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Posts posted by Mirtok

  1. The stipulation of only being able to steal what you already know is in the chest or in the "vault" pretty much narrows that scope of RP down to really really specific situations. Also, what good is any named item to most players past a weapon, and how many named weapons are even out there? What is the point of these limitations?


    Let thieves try to gain access to whatever they want, looking for whatever they want like it normally is for real thieves. This is a game where things like Iron/gold/diamond are very valuable and would be like leaving bags of money behind. There are products that take skill levels and ungodly amounts of time to craft that are for sure valuable to the thief or the contractor of said thief who could not afford or craft said items otherwise. Who pick pockets a person and steals their lucky clover but leaves the cash and credit cards? Who goes through the trouble of breaking into someones home and goes straight for the dude's grandma's special ring but leaves the TVs, Computers, box of none sentimental jewelry, gun box, kitchen set, etc.


    The older ruling that the thief could only take out about 50% of the chests contents seemed alright. The thief would have to deliberate to themselves what was valuable to take and then be on their way. This did not leave the victim totally bankrupt but still seemed plausible in a game play and RP sense. It doesn't have to be 50%, any reasonable percentage monitored by the already required GM is fine. The current rule of only being able to successfully get through three locks is a good equalizer, added in with the fact that only three people can even attempt in a party, leading to a total of 9 success, which by the odds are not even likely to happen unless the party has carried with them ample picks- and true we do not know what their listing price will be in game but as it stands they aren't worth their price if all they can muster you are a few items that barely have a market.


    This new rule is fine minus the required prior knowledge of a named item and restriction of theft to only that item if it is even found. I hope what I have said is at the very least considered.

  2. The Conclave War of Succession from Malinor.

    A group of elven rebels along with backing from the human dominated Teutonic Order fight a quick war to secede from Malinor and create their own Teuton puppet state.


    Gotta love those conspiracies man. In reality, there has never been any Teutonic Order puppet nation and any connections made to such are purely coincidence or misunderstanding. During the Teutonic Order's second founding and the era of the Zion deal, I simply asked if the Elven nation would recognize Hanseti as a legitimate nation, nothing more.

  3. The themes remain relevant and are used as a relatable situation to explain a point. She referenced the very character that is discussed in the PM to explain her point and I offered a counter to it. If she is no longer of that opinion in the PMs then I am glad, but it is still a helpful device to get her to remember what being in the position is like. Much better than just saying WooHoo +1 or This is crap. But my thanks go up to the peanut gallery.

  4. Your anecdote made me giggle.


    "I get excited every time my character ends up in a life-or-death situation. I love it when the squad ends up at rock-bottom. My reaction to failure or suffering in RP is not "GM, stop! This isn't fair!" - it's "Oh wow, how are we going to RP our way out of this situation? How can we make the best of this?"

    My GM doesn't let us void RP or do things over. Because "failure conditions" open up new opportunities for RP, character development, and plot development."
    I proper chuckle considering that personal interactions with you have shown the exact opposite to what you claim to be something you enjoy and are now advocating for.
    They go on a bit longer but the tldr is that Lorin removed herself from the Green lands and we never RPed with her ever again.
    Your reaction to a situation in RP that was unfavorable for the life of your character or your attachment to your character was to void everything, pack up and leave. I was quite surprised at your response, even as I was in the middle of asking you if this is something you would be cool with progressing in OOC you were offended that you did not have a guiding hand in a plan that had barely even formed- and yet you say here now that you love these sorts of situations and that everyone should embrace what happens to them in RP.
    The kicker is that you had a character that in every way you could expressed hate towards their husband. You wrote a Villain Application when those were still a thing expressing your characters hatred, disdain and eventually intentions to murder said husband. In RP you would cry into the shoulders of the Greens, recalling the abuse your character suffered in the Dreadfort. But when an RP situation was heading your way, you failed to RP your character in the manner that made sense to that characters RP and committed your efforts to ensuring that nothing bad could happen to your character ever again . . . in an OOC sense. You liked the Blackmonts and the Chivays in OOC so much so that you heavily influenced your Role Play to prevent adversaries from exploiting a situation that you practically invited.
    You were afraid that the big bad Teutons were going to ruin all your OOC friends nice things and you did something about it. Your "culture" was threatened and you did not dare to let that possible outcome come to fruition.
    Simply stating that everyone should conform to things that you think are great is not at all a valid argument. Why in the world should I care that you think all elves should crumble? Why should Elves be regressed to a status of extreme squalor and under world muck shoveling? Maybe I just don't want to RP that way, maybe I'm pretty content with the environment of RP that I have been playing. Maybe I really don't like it when other people make huge plans that regard my future and my role play without consulting me. You surely didn't, you know, when you were on the receiving end.


    And as cool as your snapshot into an Oren ran world sounds, it's certainly not a large enough blanket to encompass the interests and personalities of every Elven player in the Elven community; And when you try to enforce a blanket environment on too many people who do not want it, you get things like Exodus.


    I support logical RP progression in game and I also support every players "right" to try and fight for things that they like and even believe in. To pretend that Oreners have never taken a step out of RP and settled things in OOC is insane. To pretend that Oreners have not exploited OOC assets and people in influential places is even more so. And until all the skype chats and private teamspeaks are all void and empty, people are still going to talk outside of the game. People are still going to have ideas and they are going to figure out how they can keep doing the things they like so that instead of logging on to a game where little interests them, they can still have fun.


    A partition of the Elven demographics would enjoy what you hinted at Urara, some do not care and some are against that outcome. If everyone shunned bad situations then Oren would still be lead by TheRedNinja and if everyone accepted every bad situation then Lorin Blackmont would be long dead and The Teutonic Order would be happily praising the Immortal Emperor. And I'm pretty sure the Elves, or more specifically the High Elves in this situation have for the most part fully accepted the monumentously horrible situation they are in. The High Elven nation is subjugated, the old leaders are executed and exiled and anyone who didn't want to serve Oren now lives scattered among the lands. So cool your jets everyone.


    In the end I'm playing the Devil's Advocate here and if I still played Mirtok I would certainly love to see Imperial Might spread across every nation, granted it was properly fought for. I do not support chucking up OOC power to make something happen in RP but man these threads are all sorts of useless and promote an atmosphere of "Everyone is an idiot but me!" 

  5. About 69+ Million american bucks, that's a lot of cheese. I thought about backing it a while back when the backing perks were way better. If I had the money then I totally would have but now they sell crap packages for way more in comparison to back then so I've decided nah. Probably won't play the game when it comes out either due to the massive disadvantage I'd have as a normal player.

