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Posts posted by Mirtok

  1. *nods at the two main leader's silence and clears his throat before speaking . . .


    "It has been nearly a half an Elven year or so since we all made landfall into this new world. For the most part we have been able to establish for ourselves a firm foundation from which we can grow our respective nations. It is also true that we were so far able to accomplish all of this without so much as a single border conflict between each other, resulting in a seamless migration. I must thank both of you for keeping a level head and making this a huge success."


    *Mirtok lowers his head for a moment in respect then resumes speaking . . .


    "I propose we hold a celebration between all of our peoples so that we may further bolster a long lasting friendship and cooperation. Have you any ideas?"

  2. *Scaffolds run up the mountain peak and cranes tower over the many Sariants working below, hoisting up massive slabs of stone and brick to be expertly placed into position. The Citadel Stonehallow is destined to be among the greatest of the Realms architectural achievements, rivaling the majesty of Castle Greywynn and The Jewel from Konigsburg. The banners of the Order proudly rest along the walls of the unfinished keep, and the basics of habitability are moved out of the snow and into the warm light of the many fires. Among the first rooms to be finished is the Meeting Hall, a place for the battles of diplomacy to take place. A modest throne facing an elevated table from which visitors may represent their people under the roof of Hanseti. Just in time too.
    *A large horn blast can be heard echoing off the cliff faces of the mountains, the sounds of troops marching with a slow rumbling thunder rest under the constant wind of Northhaven. The Sariants continue about their work and toil unphased- a scout jogs briskly through the Citadel gate to report the coming guests to the Hochmeister. Mirtok awaits the leaders of each incoming faction from the peak of a small hill at the foot of the keep's walls. The first of the banners to be seen floating over the landscape is that of the Orvars, soon after the sigil of the Rovins. As the men file into formation around the Citadel, other clans and groups follow suit. Mirtok nods to the leaders of each force as they ascend the steps up towards him. Together they make their way to the Meeting Hall.
    “I am Hochmeister Mirtok DeNurem, the leader of the Teutonic Order and the Regent of the Realm of Hanseti. It is a pleasure to have you all in my citadel so that we may discuss the future of Northhaven or alternatively The Northern Mountains, the lands we all now call our home. I would have any of you present the first topic of our meeting if you so wish, otherwise I will open with my own.”
    *Mirtok salutes the men in front of him and takes a seat on his throne awaiting his guests to speak . . .
  3. Settlements of the Realm
    The Capital City of Snowdrift
    Snowdrift is the capital city of the Realm of Hanseti in Athera. It is a loose collection of hamlets dispersed throughout the Realms holdings based on the trade work of its inhabitants or via cultural characteristics. At its center stands the Citadel Stonehallow, the largest stronghold ever designed by the members of the Teutonic Order. Around that are the many homes of the Sariants who pick up arms in defense and the interest of the Realm as well as the center of trade, the Grand Forge and other civic buildings for the use by the Hansetian citizens.
    As it stands, there are plans for the addition of two more hamlets into the Realm in the near future, complete with their own storehouse and unique produced good. Other settlements will be constructed as their need arises. Hansetian citizens and outsiders who may be looking for an opportunity to work are encouraged to migrate to the proposed locations when they are announced for construction. Prospectors also may earn citizenship for immigrating into the Realm.
    Pineedge - Logging and Woodworks (Coming Soon)
    Pineedge will be the hamlet dedicated to the production of lumber and woodworked items. Citizens and outsiders alike may visit and purchase excess goods from the inhabitants of that area.
    Wolfmead - Farming and Food Production (Coming Soon)
    Wolfmead will be the hamlet dedicated to the production of the Realms crops and the center for the cooking of its food. The main rations of the Realm will be produced from this hamlet and normal collection and distribution of the settlements products will be every other Elven day. Citizens and outsiders may visit and purchase excess goods as they please from that area.
    Ironashe - Mining and Quarry
    Ironashe will be the dedicated housing for the citizens of the Realm who work in the mines or clear large tracts of stone for construction and production of stone goods. This is a hamlet that will come in later development of the Realm and may not expressly be placed in the same location of where the inhabitants work may be. The excess goods produced by this hamlets workers can be purchased by citizens and outsiders in the Capital, Snowdrift.
    Highcliff - Realm Heroes Hamlet
    Highcliff is the proposed hamlet dedicated to the heroes of the Realm. Members of the Teutonic Order or other armed forces in service to the Realm who have either served enough time to warrant them a high rank in their respective organizations or have accomplished considerable acts in service and loyalty to the Realm or its military forces are invited to live in this hamlet. For members of the Teutonic Order, residence in Highcliff can be achieved at the rank of Grand Sariant and above.
    Greenedge - 211 Mercenary Hamlet
    Greenedge is the current location for the 211 Mercenary company, located on the edge of the Realm of Hanseti and the Creature Lands to the West. Their current main good is ale and the ability to hire professional  warriors for many different jobs.
    More hamlets will be announced as they come up.
    If you have an interest in anything mentioned above, come to the Realm of Hanseti located in Northhaven or contact a member of the Teutonic Order.
  4. If you have build rights to the lands held by the Realm of Hanseti or the Teutonic Order, there are a certain and small set of rules that must be followed at all times.
    1.  You cannot landscar whatsoever unless the project at hand has been cleared with the Hochmeister. In cases of large scale mining, supports must be put up before the last person departs from the location. Logging work must never leave floating leaves and the trees chopped should be replaced in equal or greater numbers.
    2. You cannot alter or destroy a building or feature that is not your own without the permission of the Hochmeister or the owner of the thing in question.
    3. You may not alter, destroy or break anything related to Events without permission by the haldning ET member.
    4. You may not alter, destroy or break any of the ruins you may come across in the Realms holdings.
    5. You may not alter, destroy or break natural or RP pieces spread throughout the Realm; This includes the large insects, mountain passes, roads or road pillars, caves or what ever else looks like it was built during the maps development. Especially not the large custom built pine trees, without express permission from the Hochmeister themselves.
    If you have any questions regarding certain areas, things you wish to build or importance of specific buildings, please contact the Realms leadership or even an Admin of the server. It is up to all of us to create a rich atmosphere for the RP we wish to create but to also preserve the hard work and creativity of what is already here.
  5. Hansetian Resources
    The National Stores
    The National Storage complex is where the entire Realms bank of goods and products are stored to be used for any number of reasons; Be it trade, construction or skill crafting. It is to act as the backbone to the Nations actual wealth and should also be expanding indefinitely. In certain cases of emergencies, the National Stores would prevent the Realm of Hanseti, its military forces and its civilian sectors from falling into turmoil and depletion.
    The storage complex for this system must be separate from any other storage systems in place, I.E The Sariant and Civilian Storehouses. It is an area that only designated personnel are allocated access and the ability to draw resources from. There is a dynamic minimum store count for every item of discernable value, from raw resources like stone and logs to products like bricks and planks.
    Every citizen and loyal person to the Realm is expected to contribute in some way to the maintenance and growth of the National Stores, be it a percentage on their produced goods or simple donations. So long as the National Stores are plentiful and stocked at a healthy amount, all citizens of the Realm of Hanseti may pursue private ventures and commit their worked goods and resources towards their own benefit. In times of great need or low supply, this ability is temporarily put on hold until the issue is solved.
    It is important for all people of the Realm to understand what it means to be Hansetian. We are a people, we all work together as comrades and a community, and it is on the backs of all that we are able to remain strong and prosperous. Hoarding resources goes against all of that and lets your fellow Hansetians know you are not a part of the over all cause. Greedy tendencies are not accepted in Hanseti and money has no voice among the people or their leaders.
    The Sariant Storehouse
    The Sariant Storehouse is an ever changing and local community based storage complex designed to be stocked, maintained and utilized by the soldiers of the Realm. All resources in the storehouse come from the Sariants and all resources taken from the storehouse are taken by Sariants. It is a community depot to meet any resource or good needs of every Sariant. Taking too much or failing to contribute at all to the stores will result in a revocation of storehouse rights and can even go as far as landing the offender with charges of theft from the Order and the Realm which is punishable by death and expulsion from the Order, in that order. Food shipments will be delivered to the Storehouse as needed.
    The Civilian Storehouse
    Much like the Sariant Storehouse, the Civilian Storehouse is a communal storage depot to be added and subtracted from by the peoples of the Realm of Hanseti. What goes in and comes out depends solely on the the storehouses users. Civilian Storehouses can be located in every community in the Realm, attached to each resource Hamlet and major settlements under Hanseti’s control. Abuse of the storehouse- too much taking and not enough giving- can result in being charged with Theft from the Realm of Hanseti, which is punishable by the forfeiting of a considerable amount of ones personal belongings and can even go so far as banishment from the Nation. Food shipments will be delivered to the Storehouse as needed.
    Resources from the Realm
    The Realm of Hanseti is rich in many different kinds of natural resources that for the most part are open to harvest by the nations citizens granted that they are not abused. Maintaining proper etiquette when working with the Realms resources is essential and must be upheld if there is to be a continuation of said freedoms. Mining operations must be at a minimum slightly tidy and be built with the proper supports in order to prevent cave-ins. Logging operations must not leave a mess behind and must always replant the felled trees before departing from their workplace. Farms should never be left unseeded unless there are no seeds left in your possession to plant with.
    It is important to realize that these resources belong to the Realm of Hanseti and you must always think first for the Realm than for yourself when collecting them. Giving to the Nation a portion of your collection not only aids the Realm in its efforts but also tells the leaders that the systems and freedoms we have in place are working and are worth it to have.
    There may be situations where for a temporary period of time, percentage quotas will be attached to certain resources that all people of the Realm must adhere to. Do note that they are temporary and are only enacted when necessary.
    Recording Your Efforts
    It is encouraged that one keeps a loose or even a detailed account on all activity relating to the Storages Systems of the Realm of Hanseti and the Teutonic Order. Not only does this prevent any instances of false accusations but it also gives the user the opportunity to be rewarded for their efforts by the Nations leaders. Anything from access to certain resources free of charge, to upgrades to ones home and personal property. If you give to the Realm, the Realm will give back.
    Policy on Money
    The Realm of Hanseti and the Teutonic Order hold the value of “Mina” in a much lower standard than most other nations in the world. Our strength comes from raw resources and dedicated people, not coin or bribery. Attempting to buy yourself to a position of higher importance in the Realm via resources or coins will not be met with a warm welcome and may damage your reputation with the nations leadership. Personal economic gains are not restricted but they are not encouraged either. If one conducts business in a manner that is damaging to the Realm of Hanseti or the Teutonic Order, or if their activities no longer coincide with the vision or direction of our people, the leadership of the nation reserve the right to seize, withhold, dismantle and destroy it all.
  6. Overcomplicated and involves nation leaders, which spells icky raging. 


