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Posts posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. The Crimson Edict

    Information and Updated for 3.0



    "Hail, and all be welcomed to this short meeting regarding my guild, The Crimson Edict or the 'Edict' for short. With brief discussion with King Hiebe I'm here to announce that we are no longer bonded with the Dwarven Legion, we are now currently a separate military force that works within Dwarven lands, serving as the King's personal group of Warriors led my myself and my dear wife Eclipse. along with that we will also be handling the King's personal guards, along with other High Council members if they are in need of a personal protection. More information will be released soon but I'd prefer we keep the rest of this between the High Council and ourselves. Thank you for your time."


    Guild OOC Information

    The Crimson Edict is King Hiebe's personal group of warriors, we accept all races and people as long as said person is willing to pledge an oath to King Hiebe, giving his loyalty until the end. Guild Recruitment works in two ways, we take applications on the forums on our guild page, or you are able to find one of the Aspects In-Game and allow them to recruit you.



    Guild Post

  2. Name: Zoruk Silverfoot

    (McName): SiameseOctopus

    Age: 54

    Race: The proud race 'o dwarves!

    Skills: Choppin' heads with me broadsword and crunching rocks

    Why do you wish to join the Edict?:

    I'd like to stay out'a the gallows, and find a good use for me sword skills.

    Ventus smiles, looking at the recruit nodding to him "Welcome to the Guild, send me a bird when your ready to begin initiation." ((Add me on skype @ HuskysWorld

  3. A good read overall I will say. But I have one question, it has to do about the time it took for the writer of the journal to become 'elite' at this form of magic. In one of the entries the writer wrote,

    From my knowledge it takes several years to master a form of magic. By the term over a year, were you implying that it has been several years or more than a year but not several years?

    Well, this story was meant to be passed on throughout years of family, so over the course of years the story was altered to this point :3, in theory anyways.

  4. Smoke smiles walking into the guild base, carrying behind him on a cart several crates of Iron and weapons "Some idiot left it alone for a second, took it from him without haste. This is your birthday present Altariel." he chuckles winking at her "Care to give me a date tonight?"

  5. *Kjell looks back at the elf with a crooked grin on his lips, "Well den Ah'm finkin' ya 'avenae read da constitution! 'Alf yers lads cannae be all 'onorary Dwarves. But nae da less Ah 'ave ta claim ye ta be a good foe, tuh bad yer a tree squatter! Nae mattah dat Ah moight 'ave ye lead yer crimson lads w'en Ah become Marshal." Kjell then unclips his tankard from his best and brings it up to his mouth taking a drag before belching loudly as he stores it away again.*

    Ventus chuckles

    "I've never been in ah tree in my life, Ye know Ah once thought ye weren't 'alf bad, tell meh why don' ye like meh bein' an elf?, I jus' want to know, tell meh?"

  6. *Kjell looks at the votes of his opponent partially shocked by the number of said people who wish the elf to be elected, "Oi! 'Iebe! Check da ballots ta see da 'and wroitin' on em, dere cannae be dis many votes fer a elf! Me finks 'e be cheatin'." Kjell then shakes his head in disgust at the thought of an elf running 'his' army.*

    glares at Kjell as ge waklks up to him slowly

    "Cheating?, Bah I think not. Yer a fool fer thinkin' I'd be cheating on this, 'ow could I cheat?, I get vote from people who live 'ere, Human district and Dwarven because I spend time in both helping out who needs it, if anythin' ye should be proud to 'ave someone who's at least tryin' to win against ye. I honestly thought ye 'ad more common sense than this.

  7. Gorum shakes his head.

    " Har har, 'ow is steppin' down 'avin' a hisseh fit? Ah jus' stepped down, whut am ah bound tu dat position? Any lad 'as th' right tu step down, jus' as Grimloth did back when 'e 'as 'onor. Alsu, ye didnae eva beat me in th' arena su dunnae go around lyin' tu make yer'self luuk better HAR HAR. "

    Ventus sighs looking to Gorum

    "In all honesty, that was the most idiotic thing I've ever seen your brother do. King Hiebe is our king if he likes it or not, he joined becoming our Grand Marshal, and for what? all he did was start a vote to get rid of Hiebe, then after he lost he left when he was asked to pledge allegiance? Skippy is right for once..."

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