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Old Man Boiendl

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Posts posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. When I do torture, if I plan on doing it to an "extreme" I usually ask the player if he is ok with how far it goes. And if anyone is around and if they say please stop, I would stop . Why make it a global thing whilst we could just make it more up to the player to find their comfort zone? I say this because torture can often make up the character, it can define who a character is in some cases. Now this comfort zone wouldnt apply to cybering, things like that of course.

  2. When I do torture, if I plan on doing it to an "extreme" I usually ask the player if he is ok with how far it goes. And if anyone is around and if they say please stop, I would stop . Why make it a global thing whilst we could just make it more up to the player to find their comfort zone. I say this because torture can often make up the character, it can define who a character is in some cases. Now this comfort zone wouldnt apply to cybering, things like that of course.

  3. As you walk the streets of new Arethor you see a notice posted on a house

    To all members of the True Faith and to all Citizens of the Holy Oren Empire. Upon this day, it comes to me with great distress that I, High Pontiff Adeodatus the First must step down. I step down not because it was to stressful but I have noticed that over the years my mental health has only further declined. Worry not, it does not put me in life risking conditions. Furthermore... I replace myself with Bishop Velwyn Ashford. May all respect the new High Pontiff more then you did I, for I know I was not respected that much.


    Boiendl Silverblade

  4. High Pontiff Adeodatus I sighs as he stands on a balcony over looking a coast full of rocks and waves crashing up against them. He leans heavily on his staff as his hand takes out a letter and opens it. "To his Holiness the High Pontiff Adeodatus the First. On this day, Eze'kiel Tarus has been killed." Boiendl sets the letter down and looks out over the rocks as the waves pound them. A few raindrops can be felt and the wind quickens, Boiendl straightens his posture and hundreds of memories come flooding back into his mind about Eze'kiel. The Pheonix Rebellion, battles against the Teutons, building the nation of Renatus and defending against the damned purge. Boiendl lets out another sigh and mutters something to himself. "A rebel to king, king to duke, duke to rebel. All to end how it started, in bloodshed. But let such a death be a reminder to all, for those who attempt evil shall not prevail, for those who constantly rebel and change their faith shall fall." Boiendl gives a light chuckle and a tear rolls down from his eyes,gently rolling over his cheek and falling against the floor."I suppose I shall be joining Eze'kiel soon then." He lets out a grunt and pounds his staff against the ground, he turns on his heels and walks off leaving the letter resting on the balcony, paper gently fluttering in the wind. And as this happens the sky becomes dark and rain pounds down on the floor where Boiendl once stood.

  5. As he hobbles around the cloud temple aimlessly he sees the notice after reading it he blinks and coughs. He raises a finger and opens his mouth not knowing what to say. Finally he is able to muster his words and address this notice.

    "Well, well, well. So, it seems that whoever this new Tarus fello' defies the words of the old. If I do recall, Eze'kiel Tarus revolted against two of those "royal" houses. Hmm... also this fello' doth proclaims himself Pheonix King? What a preposterous outrage, everyone knows the Phoenix King is the one who rules the great Kingdom of Renatus! What is the world coming to where a house that revolts against one, sides with the house they betrayed to only proclaim themselves royals and a title that belongs to another nation? My My, well. I guess the only thing to do is to blow them the **** up and go home."

    Adeodatus shrugs and blinks once more, letting out a hefty cough.

  6. High Pontiff Adeodatus the First hobbles into the main square and sighs at the shouting man. He shakes his head in sadness and begins to speak

    "My good sir, what you say is false. The Creator hath gifted the church with enough food to feed the Empire and that we do. Quite often the clergy can be seen giving out food to the poor. Also, the Creator gives people choice and freewill thus you may see deeds that seem a bit strange and sinful. Would you rather live in a world created by the Blessed Creator in which you have no choice, or one in which you have choice? "

    Hobbles off back towards the church

  7. As High Pontiff Adeodatus the First diligently works and prepares for another long night of running the charity he's rudely interrupted by a peasant. He looks up a bit disgruntled and grumbles. "What is it, boy?" The peasant frowns a bit and puts a paper on Adeodatus' desk. Slowly Adeodatus sets his quill down and picks up the papers, he reads it over and sighs. Calmly looking up at the peasant, he says "You would think that if they claim to be mistreated so much in Oren they'd get the fawk out. But alas, the stubborn elves persist on changing an Empire that isn't theres. It makes me wonder, who is really the human, us or them, it seems like they become more like us everyday...." He grumbles and shoo's the peasant away.

  8. *recieves Jedidiah's letter and opens it with his Old Renatus letter opener. He reads it quickly and grumbles. He get out ink and quill and replies

    To Archbishop Jedidiah,

    It is good to hear from you, but this matter we have at hand is quite troubling. Please go to Seventis to investigate the marriage

    -High Pontiff Adeodatus Silverblade the First

  9. He looks at the crying and shrugs before continuing.

    "Imperial King James Horen-Hightower will you have this woman to be you wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage ? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

    He waits quietly for his response

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