    I would just go for unbiased folks. If they're not doing a good job, they will be replaced. The difference between this and the old warclaim team, is that the new team would be expressly bound to the proposed rules, and only function as "constitutional justices" who rule purely within the laws themselves.


    Agreed, this system is an OOC overseer to things that happen in RP. Having RP leaders and such become the ruling body over such a thing would more than certainly result in the misallocation of justices in accordance with what is outlined and defined in the original post. Having someone who has zero affiliation with any party would be the most opportune of options. If they are poor at what they do then leave it to a vote via those whom have been involved in conflicts that said individual ruled over.

    To find said people, an application process can be enacted to pick the initial "Judges" and then brought back in instances where a judge would need to be replaced. Aspiring team members would prove their unaffiliation or fair-ruling abilities in their application, from there an Admin or Developer can select the right people based their words or a little investigating- if we care enough.


    Just a thought, I'm certain there are smarter minds than me thinking all this up anyhow.


    Edit: In the end, we all have access to these rules and if someone is blatantly acting outside of what has been defined then it should be a no-brainer denial that can even come from any of the sides involved. Teams are an added security but are by no means necessary for this to function.


    "Drop sails and raise anchor!"


    *The little harbor filled to the brim with giant wooden and stone vessels of a peoples salvation explodes with movement as every ship begins to float out and away from the rapidly freezing island. Shouts of many different orders and of many languages fill the air, the decks of the ships around them buzz with activity- men at a half-sprint race to meet their sea captains demands so that they may finally leave these forsaken lands.


    *The Hochmeister stands by his newly appointed captain, Throdo Therving, an old friend and comrade in many battles. The Sariants below usher Hansetians and others down below decks in preparation for the voyage ahead, a pair of scouts climb the center mast so that they can report the surroundings from a vantage point. Mirtok turns his head to look at the white flag bearing the legendary Black Cross flapping whispingly in the wind as the boat slowly begins to build up some speed. There was no turning back now.




    *Mirtok gives the deck one last sweep with his eyes before descending down the steps and opening the door to his cabin. His wife and daughter had perched themselves at the edge of his desk, talking lazily to one another in order to pass the time on what had no far been a boring voyage. He nods to them both, issuing them a good evening before retiring to his quarters. He takes a last look at the setting sun from a window in his room then he falls backwards onto his bunk and closes his eyes.




    *Mirtok is jerked away as the ship rolls over the waves in a suddenly violent sea. He looks around his room and into office to see the quarters completely empty and otherwise void of activity if it were not for the screaming of men over the screeching of wind and rain battling with volume on the other side of the door. Without a moments hesitation, the old battle-hardened Hochmeister leaps from his bed, grabbing the war hammer propped up on the wall as he crashes through the door and out into the new battlefield.


    "They've breached below the decks, get the civilians out of there!"


    *Sariants stand off against a shambled horde of armored undead minions, their golden armor glinting in the moonlight. A pile of rotted and dismembered bodies forms from under the invasion force as Sariants bring down the tools of their trade, ferrum blades hack away, iron arrows fire clean through ancient corpses. Mirtok rushes forward to help bolster their ranks.


    *The other boats in the fleet emit the same sounds of battle as The Halgrim as some great evil throws themselves at the fleeing races. The bloodshed continued for hours into the night, the bodies of the slain pushed into the raging sea in preparation for the next wave to invade the ship. Mirtok stands at the bow, studying the scene before him. Every boat, from nation class war ships to tiny private vessels, none were spared from the assault that was still raging on. He thinks to himself in silence, recalling the events leading up to his current moment and discerning his next course of action.


    "What the **** is that?!"


    *A bloodcurdling and multi-sourced screech fills the air, brining some of the armor clad Sariants to their knees clutching their ears. Mirtok turns to face the new visitor, warhammer held in both of his hands. Men push through another wave of undead and up towards the wheel of the ship, a three-headed monstrosity hovers above them all. The rage of an Undead slayer floods Mirtok's senses and he charges towards the Demon- the faint sound of flapping wings and a bellowing roar could have been heard through the howling winds and crash of the ocean waters, another great battle over taking some other ship. A few Sariants are flung over the Hochmeisters head as the Demon thrashes at its attackers; He sucks in a deep breath and closes his eyes for a split second . . .




    "Sir, what do we do now?"


    *Mirtok opens his eyes again, standing atop a small hill among the stumps of harvested lumber. Brother Richard waits patiently beside him, holding a pickaxe in his left hand, his other positioned into a salute . . .


    "Gather up some stone and have the mercenaries start on their tavern, we should have at the very least a palisade set up by the end of the day."


    "Understood, sir. The scouts have reported signs of past civilization in these lands, some mentions of a place called Aegis. What do you think, Hochmeister?"


    "It's been a long time, but I think I'm finally home."



  8. "Last call for boarding!"


    *Mirtok shouts over the heads of Sariants moving cargo up a ramp and into the bowls of the ship. Most of the Hansetian citizens had already been boarded and found a place to lay their head for the journey but a few were still straggling, saying goodbye and good luck to friends departing on other boats. The little town that was their harbor bustles with last minute activity and movement, the seagulls caw from above hoping to spot scraps left behind by the areas sudden burst of inhabitants. It was high time that the ramp was kicked up and the sails unfurled, but he knew he wouldn't leave a soul behind and that the Halgrim wasn't going anywhere until all were accounted for. Some indistinguishable orders are barked from another boat nearby . . .


    "Last call for stowaways! There may not be a bed for ya but a free ride is a free ride!"


    *A few sullen individuals look up after hearing the latest call and move towards the boat with a small smirk on their face; A much needed relief. Just as the last few migrants make their way onto the boat a Sariant pushes through the crowd and makes his way to where the Hochmeister is standing by the shore edge. He snaps to attention and address his leader . . .


    "Sir, the store rooms are for the most part cleared and prepped for loading; The town is evacuated and cleared."


    "Thank you brother, see to the rest of the cargo, we shall be pushing off very soon."


    *The Sariant salutes once more before moving quickly to the loading area where the rest of his comrades are toiling away, working the cranes and guiding the boxes and barrels to their intended place. Mirtok scans over the shore, watching the other races and nations load their people up for yet another great migration to some unfamiliar and unknown lands. He recalls some of the more recent conversations he's had and thinks to himself . . .


    "Perhaps these lands aren't so alien to us after all."


    *The Hochmeister shouts the last of his orders as the ramp is pulled and the anchored hoisted. The air causes someone to shiver, their thoughts leave everyone wide-eyed as the smell of adventure blows with the wind . . . and a bit of fear.



  9. Hopefully this should be an easy update to the coming 4.0 launch event.


    I have been around to see every single map transition to happen on this server and for the most part they are pretty enjoyable. The lore is pretty decent and the RP that occurs is generally organized around a singular objective that is accomplished by the end of it all. Good stuff.


    The people of this LotC universe have seen quite a few migrations to new worlds. We've experienced the hardships of being uprooted from our homes quite a bit now. Normally one would learn from the mistakes of the past. Probably the most common mistake of every migration has to be the severe lack of food. What I would like to propose is that maybe this time around we in RP have a way to lesson the shock of a great move and reduce the starvation rates in RP. The Temple Monks have access to lots of tools and magics, they seem to be able to land us right at the cloud temple without fail, there is even a Cloud Temple always waiting for us. Maybe this time around they took a leaf from the history books and thought about what coming suffering there will likely be. Maybe this time they brought over a bank of seedlings, sprouts and spuds from the lands we are leaving; The most basic forms of edible plant life that can be used to cultivate food. After we land, or crash or what ever is planed for us getting to where we need to be, the Monks could set up a system for the people of all organizations, nations and races (As not everyone is going to the race capitals) to collect certain things that I am unsure are actually in the map to find- namely carrots and taters.


    Of course one could bust up some grass and procure seeds for wheat and food can be generated as such. But, unless the map makers for the 4.0 develop planted wild carrots and potatoes throughout the world, the prospects of having that source of food be a part of our RP without the need for a GM to spawn it in is pretty low.


    This is a nonessential idea and in the end I know for a fact that carrots and potatoes will make it into general circulation eventually, this was simply an idea to lessen the effects of the move, show some form of RP learning and possibly get a resource introduced into world via RP means rather than spawning it in.

  10. A report came back to the small town of Praxedis speaking of a few locations where it appeared that ships were being constructed. The scouts had been out on patrol, picking up their normal monthly observations of the happenings of the island and its people. The coming storm was effecting everyone, not just the Hansetians behind their stone walls; The days grew colder and the fields grew weaker. However, this latest report concerning boats sparked an interest in the Hochmeister of the Realm, simply for the fact that they were not so much war ships as much as they were transport vessels. Mirtok knew all too well what that meant; Time for another move.


    Sariants and civilian workers were dispatched to a secluded coast facing Eastward out into an unknown ocean. Sure enough not too far from their proposed spot was a ship on stilts and even further down the coast line the comings of a port settlement made from sandstone whose most prominent feature was a statue that looked tirelessly out to sea. The Komturei Council members knew that indeed it was time to commit efforts towards leaving the freezing island, leave in search of something better or to simply get away from what ever was approaching from regions shrouded by darkness.


    "When the Nations of the world build ships, it would be wise to follow suit."




    The Halgrim




    The Halgrim is a ship of Hansetian design to be used for any number of transport purposes. It is a good sized vessel, built strong and built to withstand punishment as opposed to dealing it. Though that does not mean it is incapable of offense as the sturdy iron ram riveted to the bow would certainly knock a lesser vessel in two. It is a ship that will carry the peoples of Hanseti and its protectors to any new lands that it may one day find itself searching for. However, it was originally built to carry its cargo much later than what was soon to be discovered.


    The Hochmeister had come into contact with a clan of Northerners- The Orvars- who had claimed to come in direct contact with a being who spoke of the oncoming doom that was to befall Thales. A doom that as it seems was merely right around the corner, rearing its ugly head and preparing itself to bite much sooner than what was originally thought. The cold was only the beginning, the worst was yet to come.


    With this knowledge and the experience of past great migrations, the Teutonic Order called for the preparation of migration once more so that The Realm of Hanseti may be ready to heed the call of salvation and to sail onward into a better but still unknown future.


    "The Halgrim will be our deliverance."




    [Credit to Throdo for putting in the work to build it.]

