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Posts posted by firespirit44

  1. Mayhaps instead of fitting the lore, this deep one cult could be a farmer midwife's tale? You know, sort of a local myth. Not on as large a scale of Aeriel, but maybe in a small town next to a giant lake, my point being something like the Loch ness(Loch monster of whatever)

    And Iblees was a daemon, just that he betrayed them.

  2. We are free and open, except the ancient lore cant change. The fact that there are two, Aengul and Daemons, Aeriel and Iblees, probably will not change til 1.9.

    What people are telling you is our modern lore is so heavily centered around the 2, throwing in a squid just makes people go:" What the heck, angels, demons, and a squid? *trollface*"

    Mayhaps something smaller, like a pet of iblees of sort. I just dont see how Iblees and giant squid goes hand in hand?

  3. By the way, i would like to set the carnival to coincide with oktoberfest in germany, which is from late september to early october. but our carnival shall only run about 3 days? I need the carnival building team to give me some answers

    1. What theme are we having?

    2. What materials do you need?

    3. Would you need alot of workers?

    4. Is it possible to hand out a few temporary apartments to these workers? They'll stay in Lunavara and you're free to kick them out as you wish if they dont comply with the rules or just being a jerk.

    Some points maybe:

    Hiring a recruitment officer to round up these new humans that set foot in our world.

    Further down the line I would get the details for food, costumes, live shows, sponsorship. But we really need to get the ball rolling with a fixed date.

  4. Unlike architects, a recruit for the guards have nothing to show for. They dont have any certificates of qualifications to become a guard or examples of work to show us. Wielding a blade is not sufficient enough to be a good guard, you need to have a quick wit and street smart knowledge. Thats why the guards take in recruits. And that is why thy're kept under watch, if they're good e can promote them.

  5. The maze would probably be the house of mirrors. For perfect test runs, do you want the engineers to create a private server, or just leave them to try on single player for the rides that involves redstone?

    Oh and good news people! King Edmund has agreed to donate wool to our cause!

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