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Posts posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. ((now I think you require a va to lie on the forums because I have not taxed a single person in crestfall neutonic collects all the taxes and keeps it which means you means you have lied on the forums which I belive requires a va Btw rp post coming up and I just got back from vacation))

    ((Untrue, you taxed Jir with wine, tax is tax either way.))

  2. As you walk through the marketplace you notice a large man in armor shouting "Come one , come all!. The heroes brotherhood's shop is now open!" you instantly run inside to view what it has to sell.

    • Chainmail Armor - 300 Minas per set.
    • Iron Swords - 50 Minas per sword
    • Iron Pick - 80 Minas per pick
    • Iron Spaid - 40 Minas per spaid
    • Iron Axe - 80 Minas per axe
    • Iron Tool Bundle - 250 per set of tools
    • Bread -2.5 minas per peice

    Walking out with your new found goods you notice a sign on the wall explaining what else this guild does, The Heroes Brotherhood does all form of work, 20 minas to put up a request and ten more to keep it up per elven week, we recommend keeping a fair reward for the person who takes the request otherwise the request will not be filled as fast as you would like. . we do all forms of labor and protection.

  3. Name: Eredor

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Skills: Archery ((lev100)) Training in lumberjacking ((only lev 20 but levelling fast))

    What you think you can achieve: I will try my hardest to do all that is needed by my guild. I am particuarly good at fighting.

    Are you willing to complete tasks on Request?: Yes

    Are you a Soldier or a Misc?: Soldier

    *smiles as he reads the application and posts under it* Accepted, send me a bird for information on everything - Baron Hennington

  4. []

    Erm... no offense, but I have no idea what this is. You speak of requests, applications and such, but no goal, nor meeting place, nor any of the like. You may want to think this through a bit more before trying to recruit.

    ((We have no goal, o_O. Its stated we are a request guild we do everything~, the meeting hall is only informed to those who are accepted. I'll put more detail on the request part))

  5. Heroes Brotherhood

    Even true heroes sometimes need a real home

    What are we?

    We are a request guild, anything you want done. We do for a price of course, if we can't handle it wwe will point you the way of someone who can. We handle everything from Protection all the way over to mining. just send a bird our way if you wish to put up a request.

    Requests are twenty minas to put up, we hold your request on the request bored for an elven week, to keep it up its ten minas per elven week. fair warning your request should use a payment to pay the people who accept it. otherwise it will take some time for someone to accept it.






    What you think you can achieve

    Are you willing to complete tasks on Request?:

    To get a request filled in message one of the listed.

    Baron Tyler Crane (huskyboy2k10)

    Count Jiraiya Crane (Neutonic)

    Grayson Crane(paneraman)

    Drew Crane (Drewsov33)

    Heroes Brotherhood Master-List of shops.

    [The Heroes Brotherhood Shop] - Owned by Drew Crane(Drewsov33)

    [Wocket's Wares] - Owned by Wocket(emraldilian)

  6. His guards behind him growl with anger. "Mate i am a million things, a liar i am not.., my men have reported that some of them have not been friendly toward them not all, and if your remaking the place you'd best do a good job, that land could have been used for such more. i personally think its a scar to the land, if you believe what i have said is false then we must discuss what my men have been reporting.

  7. *Baron Tyler Hennington Enters the Keep with his five guards behind him*

    Tyler shouts calling to all "Oi, anyone home?". He spots the emperor in a small room speaking with another gentlemen as he enters him and his guards kneel before Godfrey, "M'lord i have a favor to ask, I wish to attack and take over Skravia for Oren, my guards claim the people there haven't been to friendly about us there. we cause no trouble we stick to ourselves, with that i wish to take crestfall's military and take it over, do i have your permission m'lord?"

  8. *A note is pinned on the notice bored in Artehor*

    Baron Tyler Hennington is buying Iron from you, just make an offer to me and we will discuss from there, just send me a bird if you wish. ((IG:huskyboy2k10))

  9. A man in the center of crestfall in full iron armor yells and shouts "The guard list and ranks are finally out, all current guards are reported to inform Tyler Hennington about being added to the list"


    War Councillor 250 minas - half tax.

    Commander - 200 minas - half price tax

    High Swords - 100 minas - half price tax

    Guardsman - 100 minas

    Dagger - 50 minas


    War Councillor Tyler Hennington

    High Sword Aradan Hennington

    High Sword Grayson Hennington

    High Sword Gilbert Amador

    Guardsman Drew Longshot

    The man starts to shout again "New Guards are wanted don't forget to come and apply at the Barracks in Queens point!


    MC Name:

    RP Name:

    RP Age:

    RP Race:




    Why do you wish to be a guard?:

  10. Hmm, Drink ale often.

    Randomly start to tear up.

    Oh, and try not to speak with long conversations, your depressed i doubt you would be having long conversations~.

    Never do a Roleplay you don't want to do, that could effect your skill with said Roleplay.

  11. Stop trying to blow us up, Craotor.

    Anyway, it would actually be kind of hard to prove that they have been on for less than a month, since near every application is in the Archive. So...Just send me a PM if you need anything checked.

    (There are only around 300-400 applications that are not in the Archive. You may think that is huge, but we have around 25,000 applications in the Archive. Go figure.)

    Well if you could help with research that would be a huge help <3

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