  11. The Sariant's Creed
    “You are the future of the Order
    You, and those like you, hold the Orders soul in your hands. We wear the black mark, and we are the beating heart of a reborn brotherhood. It is our duty to remember. We are charged to recall the traditions that came before the moment when our Order stood on the edge of extinction. Remember those who stood against the enemies of the past, those who carried the old Order on their backs and bled for its success. Give penance for the fallen brothers of a defeated age and learn from what came before.
    You, and those like you, are the Order. We serve those who call upon us to do so, a Nation of our own people, a land that is our home. The traditions and codes of the old Order guide us but this new age leads us into the unknown. Be loyal to your comrades and the Order for they are the same and we are your salvation in an existence brimming with darkness. Give yourself to the Order and the Order will give itself for you. Fight for the Order and the Order will fight for you. Die for the Order and the Order will die for you.
    You, and those like you, carry the Order. We wear the armor forged in a time when the first Imperium was born- repaired, amended and maintained in the decades since by generations of warriors, soldiers and loyal men. Your blades have tasted the blood of every foe the old Order has ever fought, slain beast and man alike in a most righteous fervor and service. The names of each man before you etched onto its hilt and the battle that claimed them dating to its very forging on the first Motherland.
    You, and those like you are the victorious leer of the legends who founded us. But why are you charged with these responsibilities? Why do you wear the black mark? Because you hate. You hate more than any other man, and your hatred runs blacker, deeper, purer than theirs. A hate that stands above all others. One hate that burns in our blood and roars from the mouths of each Sariant when we stand together in war. It is a hatred with many names, those who sought to exterminate us, those who seek to destroy us, those who offer only darkness and suffering.
    But to us, they are simply the Enemy.
    We are the Teutonic Order, the descendants of titans, and we have survived extinction when all others would have fallen into worthless memory. Our hatred takes us from the ashes of an old world and delivers us to salvation!”
  12. *Among the few public records available to the people of Hanseti is a steadily growing list of remarkable people. These warriors are given special mention for their many efforts in service to the Teutonic Order and the Realm of Hanseti. Without their sacrifice and dedication, everything that the Hansetian people and the Sariants of the Teutonic Order have would have crumbled long ago. The Hall of Heroes is one of the many methods the Order fulfills its promise by remembering duty and service . . .