  6. To give OP some credit, he's asking a bunch of different questions at once, so there is no one answer here.


    The most infamous military organization? I think that belongs to House Flay bannermen, an absolute terror and scourge on the field. While lacking the discipline necessary to attain more prestigious honors, the Teutons nor the Roses can boast creating such absolute havoc in terms of raiding potential and shock value. The Flays had a near monopoly on the best PvPers on the server, only rivaled by a select few Teutons, and thus they were most able to spread their name through successful raids despite insurmountable odds. (Khabbi, Haelunor, Mt. Ire)


    The most influential? The White Rose, of course. While I think they never conducted operations as grandiose as the Flays or Teutons, the White Rose has a far better PR than either group due to their standard of RP and success in managing to stay on the good side of history, so to speak. They are more WR saints and more WR figures of renown than any other military organization and they have left a lasting impact on human culture as a whole, for better or worse.


    The most successful? It pains me deeply, but I have to admit that the Teutonic Order may have a better claim than the White Rose. As much as I know I'll get flak for it, the White Rose just wasn't around long enough as the TO, and the Teutonic Order technically had a much longer hegemony as the dominant military order historically from the Aegis to Fringe/ early-Anthos period. As an Aegis lurker, I can say that the Teutonic Order was a far more relevant force in Aegis than in Anthos, and the Teutonic Order actually had a legitimate succession, evolution, and change in ideals with various different Hochmeisters.


    Under Mirtok, unfortunately these ever-changing ideals led it to collapse, but its run and achievements are loftier than that of the short-lived Rose, whose self-imposed Exodus prevented it from evolving and growing as an order. WR ideology forced it to stagnate while the TO survived much longer; if not for Mirtok's mistakes, the TO would have a far greater legacy in Oren today simply due to longevity with many great battles under their belt (only the Flays and Teutons can boast killing dozens upon dozens of enemies in a 5-man raid, let alone the Teutonic Order solo'ing the dwarven nation and winning on their own)



    Dwarven Legion doesn't get to claim 'subduing the human realms' as one of their achievements, lets get that cleared up, because the submission of human sovereigns to the dwarven yoke was due to diplomatic, not military pressures. I'm sure William Horen armies alone could have bested a dwarven invasion at the time, let alone the entire might of man.



    TLDR; Gaius, Tornado and Cracker sum it up fine, I did some crazy but cool ****, thanks for the memories.


