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Ned Lud

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Posts posted by Ned Lud

  1. I heard that the new map is going to incorporate both desert and swamp/forest as the primary biomes for orcish territory. Maybe Desert Orc, Swamp Orc and Cave Goblin.

    The current sub-races for orc make no sense. Shaman isn't a race, it's a class, and none of us are really nomadic. I'd like to see it reset and thought out a little better.

  2. First attempt at a large and small tent-like structure. I'll be building more, so let me know what y'all like and dislike so I can tweak things as I go. The large tent has an unlit fireplace in the center, when I lit it in single-player it burnt down half my work, but it should be fine in SMP.





  3. That's lookin' really good. If it's supposed to be an actual skull, then wool's good, so long as it gets approved. Maybe it could be a giant sand serpent sent by Iblees to devour the sons of Krug. Although what the hell would have been able to spear such a huge thing. Were the old gods that giant? Was it shaman magic?

    Anyhow, pretty cool so far.

    Also, has anyone considered a giant statue of Krug? Maybe do one out of sandstone and have him holding a giant golden axe. I've done some to-scale player statues before so I could work on an example later on and see how it looks.

  4. I would imagine that most orcs are pretty big-boned. Even lean orcs would probably have some bulk to them, but be a little more wiry and toned compared to the larger, corn-fed, warrior variety. I imagine the orcs here as being sort've a cross between Warhammer and Lord of the Rings. Large and brutish, but maintaining slightly humanoid proportions (As we are descendants of Krug who was a brother to the other humanoid races). Goblins are obviously on the leaner side and much smaller.

  5. Warboss Lud'Gorkil staggers back from the hunt, tossing the severed head of a strange creature into the sand. His blade drips with fresh blood and his eyes twinkle with curious ferocity over a handful of shiny round objects which he swirls in his palm. Upon the noticeboard in Krugmar, he stakes a sheet of leather which bears an announcement, crudely written in what looks to be a mixture of squid ink, bone meal and blood.

    Me were out klomping tonight when me stumble across da strangest ting me ever seen in dese wilds. It were a tall, black ting wit purple eye and it have purple smoke floating off of it. It were strong, but not too strong. Me stuck it wit da pointy end of sword and flatted it, den me cut off it head and bring it here and toss it in sand over der. When it were flatted it drop a round shinies, but dey not for eating, dey for looking through. Me killed a few more of dese strange black tings on da way back and getted more shinies. Never seen dem before but dey seem to be all over wilderness.

    Anyone else be seen dese tings? What are dey and what dey be doing here? Dey not talk much, me not trust dem.

  6. Very cool. I would add nose-holes with no nose and put two small fires inside of the eyes and make the inner eye sockets be red wool. The eyes could be lit in times of war, so that anyone passing by would see them burning and know that someone, somewhere was getting slaughtered. The yellow on the scorpion might look better if it was just black or dark gray. Also, what's this huge thing supposed to be made of in-character? Wool? Maybe it ought to be made of mostly sandstone or stone. Might be more realistic. The banner of course could stay wool.

    Also, I say we adopt the scorpion as Krugmar's official logo.

    Anyhow, looks good. I love the spine staircase.

  7. I almost forgot. We need a big, gnarly flag/standard/banner that symbolizes Krugmar. A design or two that have meaning and colors that symbolize something. Gorkilla and Sanhar had flags, we need one for the War Nation of Krugmar. Either have a contest or a collaboration to decide what it'll look like.

    Also, a large treasure mound for all of our loot from raids (Pretty much just some iron/gold/diamond blocks and whatnot stacked here or there with some chests for looks.) This would be for bragging rights and also to give enemies something to raid when they attack, which we could then try to reclaim.

  8. It makes a lot more sense for our trade city to be along a river or coast, with ports, ships and a major access road. The ships and all that fancy stuff would be elven and I like the idea of bleeding it in with the elves and their borders somewhat.

    Between our trade city and our capital could be the bulk of our farmland, preferably tucked away here or there, as we don't want the road to the capital looking like the Land of Oz. We need to keep plenty of room along our roads for monsters and lost travelers dying painfully in the dark, cold and alone.

    The military needs a training facility and a barracks with beds, storage and basic facilities. The barracks would be used for players that literally just show up, join the army and don't have a penny to their name. Hopefully, the majority of orcs that join are militant and/or shaman. Those that aren't we can banish to the Oren Guard.

    We need a big-ass arena for events and also a small arena for our daily brawls.

    Prison? The prison in Krugmar looks awesome, but do we really need an elaborate prison? Most of our detainees are either dead or running for their lives within the first two minutes of confrontation. Maybe we just have a grungy little oubliette hidden away for the occasional high-profile hostage.

    An oasis. Our desert needs an oasis for fishing and water-gathering. I think we ought to keep the rest of the desert with minimal water sources. Have a nice, sizeable oasis with trees and patches of grass. Krink can run his little fishing shack either at the trade city or the oasis. Maybe we even have a tavern there so that we can get drunk and then fight and drown.

    A library. The shaman need to maintain a library and we ought to push for more well-written Orcish lore and history, as well as collecting up what's already scattered around out there. Most of us are just a bunch of illiterate brutes, yes, but keeping tabs on our history will be a good thing for role-play and informing the later generations as we all get burned out and die off.

    A pig farm with a slaughterhouse. No pig spawner, just for looks. Have a piston operated pig-crusher. Take halflings there occasionally to harvest their meat.

    Okay, that's all I've got.

  9. Considering that squid and fish are the only aquatic creatures that we've seen in Aegis, it would just make sense that a sea-faring cult might worship squid. There were all kinds of legendary sea monsters and whatnot in the lore of medieval/fantasy time periods. A giant kraken would fit right in, whether it actually became part of the official lore and was tied to Iblees, or whether it was just an island full of Lotus-Eaters that imagined the whole thing. No need to associate all of this with the works of Lovecraft, despite the tone of the initial post.

    A unique departure into some newly developed lore would be nice, which seems to be the route he's going, but it's hard to find an animal that hasn't been worshipped or sacrificed by someone, somewhere.

    Drowning sacrifices, armies marching into the sea, cities flooded, lots of righteousness. Just make sure you keep GMs in the loop and snip through the proper red tape.

  10. If he wants to worship a squid, let him worship a damn squid. Change names accordingly and work it into the lore however the GMs see fit. It doesn't matter how long he's been on the server, if he wants to take initiative from day one, let him. This sort've thing should be encouraged, not blackballed, so long as it's developed correctly.

    This server's entire foundation is loosely rooted in the works of Tolkien and I've seen plenty of other fantasy references in-game that are far less subtle. Winterfell, Tyrion Lannister (no offense), various elves, dwarves and halflings with names directly transferred from Lord of the Rings.

    Tweak the names and concepts into something unique and roll with it dude. We need more cults and wierdos running around, biting ink sacs and raging.

  11. Hugs, kisses and hand-holding should be big-time taboo. Orcs display their affection to their wives by beating them slightly less. To their brothers and sisters, affection is often displayed by various punches and bludgeonings, usually to the face, or bloody arena battles. It is also considered a term of endearment to comment on how ugly one's face is.

  12. ((Sanhar's currently up and running, if you'd like to get a house there to compensate while we wait to rebuild Sanjezal. Speak with Sultan_Mogroka (MC Name) and let him know your situation. He's the one with the permissions. Houses prices are still kinda up in the air though.))

  13. ((Close your sewer grates and tear down the hills and trees that allow access through and over your walls from the outside. It's pretty ineffective to have guards posted at the gate when one can easily enter discretely within a 100 feet on both the left and the right sides.))

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