    Hall of Heroes




    Gaius Marius
    Gaius Marius, The Founder and Father of the Teutonic Order and The Realm of Hanseti, was a man of pure legend. Much of his exploits have been recorded in not only our own history but the histories of every race and nation as his contributions to the world are numerous and nearly uncountable. He was the bringer of a new age of both warfare and thinking, revolutionizing the medium and methods that battle was conducted. He was able to crumble defenses and staunch allegiances with nothing but his words. When words were simply not enough he commanded a campaign that saw the unthinkable become reality, the fall of the Kingdom of Oren, the first ever instance of such a feat ever recorded. He ruled with tact, compassion, intelligence and fairness; He understood what was required of him, what was required of all men he lead into battle and he knew the answer to some of the hardest of questions that would more than certainly have caused lesser men to buckle under the weight.
    Gaius Marius is and shall always be heralded as one of the greatest heroes to ever live, joining ranks among the ancient legends of the races’ origins. His own origins are a story of strength and dedication as he pulled himself from a world lost to the people of Aegis, rose from nothing and built himself an Order that fulfilled its founding purpose to the very letter.
    We of the Teutonic Order and even the Realm of Hanseti remember such a man for everything that he did. He saved humanity from falling total victim to the legions of the Undead and their master Iblees. He stabilized an entire race and did so without looking to further his own benefit. He made sacrifices that few could truthfully say they would have made.
    He showed everyone that anyone can change the world, that the power rested in the those who could look away from the mundane, from the lavishness of nobility, from the shadow of evil; That they can rise, they can fight and they can win. Trust in one another, trust in your brothers and sisters, your comrades in arms and anything can be made a reality.
    Gaius Marius is a true legend.
    Viador - Virtues: Rectitude and Initiative
    Viador was among the first of the Orders heroes. He was brought into the Order during the absorption of the Nords from Sargoth, with him Samuel Bealcrest. Much of Viador and his works have been lost in time, through the many years and even centuries since his service in the Order. He was a grand architect of whom can be accredited with the standardization of a Hansetian style architecture. His ability to plan and coordinate the formations of cities proved a great value both during the creation of the Realm of Hanseti and the touch down during the migration to Asulon. He was able to raise a masterpiece of national creation that was the envy of all other nations in its day, causing a wave of new citizens to spill into the Realm and breath with it a new kind of life. On top of his civil contributions, Viador ascended to the position of OrdernMarschall, winning several victories for the Realm and the Order against some of our earliest foes. He was the shining example of selfless service and tireless effort, which would eventually take him. Viador was lost to the Order in the deep, dark depth of the Motherland; with a pick in one hand and a short sword in the other.
    Samuel Bealcrest - Virtues: Patience and Sincerity
    Samuel Bealcrest was the next Hochmeister after Gaius, specifically named and called upon to lead the Nation and The Order into a new age without its founding father. He was a well liked and well respected member of the Order, bringing glory and victory to its name through his work as an OrdernMarschall on the field of battle but also at home with his brothers via his ability to maintain morale and unity among the ranks. His efforts brought historical events into the Orders past, his decisions deciding the fate of many and the effects of those decisions have resonated onward and into the present. He was a leader that saw the benefit and the duty in service to the people of Hanseti, changing focus of the Order from conquest into self improvement and providence of its subjects. He was always kind, caring and compassionate towards his civilians and was regaled as a hero of the people. His reign marked the first era that oversaw the development of a Nation and the progress of a people. His death was attributed to assassination via the Blood Mages of Asulon, of which he slew many during his final moments of life.
    Praxedis - Virtues: Diligence and Industry
    Praxedis was a Dwarven Sariant who committed much of his time and service in the production of metals for the Nation and The Order. He was a great warrior, a respectable comrade and always made sure the progress of the Order was placed before his own personal pursuits. He can also be attributed for sparking the economic revolution of Hanseti in Asulon, stocking and manning the first stores and stalls of Dresden, the Nations capital. He served loyally until his homelands recalled every Dwarf in Asulon to their cavernous capital, he had done good by the Order and was allowed to leave in response to a new calling.
    Dain Farhammer - Virtues: Assertiveness and Defiance
    Dain Farhammer was also a Dwarven Sariant who served for many years in the Order. He had joined during the more early eras of the Order, striving to perform at the greatest extent of his skills both in terms of warfare and labor. He arose the ranks of the Order all the way to OrdernMarschall where he served as a sort of left hand to Hochmeister Mirtok. Dain was a sound individual who saw aspects of current events and situations that no one else could, resulting in some of the most difficult but necessary decisions by the Order. He was a savior of many lives and the taker of many more, his service to the Order brought with it great glory but also great shame. He was eventually befallen by indoctrination by long time enemies of The Order, The Flays under the guise of House Blackmont, assuming the position of Hochmeister in the absence of Mirtok and plunging the Order into an age of strife and hardship. In the end, his actions were neutralized in the sense of good and bad. Both a zealous loyalist and a traitor, he gave his everything for the Order and he was killed because of it.
    Tesawa - Virtues: Strength and Practice
    Tesawa was the first Champion of The Order and among the first to bear the Black Cross. He was a warrior through and through, everything he did was combat, from countless victories in the arena to heavy presence on the battlefield. He could always be found practicing his swordsmanship or aiding his comrades by training his fellow members skills. He was able to inspire his brothers to do more, to fight harder and to turn even the most hopeless of battles into some of the greatest of victories. He held no fear when facing the Undead and would charge headlong into heavy magic artillery fire in order to secure an opening for the rest of his comrades to do battle. His ability with a blade was legendary during early Aegis and his physical capabilities were the rival of all those who would challenge him. He was eventually lost during the end times of Aegis, never making it onto the departing boats sailing through the escape portal.
    Maur Azog - Virtues: Loyalty and Dedication
    Among the many heroes of the Order, one of the most highly regarded of Sariants in the Order has to be the hailed Maur Azog. An Orc by birth, Maur was a member of the Ascended’s forces dedicated towards the opposition of the darkness of Iblees followers. He eventually found his way into joining the ranks of the Teutonic Order with a few others from his original organization. From there, Maur rose the ranks steadily, performing his duties as a Sariant with loyalty, dedication and heart. Through some of the Order’s hardest moments, Maur has stuck by his comrades, never faltering in his service to the Cross. After the death of Gaius, Maur was selected by the then OrdernMarschall Mirtok DeNurem to become one of Hanseti’s champions in the Nether during the final days of Aegis. He, along with two others, ventured into the Nether with the rest of the worlds champions and battled evils, horrors and darkness never before seen by mortal eyes. Much about what transpired in the Nether has never been fully explained nor understood, only that it took the greatest of strengths our world had to offer in order to complete the dire mission at hand. In the end, only a very small handful of champions were able to crawl out alive, Maur Azog among them. In his later years of membership, Maur remained ever faithful and dedicated. Eventually ascending to the position of OrdernMarschall and even in some of the Order’s darkest eras, he stepped up and assumed the responsibilities of Hochmeister without fully taking on the name. Maur is a true example of what it means to be a Sariant; fiercely loyal, eternally dedicated and zealous to every cause of the Order, he is a hero to be admired and to be remembered for an eternity.
    Segari - Virtues: Service and Sacrifice
    Sariant Segari was one of the three Hansetian champions to volunteer to undertake a dire mission into the Nether in order to stop the forces of Iblees from destroying the world. Though he was not able to return from his mission, reports depict him performing his proper duties as a Sariant of the Teutonic Order in the face of the worlds greatest evil. He fought until his alleged dying breath, with the fire and zeal of a real warrior. His contributions to the Order, to the Nation and to the World are ones to be truly admired. He along with his partner in the Nether are the only members of the Order to be awarded the Black Fist for their sacrifice.
    Abeam - Virtues: Service and Sacrifice
    Sariant Abeam was one of the three Hansetian champions to volunteer to undertake a dire mission into the Nether in order to stop the forces of Iblees from destroying the world. Though he was not able to return from his mission, reports depict him performing his proper duties as a Sariant of the Teutonic Order in the face of the worlds greatest evil. He fought until his alleged dying breath, with the fire and zeal of a real warrior. His contributions to the Order, to the Nation and to the World are ones to be truly admired. He along with his partner in the Nether are the only members of the Order to be awarded the Black Fist for their sacrifice.
    The Azogs
    The Azogs were and are an Orcish clan for the Orcish race. Their history in their races lands is a long and interesting one, filled with great duty, betrayal and redemption. The Azogs involvement with the Order came in the form of great need. Maur Azog was able to broker an agreement with the clan and the Hochmeister during their era that they were worth saving. Their own nation was threatening to completely destroy the clan, and thus they had no where else to go, so the Order took them in. From then on, the Azogs proved to be among the loyalest and strongest of warriors in the ranks of the Teutonic Order. A true testament to the power forged between the early Order and the once stable forces of the Orcs, the Azogs proved to be invaluable allies in the face of our enemies; Always fighting with ultimate zeal and producing resources that allowed the Order and the Nation to thrive. Members of the Azog were also integral to several of the Orders works in the fields of study and engineering, possessing the skills necessary in order for the Order to create the legendary works that we did. After the fall of the first Order and the rise of the second, the Azogs were given the freedom to pursue their own desires in reward for their unyielding and valiant service.
    Eldak Songsteel - Virtues: Toughness and Confidence
    Eldak Songsteel is the absolute legend of the Order. Among his many titles he is The Undefeated, hailing as the reigning champion of over 10 annual tournaments and the champion of countless unique arena championships throughout his time in the Order. His remarkable skill with most weapons is truly astounding and an inspiration to any aspiring member of the Order. His greatest contributions to the Order can all be found on the field of battle, smashing through whole regiments of enemy forces and coming out victorious. His presence would drive his comrades to perform with great skill in the face of some of the hardest foes. His tactility and multi-directional strategic fortitude revolutionized The Orders methods of warfare and brought about the strongest forms of defensive capabilities the world has ever seen. His efforts have repelled thousands of The Orders enemies and brought about the death of even more. Eldak served as an OrdernMarschall for decades eventually retiring to the position of Grand Sariant and taking up advisory council among the Komturei. He is the embodiment of the Teutonic warcry “No Retreat, No Surrender, No Mercy!”
  13. The Ancient Hansetians
    In the times of Horen's waking and slumber, in the times in which the Human Ancestor had walked upon Aegis and laughed and played with his three other companion-brothers, in the times in which Aegis's inhabitants were but four and shared fairly the bounties of the World, but that they found mates and propagated the World; mankind was flourishing in the beginning in tranquility. Nonetheless, all was not what it seemed in the years to follow, certain places appeased the Humans as they founded their first villages and towns; simple homes to shield the fragile human from the elements of the world. The very meadows and riverbanks to draw the most important of needs, water, were not as plentiful as it may have seemed. The Histories spoke as if the world was perfect to all, fair and bountiful to each and every individual, but one can simply look past the records of merriment and view in stark reality that all was not as it seemed.
    Horen's children once again did what they always sought to do, they propagated and raised families, and these families founded their own and populated more and more. Unfortunately, there were only so many feasible and appraised regions to inhabit to consolidate the success of their blooming families, villages, and towns. Soon, man began to act aggressively towards his own kind to vie for such lush lands, to see that their own has the best of chances to survive and build upon what they had started. Due to said aggression, violent measures were taken and people had been felled to advance the interests of the attackers to gain the greater lands for their own.
    One such tribe, the Hanseti had sought the assistance of the wizened Wandering Wizard to allow them a chance to find a land in which they would be persecuted to inhabit. At the time of the request, the four Companion-brothers were engaged in defending against Iblees, a fickle and sinister being. Taking into account the fact that some of the current descendents of Horen had been aggressive and would paint Horen as being a hypocrite for fighting Iblees despite his own kind being warlike, the Wandering Wizard would open what was called the Verge for the Hanseti. Upon the arrival to unknown lands of the Verge, the Hanseti would begin to observe their surroundings. The varied archipelagos would force the Hanseti to form naval tendencies and progress the shipwright they would commit to to allow them easier traversing of the waterways in between the islands.
    Producing galley-like structures to ship men and women across the seas would soon after produce one of the most startling discoveries; the continent of Asulon... 
    Upon arriving to this much larger swath of land, the Hanseti tribe had begun to spread alongside the shores to find a more feasible area to anchor as they had encountered sheer cliffs at first. Finding shorelines at last, the Hanseti had anchored and after a few days erecting temporary camps, the males had sent themselves out to discover the various features that had come into view upon climbing the sheer cliffs they first encountered. As the Hanseti tribe began to secure their foothold in the mixed environment, between a more fertile land separated from the harsh colds of the Trinskiril arctic. Inevitably as families grew and divided, the Hanseti had once again realized what that they were nearing a repeat of what had happened with the descendants of Horen, that they were competing for space in what little fertile land they held so dearly.
    Reaching agreements for the numerous families to begin splitting, in hopes to seek newer lands that would beckon them with it's bounty to sustain; husbands and widows begun stepping forth from the village and sought to travel the continent. Unfortunately, the people who had walked forth were not to return with glad tidings in the number that had originally left. Out of the approximately eight families that had left, only three were to remain alive. One of them would form the Subudai, a nomadic group of clans that had served initially to preserve the Hanseti as mobile defenders in the land of Trinskiril and defenders of the second family that would become the Dervas; a family that would would become useful in the ways of engineering and masonry. The third family would become the inheritors of half the population of the original Hanseti tribe and kept the name.
    As the years progressed, the Hanseti became increasingly distant with its two brother tribes. The intense landscapes and deadly geography kept contact to a bare minimum and with the outer groups prospering in the greatly fertile lands of the North, the Hanseti decided that others were unnecessary towards creating a life they had long sought after since the first migration. Holding the majority of the citizens, the Hanseti were able to congregate and collaborate on projects and progressionary ideas better than the other groups, contributing to their survival despite the hostile environment. Building, farming, and general work was allowed to be completed at an accelerated rate because of their numbers. The tight knit qualities that the Hanseti displayed progressed themselves to forming the first inkling of organized government in the new world. Starting with the foundations of permanent homes as opposed to mobile tents, to eventually making the Northern passages into the land impossible to use.