    This along with what Tornado and a few others had said make it all up nicely. If I had actually written a post I would have outlined just about all that was said and even added some of the drawbacks of having Mirtok as its leader.
    Some of our greatest strengths eventually became our greatest weaknesses. Strong polarized leadership contributed to the Teutonic Order sky rocketing to great heights, fielding large numbers and overall achieving great success. But- especially in the case of the Civil War in Anthos- you knock out that leader and you lose practically all of the Order's military strength. My ban and the removal of Mirtok as the Hochmeister came at a really shitty time, being the most defining war in Human history. From that war literally spawned everything that we regard as Human today, if the Order had won who knows what kind of place Humanity would be, better or worse. (I know I would never have "taken over" that's just not how I played.) But in the end, the White Rose were able to become the definition of Oren's military once and for all, the Carrions were allowed to become the standard for Oren on a civic level and The Order was eventually phased out of Imperial culture forever.
    I will admit to a botched handoff to a new leader in the wake of my ban, no need to sugar coat that, but it was a period of make or break decisions and I honestly at that time thought that few, even the Emperor himself could assume control and still achieve an acceptable conclusion to that war. It turns out I was right, what I said would have happened did in fact happen and we lost.
    We fell from our peak because we were dealt a critical blow in the absolute height of the Imperial Civil War, unable to effectively employ our fullest capabilities and strengths in the battle because of out-of-roleplay circumstances and decisions. This in no way diminishes the glory awarded to the victors, but man it makes the sting of losing so much worse. I'm at my own core fine with what happened, I personally believe that at the end of the day the strongest earn their place of superiority and if the weaker simply cannot compete then their necessity is gone and are merely a luxury at that point- as far as Human militaries go.
    On another note, I would like to comment on the Teutonic Order's infamy. The origins of it were spawned under Gaius who revolutionized the power that a military force actually has in RP, how players can literally arrest control of a whole nation from Admins of all people. He had to make some enemies on his journey, we unfortunately had to destroy a lot of other peoples hard work and dreams. There was simply too many slices made into the Human pie, not everyone could be the mayor of their own town, the guildmaster to their own knights, the this to their that and still have Humans be a significant force against something that was literally the only threat to the world we all played in. You can't have a cause without opposition, and no matter how good your cause is there will be those who simply cannot accept it, so we had to make them, even if it was for their own good or not.
    Under Hochmeister Samuel Bealcrest, a lot of the meanness of the Order was drawn down and instead he tried to make friends with everyone. Friends with the weak, friends with the strong and so on. That not only allowed adversaries of the Teutonic Order to take advantage of the lull but also allowed the weaker ones to essentially leech off of us. Though it was not all bad, it wasn't all good and when Mirtok was asked to come out of exile and to lead the Teutonic Order he imposed drastically radical changes.
    Under Mirtok all alliances were severed, beneficial or not. This upset many, those being the Dwarves and the Orcs. Really the Dwarven alliances were cut because they had really poor business practices and Mirtok just felt their leadership was distributed among too many. The Orcish alliance was cut because in the wake of Rex Mogroka- someone who if I'm not mistaken held Rex without ever losing it up until his departure for the Human RP- the Orcish leadership was widely inconsistent with a new Rex popping up almost every week via the Klomp method. A world war broke out that ended up as The World vs. Salvus, with Mirtok in the beginning participating with The World but as the first round of battles took place the Order was on the side of Salvus. Then the Empire was formed, and I guess many viewed the Teutonic Order as a threat to any sort of power climbs many were undertaking in the Empire. Some tried to challenge the Order and were destroyed, others like the Flays turned out to be polar opposites and conflict was simply natural. But the biggest factor of infamy for the Order came from the Teutonic Orders service to the Empire as opposed to all other eras before or after combined.
    Under the Empire, the Teutonic Order became Godfrey's sword, pretty much the Emperor would come to Mirtok and tell him what he wanted- be it land, someones removal, the creation of technology and so on. Literally Godfrey's will was our command. And the way Mirtok ran things during that era was that everything we did was to serve the Emperor and nothing else mattered at all, not even the Empire. Everyone and everything was fair game and the only thing that could halt us was the Emperor. Of course we tried hard, or at least Mirtok tried hard to instill values of honor and professionalism but the reality of it was the Emperor needed a lot of dirty work done and dirty work makes people angry. I cared but at the same time I chose not to care, I liked purpose and I liked service and everything Mirtok ordered was in that pursuit. Everything else, all the titles, the land and the influence was awarded to Mirtok and the Order, seldom ever requested unless to better conduct the will of the Emperor in the manner he needed it done.
    And I guess the rest of it just comes from sheer power, exertion, interaction and so on. The great deeds of one group becomes the demonized events of another. Equal exchange. That's the way the world works.
    These were all just from my perspective. I've been around a while and as with all things, the farther you look back the fuzzier the details become. I appreciate that some of the communities most esteemed or influential players gave the Order credit with a fair amount of respect where it was due. I do not dispute what anyone has said about what they believe to be the greatest and why mainly because I agree with most of it. I'm just happy I got to do something cool.
    EDIT: Might I add, what a really cool question to ask, thanks OP.
  7. The Teutonic Order
    A Brief History of the Order:
    The Teutonic Order has existed for over a 150 years and has seen many changes throughout the decades. Starting as a small band of capable ex-soldiers, the Order quickly grew to engulf several other guilds and eventually conquer the Kingdom of man. However, the exact details and events of the Teutonic Order's past has been lost to most and only kept alive by a select few who have lived long enough to see it all. The Order's base foundations as a secret military order has resulted in the lack of public documentation of its past as well as several other classified fields of the Order's operational activities.
    The Order was originally founded to repair and force the recovery of the Human Kingdom of Oren. The Human Kingdom was riddled with countless guilds and factions all bickering and fighting each other over petty possessions and titles. As a result the Human race was left powerless against the Undead forces of Aegis. It was the undertaking of the Teutonic Order to exterminate the problematic guilds and restore Oren to a status that could better fight against the Undead pressure. However, as time went on the Order found themselves on the victor side of just about every battle they fought, leading up to their immense strength through war. It was then decided that Oren was unable to defend itself and was unwilling to change, so the Order then turned its attention towards the ruling body of man, eventually arresting control of Oren after a series of attacks on the capital city of Al'kazaar. Thus the Teutonic Order then became the leaders of Oren with their first Hochmeister Gaius Marius as the King.
    Although this was short lived and the status of Oren was once more plunged into turmoil and conflict. Half the Kingdom was given away to a group of rebels and the other half remained under Teutonic Control. After the death of Gaius Marius the wise, Samuel Bealcrest was appointed Hochmeister on Gaius' deathbed. From there the Order engaged in a series of battles and a long, bloody war with the rebel faction later to be called Renatus. The Undead took advantage of this period and quickly razed most of the Human controlled settlements as well as several other locations throughout Aegis. With the collapse of the Nether and the loss of Aegis, the Order found themselves lost and without a purpose. When the ships reached the shores of Asulon, the Order quickly claimed the frozen south as their home and focused on developing their nation.
    However, the tolling tragedy of losing Aegis did not stop war from rearing its ugly head towards the Order once more. The Order engaged in several more battles with the neighboring Kingdom of Renatus, placing the Order on the victor side several times. Sam spared the Renatians, eventually leading to his own demise as he was assassinated and the Realm of Hanseti quickly fell apart. Only after Mirtok was called out of exile and made Hochmeister did things begin to turn around. The Order was still lost and nearly on its knees, but with the new change in leadership came a new spark of direction and determination.
    The Order eventually joined the steadily growing Empire of Oren, restoring its purpose once more as a protectorate of Oren. Under the new Emperor the Order prospered and continued to do so, fighting in a number of wars and often times emerging on top of the piles of rubble where their enemies used to be. The Order had taken on an ultra-nationalistic and zealous loyalty to Emperor Godfrey and had made his will manifest to their very best efforts since coming under the Oren banner.
    Though as time would have it, all good things had to come to an end. The great Emperor Godfrey of the Holy Oren Empire passed away and was said to have ascended into the heavens. The Empire was at then at the mercy of his son, Horen. The Order tried to uphold its tradition of unquestionable loyalty to this new Emperor but eventually they were put at second thought, giving rise to a number of problems that eventually lead to the Order and even the nation of Hanseti’s destruction. Civil war broke out and the Empire was cast into a multinational inner conflict as the powerhouses of the Imperium waged war on the soils of Hanseti. In the end, The Order was defeated.
    Since then, the members of the Teutonic Order fractured under this crushing blow. Leaderless, landless and only a fraction of their former size, the remaining men of the Teutonic Order who had not already hung up their tabard faced harsh conditions as it seemed every force in Anthos wanted their heads. Eventually, the Order was allowed to finally rest as the last of the Cross gave in.
    However, the Order has returned with the coming of an old and faithful leader. The Second Founding of the Teutonic Order has brought with it a new age for the Black Cross. A prospect for prosperity, for success, for king and country. Even old members of the original Order have found their way back from the fringes of the world, rejoining the timeless ranks of their comrades in arms. The Order has seen centuries of conflict, been through several generations of warriors and has seen the passing of many worlds throughout its existence; And in the face of this new chapter of its own history, we see a glimmer of hope. With the strength, zeal and loyalty of each member of the Teutonic Order, the Realm of Hanseti can perhaps regain its footing among the nations once again.
    Our Purpose:
    If one were to delve into the expansive history of Humanity, they would find that the Teutonic Order has been a major contender throughout the many eras dating back to the reign of the Pereas of Al'Kazaar in Aegis. Originally created to destroy the many guilds and singular organizations that brought weakness to the Human race, bringing power under one banner, a precursor to what would later become the first Empire of Man. Eventually our purpose was to serve the Realm of Hanseti and later grew to service under Emperor Godfrey; A role that was fulfilled to the utmost. However, now the driving purpose of the Order is to once again protect and serve the Realm of Hanseti; To defend it and its people against any and all enemies. We call no one our master expect each other for each of us belongs to the Order and the Order belongs to us.
    The Orders Way:
    The Order was founded on the principle of reviving and restoring the Human kingdom of Oren to its highest potential. Its role and purpose has morphed and changed throughout the many decades and leaders, but its underlying goal has been in the best interests of the Human race.
    For many decades the Order had operated in secrecy, working behind the scenes and only emerging to decimate the several guilds in Aegis' Oren. From its very beginnings The Order and its Sariants have lead a heavily militaristic life, adhering to the old customs of Gaius that were brought from his homeland. Ancient hymns and songs were sung before battle, special traditions upheld on and off duty and a profound comradery was felt among Sariants and their order brothers. Sariants are expected to remain loyal to their Hochmeister and their fellow soldiers. Ever following them into battle with the utmost courage and honor. Together they form a nuclear bond that surpasses all other desires held previous to admittance.
    The Hochmeister is the leader of the Order, and therefore among the top priorities of the Order under remaining loyal to the Nation. He leads the Sariants on the field of battle and on home shores as well as handles transcontinental diplomacy and national relations. Sariants are responsible for his life, as he too is responsible for them. The Hochmeister has the duty of making sure all his Sariants are well equipped, cared for, housed, fed and trained. All Sariants are provided free homes, free gear, and access to the Sariant Storehouse for any material or produce needs. Starting members are equipped with lower grade gear but the more they progress in the Order the more they are trusted, yielding better gear and higher privileges. The primary method of rank progression can be achieved through combat and clear displays of loyalty to the Order. Rank progression can only be issued by the Hochmeister and those he appoints to perform the same task. However, disobeying the Hochmeister will reverse their progression, leading to possible removal from the thrills of battle or increased workload. Remaining loyal and respectful to the Hochmeister and the other Sariants is important for each member.
    Members of the Order are expected to be the best that they can be. This means that every soldier who wishes to fight must be a master in their preferred weapon. The Order trains all those whom need it to be fit for battle and to become an experienced warrior. However, the Order also favors intelligence among its ranks. Members must adopt the “Whole Soldier” concept as they progress through the ranks as a Sariant. Proficiency in the art of war, service, dedication, knowledge of the Order and loyalty are a must and are the base requirements for every member.
    The Order functions heavily on trust and community. Sariants are never permitted to steal from each other or citizens of the Nation. The act of banditry or act of aggression for the purpose of obtaining goods outside of orders issued by the Hochmeister are severally disregarded and are the early steps to a life of regression into a common criminal- this path will lead to one of discharge from the Order and possibly a sentence of death. Because everything a Sariant needs is provided, it is encouraged that all members work solely for the Order and in the best interests of the Nation. It is possible to be granted special privileges for aspiring merchants or members of significant positions. Most of the material gained from mining, exploring, claiming, foresting or growing should be added to the Sariant Storehouse for all members to enjoy. Using Order materials to further your own personal benefit or favor is strictly prohibited and will lead to a swift execution if discovered. The act of hoarding valuables or withholding battle claimed gear is greatly disrespectful to the Hochmeister, detrimental to the strength of the Order and against the Teutonic customs.
    Achievements of the Order:
    - Spearheaded anti-Undead activity for Humanity in Aegis and brought down an Undead keep during the battles for the Northern Lands
    - Uncovered Undead corruption in the Human Kingdom of Oren and repelled Invasions perpetrated by the Undead on Human lands.
    - Captured the Crimson Keep
    - Destroyed the Nical Empire
    - Sieged the City of Al'Kazaar 4 times and Captured the Keep of Al'Kazaar 3 times
    - Arrested Kingship of Oren and restored peace to Humanity, splitting the Kingdom in half in favor of the Phoenix Rebels of Galahar.
    - Sent Three Champions into the Nether to bring down the Realm of Iblees, prevented total destruction of all races and peoples; Of the very few to emerge from the hellish depths, a Champion of the Order was among them.
    - Transported people indiscriminately to each and every new lands we have come into contact with, providing refugees with free food and protection until the conclusion of the voyages into unknown places.
    - Defeated the Kingdom of Renatus at the Battle of the Boot and the Battle of Greenwall. Brought the Kingdom to its knees and spared it in the name of justice and mercy.
    - Defended the Kingdom of Salvus against a World War threat and subsequent invasion.
    - Was a major founding member of the formation of the first Holy Oren Empire
    - Defeated the Blood Mages
    - Defeated the Crusader States and took over their citadel for the Emperor
    - Defeated the Raider Pirates of Skullcove and took their hideout for the Emperor as well as securing a whole division of ships for the Oren navy.
    - Fought alongside the Emperor during the Wilding Uprising in the Western Lands
    - Enacted the Emperors will in the face of all other races in the world, repelling the Dwarven invasion of the Southern Seas of Hanseti, ending the war in a single battle.
    - Developed life saving technology to combat the effects of the Plague in Asulon and ensured that all peoples had access to it.
    - Quelled the Rebellion of the Tarus and Elendil rebels, averting a full scale civil war.
    - Was named the Sword of the Emperor and later the Shield of the Empire
    - Brought down three of the first encountered Dragons and Drakes that invaded the world.
    - Defended the Empire and World from the Borha Invasion, decimating its forces and downgrading their threat.
    - Held off attacks by the Dark Drakes of The North for a little over a decade
    - Prevented the Scourge forces from overwhelming the struggling peoples of Anthos after the migration from Asulon.
    - Served the Empire with loyalty and with eternal dedication until it was forced out by invading forces into Hanseti.
    - Freed the people of Peaceful Lake from a ruthless dictator.
    - Liberated numerous settlements from oppressive rule.
    - Went to war against the Third Empire of Oren and held its own on numerous occasions, tipping the scale of every battle in favor of Bloc forces.
    - Posted on several boats during the migration to Athera and defended people from the monsters that boarded and inhibited the espace.
    - Brought down a massive three headed demon that sunk several boats during its rampage on the escaping races.
    - Founded the City of Snowdrift in Northhaven with the Citadel Stonehallow as its centerpiece, a true testament to the ability of the Order refined by centuries of experience.
    The Sariants Code:
    • The Sariant shall protect the Realm of Hanseti and Her most Honored Citizens
    • The Sariant shall protect and serve the Hochmeister and His Most dedicated of soldiers.
    • The Sariant shall respect his brothers and sisters.
    • The Sariant shall seek to end all conflict within the Realm of Hanseti.
    • The Sariant shall have loyalty unwavering and unrelenting.
    • The Sariant shall not tolerate the Heretic, nor the Witch, nor the Criminal, nor the Usurper.
    • The Sariant shall not suffer the heretic to live, nor the Impure, Tainted, or Corrupt.
    • The Sariant shall not break his oaths, nor hinder their leaders.
    • The Sariant shall not flee from combat.
    • The Sariant shall take no squire unless so ordered by the Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order.
    • The Sariant shall be educated in the arts of war, literature, commerce, and intellectual progress.
    • The Sariant shall not desire nor seek fame, status, land, authority, or favor.
    • The Sariant shall strive to serve and protect the Hochmeister and the Order eternally.
    • The Sariant shall be an upstanding model to the people of the Realm in action and in spirit.
    • The Sariant shall not act as a common thief or criminal.
    • The Sariant shall be the example to all his comrades.
    • The Sariant shall seek to give their life to the Order.
    • The Sariant shall venerate the Cross.
    The Sariants Creed:
    “You are the future of the Order
    You, and those like you, hold the Orders soul in your hands. We wear the black mark, and we are the beating heart of a reborn brotherhood. It is our duty to remember. We are charged to recall the traditions that came before the moment when our Order stood on the edge of extinction. Remember those who stood against the enemies of the past, those who carried the old Order on their backs and bled for its success. Give penance for the fallen brothers of a defeated age and learn from what came before.
    You, and those like you, are the Order. We serve those who call upon us to do so, a Nation of our own people, a land that is our home. The traditions and codes of the old Order guide us but this new age leads us into the unknown. Be loyal to your comrades and the Order for they are the same and we are your salvation in an existence brimming with darkness. Give yourself to the Order and the Order will give itself for you. Fight for the Order and the Order will fight for you. Die for the Order and the Order will die for you.
    You, and those like you, carry the Order. We wear the armor forged in a time when the first Imperium was born- repaired, amended and maintained in the decades since by generations of warriors, soldiers and loyal men. Your blades have tasted the blood of every foe the old Order has ever fought, slain beast and man alike in a most righteous fervor and service. The names of each man before you etched onto its hilt and the battle that claimed them dating to its very forging on the first Motherland.
    You, and those like you are the victorious leer of the legends who founded us. But why are you charged with these responsibilities? Why do you wear the black mark? Because you hate. You hate more than any other man, and your hatred runs blacker, deeper, purer than theirs. A hate that stands above all others. One hate that burns in our blood and roars from the mouths of each Sariant when we stand together in war. It is a hatred with many names, those who sought to exterminate us, those who seek to destroy us, those who offer only darkness and suffering.
    But to us, they are simply the Enemy.
    We are the Teutonic Order, the descendants of titans, and we have survived extinction when all others would have fallen into worthless memory. Our hatred takes us from the ashes of an old world and delivers us to salvation!”
    Ranks of the Teutonic Order:
    Hochmeister: Leader of the Order - Ultimate Authority
    OrdenMarschall: Two possible generals of the Order - High Command
    Chaptermeister: Leader of a defined chapter of the Order - High Command
    Grand Sariant: An inspirational war veteran and loyal member of the Order - Veteran
    Sariant Surgeon, Sariant Zealot, Sariant Adjutant: The Second stage in three paths of the Order - Echelon Two
    Sariant Medic, Sariant Vicar, Sariant Knight: The first stage in the three paths of the Order - Echelon One
    Sariant: A basic soldier in the Order - Sarianthood
    Scout Brudder: An aspirating Sariant and primary scout unit of the Order - Initiate Tier
    Plebeian: A recruit to the Order - Initiate Tier
    Detailed Rank Information:

