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Old Man Boiendl

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Posts posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. *A notice with the seal of Silverblades is pinned upon the walls of Arethor and the Renatus Kingdom, it reads.


    "To the Renatus King, nobles and all men of the lands, on this day a heretic who spoke out against God and said that there was none was put to death after refusal of castration or any punishment. This man was Tom, House of Flay. These actions had to be taken, the things that the man had spoke was a clear insult to God. Let us all remember that the actions of such men are not acceptable within the Renatus kingdom, we are a lands founded upon the basis of Religion and we hold God very dear to our hearts. So let us remember that these actions were needed to be taken so that the words against God cannot spread. Finally, let this be a reminder to those who wish to insult God, declare that he is false and say he is a lie who does nothing. Be wary of the words of the Flays, they may lie of the true cause but let us remember that the Clergy is here to enforce the laws of God and to uphold the values and religion that Renatus holds so dear."

    -Bishop Boiendl, House of Silverblade

  2. *A notice hangs on the notice board of Arethor, it is elegantly written and comes with the Royal Seal of approval

    Dear Nobles of Renatus,

    A most holy and righteous day soon comes, this day will signfy the beauty of Horen and the commitment of our most righteous king. It will create a bind which shall last for all eternity and which shall signfy the importance of holy marriage. Thus said, it would be a most humbling honor to have the presence of all nobles of Renatus at the most elegant wedding of King Godfrey of House Horen and Atrina of House Tarus. The wedding shall take place in the grand Renatus Cathedral. Please bring a wedding gift for the King and soon to be Queen. Children are only welcome if they can maintain manners during the wedding and stay quiet and respectful. The Bride and Groom wish for safe travels and hope to see all soon


    (The wedding is on the 4th(friday) of May, 4pm EST)

  3. *hears the hooded man talk and shakes his head

    "Seventis be a fine nation, I, Bishop Boiendl have been in talks with them about finding their way to Horen, they are not evil people! Whoever ye be, ye are stirring trouble where you should not! If ye were truly one for Horen and God, ye would not slander other nations with lies, go back where ever ye come from, the church so does command!"

  4. *grumbles at the thought of Axl

    I reckon Axl just goes and uses his bannermen lightly, let someone else handle the more diplomatic and civil disputes within the area, Axl is not the best.... politican, diplomat... you name it. The matter is a more delicate situation then send some men in, occupy it and hope for the best.

  5. *hears Count Flay speak of him being best qualified for Salvus, he shakes his head in disapproval

    "The only thing that House Flay knows how to do in Salvus is kill their people! Why would we send an aggressor into a time that is supposedly peace. All the Salvians will want to do is rise up against House Flay and seek revenge if they are put in power. I would reckon Silverblades lead it politically while the army defending the land is mainly comprised of various houses, for Silverblades do have many friends within the lands and the army being comprised of other houses would give Silverblades the needed time to figure out a way to defend from any threat that Hanseti imposes."

  6. *shakes his and stands with anger

    I do say, if ye kill civilians it will make the situation worse! They will only want to rebel more if ye kill their unarmed people! And I am sure, if these damned meeting finds its way to the best means which is peace, then I am sure a treaty of sorts will be formed to annex them. There is no reason to threaten their people, I am sure it will not help.

  7. *hears the horrible acts that Prince wants to take, Boiendl reacts with fury and annoyance

    "I do say, ye savage, slaughter the people?! What image will that give us, we will look no better then the orcs! I say that if we commit such an act then all of Asulon will think we be just savages who are war mongers! I would reckon ye act civilized and speak it!"

    *grumbles "Talk like an orc" grumble

  8. *Bishop Boiendl slowly opens the door and with a cane he walks painfully to a seat near Uthor. His face thin and wrinkled and his eyes slightly glazed over. As he sits he shifts his hat to one side then begins scratching his beard in thinking. He lets out a heavy sigh and bangs his cane on the ground wishing to speak. Soon the room falls silent and Boiendl arises. He speaks in a low tone, it is clear that from his tone you can tell that he has lived long and been through a lot.


    "Fellow Renatians, I say that peace and or neutrality be the only answer. Of recent the ordinators who we said were corrupt, were all exiled and the one who assaulted the nobles of our great kingdom was killed by the lovely House Flay. And I do say, now that with the witch dead, we have no more reason to be in such a conflict. As for those who wish to continue in the bloodshed out of revenge or out of the thirst for land I ask this, would it not be better to annex the country through peaceful efforts, for there is no reason to put lives on the risk. Lastly, we are at a greater risk from the armies of Hanseti then we are from whatever is left of Salvus. I'd reckon we shift troops to the boarders of our lands which touch Hanseti, in case of impending attack."

    Boiendl lets out a heavy and thick cough before he sits back down. He lifts a wine glass and takes only a few sips of it, trying not to let his great thirst for alcohol get the best of him.