    However, much of the early history of the Hanseti is plagued with extreme hardships. The winters were harsh and the summers did little to thaw the frozen landscapes. Even with the advantage of higher numbers, food was difficult to harvest. The crops were feeble towards the low temperatures and the wildlife was scarce. Many efforts were put forth towards improving the food stocks and after many failures a conclusion was met. A form of selective breeding was enacted with the Hanseti wheat crops, selecting the plant stalks that displayed minor signs of strength against the harsh environment and quickly uprooting those that did not. After many years the Hanseti had developed an effective crop that both grew well in the freezing landscapes and grew quickly. The minor plague was dealt with, allowing the Hanseti to focus on other aspects of their lives.
    The Hanseti officially announced their lands as Hanseti and took to calling themselves Hansetians. Shedding the chains of tribal life they put tremendous effort into establishing settlements. The most prominent of settlements lay towards the East- the original sight of their migration- along the base and in parts on the top of the now named Eastern Peaks. Their normal houses were constructed from wood and other easy materials while important buildings relating towards government and infrastructure were carved from stone. The eastern settlement grew gradually over several generations alongside the populations numbers.
    The core government of Hanseti was based off of a dictatorship. The Hochmeister or leader was in charge of every aspect of the lands progression. He had full control over the people and every other aspects of their lives. However, the Hochmeister normally never meddled with the private lives of the inhabitants of Hanseti and instead put resources towards the overall advancement and progression of the people. Under the Hochmeister were several officials that regulated many parts of Hanseti. From food to housing, to resources and organization; the Hanstians took great pride in their ability to create stability and efficiency. The peoples of Hanseti enjoyed an equal field within the government, no one particularly lived better than their neighbor and it was a great honor to contribute to the whole. Much of the Hansetian government remained the same throughout Hanseti’s entire existence. Only after the acquisition of expansive territory were new positions amended in, such as the Landmeister. It was a system that made the people happy and still provided progress.
    The Hansetians as a whole were generally a hard people. Whilst still enjoying prospects of music and celebration, the areas of literature and the like suffered. Their language was basic and only conveyed emotions that were the most powerful and necessary. Skipping detailed adjectives or having words feelings or actions that weren't utilized everyday. Their language as a whole lacked strict structure and wasn't given much focus simply because it worked well as it was. The Hansetians held a profound attachment to their snowy lands, referring to it as the Mother Land whenever possible. However, unlike their northern brothers -The Subudai- they had no problem with extracting the finer resources from its depth. With the coming of the boom in technology, the Hansetians found it more prominent to live underground and to become one with the Mother Land. Every citizen was given training in the ways of mining; Mining grew to become a staple production of Hanseti. The wood homes of the surface were allowed to rot as each year the Hansetians moved deeper and deeper into the rocky underground.
    It was widely believed that the world around them was controlled by a divine community nicknamed “The Users”. The Users were celestial beings who had complete and utter control of their lives and had the complete creative control of anything that can or will happen in their world. They decided the landscapes, the intelligence, the progression and the eventual end of everything. The belief system helped the Hansetians explain many aspects of their life from the early days of Aegis to their time in Asulon. Why other races existed, why the people were the way they were, why things happened the way they did. The Users had their own form of government that was the structure of the universe. They had to adhere to their own set of laws and comply with their leaders as well. When someone passed away it was believed that their essence was given a proper mourning among that beings User. Each and every person had their own User, their own director of their life. They took comfort in the thought of having everything decided for them on a scale of unimaginable size with its own set of governing to regulate it. The Users existed in a plain that transcended their own, a whole different dimension unmeasurable.
    The architecture employed by the Hansetians progressed from tents to wooden homes to underground networks. They valued power and strength over decoration and beauty. They saw their own beauty in the thick stone walls and the pillars holding up their heavy ceilings. The Hansetians greatly favored stone as opposed to other materials for construction. The vast majority of Hansetian architecture is found underground or carved out of mountains simply because it did not wither away like most wooden structures. It is possible, although only theoretically, that the Hansetians first mastered masonry as a race quite early by keeping a close eye on the Dervas settlements. Metalwork and extra decorative pieces were added on to much earlier stone designs as the Hansetians began to master more complex tools. Regardless, the foundation of all known Hansetian ruins is built on stonework, and the structure of Hansetian stonework is sharp, angular and intensely geometric in nature. There are many samples of Hansetian buildings made of precise square shapes, and far fewer examples of discretely rounded or curved stonework - this leads to the belief that early Hansetians favored and trusted well-calculated designs based on angled lines rather than riskier, more imprecise calculations based on arcs and curves.The center component of each Hansetian home was the hearth. Every home had a hearth built in the center of the family room. Every market had fire pits injected in many areas along the shopping roads. They were centers of discussion and recreation, an escape from the constant cold of their lives. Further in their development the Hansetians started constructing massive chambers where thousands could live and stores could function. This gave birth to the ideas of cities in the underground setting. Of course such an idea was already used by the Dwarves in Aegis but it was entirely new to the Hansetians. Large tunnel networks spiderwebbed out from the populace centers, smaller compounds were given specific functions and whole sectors were formed dedicated to specific branches.
    After taking to the undergrounds of Hanseti, the Hansetians became increasingly reclusive and often shunned any outside contact. After practically stealing the techniques for building from their brother descendants- the Dervas- the Hansetians put extra focus on the advancement of their people. Throughout their development, new tools were constantly being created to give aid to every aspect of their lives. Starting with the early use of steel handed down from the days in Aegis to eventually working their way up to stronger methods of modeling and shaping metals. Metalwork was the primary method used to make almost all Hansetian crafts. Given the tendency of Hansetian design to favor the long-lasting over the fragile, it can safely be assumed that at the very least metal was a heavy preference along side stone, and the metal used in all so-far-discovered Hansetian relics is entirely unique to their culture. No other race has replicated whatever process was used to create Hansetian metal thus far. Although it can be easily mistaken for a type of heavy plate, it is most definitely a distinct type of metal of its own. The method of producing Hansetian metal has been lost to time as all attempts to imitate Hansetian metal's exclusive properties have failed.
    They advanced at an exponential rate, quickly passing their tribal brothers- the Subudai- and their close rivals- The Dervas-. Without the hinderance of war or internal conflict they were allowed to progress unchecked. They soon grew weary of what lay beyond the sea, back in Aegis. The Hochmeister serving during the 32nd ruling put forth the plans to prevent the evil that pushed them away from coming over and corrupting their treasured lands. The Mother Land was incredibly important to the Hansetians, years of being told so had solidified it into every Hanseians mind. They sought to protect it at all costs. With that in mind, the Spire project emerged from conception. A weapon that would completely cleanse the lands of Aegis of any and all corruption or evil. The Hansetians began construction of three spires off the coast of Hanseti. Though for a reason not yet explained, they were all wiped out and thus were unable to complete the project. The surviving inhabitants of the Hansetian area moved north, only to return several generations later and give rise to a fraction of what their former glory was.
    During the Spire project of Ancient Hanseti, a number of new technologies were utilized and developed. They started to dabble in the prospect of eternal longevity and genetic purification. Conducting tests on foreign creatures to the Motherland such as the northern tribals and the several elven groups to the far North. They had also began intense research into the components of life and what drove life to exist. They gave credit towards science as well as divine creation. Suggesting that each creature possessed a life force that upon death was allowed to transcend on the plains of existence that featured an even higher state of life. Further along the development of the Spires, the Cloud was engineered and testing began using the “life force”. Relics of the research still exist in the Hansetian Underground but as mere pieces to the over all puzzle.
    Many features of their design still stand in modern Asulon; The two huge sentinel statues that guard the mouth of Hanseti, the statue of a man holding a mace whilst sitting on a stone throne guarding the gates of Dresden, several dungeons and burial chambers interspersed over the many mountain ranges and other ruins built on the surface. Most of the Hansetian’s work still lies underground, far from the primitives pickaxes digging capabilities. Their methods of excavation and the tools they used have been lost with time, preventing the access of the more important aspects of the Hansetian’s history. Only a small fraction of the Underground is reachable with very few things of value still remaining in them. Only scraps of larger projects and simple mentions of grand designs teased the modern explorers and gave inspiration to the then occupants of the lands.
    It is speculated that the Hansetians did not die out and instead sealed themselves off from the surface world- locking out a small populace of people deemed unimportant to the race’s progression. It is entirely possible that they still operate deep within the earth, hoarding a wealth of technology incomprehensible by the minds of modern man- all of it shut away. It is also theorized that they had left towards better prospects in lands not yet explored by modern man; However, all the recovered texts greatly stressed the unbreakable pride in the Motherland. And lastly it is theorized that during the Spire project, there was a participant of the project that defected and caused a disaster to take place, releasing the Cloud into the population and killing off all those who were unable to reach the surface in time. Nonetheless, what was and may still be the Ancient Hansetians is locked far away, through portals of intense magic and drowned in an endless ocean of water, possibly never to be disturbed by the races of the many worlds that make up all existence.
  14. A Brief History of the Teutonic Order
    The Teutonic Order has existed for over a 150 years and has seen many changes throughout the decades. Starting as a small band of capable ex-soldiers, the Order quickly grew to engulf several other guilds and eventually conquer the Kingdom of man. However, the exact details and events of the Teutonic Order's past has been lost to most and only kept alive by a select few who have lived long enough to see it all. The Order's base foundations as a secret military order has resulted in the lack of public documentation of its past as well as several other classified fields of the Order's operational activities.
    The Order was originally founded to repair and force the recovery of the Human Kingdom of Oren. The Human Kingdom was riddled with countless guilds and factions all bickering and fighting each other over petty possessions and titles. As a result the Human race was left powerless against the Undead forces of Aegis. It was the undertaking of the Teutonic Order to exterminate the problematic guilds and restore Oren to a status that could better fight against the Undead pressure. However, as time went on the Order found themselves on the victor side of just about every battle they fought, leading up to their immense strength through war. It was then decided that Oren was unable to defend itself and was unwilling to change, so the Order then turned its attention towards the ruling body of man, eventually arresting control of Oren after a series of attacks on the capital city of Al'kazaar. Thus the Teutonic Order then became the leaders of Oren with their first Hochmeister Gaius Marius as the King.
    Although this was short lived and the status of Oren was once more plunged into turmoil and conflict. Half the Kingdom was given away to a group of rebels and the other half remained under Teutonic Control. After the death of Gaius Marius the wise, Samuel Bealcrest was appointed Hochmeister on Gaius' deathbed. From there the Order engaged in a series of battles and a long, bloody war with the rebel faction later to be called Renatus. The Undead took advantage of this period and quickly razed most of the Human controlled settlements as well as several other locations throughout Aegis. With the collapse of the Nether and the loss of Aegis, the Order found themselves lost and without a purpose. When the ships reached the shores of Asulon, the Order quickly claimed the frozen south as their home and focused on developing their nation.
    However, the tolling tragedy of losing Aegis did not stop war from rearing its ugly head towards the Order once more. The Order engaged in several more battles with the neighboring Kingdom of Renatus, placing the Order on the victor side several times. Sam spared the Renatians, eventually leading to his own demise as he was assassinated and the Realm of Hanseti quickly fell apart. Only after Mirtok was called out of exile and made Hochmeister did things begin to turn around. The Order was still lost and nearly on its knees, but with the new change in leadership came a new spark of direction and determination.
    The Order eventually joined the steadily growing Empire of Oren, restoring its purpose once more as a protectorate of Oren. Under the new Emperor the Order prospered and continued to do so, fighting in a number of wars and often times emerging on top of the piles of rubble where their enemies used to be. The Order had taken on an ultra-nationalistic and zealous loyalty to Emperor Godfrey and had made his will manifest to their very best efforts since coming under the Oren banner.
    Though as time would have it, all good things had to come to an end. The great Emperor Godfrey of the Holy Oren Empire passed away and was said to have ascended into the heavens. The Empire was at then at the mercy of his son, Horen. The Order tried to uphold its tradition of unquestionable loyalty to this new Emperor but eventually they were put at second thought, giving rise to a number of problems that eventually lead to the Order and even the nation of Hanseti’s destruction. Civil war broke out and the Empire was cast into a multinational inner conflict as the powerhouses of the Imperium waged war on the soils of Hanseti. In the end, The Order was defeated.
    Since then, the members of the Teutonic Order fractured under this crushing blow. Leaderless, landless and only a fraction of their former size, the remaining men of the Teutonic Order who had not already hung up their tabard faced harsh conditions as it seemed every force in Anthos wanted their heads. Eventually, the Order was allowed to finally rest as the last of the Cross gave in.
    However, the Order has returned with the coming of an old and faithful leader. The Second Founding of the Teutonic Order has brought with it a new age for the Black Cross. A prospect for prosperity, for success, for king and country. Even old members of the original Order have found their way back from the fringes of the world, rejoining the timeless ranks of their comrades in arms. The Order has seen centuries of conflict, been through several generations of warriors and has seen the passing of many worlds throughout its existence; And in the face of this new chapter of its own history, we see a glimmer of hope. With the strength, zeal and loyalty of each member of the Teutonic Order, the Realm of Hanseti can perhaps regain its footing among the nations once again.
  15. *The people gather in the streets of Praxedis Point as Sariants stand in formation at the foot of the Teutonic Order keep still being constructed. The crowd mumbles to themselves as they await the coming announcement, random conversations creep through everyone's ears. Suddenly the low rumbling of war drums can be heard coming from up in the keep causing the peoples to fall silent. The figure of a man appears upon a balcony over looking them all, the wings on his helm give away his identity immediately. The Hochmeister opens his arms wide as the thundering drums grow louder . . .