    Initiate Tier:
    A new member to the Order undergoing the trials and tribulations of becoming a fully fledged member of the Teutonic Order. The rank of Plebeian is one that comes with extra supervision and restrictions to the member as they learn the way of the Order. Generally, Plebeians are tasked with extensive training and labor activities. They generally do not fight in battles with the Order but in certain situations their presence may be allowed. Plebeian is attained through recruitment and enlistment into the Order.
    Scout Brudder
    The next rank above Plebeian, Scout Brudders have proven that they posses worth to the Order and have demonstrated the early signs of dedication and/or proficiency. As the name suggests, Scout Brudders may be used for scouting missions and posses the ability to fight alongside their fellow Sariants in battle. Though at this level they still require supervision and restrictions, it is much less so than Plebeian. Scout Brudder is attained through time in service after recruitment.
    Sariants are the brunt force of the Order, their calling belongs on the field of battle. Members at this rank have proved their right to be a full member of the Teutonic Order, demonstrating a higher understanding and utilization of camaraderie, loyalty, dedication and skill. Sariants enjoy a nearly full privilege and require much less supervision by their superiors. Sariant is awarded to members by ranks Sariant Chaptermeister and above. Earning this rank signifies full entrance in the Teutonic Order and is the first instance where members are awarded the Black Cross.
    Warrior Echelon Tier:
    Sariant Vicars are Sariants who have begun the path of total devotion to the Order, their brothers and the teachings of the Doctrine. They have shown to be fierce warriors in the face of the enemy and are the most zealous of members for their rank bracket. Their passion for battle and adherence to Order code is their defining factor and sets them on the path to Zealot. Vicars are the warrior blood of the Order with remarkable skill in war. Sariant Vicar is awarded to members by ranks Sariant Chaptermeister and above.
    Sariant Zealots not only have shown prowess for the art of war and adherence to the Order ways but have begun to actually internalize the Doctrine and have exhibited increased forms of nationalism, zeal and sound loyalty. Members of this rank require almost no supervision and share the same privileges as Sariants plus any additional perks granted by Sariant Chaptermeisters or higher. To be a Zealot means to give precedence of the Order over oneself and live by the code of conduct and justice of the Order. Zealots will often times be outfitted with the best gear the Order has to offer and have the great honor of commanding troops in the heat of battle. Zealots can only be promoted by OrdenMarschalls and above.
    Monastic Echelon Tier:
    Sariant Medics are the saving graces of all Sariants on the battlefield. They are responsible for keeping the ranks manned to their fullest and recusing down brothers wherever they might be slain. Medics are some of the most fearless members of the Order, charging through enemy lines to revive fallen comrades. Never ceasing to extend a hand in healing and thrust a sword in bitter hatred. Their zeal in preventing the untimely deaths of fellow Sariants presents clear indication to their heightened dedication and service to the Order, worthy of any members respect. They are the Orders key weapons in the fight against darkness and corruption that may overtake a fellow brother or sister. For matters concerning the laboratory and research, Medics serve alongside Surgeons as assistants. Sariant Medic is awarded to members by ranks Sariant Chaptermeister and above.
    Sariant Surgeons have shown exceptional prowess on the field of battle in the art of saving Sariant lives. Their knowledge of field medicine as well as injury care is unmatched amongst their brothers. Attainment of this rank means that said member has been directly responsible for saving an invaluable number of soldiers from death and a fate of damnation at hands of the forces of evil. They are the spiritual vanguards for the Order and have attained an unmatched level of understanding of the path to salvation in comparison to their comrades. Acts such as these are undeniable proof of dedication and loyalty to the Order. They also serve as the leading scientists and researchers in the developments of the Order, spearheading exploration and recovery of past civilizations, studying and mastering the various obscure arts of the world and bringing forth a new age of technology for the Order and the Realm. Surgeons can only be promoted by OrdenMarschalls and above.
    Administration Echelon Tier:
    Sariant Knights are Sariants who have begun the path of leadership as well as showing notable skill on the battlefield. These are members who aspire to enter into the administrative sect of the Order. Sariant Knights are those who posses the seedling for order, receiving special attention by their superiors to help instill the codes and ethics of leading in the Teutonic way. Knights are the potential future Chaptermeisters and brains of the Order with remarkable skill in administration. At this level, Knights are tasked with upholding basic Order laws and traditions as well as handling day to day administration objectives. Sariant Knight is awarded to members by ranks Sariant Chaptermeister and above.
    Sariant Adjutant are members who have become proficient on the path of administration and leadership in the Order. They act as close assistants to the Sariant Chaptermeister and have started to undertake the burden of leadership. They must demonstrate unyielding loyalty and understanding of the Orders doctrine, as well as possess an unbreakable loyalty. The fire of leadership must be bright in these individuals but so too much their competence. Adjutants trail blaze for the Knights under them, ensuring that the needs of the Order and even the Realm are being met with the utmost efficiency. Their secondary objective is to uphold the moral and health of the members, planning and performing various events to keep each Sariant in the best of condition be it mentally or physically. At this level, Adjutants may even lead during squad based combat or on specialized missions. Sariant Adjutants can only be promoted by OrdernMarschalls and above.
    Grand Sariant
    Grand Sariants are members of the Order who have been through it all. These members have demonstrated the utmost in personal responsibility, skill and tenure. They are seasoned veterans of the Order and are deserving of the highest honor. Reaching this rank is a true testament to the right path that all Sariants should strive for. Zeal, loyalty, leadership, and sacrifice are just a few characteristics of a Grand Sariant. They act as mentors and instructors for their fellow brothers, passing on their battle tested techniques and keeping the doctrine running thick in every Sariants blood. Grand Sariants can only be promoted by the Hochmeister.
    High Command:
    The rank of Sariant Chaptermeister is that of delegation from the OrdernMarschall or even the Hochmeister themselves. Members at this rank have completed and even surpassed the expectations of all Sariants in the Order, have proved themselves in their ability, understanding, utilization and drive to serve the Order and uphold its ways in the face of any and all enemies. They have taken on the intense burden of leadership and may even be given command over Sariants in specially dictated situations. Sariant Chaptermeisters may also be made keepers of the Realms lands existing outside of the main nation body where they may also be garrisoned with Sariants at their command. Sariant Chaptermeisters are responsible for carrying out the goals and vision given to them by the OrdernMarschall and/or the Hochmeister. Sariant Chaptermeisters can only be promoted by the Hochmeister.
    The OrdernMarschalls are the Hochmeisters highest ranking officers and generals of all aspects of the Orders operations. The OrdernMarschall of the Domestic acts as the military and civil commander of all things related to the homefront and homeland operations. Their primary purpose is to account for the Order and the Realms resource production and national defense forces. They also have a hand in the exportation of goods and the general health of the Hansetian economy. The OrdernMarschall of the Campaign acts as the military and civil commander of all things regarding war outside of the Homelands. They are responsible for the organization and strength of the Orders operations in deployed locations as well as on any and all warfronts. They alternatively oversee the importation of goods into the Homeland while ensure that outer holdings are safe, secure and operational.
    Ultimate Authority:
    The Hochmeister is the highest level of authority in the organization and translates from Marian to roughly mean King. They have the final word and are the final decisions in all levels of the Order. All members are required to swear complete allegiance to their authority and are expected to respect and enact his will no matter what. The Hochmeister is the primary driving mind behind the entire Order beside the Leader of Hanseti, whom they work along side for the benefit and advancement of the Nation. More often than not, the Hochmeister and the Leader of Hanseti are the same person, providing for a more unified form of governance and strength. Hochmeisters are only succeeded by members of the previous’ choosing.

