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Posts posted by firespirit44

  1. Hawk was talking to me, I am sadly, also called Jack. The reason why you cant use the wiki one is outdated, which I shall correct shortly when I have time.

    Hawk for the meeting room, All I want is that it be dug lower, and not have bulky tables. Think of it as my office. A round table, with a few chairs. But I want a CLEARING, so I can gather all the rangers and tell them what to do, and see their faces clearly. The Ranger Hall, shall be above ground, the Meeting room below ground, if possible at least 20 blocks under.

  2. Regardless, I want room for experimenting on defense mechanism. There is already several large underground basements for that use, just need to clean some up. But I also want the base to look clean. When you enter the fort, you'll see so many buildings together, it gives a slightly claustrophobic feeling.

    Regardless, I do not know why I intend to revamp the fort that badly either. Maybe just a personal taste.

    But the thing I insist must go is the dining hall, and the meeting room renovated. I shall have a library for documents next to the meeting room that only a few can access. Thats all I need.

  3. I completely disagree with Felix on that matter. Thats why I was so for the rangers to abandon the base in the first place.

    Excuse me for my lack of appreciation of aesthetics for a military faction, but anything that has no function has to go.

    The hall appears to be the room with a notice board of who is a ranger. In the base, I just want a main building, a forge, a storage area, a melon farm. The remaining buildings can be kept for looks if they aren't too big or hindering pathways.

  4. The kitchen, the forge, the hall? Dining room, needs to be eliminated. All rooms should be demolished too, or converted. Any aesthetics should be gone.

    As for the meeting room, I plan on conversing in whispers, and people could hear my whispers from upstairs. Digging deeper should solve the problem.

    ((EDIT: get well mate, and dont push yourself))

  5. Mhm, I have some specific requests if you guys insist on keeping the base.

    One, demolition of all unnecessary buildings and private homes, we shall have chests with name tags, and nothing else.

    Two, using the base as a experiment ground for fortifications and such. I do not want to see the fort be just a wall surrounding the compound.

    Three. A specific underground room that only a select few can converse in peace. I had Rio lead me to the dining hall and was mad that people above us could hear important discussions.

    Four, all current rangers to get a room in the Al Khazar military district, and full access to the armoury.

    Do you agree with these terms? And just so you know, I dont want any personal areas within the Ranger Fort. It is grounds for experimentation, training, and the handling of missions and meetings. No one should live there.

  6. I do not agree with the idea of a merchant ascended. What use does Aeriel have for minas?

    I suggest a Nature faction of sorts, I do not have a fancy name for it, but I am sure thats where one of the ex sages was. One dedicated to preserving the lands.

  7. 160126.minecraft , unless you submit a new form, and a damn good one like Crowley's, you will not be rehired.

    Hawk, Rio, Sol, Ehil, I need to see you all ingame. I have paid Pikel already, made a trip to Golden HQ and handed him the cash.

    I want to rehire you, but I am unsure if you want to be rehired.

  8. All ex-rangers, please report to me.

    I am aware that you all were NEVER paid. Therefore, as the first thing I do as Field Marshall, I want all ex rangers that have been doing their jobs report to me, I want to understand more about you, and pay you for your efforts with fighting the dangers of Oren.

    Mentioned Rangers




  9. Hmm.

    I do not understand a few things.

    How did Lord Knight Commander Gabriel died? We need clarification on that issue.

    What is the goal of the Knights? Having the Knights seem to be more of a title than it is of a military force. We dont need whatever small military force Oren has splintering into a THIRD faction.

    Even while under Gabriel, the Knights have not been seen doing much other than showing off their titles and abusing their authority, as they have none. I'm still pissed at GrimBeard for holding Atriana to a trial, when he clearly does not have the authority to do so. Last time I checked, Braxis was a Squire to GrimBeard.

  10. Application

    MC Name: firespirit44

    RP Name: Jack

    Why do You Want To Join: Jack has always been fascinated by the human body of things. Why do we have a stomach? What can be done to improve our eyesight? Does our ear actually serve any purposes in hearing or does it just "catch" sounds?

    What Lab Are You Looking Into : Biology: Specifically Human Research. Will Progress to elves once Human research is done.

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