    "Let loose the Anthem of our people!"



    The Age Old Foes and the Spawn of Evil
    Are trying to destroy our grand Nation,
    But from the Motherland to the Seven Skies
    The Black Cross is the strongest of all!
    [0:59, 1:16]
    Let the Black Cross
    Masterfully grip
    Its sword with its toil-hardened hand,
    And we must all
    Go into a last deadly fight!
    Black Cross, march, march forward!
    The Hochmeister calls us into battle.
    But from the Motherland to the Seven Skies
    The Black Cross is the strongest of all!
    [1:50, 2:05]
    Let the Black Cross
    Masterfully grip
    Its sword with its toil-hardened hand,
    And we must all
    Go into a last deadly fight!
    We are fanning the flames of a world-wide fire,
    We will raze castles and palaces to the ground.
    For from the Motherland to the Seven Skies
    The Black Cross is the strongest of all!
    [2:40, 2:55]
    Let the Black Cross
    Masterfully grip
    Its Sword with its toil-hardened hand,
    And we must all
    Go into a last deadly fight!
  16. The Language of Hanseti: Marian
    When talking in past, add “q” on the end of a verb.
    Add V on the noun if you wish to make it plural, except for Manniz and some words noted below.
    I - Soea (( So-eea ))
    You - Kags (( ka-gs ))
    He - Lapeard (( Lapee-ard ))
    She - Eeparde (( Ee-pardee ))
    It- Tal (( tal ))
    We - Asere ((ace-ere ))
    They - Usaer (( Us-aeer ))
    Me - Poesch (( Pou-eesh ))
    You - Kags (( ka-gs ))
    Him - Konlapeard (( kon-lapee-ard ))
    Her - Koneeparde (( kon-ee-pardee ))
    It - Tal (( Tal ))
    Us - Konasere (( Kon-acere ))
    Them - Konusaer (( kon-usa-eer ))
    Question words:
    Who? - Weo? (( we-eo ))
    Why? - Waruem? (( ware-ueem ))
    What? - Was? (( wass ))
    When? - Wann? (( wa-nn ))
    Which? - Die? (( dee ))
    Whose? - Dearen? (( dee-aareen ))
    Where? - Warea? (( waa-reeaa ))
    A - E
    Air - Luft
    Am - Ze
    An - En 
    And - Uened
    Angel - enkely
    Architect - Arkkitev
    Are - Eru
    Area - Aluegg
    Armor - Ruestene
    Army - Vojshka
    Around - Angrin
    Arrow - Pilal
    Ask - Tiedushtel
    Attack - Na’att
    Axe - Oekse
    Back - Tileabeg
    Bad - Luenn
    Battle - Kriggbo
    Beings - Budui
    Belief -Trozich
    Believe - Veroavati
    Big - Eso
    ***** - Keaeur
    Blood - Veri
    Blow - Uder
    Boot - Schteofell
    Bow - Beuo
    Break - Mortee
    Broken - Broeche
    Brother/Brothers - Brudda/Bruddaz
    Build - Izgrashet
    Bye/Goodbye - Tchaeus
    Charge - Angrieve
    Chesplate - Brusttplaete
    Chop - Hotlue
    City - Stadt
    Cloud - Oblakk
    Coal - Kohl
    Cold - Kholv
    Collect - Indesamlt
    Come : Djido 
    Concept - Kasichf
    Control - Vlasht
    Core - Ledinie
    Corner - Shaelt
    Country - Lenteus
    Create - Stvaerati
    Creator - Tvoraue
    Cut - Ishechi
    Dash - Jurizel
    Day - Den
    Dead - Tuot
    Defend - Zavchig
    Demand - Kyshynteo
    Demon - Demon
    Destroy - Scrigg
    Die - Tuo
    Dirt - Drigg
    District - Okrugg
    Do - Tuenn
    Drink - Trenke
    Duel - Taishtalo
    Duke - Landmeister
    Duty - Dunst
    Dwarf - Schaem
    Eat - Laue 
    Eaten - Lauet
    Elf - Nuaetzels
    Empire - Valtakunche
    Emperor - Valtameister
    Execute - Kagnit
    Explode - Pleashadh
    Faith - Uskog
    Fall - L’laf
    False - Votice
    Father - Rodit
    Fire - Vatragen
    Follow - Faelwe
    Fool - Duemher
    For - Beliae
    Forest - Skov
    Fort - Kastell
    Free - Besplaneg
    Friend - Padreco
    From - Beliden
    Frozen - Eisen
    **** - Faechken
    Funny - Humof
    General - OrdernMarschall
    Get - Erhael
    Glory - Qunnie
    Go/Going - Farr/Farra
    Gold - Lateo
    Good - Duenn
    Grab - Grabbe
    Grass - Ruohe
    Great - Mikellaz
    Group - Kaiyer
    Guard - Garda
    Halt - Po’elt
    Hammer - Zakugg
    Have- Har
    Hello- Hallo
    Helmet - Helm
    Here - Mova
    Hill - Hugel
    Hoe - Ashov
    Hold - drazativ
    Holy - pyhol
    Honor - caese
    Hood - Kappe
    How - Hoae
    Human - Maensche
    Ice - Eis
    In - U
    Intelligence - Fasineis
    Intruder - Indringer
    Iron - Tisen
    Is - Ist
    Isolate - Isoliereg
    It- Tal
    Justice - Spraveed
    Kill - Keill
    King - Hochmeister
    Land - Lent
    Language - Jeazik
    Leather - Kilpi
    Let - Lad
    Like - Liegesoem
    Line - Linie
    Live - Lanz
    Long - Bei
    Lose - Tabea
    Loyal - Usiellig
    Loyalty - Usielligen
    Man(singular) - Manni
    Map - Karte
    Men - Manniz
    Mice - Mice
    Military - Vojne
    Moon - Moon
    Mother - Moedor
    Mountain - Berg
    Move - Leekkua
    Murder - Mord
    My - Meinae
    Need - Brauechen
    Negative - Negativ
    New - Neu
    Night - Noch
    No - Nei
    Of - Ov
    Off - Shechf
    Offer - Denann
    Officer - Ofitzker
    On - Ue
    Orc - Duaemm
    Order - Orden
    Out - Raese
    Pants/Leggings - Hoesche
    Perfect - Savren
    Perhaps - Hufka
    Physical - Dysishk
    Plant - Kashve
    Positive - Positiv
    Pour - Haeld
    Power - Befugge
    Presence - Prishus
    Prison - Loch
    Purge - chistkig
    Race - Raskaes
    Rain - Rein
    Receive - Vasteenotte
    Redwood - Rotwood
    Release - Laukaishka
    Religion - Ushkontog
    Request - Anmoea
    Sad - Odaem
    Scroll - Ruln
    Sever - Odvojit
    Shield - Dnuiv
    Skirmish - Krieggmalo
    Small - Malo
    Snow - Beliz
    Soldier - Sariant
    Some - Noglea
    Squad - Trup
    Staff - Stalv
    Steal - Shten
    Steel - Shtahl
    Stone - Stonne
    Stop - Stoeppe
    Strategy - Strategie
    Strength - Poschtol
    Strike - Strazk
    Sun - Sol
    Swing - Svingge
    Sword/Blade - Svaerd
    Tactic - Taktik
    That - Diak
    The - Doe
    These - Dias
    Think - Pont
    This - Daes
    Thought - Ponden
    To - Beu
    Town/City/Village - Geale
    Train - Harjoitel
    Tree - Drvogg
    Troop - Flok
    True - Totice
    Understand- Verschoen
    Unique - Unike
    Universe - Shvemish
    Up - Seas
    Victory - Siege
    Wall - Ziddrigg
    Want - Moare
    War - Krigg
    Water - Vada
    Will - Hteaati
    Win- Vaeace
    Wind - Vatar
    Wine - Vino
    With - Mit
    Wool - Vunu
    Work - Rad
    Yes - Ja
    Your -Kagsen
    One - Va
    Two - Dva
    Three - Tri
    Four - Cetiri
    Five - Peti
    Six - Sesti
    Seven - Sedi
    Eight - Ochti
    Nine - Deveti
    Ten - Deich
    11-19 - Deich o (number)
    20-29 - Dveich o (number)
    30-39 - Treich o (number)
    40-49 - Ceteich o (number)
    50-59 - Peteich o (number)
    60-69 - Sesteich o (number)
    70-79 - Sedeich o (number)
    80-89 - Ocheit o (number)
    90-99 - Deveich o (number)
    100 - Veag
  17. Hansetians
    (People that hail from the frozen lands of Hanseti)
    Physical Traits
    Burly, hardy and resilient people; Fair skinned with darker colored hair, most commonly found with grey or green eye color. Hansetians are very much like the Aegis Northerners as the Kingdom’s first inhabitants hailed from the North most reaches of the known world. Hansetian males are bulky in mass and tall by nature, peaking at around 6 feet; While females do not reach such size, peaking at about 5 feet 7 inches and have a more slender physique in comparison. Their physical traits make them very adaptable in cold or winter climates and regions.
    Characteristics and Traits
    Hansetians love to engage in battle but too enjoy the simplest parts of life. Always seeking a challenge, most enlist in the military in order to curb their overwhelming sense of destiny among the ranks of their country. Hansetians tend to flock towards taverns situated in their community and engage in merriment and drinking. Their large mass allows them to handle quite a bit more ale than their human counterparts, Renatians and Salvians. They have a taste for food, however their bread is relatively tasteless and tough by comparison in other Human cultures. Mostly consuming meats and starches, their diet is nearly perfect for a soldier.
    Due to the cold climates Hansetians endure, you can find a normal citizen wearing thicker set clothing, adorned with fur and several leather straps with bright brass buckles. It can be said that Hansetians do not have such a fixation on fine clothes but their garbs are often very comfortable and perfect for their environment. Members of the military class are subjects to standardized military uniforms. Most however can be found gently warming themselves by a roaring fire, talking with neighbors and enjoying a pint.
    Most Hansetians are cheery by nature and consider it very normal to greet strangers of all sorts. They are not religiously devout nor overly zealous towards causes outside of their own Kingdom’s government of which they are nationalistic towards.
    They are born with a sense for either one of two things, battle or labor. Their military is very strong and their labor force is among the most capable in all of the Human Kingdoms. And even though they have access to the spoils of intellectualism, their focus always remains close to work and war.
    Marian; A combination of the ancient Hansetian Language introduced by the founder and first King Gaius Marius and a Nordic dialect brought in by the absorbed nordic armies during the fights for Oren in Aegis.
    Common; The most commonly used language of humans (hence the name) spawned from countless years of usage and adaptation. Though some other forms of common exist such as the high language of Oren Imperials, Hansetians are impartial to the class system and instead choose to speak a middle ground of the common spectrum. In the case of a few Hansetians, accents from Marian find their way into conversations spoken in common.
    Hansetians are very much like the Aegis Northerner and Nords that inhabited the snowy regions of the North. Even in the world of Asulon, Hansetians found themselves right at home among the expansive frozen lands of Hanseti and leading on into the migration to Anthos, the Kingdom existed in the far North nestled below the cool breath of the towering mountain peaks.
    Due to their hereditary bulk and size, Hansetians are more prone towards soldier type roles or at the very least labor intensive work such as lumberjacking and mining. They have an extreme respect for soldiers of their realm but too value other aspects of life. Among the many characteristics of man, Hansetians value the traits of Dedication, Honor, Strength and Loyalty above all; However the intrigue of intellectualism is no stranger to the Hansetian people as incredible feats of war engineering have spawned from the Realm as well as several other sects of engineering development.
    Besides their pride in their military forces spawned from their foundations as a country, Hansetian citizens congregate in taverns or other social gathering locations and engage in merriment and drinking. The tavern is often a centerpiece for Hansetian communities and is normally an effective outlet for stories and news that is relevant to their lives.
    Hansetians love their country and are all nationalistic to some extent.
    Hansetians used to be very keen in the art of shipbuilding and sailing, however, they have since strayed away from this skill and instead have become more focused on land based activities. During the times of Asulon, the people bred and kept the large and powerful Hansetian War Horse. Though this breed has war horse in its name, their usage expands to suit every need of the Hansetians in that they are capable incline navigators, effective labor or transport vessels and of course are an incredible feat on the fields of battle as their massive form gallops across the field.
    The Hansetian economy is primarily military drawn and government controlled leading towards the majority of the economic prospects being little to none for the progressionary economist however recent developments in the nations doctrine is slowly causing this to change. Goods are not normally exported and it is even rarer for the Importing of goods to occur. The primary focus of the Realm is on military prosperity and defensive capabilities, thus most of the labor force is focused on mining ventures and foresting work. Hansetians enjoy their government system of donating their gained resources to the central government and receiving the product of the peoples labor as needed. They are not inherently greedy by nature and often times do not have much of an interest in excessive material gains.
    Hansetians adopt a rather unique form of architecture for both the civilian populace as well as government structures. The primary materials of choice are stone and wood, with Redwood being the material of choice from floors, to chairs, to the entire frame of a household. Hansetians normally live in a redwood dominated area and even detest the use of oak logs in their homes. The center of Hansetian homes revolves around the fireplace and the ‘main-hall.’ The main hall  normally takes up the majority of the first floor and serves as an all purpose space from living to workspaces.
    Government or military controlled structures are most primarily constructed with stone and stone bricks. Often times being very tall and very thick as to maximize defensive capabilities but too sacrificing a sense of architectural cosmetics. Round structures are rare and the style often times does not make use of towers. However, despite their defense oriented style, architectural works posses their own form of beauty in on themselves with large struts and the very highly regarded glowstone light.
  18. Ancient History