    Other Information:
    Current Hochmeister: Mirtok DeNurem
    Current OrdernMarschalls:
    • Wes (Campaign)
    • Titania Hawksong (Domestic)
    Nation of Operations:
    Base of Operations:
    • Stonehallow
    Uniforms: Chain-mail base with a white tabard featuring the iconic Black Cross worn over it. The Order uniform also features several different colors of gloves to signal the different ranks, colored pauldrons, and a gold waist drape for Komturei level members. The highest ranks are given plate armor and several other adornments.
    Colors: Black, White and Gold
    Language: Marian and Common
    Recruitment Status: Open
    Application to Join:
    The Teutonic Order is looking for people who posses the potential to become great. As it is, Hansetian born individuals receive extra consideration when joining the Teutonic Order simply because Hanseti is the Order's motherland and responsibility. There still exists the ability for those not of Hansetian blood to join, and you may do so in a few different ways. Seek out a member of the Order- they can be identified more easily by the Black Cross normally shown on their chest- and ask them about joining up. You could also personally make the journey to the Realm of Hanseti and inquire there. Finally, you can try sending interest by mail- bird or courier. Please bring with or attach the following application to any medium of joining up.
    Basic Information:
    Allegiance (Current nation of residence):
    Past Military Experience:
    None-Military Experience/Skills:
    OOC Information:
    MC Name:
    Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information):
    Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it upon joining the Order.
    Have you been in the Order before?:
    Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?:
  8. Basic Information:

