hunter of Artifacts both Magical and Strange. You're guild seems to be knowlegable and open with your reasearch (at least to it's memebers) and that is exactly what I'm looking for. I hope you would consider taking me on in the guild.

    Given name(RP name):Elmech_Rune

    True name(MC name): Todd877

    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?):Nope

    What form of magic ye use?:Nada

    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Yes

    Mageshield,Delver or other(if other detail)?: I would like to continue my work as an Artifact Hunter. What I basically do is search out, catalogue, and if possible recover powerful Artifacts both Magical and Strange. Magical Artifacts are your run of the mill Artifacts that Ascended, Undead, and a few powerful magic-users create. Strange artifacts are those that fall outside that definition. As I said, if possible I will recover an Artifact and store it so that it might be preserved and protected from evil forces.

    If needed, I also have great martial skill and a few other hidden talents for surviving the wilderness. Becuase of that I also learned how to keep my equipment in tip-top shape. I have talents that lie elsewhere, but those are the major ones.

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