    In the times of Horen's waking and slumber, in the times in which the Human Ancestor had walked upon Aegis and laughed and played with his three other companion-brothers, in the times in which Aegis's inhabitants were but four and shared fairly the bounties of the World, but that they found mates and propagated the World; mankind was flourishing in the beginning in tranquility. Nonetheless, all was not what it seemed in the years to follow, certain places appeased the Humans as they founded their first villages and towns; simple homes to shield the fragile human from the elements of the world. The very meadows and riverbanks to draw the most important of needs, water, were not as plentiful as it may have seemed. The Histories spoke as if the world was perfect to all, fair and bountiful to each and every individual, but one can simply look past the records of merriment and view in stark reality that all was not as it seemed.
    Horen's children once again did what they always sought to do, they propagated and raised families, and these families founded their own and populated more and more. Unfortunately, there were only so many feasible and appraised regions to inhabit to consolidate the success of their blooming families, villages, and towns. Soon, man began to act aggressively towards his own kind to vie for such lush lands, to see that their own has the best of chances to survive and build upon what they had started. Due to said aggression, violent measures were taken and people had been felled to advance the interests of the attackers to gain the greater lands for their own.
    One such tribe, the Hanseti had sought the assistance of the Wandering Wizard to allow them a chance to find a land in which they would be persecuted to inhabit. At the time of the request, the four Companion-brothers were engaged in defending against Iblees, a fickle and sinister being. Taking into account the fact that some of the current descendents of Horen had been aggressive and would paint Horen as being a hypocrite for fighting Iblees despite his own kind being warlike, the Wandering Wizard would open what was called the Verge for the Hanseti. Upon the arrival to unknown lands of the Verge, the Hanseti would begin to observe their surroundings. The varied archipelagos would force the Hanseti to form naval tendencies and progress the shipwright they would commit to to allow them easier traversing of the waterways in between the islands.
    Producing galley-like structures to ship men and women across the seas would soon after produce one of the most startling discoveries; the continent of Asulon…
    Upon arriving to this much larger swath of land, the Hanseti tribe had begun to spread alongside the shores to find a more feasible area to anchor as they had encountered sheer cliffs at first. Finding shorelines at last, the Hanseti had anchored and after a few days erecting temporary camps, the males had sent themselves out to discover the various features that had come into view upon climbing the sheer cliffs they first encountered. As the Hanseti tribe began to secure their foothold in the mixed environment, between a more fertile land separated from the harsh colds of the Trinskiril arctic. Inevitably as families grew and divided, the Hanseti had once again realized what that they were nearing a repeat of what had happened with the descendants of Horen, that they were competing for space in what little fertile land they held so dearly.
    Reaching agreements for the numerous families to begin splitting, in hopes to seek newer lands that would beckon them with it's bounty to sustain; husbands and widows begun stepping forth from the village and sought to travel the continent. Unfortunately, the people who had walked forth were not to return with glad tidings in the number that had originally left. Out of the approximately eight families that had left, only three were to remain alive. One of them would form the Subudai, a nomadic group of clans that had served initially to preserve the Hanseti as mobile defenders in the land of Trinskiril and defenders of the second family that would become the Dervas; a family that would would become useful in the ways of engineering and masonry. The third family would become the inheritors of half the population of the original Hanseti tribe and kept the name.
    Modern History
    The Realm of Hanseti was the product of many years of struggle. The old Human kingdom of Oren was slowly dying out due to several attacks lead by Undead forces. Many guilds and organizations were established, creating further problems by spreading the Human population out thin and breeding intense rivalries with each other. The Teutonic Order was created to combat the rising degradation of the nation of Oren, but as more and more areas fell to the Undead, so did those whom lived in Al'Khazar. After several years of annihilating the detrimental guilds, the Order turned its attention towards Oren itself, launching a series of attacks on the capital city. Eventually King Enor Sheffield gave the crown of Oren to Gaius Marius, Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order.
    This decision was immediately disputed by the members of the Phoenix Revolution and they seized Galahar, the then capital of Oren. It was agreed that Oren would split in two, with Gaius Marius ruling the eastern Realm of Hanseti and Eze'kiel Tarus ruling the western Kingdom of Renatus.
    The capital city of Konigsberg experienced a massive growth in both size and population. The Order remained as an acting military for the nation, protecting it from wandering bandits and vengeful guilds of the past.
    The world west of Hanseti was experiencing a rapid invasion by Undead forces. Hanseti worked vigorously to aid in the repulsion of the Undead scourge but their efforts were often for loss as city after city was engulfed in necromantic magic. Renatus sparked up an extremely ill placed and detrimental war with Hanseti, asking for its complete destruction and disbandment of the Teutonic Order. Fresh from grieving over their founders death, Gaius Marius, Samuel Bealcrest was made Hochmeister of the Realm and was faced with the daunting task of maintaining the nation in the face of annihilation. Renatus proved to be a fierce and powerful enemy, enacting many guerrilla attacks on the Hanseti capital. Renatus was quickly advancing on Hanseti's weakness and forwarded their attacks on the citizens. Eventually after a long string of military defeats, a coalition was formed between many of the nations in Aegis and Hanseti was delivered an ultimatum from Renatus. The fate of Hanseti rested on a single duel of champions from each nation. The king of Renatus Eze'kiel Tarus elected himself as the champion for Renatus and warrior not loyal to Hanseti volunteered. The terms put forth by Renatus detailed, if Renatus wins the dual Hanseti must disband and the Order must as well. However, if Hanseti wins, Renatus must withdraw their forces from the war and submit to tribute of goods. The whole operation was overseen by the Coalition, forcing the two nations to settle the war. The end result fell in Hanseti's favor as Tarus was stricken down a short number of blows. Hanseti had dodged a arrow with it's victory but their celebration was short lived as the Undead continued their deathly march over Aegis.
    Towards the final collapse of Aegis, Hanseti invested in a number of ships to be constructed at The Verge. The Hochmeister Bealcrest, got word that a number of nation leaders were constructing massive transport vessels and sensing trouble on the horizon, Sam ordered his men to do the same. In a number of meetings, the Hochmeister soon discovered the possible fate of Aegis. The Undead showed no signs of weakness and the combating force was quickly thinning out and in a last attempt to save Aegis all the nations committed champions to fight through the Nether in hope that they can end the looming darkness. Hanseti sent in three volunteers by the names of Abeam (Former Ascended), Maur Azog (Orcish warrior) and Segari (A human soldier). However, only Maur was able to escape the collapsing Nether with his life along with a number of other champions. Soon after, Hanseti rounded every citizen under their protection and loaded them onto a citizen transport boat. Leaving a few soldiers to guard the citizens, the Teutonic Order retreated to a war boat in preparation for a final battle. With minor obstacles the Hanseti boats were able to depart along with the others towards the new and mysterious lands of Asulon.
    Upon landing in the mass migration, Mirtok along with a fellow Sariant, Maur, raced down the the southern reaches of Asulon and claimed the snowy expanse at the bottom of the world as Hanseti. Soon after the rest of the Teutonic Order regrouped under a massive statue, plans were laid out for the formation of a city. The site for the capital city was simply named The Capitol. The new land under Hanseti was home to massive stone structures of the past race that lived there. At the very mouth of the nation rested two full figure statues of men holding an ax and a sword with their palms outstretched. Further along a long natural path in a ravine, an enormous man holding a scepter can be seen sitting on throne just out front of the nation's capitol. The two sites where the statues rested became the homes of The Maw and the capitol. In the early years of immigration, Hanseti experienced a sudden change in weather. The normally crisp days in the snowy expanse turned bitter and fierce. In a personal account by an OrdernMarschall, Viader, he noted the possibility of an endless winter. Food production proved difficult as most crops perished at the force of the extreme cold. However, through long studies and selective planting, the nation was able to develop a cold resistant wheat but the resulting bread was tasteless and tough. The nation slowly progressed at the heart of The Capitol. With Viader leading the nations formation, the concept of passports were enacted and enforced at The Maw. But, pre-collapse relationships began to rekindle as Hanseti's northern neighbors drew closer to their borders.
    On only the fifth year in Asulon, a war between Renatus and Hanseti broke out. The conflict drew in the attention of the Orcs whom offered to aid Hanseti. Two battles were held with a victory going to each side, but the war efforts eventually died down, returning the nations efforts inward to fight the new world's problems. For many years following the war, The Capital increased in size and occupants. A mine was established as well as farms, lumber yards, and even another town in the western snow arches near the Halflings. Massive mineral and lumber production quickly filled the nations vaults and plenty of weapons were distributed to the fighting force in Hanseti. But, despite the relentless efforts of Hanseti, food production was at an all time low. For a long period of time the nation relied on the aid of Salvus to feed their people in exchange for military training and guidance. Hochmeister Samuel and Viader drafted a great number projects in the nation to spark immigration from out of the borders. However, war was beginning to rear its ugly head in the direction of Hanseti once more.
    The Hochmeister looking for revenge decided to make use of the momentary uprising of Hansetian might. He soon declared war on Renatus with the full backing of Salvus, the Orcs, the Dwarves and Alras. Renatus lost two territories in the war, The Boot and Green Wall. Just before the war's conception, Hanseti had developed a new machine of war capable of hurling massive projectiles at siege locations, the catapult. With their new machine, the Coalition of nations made quick work of the fort in The Boot, and in Green Wall the forces starved out the defending soldiers. The Hochmeister had a full window to completely destroy the nation of Renatus, but instead decided upon forced reforms and the execution of Renatus political and military figures. Only one of which was fulfilled when King Godfrey ascended to the leadership of Renatus. The two tracts of land acquired in the war were absorbed by Renatus, and Hanseti retreated back behind it's borders in hope of a brighter future between the two brother nations.
    A few years after the war with Renatus, the nation once again fell upon hard times. Natural resources were depleted in the nation's warehouse and very few citizens remained in The Capitol. Further degradation engulfed the realm at the assassination of Hochmeister Bealcrest. His death was shrouded in mystery and unexplainable details, but a once Oren spy turned Order member Kai claimed to have been named Hochmeister upon Bealcrest's death or resignation. However, only a year after his rise to Hochmeister, Kai turned power over to Mirtok. Mirtok was among the Order's very first members and a key founder of Hanseti along with Marius, Bealcrest, and Viader. After Gaius' death Mirtok was made OrdenMarschall of the Order along side Viader in leading the Order's troops. Mirtok relinquished internal control of the nation to Kai and his appointed officials whilst he opted to focus on external and Order affairs. Since the Order's arrival in Asulon, their ranks had suffered. Faced with several tough choices, Mirtok worked at returning the Order and eventually the nation towards its former glory back under Gaius' command.
    The Teutonic Order had reestablished themselves as a powerful force and in turn the nation. Hanseti had had a part in several battles, supporting both nations and settlements alike. The once enforced passport and immigration program had been decommissioned and several reforms have been made to the Hanseti government. A number of problematic political leaders in Hanseti have been removed and replaced, new Landmeisters have been appointed to each of the cities in the nation. The Teutonic Capital has seen a rapid progression in both buildings and material wealth. The future under Mirtok seemed to show signs of promise, but ever still, many things plagued his lands and his people.