    Name: Daniel Almund

    Age: 23

    Race: Highlander

    Allegiance (Current nation of residence): No allegiance at this time

    Past Military Experience: Can barley use a blade

    None-Military Experience/Skills: Worked in the mines for a while


    OOC Information:

    MC Name: greener161

    Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information): greener161

    Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it upon joining the Order. I have it

    Have you been in the Order before?: Yes I was in the order back in Aegis and was one of the first

    Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?: Yes


    Your application has been reviewed and sent off to the head of recruitment, he should contact you soon. We look forward towards your initiation into the Order and training you to become a true warrior.


    - Hochmeister Mirtok  

  9. This thread will serve as a means to update the players of Hanseti on anything related to the Nexus region plugin and the Town Pillar in an OOC setting. Most notably to be used for when the region bugs and breaks upon meeting our activity requirements. Please refer to this post every 3 or so days to see if anything new has been posted.


    [August 29 Pt. 2] All players in the Realm need to reapply, again, to the pillar in front of the citadel. All players with a passport also need to reapply.


    [August 29] All players in the Realm of Hanseti area must reapply at the town pillar in front of the Citadel. When applying for citizenship, you do NOT need to request a passport. All players who previously held a passport for the Hansetian region must also reapply.

  10. Indeed it was something unexpected.


    The troubled Sariant could barely string together a coherent sentence but Mirtok was patient. A vision had infiltrated the soldiers mind and made him see something, he could only recall the the most vivid of colors and the dancing of light and dark. He was whisked away to the infirmary soon after, to be tended to by the Brother Medics and hopefully healed from his incident. The trauma that one can incur when their mind is no longer under their control can be catastrophic, anything more the Sariant could have told would have to be sacrificed if they were to maintain his sanity. Mirtok would have to figure out the meaning behind the poor souls visions on his own.


    The lights around the chamber were dim as always, barely enough to allow one to navigate the place without tripping. The ceiling still hanging those four colored crystals, for what purpose was unknown. Lamps were laid along the circumference of the dome, perhaps they worked at one point but now only the ever burning of redstone gives these ancient halls light.


    There it was again, the mirror.


    "I know not what the Sariant had done to trigger his visions, only that is occurred here in this chamber. Everything in the room had been scoured and examined, everything that seemed important at least. Little remained untouched on the decrepit shelves of rotted parchment and leather. What was salvageable had already been copied and moved into the Hall of Records underneath Stonehallow. In my absent thoughts I leaned along the small jutting that the mirror hung over, looking forwards to have a broad view of the room. I was unable to conjure any thoughts on the matter at hand so I turned around and took towards once more staring into the seemingly ordinary mirror."


    He stretched forth his hand and allowed the tip of his finger to make contact with the reflective surface. A sharp chill shot up his spine, causing his whole body to drop in temperature.


    "My vision began to fade or perhaps the chamber itself stole away all the light from around me. As the last of the light quickly faded, the corners of the mirror glowed like embers from a dying fire; Almost soothingly orange and passive in glow. Then I was truly plunged into darkness, for but a moment before the chamber erupted with a sky blue light. It filled every crack and gap of the room, a milky fog of blue but without any indication that what I was seeing was at all real. Amidst where the hanging colored crystals- Red, Blue, Green and Yellow- would be, two figures appeared above me. Their shapes were indiscernible to me, nothing familiar, just simply figures. One was comprised of bright white light and the other a darkness that struck fear into my heart. They clashed, throwing off bolts of their essence with each collision but also in what seamed like launched projectiles. Their battle raged on before me with a quickness but then it stopped abruptly and the scene shattered much like a broken window, their shards crashing onto the stone floor as natural light returned to my eyes."