  9. *As you walk through the construction site of Arethor you see a notice pinned to the board upon the Silverblade Emblem is on the letter, next to it the head of Ordinator Vance, his hair tied to a nail extruding from the board*


    Dear People of Renatus,

    Very recently a major event has occurred within Asulon, the ordinator Vance, who so violently attacked the nobles of Renatus was exiled and bounty was placed upon him by the government of Salvus. Shortly after House Flay captured the man and so gladly "flayed" him for all the wrongs that he committed against us. Then, the most noble House Flay brought the head to Salvus who then sent a diplomat to I, who was personally attacked, they asked for forgiveness. In further forgiveness the diplomat gave a large donation to the church, I looked upon the head and the money, I could only say yes, all are forgiven.


    Furthermore, now with Queen Dawn dead and the ordinator who dare attack us beheaded, only one more thing lay unfinished. So, from this day forth the Silverblades are here by withdrawing any Silverblade bannermen from the fields of battle against Salvus. Let it be known that from this day forth the Silverblades are officially at peace with the Kingdom of Salvus and her allies.

    - Boiendl Silverblade


  10. Boiendl is informed of the news by his son Throdo and sighs heavily, he calls for one of his bannermen to pack his things for Boiendl has decided to take a journey. Boiendl grabs his cane and sets out with his bannerman Keldrith. As they approach the gates of Solace Boiendl tells Keldrith to wait outside the gates for him. Boiendl hobbles through the gates to find an eerie silence. He makes his way up to the keep to see people around it shouting and yelling, he shakes his head and with sadness in his heart he says.

    "You were one of the first people I knew when I came to Aegis as a young boy, ye always welcomed me in ye'r tavern and I be sad to see it end like this."

    Boiendl shakes his head and a small tear rolls off his cheek

    "I shall see you again very soon Dawn, soon my journey will come to a close, soon it will be the end for me."

    With a heavy sigh Boiendl wipes his face and begins to go back to the gates of Solace, calling his bannerman he once more sets out for Renatus

  11. You see a poster pinned to Dawn's Bakery in the location of where the old poster was.

    We have taken notice of some fool tearing down the poster placed upon Dawn's bakery, but tearing down one poster shall not stop the voice of freedom and the will of the Salvus people to rise up against the corruption that so festers within the Salvus military and government. Therefore we state once more, people of Salvus, friends, brothers, sisters, rise up against the harsh rule of the Ordinators, they can change names but they are still controlled by bandits who only wish to inflict harm upon the people. Fellow citizens of Salvus rise up against the Queen who is merely a puppet for bandits will, she sits in her throne room and does nothing while good people, our friends and family suffer. How much longer will it take to remove such tyranny from the world?

    A picture of a starving Salvus citizen lay just below.


  12. You see a note pinned to Dawns Bakery

    My fellow people, rise up against our current government, rise up against the ordinators that so cause havoc and are controlled by bandits. Some might ask why? Here is the answer, the people of Salvus are starving, and many are being mistreated, the Ordinators have walked over their lines assaulting people who only wish to try and visit family.This goes on while the 1,000 year old Queen resides in her throne clearly knowing what is going on but doing nothing. It is time now, to rise up against the tyranny and harsh rule of the ways of old. It is time now to show the Ordinators and Dawn that ye are not a puppet that will bend to their will. It is time to stop the Ordinators from taking advantage of all.

    A small painting is seen under the writing


  13. You receive a letter with elegant writing, as you open it you see its an invitation to a lovely wedding

    Dear (Your name here),

    A most holy day soon comes, this day is to bind to lovers together in holy matrimony, and

    bring two families closer in a relationship that shall last forever. It shall bring the two together in a ray of holy light and ever so signify the importance of religion and Horen

    It would be a humbling honor to have your presence at the elegant wedding of Count Jack of Vendere and Aegle. The wedding is to take place at the Renatus Cathedral four Elven days from now. Please bring a small gift for the bride and groom and remember to dress your best. Childern are also welcome if they can maintain quiet and respect throughout the wedding.

    We wish all safe travels and hope to see you soon.


    (The wedding will take place on Saturday the 14th at 12:00pm PST/3:00pm EST/8:00pm GMT/)

  14. Hears the dwarf cries and shakes his head

    Dwarfs, if ye truly wanted to go back to the old ways you would not have went to the enemy side at Das Boot even if for a warning it was a sign of aggression that could not be taken lightly. You say you do not want to spill blood but the fact is blood has been spilled. Now, I may hold a grudge, but after seeing my home invaded and family killed a plea of such will not change at least my opinion. If you truly wanted things to go back to the way they were you would join us in the attack against Salvus and not defend such hypocritical people. As for the old alliance, Renatus be the true human nation, so if ye want to uphold an alliance ye best side with us.

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