    In the early days of the plague epidemic, Mirtok ordered the complete sealment and blockade of the nation to combat it. Under what he referred to as "Operation Black Curtain", phase two of the lockdown initiative was enacted and subsequently enacted by The Order. Mirtok also commissioned an Anti-Contagion mask to inhibit disease's spreading into his realm. As a result the Teutonic Anti-Contagion Filtration masks were developed and given the name TAC Masks. At first the Order was the only group in possession of the masks but after a diplomatic mission conducted by the Temple Monks, Hochmeister Mirtok relinquished the plans and every spare mask he had to the monks whom in turn distributed them to the peoples in Asulon.
    Hanseti and Renatus once again went to war following the acquisition of Seventis and Salvus by Renatus. This time the war did not go in the favor of Hanseti, and the nation surrendered to Renatus. Several groups came to the Hochmeister and offered shady deals to negotiate peace with a price, to which all were turned down by Mirtok. Towards the eve of Hanseti's surrender, Mirtok wrote a personal letter to King Godfrey of Renatus requesting private audience. The two met under the shadow of the sentinel statues that guard the mouth of Hanseti and discussed options. The eventual conclusion lead to Mirtok uttering, "I will die for this nation, but I will not let it die for me." and thus he yielded to Godfrey before the Renatian armies marched unto the North borders. Having reunited all Human lands Renatus renamed the new nation the Holy Oren Empire, turning Hanseti into a duchy that was placed under Mirtok to rule as the Duke.
    Since Hanseti's addition into the Oren Empire, the duchy had experienced a prosperous uplifting in many areas. Though the civilian populace remained at a rather low number, the production and military strength of the region nearly doubled. The monthly raids from the House Flay had ended, the traitor group- The Wolverines- executed and the Teutonic Order was allowed to fully control and operate all aspects of Hanseti with ample backing of the Empire.
    Several years after Hanseti was made a kingdom under the Oren Empire, a catastrophic event struck the lands. The Teutonic Order had been digging in the eastern peaks, looking for the main network of the Hansetian Underground. They had found a small sub-compound and recovered many important texts from the ancient people that inhabited the lands but upon leaving a cave occurred, releasing a highly toxic gas into the air. Several columns of the pinkish cloud rose into the air blotted out the sky for an entire year before dropping and cutting off Hanseti from the rest of the world. The Cloud settled in every valley and low laying area of Hanseti, leaving only the areas based on higher elevations slightly free from the toxin. Among those that survived were Wachter Stadt, Dresden and parts of Bavaria. The Teutonic Order has developed a method of traversing the encumbered lands but has yet to release said method for public use. It is was strongly advised that no right minded person attempt entering the Cloud ridden areas of the kingdom or try to run to the very few safe zones in the region.
    The Kingdom eventually recovered from this catastrophe with several years of research and development into the field of environmental cleanup processes. With much effort and a considerable loss of life, the massive columns of toxic cloud were cut and the substance that hung heavy in the Hansetian air was allowed to dissipate back into the deep earth or be carried away by the harsh ocean currents to the south of the region. It was also during this time that the Teutonic Order had been working towards a highly secretive and high interest project commissioned by the Holy Emperor himself. The project was very near completion when yet again, catastrophe hit and the whole of Asulon was forced onto ships and ferried away to unknown lands.
    Upon the arrival on uncharted islands, Hanseti- along with the other Kingdoms and Nations of Asulon- found itself without land or resource. The peoples of Asulon scrambled competitively to claim their own corners of the island, with Hanseti settling close to the main Oren settlement. It was at this time the Hochmeister, Mirtok DeNurem, stepped down momentarily and appointed Dain FarHammer as both leader of the Kingdom and of the Teutonic Order. Unfortunately, it seemed as though the world around Hanseti turned against it when under the poor guidance of the leader of the former Blackmonts and current Flays on Dain, caused the Kingdom to pick up their slack and face the full brunt of a combined force; rendering all of Hanseti's lands decimated, resources plundered and military broken.
    This trend continued on to the point where the main consensus was that the Teutonic Order had perished once and for all. Hochmeister Dain was executed and the remaining Sariants looked back to their roots and assumed a top secret operation while Mirtok DeNurem was absent. However, it was not until a second migration and then finally the call to go ahead of the peoples of Oren and scout the new world of what is now called Anthos, did the Order as well as the Kingdom of Hanseti finally pick itself up.
    The Order quickly moved northward and discovered a hub of mutinous and dangerous activity; with vicious boarmen and massive dragons threatening the advancing Asulonians, the Order set up at what is not called North Gate and Castle Greywynn. When it was time that the rest of the Empire landed, the Order held back the hordes to allow the rapid progression of the Empire to happen. But due to their focus being on the North, and their leader Mirtok still being absent, the lands thought promised to Hanseti were slowly chipped away by a number of factions, including the lifelong enemy, House Blackmonts and their lackeys, House Carrion.
    During the early years of the new world, the Order stuck to themselves and did their duty to the rest of the people by standing by at the mouth of the North. The Order built up a massive wealth for the Kingdom through long hours of hard work and countless toils; Allowing for the explosion of activity and progression upon the return of Hochmeister Mirtok. The bulk of the Kingdom's lands were rightfully returned to Hanseti, but there still stood the looming problem of the Kingdom's southern borders.
    The presence of the Blackmonts and Carrions working in full conjunction eventually began attacking, robbing, murdering and thieving many Sairants of the Order and even the coffers of the Kingdom itself. It was this that prompted the Hochmeister to issue terms of vassalage or migration for the troublesome houses. The initial terms were accepted but then later denied. A final proposition was submitted to both the Blackmonts and the Carrions, both of which denied them. This act marked a turning point in the Kingdom's attitude towards the situation, painting a clear picture that nothing could be done. With the silence from the Imperial Crown, Hanseti had to take matters in its own hands; Sariants retaliated once the rules of engagement were met in singular situations- they hit first, Sariants respond.
    With the passing of a lowered crown authority brought to fruition by the pressure emplaced by the Blackmont, Carrion and Chivay collective; War finally broke out between the Kingdom of Hanseti and House Blackmont, even though the war was never officially declared in public. Since then, the Kingdom of Hanseti has been locked in a heated and bloody war with the enemy House Blackmonts and its vassals and allies. In the beginning, the Order secured several victories one after another, which lead up to a certain battle that was to take place near the Carrion settlement. However, the Teutonic Order forces were overwhelmed when a combined force of Blackmont, Carrion and Chivay banner met them on the field. The battle was a crushing defeat and resulted in an immense blow to the Kingdom's forces, supplies and moral.
    However, the defeat also stirred something else in the Hochmeister, and in turn the rest of the Teutonic Order. It signified that there once again existed a mission, a true and deep down purpose, and even a duty to the Empire. The Teutonic Order was to crush the Blackmont forces and their vassals, and break up this pressure force that appeared to have the Crown by the throat. Hanseti quickly regained it strength and even grew stronger. Resource productions were doubled, training sessions were increased and slowly Hanseti grew stronger all around with the addition of allies committed to the same cause.
    Another offensive was launched on the Blackmonts, this time in the bloodied lands between the two forts, Castle Greywnn and the Dreadfort. It was on that field that the Blackmonts met a force almost double their own, each man bearing a Black Cross on his chest and wielding a sword of fine steel. The Order slaughtered and routed the amount Blackmont forces, securing a much needed victory and swinging the scale of war back in their favor. The event stirred an uproar of moral in every soldier and citizen of the Kingdom; the victory too rose the moral of the other factions committed to the cause.
    But the fortunes of war fell flat, and the Kingdom saw a string of defeats that brought it to its knees. Their leader, Hochmeister Mirtok, had disappeared into the North with only a handful of men, vowing to return one day with something to aid in their fight. He left a Kingdom and Order on the brink of a battle that would surely define the outcome of the war at hand, determine the future of the Kingdom and even the Empire as a whole. Upon the day of the true battle for the Dreadfort, men fought tooth and nail, sword and arrow, but in the end the Dreadfort still stood on crumbled foundations and its occupants were able to recover- marking the turning point of the civil war in favor of the Blackmonts.
    The months ticked forward and Hanseti saw no end to the string of stalemates and defeats on the war campaign. Those whom Mirtok had trusted to uphold the strength and sovereignty of the Order were silenced by the ascension of Jonathan Black, the first in the line of Falsemeister to assume control of the nation. The men of the Order had been warned of the possible events that would occur under the rule of such a man, but the situation proved too dire to proceed in any other way. The civil war came to a close with the dissolution of the Teutonic Order and reinstatement as a domestic force under the Holy Oren Empire, the settling of Hansetian lands and the increase of holding and freedom given to the forces that had truly defeated the Kingdom. The very essence of the war was made vain via these acts of the self appointed King, a truly dark day for both the Nation and the Order.
    After the dust and debris of war settled, Hanseti slowly declined into a state of stagnation and weakness. The fight seemed stolen from its citizens and soldiers, their purpose stripped and quartered by the beck and call of a new master. Domestication had taken its toll on the defeated Order, giving way to what would become the darkest days of the Order. However, all this paled in comparison to the night Castle Greywynn- the jewel and arch stone of both a Nation and military Order- was engulfed in impossible flame. The powerful stone walls and fierce foundations that could have withstood any siege for years cracked and crumbled as fire consumed it. Those trapped inside were reduced to ashes, among the charred bodies was that of Jonathan Black.
    The Kingdom was once again leaderless, however, now it was truly broken with the destruction of its very heart. Hanseti had fallen the farthest it had ever before, a once titan among titans in an nearly unstoppable Empire had finally been silenced. The Kingdom of Hanseti was eventually replaced by new nations with new leaders, hoping to carve out a legacy in a declining Empire. The Teutonic Order was once again headed by a self appointed leader- another Falsemeister to me added to the halls of infamy- and directed down a path of utter dishonor and darkness, before disappearing altogether without even so much as a whimper. A state that continued for many years to come, decades even.
    However, now in the bloody fields and smoky clouds of war, the old name of Hanseti may once again find purpose. With the liberation of the Human nation and insertion of a legitimate bloodline to head the newly founded Empire; Hanseti once again joined ranks among the rest in the world. The men of the Order still lingered on the fringe of the public view, waiting for the right moment to return. Old faces had returned from the oblivion they had lost themselves in and the true leader of a homeless people had emerged. Under a new banner and structured by a new doctrine, Hanseti rose.
    A Nation birthed in war and killed by war shall now be reborn in the ashes and cinder of war. A gruesome cycle of endless fighting must come to an end with this new age of the Nation, an age that shows the promise of standing the test of time and the strain on man. The journey has been long and full of pain but with the divines blessing and the worth of those who seek to build a better world, maybe a glimmer of hope can be salvaged, but the path to a better Nation is in the ashes of the old.
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