    The Mirror hung where it had always since the Order members found this place, the chamber was once more to its normal state of dimness. Mirtok took a moment to himself to reflect upon what he had just seen. Many theories ran through his head and through the heads of each Medic that was brought before the Mirror and instructed to watch its visions. The experiences were all the same but experienced individually inside the beholders mind.


    "What I saw at its most basic level was a battle between light and dark- good and evil if you would. I struggle to fully understand if the hanging crystals above us play into what I had seen. Did they represent the Four Brothers of ancient times? Did they represent the four main races of Aegis? Elements of the world? Or were they simply just hanging ornamentations? I have no definitive answer to my own questions nor the questions of my Brother Medics. This anomaly is a recent development that perhaps was not made available to us until very recently. I think these ruins are slowly awakening to our presence."

  11. Section VII: Declassified Information


    Monastic Ranks
    [Previously Classified: Monastic Level 1]
    Main Objective: To Teach, To Guide, To Heal
    Motto/Creed: Do not fail your Brothers. Though their bodies die, their spirit must return to the Order. That is your charge.
    Ranks: Sariant Medic, Sariant Surgeon
    Summary: The Medics and Surgeons of the Teutonic Order are the guidance leaders of the Order. They are responsible with the upkeep and preservation of every single member of the Order, both physically and mentally. They are the keepers of the Orders doctrine, ways and customs; And it is also their responsibility to ensure that their comrades are following the right path to salvation. They are the vanguards of dedication, their life and in turn the lives of their brothers and sisters, is dictated by the Doctrine of the Order. They themselves are guided by the words and will of the Hochmeister and even higher, the word and wills of the God Emperor Godfrey. They are tasked with ensuring the members of the Order are in alignment with the overall direction of the Order. Finally, they are the keepers of knowledge for the Order and its members. They hold special privy to certain information and have the capacity to expand the Orders knowledge through research and development- essentially the Orders new age of intellectual activists.
    More Detailed Explanation: A Sariant Medic/Sariant Surgeon is a specialized Sariant who possesses advanced field medical and spiritual training and who serves as a combat medic and research physician for the Order. A Sariant Medic/Sariant Surgeons role in battle is to recover the lives of fallen comrades of the Order and to tend to the wounded and maimed. Only the bravest of warriors are chosen for this honoured duty, for each must look first and foremost to the health of his companions, and consider his own life as secondary.
    Sariant Medic/Sariant Surgeon are at once mighty warriors and selfless servants, and each would fight their way through hordes of enemies to reach a fallen Sariant and then expend every last essence of his own life force to save the life of the wounded. Outside of combat, Sariant Medic/Sariant Surgeon are responsible for monitoring the Orders Initiates and Plebeians for mutation, flaws or corruption in their being as well as are the warrior-priests that minister to the spiritual well-being of their comrades, instilling in them the values and beliefs of the Order and promoting the veneration of the God Emperor, the Orders Heroes and of each member.
    These Sariants are the spiritual leaders of the Order. They administer the rites, preserve the rituals and perform the righteous ceremonies of initiation, vindication and redemption that are as important to the Order has their loyalty, dedication and zeal. The Sariant Medic/Sariant Surgeon is well-versed in the arts of life saving battlefield first aid as well as advanced surgical techniques.
    The Sariant Medic/Sariant Surgeon must be as courageous as his fellow Sariants if not more so, for he must perform his duty in the midst of the battlefield or face darkness and evils that would sooner crush any normal man. Their mental fortitude must be of the utmost among their comrades for they are the vanguards against what aims to penetrate our minds and corrupt our souls. They also possess the capacity to conduct warfare at levels the average Sariant cannot, resisting and even counter-assaulting inherent evil in the mind- unwavering in their sense of duty and purpose.
    These Sariants are the keepers of the Infirmaries, research laboratories and congregation halls for the Teutonic Order, maintaining, enforcing and occupying them with their work and duty. They are among the first to get hands on with important discoveries found by the Order and can be sent abroad to study artifacts and relics of the past. They are the deep thought component of the Order, always striving to progress their comrades spiritually and intellectually, forging a path to a new Golden Age of Technology. Finally, they are also the keepers of the Order’s fabled history and most precious of relics, guarding and maintaining the symbols of our past for the sake of our futures. They are given the difficult situation to be unquestioning weapons of the Order but also to question everything at the same time.
    Uniform Elements: The most notable of the Savior Path uniform elements come in the form of the Red Cross that takes the place of the normal black crosses on the auxiliary components of a normal Sariants gear. They are also permitted to wear the blood red gloves as both a symbol of their profession and their rank status. Surgeons are outfitted with the red pauldrons of the Komtur, giving them extra designation in accordance with their rank. The heavy armor set variants of the Savior path ranks feature a jet black plate armor set, with red pauldrons and a skull helmet. However, this variants has yet to see duty.
  12. Dwarves had been reported around the lands of Northhaven, even going to far as to cross the borders into Hanseti. At the time, Mirtok thought little of their appearance and instead focused on the well being and progression of the Realm. Not too long after, High Elves dressed in their silken robes and wielding magic in each of their palms had been spotted crawling around the mountains. His men had compiled a report detailing what appeared to be a stoneman construct, a Golem of sorts but much larger than the ones Mirtok had seen following behind their masters or standing idle in front of doors. This one appeared to be dead, or if not dead merely sleeping, waiting to be awoken. The Medics of the Order were not equipped to attempt such a feat and so they were ordered to move on from the finding, though now it seems that outsiders had taken quite an interest in it.


    Upon a routine scouting path it was discovered that the construct had vanished, leaving behind it a small pile of rubble where it could be inferred that it had been revived. A stout Dwarf requested audience with the Hochmeister immediately after the discovery.


    "Hoiugh Elves. They wunted tu' wake 'et up fer 'emselves. We 'ad to intavene, prevent thawt from 'appenin'. Sorry if tha' is a problum but ye' mus' understand our reasonen. Le's forge a deal aye? A trade."


    The two worked out the effects of an arrangement to be had about the ruins of the lands under Hansetian control. They were able to come to an agreement.


    Mirtok thought back to that event, the Golem and the considerable interest it had among the more scholarly members of the races. On one end, we consider the prospect that the silken outsiders intended to possibly weaponize the construct while the other more stout visitors simply just wants to know about their own past. An unstoppable force such like a massive Golem would certainly be a valuable tool against ones enemies, avoid having to risk flesh and blood during battles. However, a Golem has no place among the ranks of the Teutonic Order; Sariants earn salvation through battle and it is an honor to die in the glory of war. And based on what the Dwarf was able to divulge about the inner workings of a Golem, it would require the soul of a living person to be sacrificed to bring the rocky automaton to life once again; Something that the Hochmeister would never permit- damnation to an eternity of abomination. A Sariants soul is precious to the Order, something that must be allowed to walk among their fallen comrades in the Hall of Heroes.


