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Posts posted by Jadles

  1. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Your answers are too brief in places.

    Your Character biography is much too short.

    It lacks effort in places and seems rushed.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  2. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    You need to make your answers longer and more detailed.

    Your character biography is too short.

    You skin looks like a modern character not a medieval one...

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  3. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    You need to put more effort in to be accepted... your answers are way too short, it is badly formatted and hard to read.

    Your character biography is too short.

    Over all the whole thing seems rushed and lacking effort. Re-read it, look at some examples ((but do not copy them)), take your time and have another go.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  4. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    You need to be more detailed in your answers.

    I didn't get the feeling you understand what role play is... please explain what you think it is, how it will work and how you will fit into it.

    Your character biography is much too short. I want to read a background story, not a quick sentence that tells me nothing.

    This application seems rushed, like you aren't that bothered about playing on LOTC. Re-read it, correct the errors, take your time and put some effort into it...

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  5. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Your answers need to be more detailed.

    Please choose a more fitting name for your character than Special_A.

    Your character biography needs to be longer and more detailed.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  6. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    You have tried hard here, but have also rushed it I feel.

    Go back and re-read it all, you will spot mistakes... take your time to correct these and embellish any areas you feel could be made more detailed.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bold everywhere or simply being hard to read. ((spacing between sections and words))

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  7. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    This is a good attempt, however:

    Do you have any other examples of role playing experiences? Have you watched any role play on this or other servers, or played any table top role play games? Can you explain what you think role playing is?

    Your character biography is too short. Please expand upon it, we want to know more about your character and his background.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    Take you time, re-read your application, maybe look at some other examples ((but don't copy them)) and try again.

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  8. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Your character name needs adjusting. People have a first name and/or a surname. You may not be experienced in RP as you suggest you have things to learn, bit you've probably read a book or seen a film like Lord of the Rings. Try to be a bit more imaginative with your character name, his Biography, and expand upon your responses in general.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  9. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    This seems rushed and lacking effort. You need to expand your answers and write more for your character biography as this is the basis of your characters back story and history. You may well need to refer to it in the game, so now is the time to embellish it.

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


  10. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Your application seems rushed, isn't neat or easy to read, is very short, and lacks effort. Your character biography is also very short.

    What was your least favourite Law?: No use of 1337 Speak (Because thats the most useless law)

    why do you think it is a useless law? Rp is about immersion and feeling part of the world. People speak properly in character...

    Common reasons people are denied:

    -It has bad grammar or Punctuation.

    -Your biography was too short.

    -Your Biography didn't link to the lore of Aegis.

    -You obviously didn't read the lore.

    -Fix the layout: This could be from having bolds everywhere or simply being hard to read.

    -It lacked effort.

    -Your skin isn't RP.

    -Needed an actual picture of your skin.

    -You didn't include a skin link or it didn't work.

    -Your application was too short.

    These are just some of the reasons it could have been

    I encourage you too check out the following link if you are struggling to write an application.


    Take your time, re-read your application, read some example ones ((but don't copy them)) and try again.

  11. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Expand your answers, give us more information to each question.

    Format the application, so that it looks neat and is easy to read. Some space between each question. Answers in bold for example.

    Your character biography is too short. Your background history should be much longer and in more depth as this will supply the basis of your roleplay in the initial stages.

  12. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    You need to expand on the answers you give. Give us more information throughout the application, especially when talking about your character.

    For example:

    Character Appearance: Green and dangerous.

    You can do better than this. Is he taller than average, shorter, scarred, etc...

    Your character biography needs to be longer and more detailed. I was also a little confused by it, have another read of it and make sure it is what you wanted to convey.

    Take your time, read some examples ((but don't copy them)) and try again.

  13. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Generally felt rushed to me. Take your time, expand your answers so that we get a feel for you as a person and a potential member of the server.

    For example:

    What do you know about role playing? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:

    Being someone u aren't. I've played World Of Warcraft for a few years.

    You can do better than that...can't you?

    Expand your character biography. Expand all the answers. Your ambitions for example.

    Your ambitions: Wants to fight strong guys and get stronger

    To what end? What will he do when he gets stronger?

    Take your time, go look at some examples ((but don't copy them)) and re-write this and try again.

  14. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Good effort.

    Give us some examples of your role playing experiences, be it in games, table-top or LARP.

    Expand upon your character biography, make it longer and go into more detail, so that it is a back story rather than a quick few lines.

    Other than that, this is pretty good.

    Re-work a few bits and try again.

  15. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    A good effort.

    Expand your character biography. Check you are happy with how it reads as this is your history and will be the basis for some of your role play experiences. At least to begin with.

    Take your time and with a few tweaks this'd be a good application.

  16. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    A good try!

    Please give us a description of yourself outside of minecraft - Hopefully you do other things with your real life!

    Expand upon your Character Biography, you have the start of something there. A well thought out back story will make your RP experience all the better once you are accepted. Also expand your ambitions. You want to own a shop? How will you get to that first milestone?

    I think you are close to acceptance, so take your time and make these changes.

  17. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    A good try!

    Check the submission for errors and typos.

    Give us some examples of your role playing experience, be it table-top or computer gaming.

    Expand your character biography slightly. Seems like the start of an interesting back story there... I'd like to hear a little more of what happened to him.

    Take your time and make some amendments.

  18. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Rushed with lots of one word answers. Take your time, re-read this and then re-write it and expand upon your answers and give more information.

    You need to give us some examples of your experience in roleplay, have you played desk-top games, or LARP, or other role playing games? You understand the difference between IC and OOC?

    Your character biography doesn't read very well and needs to be longer. As do the answers following it.

    You need to link to your skin, or paste it in the thread. You've just linked to minershoes skin creator...

    Take your time, read some examples ((but don't copy from them)) and try again.

  19. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Expand your answers please. One word answers make me feel this has been rushed.

    Check your spelling also throughout.

    Describe yourself outside of Minecraft. Tell us where have you role-played before?

    "What was your least favourite Law?:

    the skins one"

    Which one would that be then? Why is it your least favourite? Can you see and understand why it is a law on the server? We want you to demonstrate that you understand them...

    Your biography is too short. Your appearance cannot be unknown, your character is not invisible are they.

    You need to go away, re-read your application and re-write it. Look at some examples ((but don't copy from them)). Take your time and make your application something to be proud of.

  20. declined-Jadles-stamp.png

    Please make your Biography more detailed and longer. It is your characters history, and we want to know all about them.

    Expand on your knowledge of role playing... "I am a dwarf and i'm digging a hole" Is a joke...right?

    Please pick a name for your character. I find it hard to believe they would be named Darkelf_Rogue. This to may displays laziness and that you don't really care. He can be titled that if you wish, Such as Darkelf_Rogue_Aedon ((for example)), but he should have an actual name, be it Joe or Kallista or whatever...

    Are his ambitions really to sit and read? We want to know what he aims to be? The most feared archer in Aegis? King of the Elves? Scourge of bandits or thieves?.. Get the idea? Same with the description. Any scars or interesting features beside his clothing?

    Read the wiki and the lore again. Read some of the examples ((but don't copy from them)) take your time and rewrite this, with more care and attention.

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