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Ibn Khaldun

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Status Replies posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Ironic how everyone whimpers that no players can make true contributions to Lore/Roleplay Input to LotC...

  2. This is pretty entertaining

  3. Before Undead: "We need more conflict!" During Undead: "Undead are OP! It's no fun anymore!" After Undead: "LOTC is dying, we need them back!"

  4. Le sigh of frustration.

  5. I have to admit, I feel so entertained to see this sort of thing. Im assuming the 'infamous one' this night feels like Joker from Dark Knight?

  6. I have to admit, I feel so entertained to see this sort of thing. Im assuming the 'infamous one' this night feels like Joker from Dark Knight?

  7. Sigh, that feeling when your friend logs on for the first time in a while, says hi while he is apparently no rp killing people to send a message, then logs off again. Le sigh, everything is going downhill for me..

  8. Sigh, that feeling when your friend logs on for the first time in a while, says hi while he is apparently no rp killing people to send a message, then logs off again. Le sigh, everything is going downhill for me..

  9. Is the Kharajyr accepted? If so im coming back for a while and test-play them if I get accepted as one

  10. I would like to point out that every time someone uses /butcher it kills ALL of our livestock. We are now out four cows, four pigs, four chickens, and eight multi-colored sheep. So we can no longer make tents until we sacrifice MORE of our resources collecting rare dyes and herding more sheep. Oh and a RP excuse? There isn't one.

  11. I would like to point out that every time someone uses /butcher it kills ALL of our livestock. We are now out four cows, four pigs, four chickens, and eight multi-colored sheep. So we can no longer make tents until we sacrifice MORE of our resources collecting rare dyes and herding more sheep. Oh and a RP excuse? There isn't one.

  12. Oh. Mai. Gawd. I just finished the first episode of 'My Little Pony'. My mind is blown..

  13. Curious on how to address something that has bugged me for so long lol

  14. Curious on how to address something that has bugged me for so long lol

  15. Ban player for one reference despite the use of the word "nazi" constantly in things such as grammar nazi, etc.

  16. Ban player for one reference despite the use of the word "nazi" constantly in things such as grammar nazi, etc.

  17. Why does my VA always get denied by Fawkes or Susitsu? And why do they never tell me what is wrong with it?

  18. Got hit by a car today. Big bruise on my leg. Wellfuck.

  19. Got hit by a car today. Big bruise on my leg. Wellfuck.

  20. I don't understand how you guys can cyber. It's so awkward and weird. *dislikes

  21. Swallowing a while soother isn't a good idea. :/

  22. Say one thing about fast food in OOC, and everyone thinks you're from America -_-'

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