    The tomes that had been recovered from the chamber did not relate to ancient arts of smithing and more than likely had little to do with advanced engineers of old. No, the journal taken from a nook under a staircase points towards something else, something more magical. Souls are a powerful thing, extensive research had been put towards that very concept. Power from within, power to be harnessed. The Ancient Hansetians had been able to get something close to that effect, wield the power of souls, but only scraps of those endeavours survived in Asulon to be found by the Order during its Golden Age of Technology. But with those scraps arose feats centuries ahead of its time, too much for even Mirtok to handle.


    "I am torn between the tales of some gruesome and murderous wielder of magic and the idea of these Golems and their creation. These blasted doors are hiding something, we must move to find out what that is. I often pay visits to the Chamber and look into that odd mirror. I think I see something in it, something other than me but only for a moment and then I am left with nothing but my own tired image. I still wear the face of a man long dead, hiding the results of my carelessness from everyone. In time I will have to give it all up but for now, only the Medics know.


    Where are you Ezekiel? What became of Aldrons power?"

  13. The Medics, under the guidance of Mirtok himself, delved deeper into what all this could mean, how all the relics they had found connected. Wild ideas quickly invaded their minds, pushing them to believe that the door which had yet to be opened held behind it something of extreme power or perhaps a knowledge long lost to all. They had fanned out and collected stories of what others had found around the mysterious world, only adding further to the frustration of connectivity.


    "I can only discern that perhaps not everything we found here in the Chamber relates directly to the doors of Northhaven. It seems like the old Dwarven metropolis to the South holds with it something worth digging up; Perhaps the writings of their All Father Urguan or maybe something that related back to their beliefs. We had come into contact with a team of Dwarven explorers and researchers; We agreed to exchange information.They want the truth of their past and theology in exchange for engineering and all other information that may have been recovered from the underground ruins. A fair deal indeed, their religion is their own and I do not bother myself with such things- but if what lies below us falls outside of that spectrum, now that would be something to be sought after.


    I often find myself thinking back to that poem, wondering if it relates to that central mountain or to the door that I stand before now. If it is a door, to which door? One door appears much older than the other and less finely crafted but that may just be in the style of architecture. I fear that if we were to crack one open without gathering enough information, we could put ourselves in real danger. My experience with such things . . . bring me to behave with a bit of caution. The Death of Mirtok can only come about once.


    In the end I must fall back on an old saying: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. That door is coming open."


    We had made it to a new land, survived everything some unknown evil force threw at us and even took down massive creatures never before seen. We came to a place hidden away in the mountains, to the North, a place where we can finally lay down the foundations of a proper nation. Though these lands appeared as though they had been lived upon by others. Ruins from a lost civilization were sprinkled throughout the landscape of the Northern Mountains, some carved into the cold stone underneath it all.




    A make shift camp was erected where the snow met green fields. The Creature Lands held their own kind of wildness, with insects larger than any solider in the Teutonic Order. It was deemed too wild to settle however and the mountains served the Hansetian people better anyway. From that camp Hanseti grew; Stonehallow was carefully constructed inside the safety of Mt. Raenor, bearing with it a true work of art and testament to the Orders strength. Solid stone towering over the little snowy valley below. Eventually the workings of a promising city began to rise from the earth, homes and shops to house and provide for the Realms people. The Realm of Hanseti had finally done it, settled a land and created a place for its people to finally settle down and enjoy their lives with peace of mind- it was the duty of the Order after all.


    But the Teutonic Order isn't just solely the sword and shield of the Hansetian people. We are vanguards of the unknown, fighting fierce enemies of darkness with the zeal and courage of the most legendary of heroes. We are pioneers of research and development, digging up a seemingly endless wealth of technological advancement from the Ancient Hansetians that hailed from the lost lands of Asulon. Mirtok himself understood the immeasurable value of forgotten thoughts, ideas and creations. This new lands was rife with them.




    While the rest of the men toiled and labored, gathering stone, metals and logs; The Medics- the monastic warriors for the Order, harbingers of intellectual progression for the Order- took to the hills, uncovering relic after relic; chronicling everything they found and reporting back to the Hochmeister with their results. And during these searches, something was discovered.


    "An expansive tunnel network that runs both under our own holdings but also the settlement of the Orvar Clan. There exists a chamber filled with towering shelves of books though unfortunately the vast majority have become rotted with age. The chamber is lined with large crystals that hang from the ceiling and there are several items of interest that indicate that such a place was lived in. Though we do not know how long it has been since another took up residence in the chamber, the overall condition of the room is far better than anything found on the surface. There is something special about this place, Hochmeister, please send forth supplies so that I may further investigate.


    - Medic Darion"


    The Medics combed the chamber for days, removing each tome from the shelves with the utmost of care, turning page over page hoping to find anything that may have survived the many years of neglect. Nothing was found besides the random assort of letters or characters that none of them could hope to understand with so few resources on the subject available to them. However, all was not lost for among the thousands of disappointing discovers lay one that was unnervingly well preserved- a poem.


    "Deep within the dwarven mountains cold,
    Miles under ancient earth and caverns untold,
    Lies the ancient dwarven smithy of wealth long lost,
    A place of dwarven dreams,
    Into where flow rivers of gold,
    The ancient smithy an awe to behold,
    Many a dwarf lost in the caves,
    Those who found it took the secret to their graves,
    Know sons of Urguan,
    Heed these words and take hold,
    For one day you might find this wealth foretold."
    It was already concluded that these ruins were more than likely of Dwarven design, but the recovery of the poem gave further proof to the theory. Its words were carefully dissected by several eyes and analyzed by several minds. It spoke of some lost art relating to smithing, something the Dwarves of old lore were among the most prominent. But none could discern to what the poem referred to, at least in regards to what kind of skill was lost, only that it was lost. Not too long after another door was found closer to the surface and even closer to where Hanseti was being built. This time much larger, much stronger and much more mysterious. The Medics of the Order struggled to discern to which door the tomes they had found referred to.
    Another relic was salvaged, an old journal belonging to some lost thinker. It's contents disturbed those who read it but to Mirtok, it only increased his interest.

    Basic Information:
    Name: Noah Auber
    Age: 30
    Race: Human
    Allegiance (Current nation of residence): Petrus
    Past Military Experience: I have no military experience, but I could use a blade. 
    None-Military Experience/Skills: I am a leather worker and wood worker.
    OOC Information:
    MC Name: Noah13200
    Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information): noah13200
    Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it upon joining the Order. I have Teamspeak
    Have you been in the Order before?: No
    Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?: Yes



    Your application has been reviewed and you are on your first step towards joining the Order! We look forward to admitting you into our ranks.


    - Hochmeister Mirtok

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