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Posts posted by MrWizzard

  1. Can you give some more feedback about why the habitants decided to start the town?

    Feedback? I'm not exactly sure what you mean. I sort of want it to grow around my tavern.

    Alright this is how I thought of it. I want to create a magic oriented tavern. I want it to support a magic rp atmosphere, but not be partial to any one race. My conclusion was make a neutral town. So not only would my tavern be able to function, but the people would be able to do their own thing outside of the tavern and not have to walk all the way back to where ever the live. Reason being is becuase the new map is supposed to be huge. As for individual people wanting to be there... Darnit I forgot to get the last few people to pm me their backstory for coming to Lowencaster. But there is backstory behind each person.

  2. Someone else can have my plot since eledyr is dying soon.

    Also remove my name from the charter , I can only support 1 town/nation and that is the karakatuan empire.

    I wish you the best of luck with this town

    I'm sorry to hear that. Mabye you'll change you mind later.

    I'd also like to underline the need for a leader. A head couincilman if you will. They would help keep the different type of magic users from tearing each other throats out (due to difference in doctrine) and help create laws for the town. See the frist post for more info.

  3. ((To start out, I need to give ooc information. Maverik is my first character on this server. To say the least, he was pretty screwed up. So, to get him under the carpet I sent him on a journey to find new magic in the far corners of Aegis. Visiting old libraries, talking to old men, stuff like that. So when I brought him back with the 1.0.0 MC update, I screwed up again, thinking that somehow he learned enchanting, something that hasn't even been implemented yet. Not out of power-gaming aspirations mind you, I was just VERY enthusiastic about it. Thankfully, while I claimed so on the forums, I haven't rp'd him doing enchanting in-game. After a little flaming, I was brought to see that I messed up again.

    With this corrected, and without further a’ do, ladies and gentleman meet Maverik.))

    ((I will gloss over his beginning for the same reasons stated above. But this is mostly the story from my application.))

    Maverik Frond was born one spring evening in Al'khazar to a newly-wed Joram and Iatha Frond. Though not necessarily wealthy, they were well to do for a carpenter and tutor. Though not always able to see their son because of work, Maverik didn’t feel neglected. They gave him great freedom, allowed to play around the city under the watchful eye of Kale, the family dog. But because of his mother, Maverik also loved books. Story books, history books, books that would take him to places he never been before were his passion. He was a very happy boy. Unfortunately, as with most stories he read, death struck his parents down at the age of 10. While he was out on the other side of the city, his father’s shop caught fire. It was only later when he had returned to see the ashy remains of his home and parents that he learned of their fate. Taking to the streets, he soon became another head in the homeless. But as whispers of magic being seen once more, Maverik’s hope grew. He hoped that he would be able to find and master this energy like the books he read years ago. But first… to get some new clothes were in order.

    As Maverik traveled to find this magic, he met up with Storm’s Army, a mercenary army for hire. Soon rising to the rank of captain, Maverik found he was still not satisfied with this. So, handing in his resignation, he traveled farther away from his home, going nearly to the end of the world. During this time, he continued to strengthen his swordsmanship with the rotting corpses of the undead. On his travels, he picked up some brewing skill and recipies from the various alchemists and libraries he visited.

    While doing this, Maverik stumbled across a book. Pages badly torn and lodged in a zombie's decaying digestive tract he deciphered some of the book's tale.

    He discovered that back when magic was a common place thing, before Iblee's imprisonment; there was a band of mages. But unlike their scholarly brothers, these men and women used magic as a means instead of an end. Augmenting themselves and their weapons, this group sought to guard the balance of the world through their strength. They had no name, but the person who wrote the book called them...

    The Battle Mages.

    Seeing the value in this group, Maverik decided to take up their mantle. He is currently collecting followers, and having them patrol the roads from Arlas to the Cload Temple to keep the road safe from the monsters that prowl the wilds surrounding it.

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